Учебное пособие с методическими указаниями и тестами для текущего и промежуточного контроля для студентов заочного отделения

НазваниеУчебное пособие с методическими указаниями и тестами для текущего и промежуточного контроля для студентов заочного отделения
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  1. Render the following text into English.

Организация питания

Подразделения общественного питания, включающие в себя рестораны, кафе, бары, подразделение по обслуживанию банкетов и конференций, службу room service, обеспечивают гостей услугами питания. В гостиницах с высоким уровнем обслуживания организована круглосуточная подача еды и напитков в номер клиента. Особенно часто гости заказывают завтрак в номер. Заказ завтрака в номер осуществляется по телефону, путем вызова официанта в номер (нажав специальную кнопку), или с помощью карты заказа. В карте заказа завтрака указывается время подачи завтрака, фамилия клиента, дата заказа, количество человек.

Гостю необходимо выбрать вид завтрака: континентальный завтрак или английский завтрак. Континентальный завтрак, как правило, имеет фиксированную стоимость и включает в себя: чай, кофе, сок, йогурт, сливочное масло, джем, мед, булочки. Английский завтрак – это более плотный завтрак, включающий в себя: чай, кофе, соки, каши, кукурузные хлопья с молоком, яичницу с беконом, тосты, апельсиновый джем.

Клиенты также могут заказать какие-нибудь дополнительные блюда по меню а-ла-карт. Оплату за завтрак принимает официант по заранее подготовленному счету или расходы за данный вид услуги заносятся на основной счет гостя, который оплачивается при выезде из гостиницы.


  1. What food and beverage facilities are there in hotels?

  2. What does the food and beverage department include?

  3. What kind of customers does a hotel restaurant serve? What kind of menus are there?

  4. What types of breakfast can a restaurant serve? How do they differ?

  5. What does the hotel rate “bed & breakfast” include?

  6. What does the hotel rate “half board” include?

  7. What does the hotel rate “full board” include?

  8. What employees are on the staff in the Food & Beverage Department?

  9. What are some of the jobs in the bar and cocktail lounge of a hotel?

  10. How does food service in a hotel bar usually differ from food service in the restaurant?

  11. What is room service? What is involved in providing hotel room service? What meal is most frequently ordered from room service? How can this meal be ordered in some hotels?

  12. What does the service with a full a la carte menu include?

  13. What does silver service mean?

  14. What is the difference between silver service and plate service?

  15. What type of service is called self-service?

  16. How do the catering department and the food and beverage department differ?

  17. What is a banquet? What kind of functions do restaurants arrange banquets for? What kind of service do restaurants provide at the banquets?


Vocabulary Practice

Vocabulary File

  1. hospitality

hospitality industry

  • гостеприимство

  • индустрия гостеприимства

  1. Hotel

a resort hotel

an airport hotel

a motel

a luxury hotel

an up-scale hotel

a mid-scale hotel

a budget (economy) hotel

a full-service hotel

a residential hotel
an all-suite hotel

  • отель, гостиница

  • курортный отель

  • аэропортовский отель

  • мотель

  • отель класса «люкс»

  • первоклассный отель (4-5*)

  • отель среднего класса (2-3*)

  • отель эконом класса (1-2*)

  • отель с полным перечнем услуг

  • стационарный отель для длительного проживания

  • отель с номерами класса «люкс»

  1. to restore


  • восстанавливать здоровье, подкреплять силы

  • тонизирующее, укрепляющее средство

  1. positioning

  • позиционирование

  1. concept

  • концепция

  1. a restaurant

a full-service restaurant
a specialty restaurant

a luxury restaurant

a casual restraurant

  • ресторан

  • ресторан с полным спектром услуг

  • специализированный ресторан

  • роскошный, дорогой ресторан

  • обычный ресторан

  1. cooked to order

  • приготовленный на заказ

  1. service

French service

Russian service

American service (plate service)

English service (gueridon service)

German service
buffet service

silver service

  • сервис, обслуживание

  • французский сервис

(Этот вид сервиса обычен для ресторанов высокой кухни. Большое блюдо с разложенной на нем пищей демонстрируется гостям. Подходя с левой стороны, официант накладывает пищу с блюда в тарелки гостей. Для французского сервиса необходима бригада обслуживающего персонала, в состав которой входит метрдотель (maitredhotel), старший официант (chef du rang), помощник старшего официанта (semi chef du rang), официант, подающий воду (commis du rang), официант по винам – сомелье (sommelier)

  • русский сервис

(Еда приносится на сервировочном блюде. Официант на глазах у гостей разделяет ее на порции, далее эти порции гости сами перекладывают к себе в тарелки)

американский сервис (подача блюд на тарелках) (Пища готовится и раскладывается по тарелкам на кухне. Официанты разносят и расставляют тарелки гостям)

  • английский сервис (обслуживание с передвижного столика-тележки)

(При этом методе официант

накладывает пищу на сервировочное блюдо, которое ставится на передвижной столик, который подвозится к столу клиентов. Клиент сам выбирает порцию и официант оформляет блюдо у него на глазах.)

  • немецкий сервис

(Еда раскладывается на большое блюдо и ставится на стол на доступном от гостя расстоянии, чтобы он мог обслужить себя сам)

  • буфетное обслуживание

(«шведский стол»)

(используется для большихгрупп туристов, а такжеконференций и конгрессов; закуски и блюда располагаются в центре зала вместе со столовыми приборами, а обеденные столы ставятся вдоль стен; ассортимент закусок, блюд и напитков обычно богат и гости могут попробовать все блюда)

  • обслуживание с помощью столовых приборов официанта

(форма обслуживания официантом столика гостей с

помощью столовых приборов с

подноса официанта)

  1. to promote


a promoter

  • продвигать товар на рынке; рекламировать; поощрять; развивать

  • продвижение, реклама

  • промоутер (тот, кто способствует)

  1. a wholesaler

  • оптовик

  1. Read and translate the sentences.

  1. Being dedicated to the service of people away from home, hospitality industry is concerned with their accommodation, provision of food and drink, their transportation and entertainment.

  2. By virtue of their location the hotels may be central (situated in the city senter), resort (in exotic locations), airport (for air pasengers), and motel (on the highways).

  3. By virtue of prices, hotels can be classified into luxury, up-scale, mid-scale and budget.

  4. And by virtue of services offered, hotels may be classified into full-service (with all sorts of services), economy (offering clean, reasonable sized and furnished rooms), residential (for long-term guests), all-suite hotels (rooms with adjacent lounge and kitchenette area).

  5. Boulanger, “the father of modern restaurant”, called the famous soups “restoratives” because they help restore the guests’ strength and energy.

  6. The successful operation of a restaurant depends on its positioning (the place in the market) and its concept (the impression it makes on its potential guests).

  7. According to the menu, there are two main categories: full-service and specialty restaurants.

  8. Restaurants of the first type have more than a dozen main-course items that are cooked to order.

  9. Specialty restaurants specialize in one dish (pizza, hamburger, chiocken, steak, seafood, etc.).

  10. According to the services, the restaurants are classified into luxury and casual restaurants.

  11. Two types of services are used in luxury restaurants: French service (the food arranged on platters and presented to guests, after which the preparation is completed on a trolley-like side table with a gas burner), and Russian service (the food is cooked in the kitchen, placed onto a serving dish, and served to the guests individually with a serving spoon and fork).

  12. Casual dining is characterized by relaxed atmosphere where not only Russian service is typical, but also its simplified version called American service (the food is prepared and put into individual plates in the kitchen before being carried into the dining room), and even buffet-type service (self-service).

  13. The tourist business deals with promoting, transportation and accommodation.

  14. Among the promoters are tour wholesalers (who design and sell package tours), tour operators (who sell tour packages to tourists and act as escorts (guides), travel agencies (who sell on behalf of airlines, rail and bus companies).


  1. Readthe text and answer the questions.

The Structure of Modern Hospitality Industry

Being dedicated to the service of people away from home, hospitality industry is concerned with their accommodation, provision of food and drink, their transportation and entertainment. That is why the institutions, which provide these services, are divided into three branches: hotel business (provision of places to stay), restaurant business (provision of food and drink), and tourist business (provision of transport and entertainment.)

The hotels may be classified according to location, prices, and type of servicies offered. By virtue of their location the hotels may be central (situated in the city senter), resort (in exotic locations), airport (for air pasengers), and freeway (motels on the highways). By virtue of prices, hotels can be classified into luxury, up-scale, mid-scale and budget.And by virtue of services offered, hotels may be classified into full-service (with all sorts of services), economy (offering clean, reasonable sized and furnished rooms), residential (for long-term guests), all-suite hotels (rooms with adjacent lounge and kitchenette area).

Restaurants play an important role in society. People are interested not only in eating out but in social interaction that takes place in a restaurant. Thefirst true restaurant, the Grande Taverne de Londres, opened in Paris in 1782, by Boulanger, “the father of modern restaurant”. He called the famous soups “restoratives” because they help restore the guests’ strength and energy. By 1794 there were 500 restaurants in the city. The chefs of the best restaurants travelled to different parts of the world. Some of them stayed in France, some went to other parts of Europe, many of them crossed the Atlantic to America, especially to New Orleans, the truly French corner of the New World. They almost all went into restaurant business, bringing their culinary traditions with them. Other countries felt the effects of French culinary artistry and most of them used some of the principles of French cooking in their own cuisines. Exceptions were the Italians who had developed their own very strong culinary traditions and felt that French cooking derived from the Italian.

The successful operation of a restaurant depends on a number of factors. The most important of them are its positioning (the place in the market) and its concept (the impression it makes on its potential guests).

Classifications of restaurants may be based on two factors: menu and services offered. According to the menu, there are two main categories: full-service and specialty restaurants. Restaurants of the first type have more than a dozen main-course items that are cooked to order. Specialty restaurants specialize in one dish (pizza, hamburger, chiocken, steak, seafood, etc.). According to the services, the restaurants are classified into occasion (luxury) and casual restaurants. Two types of services are used in occasion (luxury) restaurants: French service (the food arranged on platters and presented to guests, after which the preparation is completed on a trolley-like side table with a gas burner), and Russian service (the food is cooked in the kitchen, placed onto a serving dish, and served to the guests individually with a serving spoon and fork). Casual dining is characterized by relaxed atmosphere where not only Russian service is typical, but also its simplified version called American service (the food is prepared and put into individual plates in the kitchen before being carried into the dining room), and even buffet-type service (self-service).

Tourism may be defined as the business of attracting and transporting people, accommodation them, and catering to their needs and wants. The tourist business deals with promoting, transportation and accommodation. Tourism is the world’s largest industry. By employing one out of every ten workers, travel and tourism is the world’s largest employer. Among the promoters are tour wholesalers (who design and sell package tours), tour operators (who sell tour packages to tourists and act as escorts (guides), travel agencies (who sell on behalf of airlines, rail and bus companies). The transportation businesses areairlines, cruise lines, rental auto and bus companies. The accommodation businesses are motels (hotels for motorists), resort hotels (hotels in exotic places for people on hliday), destination-management companies (organizations in charge of developing and implementing tourist programs in the areas attractive to tourists). People who travel with a group make a group inclusive tour, and those who prefer to travel alone are called independent.
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Учебное пособие с методическими указаниями и тестами для текущего и промежуточного контроля для студентов заочного отделения iconЕ. В. Ежова практикум по уголовному праву
Практикум по уголовному праву. Особенная часть: Учебное пособие для студентов заочного отделения. Уфа: риц башГУ, 2013. –81 с

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Практикум по уголовному праву. Особенная часть: Учебное пособие для студентов заочного отделения. Уфа: риц башГУ, 2013. –81 с

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