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117. Point out complexes with the Gerund and comment on their function? in the following sentences;

1. Do you agree to our taking her up to town and putting her under the best control? 2, His breathing heavily when he greeted her was the result of running up two flights of stairs. 3. Of course I should insist on your accepting the proper professional fee. 4. She was startled by the noise of the outer door being opened, 5. "You know Sven hates your standing down at the door alone," said Minnie. 6. I can't bear the thought of the children staying there alone. 7. We knew nothing of his being a humorous writer. 8. Your being so indifferent irritates me a great deal. 9. We've got a lot of questions to settle before your leaving. 10. What annoyed me most of all was his accepting their proposal quite readily. 11. Nick was very much excited about his favourite cake getting spoiled. 12. I remember in school days he couldn't answer the teacher's questions without my prompting him. 13. Don't think she'll approve of your telling me this. 14. His having failed at the entrance examination was a great disappointment to his mother. 15. Uncle Julius insists on my coming to keep him company.

118. Make up sentences, using the Gerund after the following verbs:

stop, finish, prevent, avoid, dislike, risk, deny, remember, postpone, enjoy, fancy, imagine, forgive, excuse, suggest, keep, mind, rely, regret, it wants (needs).

119. Point out gerunds and verbal nouns. Translate the sentences into Russian:

1. Oh, Robert, dearest, don't leave us! I've so loved being with you. 2. He may have noticed my goings out and comings in. 3. There's no going back now. A. Remember at school one was always kept waiting for a beating. 5. Now and again came the clear hammering of the woodpecker or the joyless call of a crow. 6. She tried to speak lightly, but there was a lump in her throat and a tightening at her heart. 7. Upon reading this letter Shelton had once more a sense of being exploited. 8. "Oh," she cried when they were out of hearing. "I wish he would go." 9. She went quickly past him and out of the room without looking back. 10. He looked at us with a kind of cheerful cunning. 11. Well, what are your plans, Dixon? — I was thinking of going in for school teaching. 12, She arose, but before she had time to get out of the room a loud rapping began upon the front door. 13. He began tidying the cabin, putting away his clothes and straightening the bed. 14. I have only a candle to see by, so I trust you will excuse my bad writing. 15. He reached his rooms at midnight so exhausted that, without waiting to light up, he dropped into a chair. 16. He said he was looking forward to meeting you again. 17.. And the worst of it is that I shall go on doing exactly I was going to do in the first place. 18. There was the splashing of big drops on large leaves and a faint stirring and shaking in the bush. 19. She began talking to the girl behind the bar. 20. Her father took no notice of her comings and gomgs.

120. Translate into English, using the Gerund:

1. Я не люблю провожать. Я предпочитаю, чтобы провожали меня. 2. Вам не следовало бы настаивать на том, чтобы вам сказали правду. 3. То, что он пришел, меняет дело. 4. Я помню, что положила деньги в сумку. 5. Я не могу позволить себе покупать такие дорогие вещи. 6. Вы ничего не имеете против того, чтобы он зашел к вам сегодня? 7. Она продолжала говорить, не обращая внимания на наши слова. 8. Он был сердит на нас за то, что мы его побеспокоили. 9. Мысль о том, чтобы сказать ей все открыто, пугала его. 10. Мы хотели проводить ее, но она настояла на том, что пойдет одна. 11. Я не помню, чтобы он когда-либо обращался ко мне с подобной просьбой. 12. Вместо того, чтобы обдумать вопрос как следует, она сразу отказалась. 13. Что помешало вам поехать вместе с нами? 14. Услышав отдаленный крик, он остановился и прислушался. 15. Осознав свою оплошность, она рассмеялась. 16. Она никогда не уставала говорить о своих детях. Она так гордилась ими! 17. Она дала мне понять, что заметила меня, слегка кивнув головой.

121. Use the Gerund instead of the subordinate clauses. Insert prepositions if necessary:

1.1 remember Mother reprimanded me when I spoiled her favourite fish-cake. 2. We recommended that work should start at once. 3. Thank you that you reminded me. 4. Nick suggested that we should dine at a restaurant to celebrate this little event. 5. He doesn't like when you interfere. 6. He prevents when I help him. 7. Nobody knew that they had agreed to take part in the expedition. 8.1 insist that everything should be said in plain words so that there can't be any misunderstanding. 9. She dislikes when the children prompt one another and always gets very angry. 10. He wrote he would stay in Paris another week and did not explain why he was obliged to do so. 11.1 can't recollect that they ever invited me to stay a weekend with them. 12. He was afraid that the news might cause excitement among the girls. 13. She disliked that he was so stubborn and would never listen to her reasons. 14. Nell denies that he is a bore. 15.1 prefer that we should make use of tape-recording before we read the text. 16. Nobody objects that Peter lives with us. 17. We decided that we should join them in Glasgow.

122. Complete the following, using the Gerund:

1. We couldn't even dream of ... . 2. Everybody wished he stopped ... . 3. He is sure to boast of... . 4. You can't act without... . 5. Are English people fond of...? 6. I hardly remember ... . 7. We don't often have the chance of ... . 8. My children are not used to ... . 9. Is there any use in ... ? 10. He didn't care for ... . 11. We all look, forward to ... . 12. Everybody disliked the idea of.... 13. He has given up .... 14. What kept you from ... ? 15. Is it worth while ... ? 16. The boy kept on ... 17. What prevented her from ...? 18. The audience enjoyed ... . 19. What do you mean by... ?

123. Translate the sentences Into English, using the Gerund;

1. Я помню, что была больна в это время. 2. Она продолжала молчать, так как боялась обидеть его, если расскажет всю правду. 3. Нельзя привыкнуть к тому, что тебя оскорбляют. 4. Увидев меня, ребенок радостно улыбнулся. 5. Мать не могла не волноваться, так как детям давно пора было вернуться. 6. Она разорвала письмо на мелкие кусочки, не читая его. 7. Этот вопрос стоит обсудить. 8. Его оштрафовали за то, что он перешел улицу в неположенном месте. 9. После того, что произошло, она избегала встречаться с ним. 10. Он подумывает о том, чтобы оставить работу и переехать в деревню. 11. Мне понравилась мысль о том, чтобы провести конец недели за городом. 12. Вы не возражаете, если я зайду к вам сегодня вечером? 13. Я привыкла рано вставать, так как занятия в институте начинаются в 7.30. 14. Вы должны вовремя возвращать книги в библиотеку без напоминания. 15. Бесполезно пытаться достать билеты на этот спектакль. 16. Мы получали удовольствие, слушая, как он рассказывает о своих приключениях. 17. Видя, что я подхожу, они перестали разговаривать. 18. Она отрицала, что видела нас там. 19. Я не могу позволить себе купить такие дорогие часы. 20. Она казалась очень удивленной тем, что увидела меня там.

The Participles

124. Point out the First Participle and state its functions in the sentence:

1. She sat very still, and the train rattled on in the dying twilight. 2.1 sat quite silent, watching his face, a strong and noble face. 3. He wished to say something sympathetic, but, being an Englishman, could only turn away his eyes. 4. She was always to him a laughing girl, with dancing eyes full of eager expectation. 5. It was a bright Sunday morning of early summer, promising heat. 6. The door opened and he entered, carrying his head as though it held some fatal secret. 7. I'm afraid it's the moon looking so much like a slice of melon. 8. Lying he spoke more quickly than when he told the truth. 9. I hadn't slept the night before, and, having eaten a heavy lunch, was agreeably drowsy. 10. When driving in London itself she had as immediate knowledge of its streets5'as any taxi-driver. 11. "What a nice lunch," said Clare, eating the sugar at the bottom of her coffee cup. 12. While eating and drinking they talked loudly in order that all present might hear what they said. 13. For the first time she stared about her, trying to see what there was. 14.1 received from her another letter saying that she was passing .through Paris and would like to have a chat with me. 15.1 sat on the doorstep holding my little sister in my arms thinking over my chances of escaping from home. 16.1 used to tell all my troubles to Mrs. Winkshap, our neighbour living next door. 17. "It's a quarter past seven," he said trying as hard as he could to keep relief from his voice. 18. As he wrote, bending over his desk, his mouth worked.

125. Use the appropriate form of the First Participle of the verbs brackets:

1. (to look) out of the window, she saw there was a man working in the garden. 2. That night, (to go) up to his room Shelton thought of his unpleasant duty. 3. (to descend) to the hall, he came on Mr. Dennant (to cross) to his study, with a handful of official-looking papers. 4. The carriage was almost full, and (to put) his bag up in the rack, he took his seat. 5. (to know) that she couldn't trust Jim, she sent Peter instead. 6. (to do) all that was required, he was the last to leave the office. 7. (to return) home in the afternoon, she became conscious of her mistake. 8. He couldn't join his friends (to be) still busy in the laboratory. 9. (to finish) his work, he seemed more pleased than usual. 10. (to step) inside, he found himself in what had once been a sort of office. 11. He left the room again, (to close) the door behind him with a bang. 12.1 spent about ten minutes (to turn) over the sixteen pages of "The Times" before I found the chief news and articles. 13. (to turn) to the main street, he ran into Donald and Mary (to return) from school. 14. (to return) from the expedition he wrote a book about Central Africa. 15. (to get) out of bed she ran to the window and drew the curtain aside. 16 (to confuse) by his joke, she blushed. 17, (to inform) of their arrival the day before, he was better prepared to meet them than anyone of us. 18. Sir Henry paused and then said, (to glance) down at his watch, "Edward's arriving by the 12.15."

126. Translate the sentences into English, using the First Participle:

1. Будьте осторожны, пересекая улицу. 2. Написав сочинение, она начала готовить другое задание. 3. Студенты, не уделяющие достаточно внимания грамматике, никогда не овладеют английским языком. 4. Мы сидели в саду и разговаривали о нашей поездке по Волге. 5. Сбежав с лестницы, она остановилась на мгновение, как бы колеблясь, в каком направлении пойти. 6. Объяснив все подробно, он спокойно сел на свое место. 7. Очутившись одна на улице, она сразу пожалела о том, что случилось. 8. Схватив сына на руки, Элиза бросилась бежать. 9. Молодой человек, стоявший у окна, внимательно посмотрел на меня. 10. Проводив сына, они медленно возвращались с вокзала. 11. Театры Ист-Энда часто ставят пьесы, затрагивающие многие современные проблемы. 12. Утопающий за соломинку хватается. 13. Маме приходилось много раз вставать из-за стола, меняя тарелки и принося то одно, то другое блюдо. 14. Заметив меня, она остановилась.

127. Point out the Complex Object with the First Participle. Translate the sentences into Russian:

1. I heard the visitor walking restlessly backwards and forwards. I also heard him talking to himself. 2. She turned and saw Shelton standing down there. 3. He felt his irritation mounting. 4. He found Dora reading a novel in their bedroom. 5. With amusement they watched them going. 6. We heard her walking on the stairs by the cellar. 7. At that moment I noticed Charles sitting a little farther in the hall. 8. For the first time she found herself wondering about him. 9. The moon came fully through a cloud, and he was startled as he suddenly saw her face looking at him. 10. You can always find him handing round bread and butter at a tea party. 11. He felt the bridge shaking under his feet. 12. Then in the complete silence of the night he heard somebody opening the door quietly. 13. He looked at groups of young girls walking arm in arm. 14. Soames raised his hand to his forehead, where suddenly she saw moisture shining. 15. As I was looking this over I heard the doors which led on to the main corridor being opened.

128. Use the Infinitive or the First Participle of the verbs in brackets to form a Complex Object:

1. A moment later they heard her bedroom door (to shut) with a bang. 2. I've never heard your canary (to sing). Is there anything the matter with the bird? 3. Would you like me (to make) you lunch, or have you had some? 4.1 want you (to explain) the disappointment we had this morning. 5. She watched him (to pass) the gate and (to walk) down the street. 6. Through the chink in the shutters she watched Emma (to pick) cherries in the orchard. 7. The captain said something which made them (to laugh), he did not hear what it was. 8. They had their own pattern of life and expected me (to fit) in. 9. You can see him (to work) in his little garden every day. 10. She had never heard philosophy (to pass) those lips before. 11. I saw him (to put) his suitcase right here. 12. During that moment Miss Pembroke told a lie, and made Rickie (to believe) it was the truth. 13. Together they watched the old oak (to drop) its leaves. 14. He found them (to sit) together and (to talk) peacefully. They did not notice him (to approach). 15. He felt the water (to reach) his knees. 16. She felt her voice (to tremble) and tried to control herself. 17. We saw him (to open) the envelope and (to read) something hastily. 18.1 saw hdm (to unfold) the telegram slowly and hesitatingly as though he expected it (to contain) some bad news. 19. He heard the young people (to sing) and (to shout) from the opposite bank. 20. She watched him (to work) for a long time.

129. Point out the "Nominative Absolute" construction and translate the sentences into Russian:

1. She had sunk into a chair and was sitting there, her small fingers curling and uncurling themselves nervously. 2. The door being opened, and Bunter having produced an electric torch, the party stepped into a wide stone passage. 3. ... Mrs. Baddle made the round of the room, candle in hand, to point out all its beauties. 4. "You don't respect me," said Dora, her voice trembling. 5. Together they ran back down the road, Мог still gripping her arm in a tight grip. 6. Men, their caps pulled down, their collars turned up, passed by. 7. Before he moved himself Bertrand said, his eyes on Dixon: "That's quite clear, is it?" 8. Constantia lay like a statue, her hands by her sides, the sheet up to her chin. She stared at the ceiling. 9. The strain of his indecision over, he felt like a man recovering, from an illness. 10. Four seconds later Dixon was on the way out of the hotel into the sunlight, his shilling in his pocket. 11. Another time when we were going through Feme Bay on our way back from a long excursion, it being a hot day and all of us thirsty, she suggested that we should go into the Dolphin and have a glass of beer. 12. Dinner over, Carrie went into the bathroom where they could not disturb her, and wrote a little note. 13. The patient's leg having been amputated, there was no doubt of his recovering soon. 14. The voices had receded; and James was left alone; his "ears standing up like a hare's; and fear creeping about his inwards.

130. Translate the sentences Into English, using the First Participle:

1. Она слышала, как ее отец ходит взад и вперед по террасе. 2. Строго говоря, это не совсем то, что я хотела сказать. 3. Том увидел, что в воде что-то быстро движется. 4. Приехав домой, он увидел, что его совсем не ждали. 5. Холодные лучи заходящего солнца освещали вершины деревьев. 6. Он заметил, что за ним кто-то следит и, поняв это, решил изменить свой путь. 7. Было слышно, как где-то вдалеке играла музыка. 8. Судя по тому, как ласково она на него смотрит, он ей нравится. 9. Видя, что собираются тучи, мы решили отложить прогулку. 10. Дойдя до середины, я почувствовала, что мост дрожит. 11. Было слышно, как больной стонет от боли. 12. Услышав шаги на пустынной улице, она насторожилась. 13. Стараясь скрыть свое Смущение, она начала что-то торопливо рассказывать, обращаясь к своему спутнику. 14. Выйдя в сад, я увидела, что дети мирно играют, как будто ничего не случилось. 15. Я наблюдала за тем, как внимательно он читал письмо. 16. Вообще говоря, у меня нет времени, чтобы выслушивать ее нелепые истории.
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