Учебное пособие с методическими указаниями и тестами для текущего и промежуточного контроля для студентов заочного отделения

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Customs and etiquette

  • When meeting people, put your palms together (Namaste) and hold them up to the face to express greetings or blessings.

  • In order to express reverence to a senior, the junior should bend down and touch the feet of the senior when greeting.

  • When welcoming a distinguished guest, the host will present a garland and put it around the neck of the guest. The size of the garland depends on the status of the guest.

  • In the course of conversation, sway your head to the left to show approval other than nodding. Nodding means disagreement.

  • Indians use their right hand for eating, gifts or serving tea. They do not use their left hand nor both hands.

  • They eat with their fingers.


  • It is a taboo to nod when putting palms together.

  • It is a taboo to offer your hand to a woman for handshaking. Do not talk to a woman alone even if in public places.

  • The cow is a sacred animal in India. It is a taboo to wear cowhide shoes or use cowhide trunk.

It is a taboo to use your left hand to pass things to others. They believe the left hand to be dirty.

  • Indians are not allowed to eat beef.

  • When taking or receiving food at table, use the right hand only. Do not use the left hand. This is considered offensive and unclean. Never use the left hand except in the washroom.


Customs and etiquette

  • When meeting friends, put your palms together (Namaste) in front of your chest, bow your head slightly and greet each other.

  • When a junior does Namaste to a senior, he/she should hold his hands up to the forehead. The senior should also do Namaste in return to accept the greetings of the other person.

  • People usually use their right hand to pass objects to show respect, or with both hands on formal occasions. Passing things with the left hand would be regarded as contempt for others.

  • If there is a senior, a junior has to sit on the floor or kneel down to avoid his/her height exceeding the head of the senior. Or he would be regarded as extremely disrespectful to the senior.

  • When walking past people who are seated, bend down slightly to show respect.

  • Take off your shoes when entering the living room of the local people. Thai do not drink hot tea. They usually put ice into tea and make ice tea.


  • It is a taboo to touch the head of a Thai. It is regarded as an insult. People believe that if a child’s head is patted, the child will fall ill.

  • Do not pass an object to a seated person over the person’s head.

  • Feet are regarded as a lowly body’s part. It is a taboo stretching your legs to the front of others, kick the door with the foot or lift up your leg when seated. Do not pass anything to others by kicking.

  • It is a taboo having the sole of a shoe facing others. This is regarded as trampling others and it is a humiliating act. It is a taboo to discuss politics, corruption, the royal family or personal matters such as asking people how many wives they have.

  • Thailand prohibits sales of alcoholic drinks after 00:00 am. It would be equally illegal to ask the waiter for alcoholic drinks after 00:00 am.

United States

Customs and etiquette

  • When meeting with an unacquainted person for the first time, they would address each other by the name, or simply smile and say “Hello”.

  • When meeting a guest, handshaking is the most common etiquette.

  • When parting, people do not shake hands. Instead, they just wave to each other or simply say “Goodbye”.

  • If you are invited to a friend’s house, prepare a small present for the host.

  • Write a letter to express your gratitude after receiving a gift, attending a party or receiving help from a friend. Americans rarely drink teas. They like to drink ice water, mineral water, Coca-Cola, beers, etc.

  • When having a meal, put the napkin on the thigh and wipe the lips gently with the napkin after eating.


  • A black cat is regarded as an ominous animal and a white elephant as a useless burden. Therefore, do not present gifts with such images.

  • It is a taboo to ask about one’s age or income.

  • Black Americans do not reject the term “Black”, but they would be irritated to hear the word “Negro” because Negro refers to the blacks who were trafficked to the United States from Africa as slaves.

  • Leftovers, fish bones and other bones should be left on the plate. Do not leave them on the table.

  • Numbers “13”, “3” and the day of “Friday” are taboos. They are believed to represent bad luck.

United Kingdom

Customs and etiquette

  • Titles are used to address a senior, superior or an unfamiliar person. Put an appellation such as title, rank or “Mr.”, “Ms”, “Mrs.” or “Miss” before the name of the person.

  • People never say “going to the washroom” but “Excuse me for a few minutes” or “I need to wash my hands”. Terms such as

“Please”, “Excuse me” and “Thank you” to show politeness are used frequently.

  • People advocate gentlemanly behavior. For example, when a man and a woman enter a room at the same time, the man should open the door for the woman; and the man should pull the chair for the woman at dinner. Hold the cup when drinking coffee, the coffee spoon shall be placed on the saucer.

  • Avoid making sound while eating.


  • It is a taboo to use elephants or peacocks in product design. British people considered elephant to be foolish, and peacock is a bird of misfortune.

  • It is a taboo to talk about one’s salary, age or political preference Do not leave the spoon you use in the soup bowl or coffee cup.

  • .. It is a taboo to make the glass tinkle carelessly or ignore the tinkling without stopping it. This is impolite and is believed to incur mishaps.

  • Similar to the Americans, the term “I am sorry” should not be spoken recklessly since it has the indication of “admitting a fault”. This expression would be used as evidence against you. It is substantially different from the meaning of “Excuse me” or “Never mind”.

  • The number “13” is a taboo, which originated from the Last Supper shared by Jesus and his Twelve Apostles. As a result, “13” is regarded as ominous.


Customs and etiquette

  • People shake hands when meeting guests on socializing occasions. Young women and ladies would give a curtsy. Usually a woman offers her hand to a man first, a senior offers his/hers to a junior, and a superior to a subordinate.

  • It is a local practice that men kiss the cheek of one another when they meet.

  • Never make loud noises or wild gestures recklessly at public places.

  • When men and women sit together and attend an entertaining event, the women should sit in the middle and men on both sides.

  • French use knives and forks when dining.

  • People drink wine instead of water when having a French meal.

  • French advocate gentlemanly behavior and have a respect for women. When proposing a toast at table, they would offer a toast to women first, even if the status of the women is lower than the person.


  • It is a taboo to give presents when meeting someone for the first time. This is regarded as without social civility and rude.

  • It is a taboo to present cosmetics such as perfume to a French woman. This would incur a suspicion of undue intimacy or sinister intention.

  • It is a taboo to call an elderly woman “old lady”. They would be unhappy to hear that.

  • French women are used to putting on makeup. Therefore, they would be unhappy if the service staff offer them wet towels.

  • It is a taboo to ask people about their political preference, salary or private matters. Do not pickup the plates or make sound while eating pasta.


Customs and etiquette

  • “Lady first” is a rule for all socializing occasions.

  • Kissing is the way to greet an intimate friend. The two people touch the cheeks of each other twice or thrice and make sounds of kissing.

  • Consider something that denotes happiness when selecting a gift.

  • When friends get together, they usually pay for themselves unless someone indicate clearly that he would pay for others.

  • Ladies start to eat first at a banquet.

  • Gentlemen would wait for ladies to start before they do. Do not wear short skirts, short pants or vests when entering a church. Wear trousers, long skirts and clothes that can cover your shoulders to show respect.

  • Italians are used to being late. They regard it as a graceful behaviour.


  • It is a taboo to sneeze or cough in the face of others. This is very impolite.

  • Do not present red roses to a female friend because red rose represents affection.

  • Do not give chrysanthemums as they are used in funerals. Do not leave ketchup in the bowl or plate after finishing your pasta.

  • Do not keep your hands on your lap during the meal. Never smoke without obtaining consent from other people around you. That is a disrespectful act.

  • It is a taboo to give handkerchiefs to others as presents because handkerchief represents separation of family members or friends.


Customs and etiquette

  • When shaking hands, look at the other person with sincerity. Shake hands firmly and keep shaking for a moment.

  • When a man visits a friend, unwrap the flowers in the hallway and offer the flowers to the hostess. In relation to the order of seating, seats on the right are seats of honor. Therefore, ladies and persons with higher positions should sit to the left of the host.

  • Crush a potato with the back of a knife or a fork before eating.

  • Finish everything on your plate. Westerners like the numbers “3” and “7”, believing that these two numbers represent good luck.

  • Germans believe that meeting a chimney sweeper on the way would bring good luck for that day.

  • Germans never mixed business with pleasure.


  • It is a taboo to put your hands in the pockets when talking. This is regarded as rude.

  • Avoid giving chopping knives, swords, scissors, knives and forks as presents.

  • It is a taboo to celebrate birthday in advance. Do not drink water during a meal. People believe only horses drink water. Therefore, order beer or wine during a meal.

  • Non-drinkers may choose juices

  • Do not use tissue papers to blow your nose. Use a handkerchief instead.

  • Do not take off your shoes in front of others. This is considered as a barbarian act.


Customs and etiquette

  • Wear formal and conservative clothes for business appointments. Arrive ahead of schedule.

  • Personal trustworthiness is

  • emphasized.

  • Spaniards do not like to lose face, so they do not like publicly admitting they are wrong.

  • Spaniards take lunch as the formal meal of the day. The family usually gets together for lunch.

Food made from wheat is the major food in Spain. Cool soup is the favorite of Spaniards.

  • Lady should wear earrings, and a lady without earrings is like not wearing any clothing on her body.

Women use fans to express different meanings. For example, folding a fan means “You do not deserve love”.


  • It is a taboo to discuss religion, family or occupation. Never criticize bullfight.

  • The gesture of OK is regarded as a vulgar gesture.

  • It is extremely disrespectful not to give your business card in return when exchanging cards. It is a taboo to hold up the plate to eat. This is very impolite.

  • When a Spaniard invites you to have a meal at his home, he may probably be making some polite remarks only. Do not accept the invitation immediately. Instead, try to find out if he really means it. The number “13” and the day of Friday are believed to be ominous.

  • Chrysanthemum and dahlia are taboos. They are believed to be symbols of death.


Customs and etiquette

  • When people meet, they shake hands on most occasions. Remove your gloves when shaking hands. Do not sway the hand of the other person.

  • Women may hug and kiss each other when they meet, and men only hug each other.

  • Respect is shown to women on socializing occasions. For example, men take off the overcoats, open doors and find seats for women, and distribute dishes for women at a banquet.

  • Smiling is not regarded as a necessary form of etiquette. On the contrary, casual smiles are considered factitious (fake). It is fine to drink a large quantity of wine, but do not get drunk.

  • Leaving a small amount of food on the plate indicates that the host has provided ample hospitality. A woman should never drink in a bar or restaurant alone because a woman drinking alone is usually considered to be waiting for a man.

  • Man are expected to bring flowers in a visit.


  • Do not offer your hand first when greeting an elderly woman. Shake hands with her only until she offers her hand.

  • Traditionally, the left side is regarded as unlucky and the right lucky. People regard it impolite to shake hands or passing objects with the left hand.

  • Respect women. Never ask about their ages or the prices of their clothes.

  • Do not talk about politics. Do not address others by their nicknames before getting to know each other very well.

  • It is a taboo to pat someone on the shoulder because this stands for challenging an opponent for a fight. Salt is regarded as treasure and a kind of sacrificial offering. Salt is believed to have the effect of exorcising and eliminating misfortune.

  • It is a taboo to overturn a salt bottle or splash salt on the floor when visiting a friend or dining at a restaurant. This is regarded as ominous. Mirrors are mysterious articles. Breaking a mirror means destroying a soul. Therefore, it is a taboo to break someone’s mirror in Russia.

  • Breaking a cup, a dish or a plate indicates wealth and happiness. Therefore, people would break some dishes and plates on purpose at a wedding banquet, a birthday banquet or other important ceremonies.

  • Do not give yellow flower, it is considered as ominous.

  1. Read the study cases and see how the problems of interpersonal communication are solved here.

Cases of etiquette and taboos

Case 1: Welcoming Ceremony

Miss Koo is assigned with responsibilities for her warmhearted personality and outstanding performance. Once, the company sent her to Thailand with several colleagues for a business trip. Miss Koo and her colleagues were warmly received by the host when they arrived at the destination. To show his respect for the guests from Hong Kong, the host held a special reception dinner for them. When the host

presented the gift to Miss Koo, she accepted the gift with her left hand as she is a left-hander. Suddenly, the host pulled a face at Miss Koo, and he puts the gift heavily on the table and turned his back on Miss Koo.

Case 1: Analysis

It is necessary to know the etiquette and taboos of different countries when making interpersonal contacts with guests of different nationalities. Miss Koo caused unhappiness at the dinner because she did not know the etiquette and taboos in Thailand. In some Southeast Asian countries such as Thailand, it is a taboo to pass an object or shake hands with the left hand. We can learn from this case that we need to know the basic information, daily life, practices, customs, etiquette and

taboos of different countries in the world when attending international business trips or traveling abroad. In this way, we will be able to respect the religions, customs and taboos of others and establish a good business partnership Analyze the taboo that Miss Koo has committed in this case.
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