Учебник содержит три раздела

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40. Translate these sentences into English, using can or may.

1. Неужели это Джим Стирфорс? Он совсем старик, седой и сутулый! 2. Я думаю, она»не захотела со мной разговаривать. — Я бы так не думала. Может быть, она вас не заметила 3. Не может быть, чтобы он обманул их, он честный человек. 4. И ты не мог догадаться, куда я положила деньги? 5. Может, он и знает об этом, а не хочет сказать нам. 6. Не может быть, чтобы она не нашла вашего дома. Я сама дала ей ваш адрес. 7. Неужели ребенок все еще спит? Вам давно пора его разбудить, 8. Вы могли бы сказать мне об этом вчера! 9. Я бы с удовольствием пришел, но, возможно, я буду занят. 10. Может быть, это правда, а может, нет. П. Не могли бы вы одолжить мне 3 рубля до завтра? 12. Я позвоню ему, возможно, он не знает, что случилось. 13. Вам придется поторопиться, или вы можете опоздать. 14. Я сделаю все, что могу, чтобы помочь вам. 15. Куда бы это он мог уйти? 16. Вы могли бы сделать это сами, вы просто не попытались. 17, Подойди поближе, чтобы я мог лучше тебя рассмотреть. 18, Вы можете его узнать по фотографии? 19. Не моху себе представить, что из этого может получиться. 20. Возможно, новость уже всем известна. 21. Не может быть, чтобы он знал об этом. Он вел бы себя иначе. 22. Кто бы это мог сказать такую вещь? 23. Он, возможно, им все уже рассказал. 24. Подожди, пока он придет. Может быть, он разъяснит нам, в чем дело.

41. Comment on the meaning of the verb must. Translate the sentences into Russian;

1. Old age must lean on something, 2. A man must stand up for his rights. 3. You mustn't think it's so very easy. 4. Must it be done before tomorrow? 5. She must work from morning till night to earn her living, 6. One must have a rest after a day of hard work. 7. The only thing he knew for certain was that he must not meet Antonia. 8. You are right, I mustn't stay here. 9. You must be reasonable, Mr. Higgins; really you must. 10. Give him something to eat. He must be hungry. 11. That fellow must be made of steel. He's never tired. 12. It's quite a charming letter. Must have taken the poor young man an hour to write it. 13. He must be quite old by now. 14. You must have frightened her. 15. That fellow has seen and felt ten times as much as I, although he must be ten years younger. 16.1 felt that before long my secret must be known. 17.1 hear somebody's steps on the stairs. She must be coming! 18. Judging from the books and papers on his writing-table he must have been working for several hours.

42. Translate the following sentences Into English:

Note: Remember that must in the meaning of supposition is not used in the negative.

1. Там, должно быть, никого нет. 2. Он, должно быть, ничего не понял и обиделся. 3. Она, наверное, не помнит, что обещала принести нам карту Москвы, 4. Вы, по всей вероятности, не знали, что они переехали в один из пригородов Лондона. 5. Она, наверное, оставила дверь незапертой. 6. Вы, наверное, не встречали такого забавного мальчишки, как наш Тим. 7. Вам, должно быть, нелегко этому поверить. 8. Дети, должно быть, не заметили, что уже стемнело. 9. Он, наверняка, ничего об этом не знает. 10. Она, наверное, совсем неопытна в переводе медицинских статей с английского на русский. 11. Это, должно быть, кажется вам невероятным, но это факт. 12. Он, должно быть, не узнал вас в толпе.

43. Change the following sentences from Active into Passive:

1. You must take this medicine regularly. 2. Students must do homework in time. 3. We can win peace. War is not inevitable. 4. You may put the book on the upper shelf. 5. You may allow the children to go for a walk. 6. We must discuss the matter not later than tomorrow. 7. Nobody can do it without your help. 8. We must look into the matter. 9. You mustn't take the magazine away. 10. You must post the letter as soon as you have written it. 11. May I take the books and papers away? 12. I must pay for the dinner. 13. You must work for success, 14. You can't describe it. One must just see it.

44. Fill in the blanks with the verbs can, may or must:

1. I have forgotten my own language and ... speak nothing but yours. 2, We ... go somewhere. We ... not wander about for ever. 3. But I think you ... have told us this half an hour ago! 4. You ... see much of interest there. 5. I did not hear him return to the room. I... have been asleep. 6. You ... have mistaken him, my dear. He ... not have intended to say that. 7. It seemed possible they ... return. 8. It.. not have happened at Ainswick. 9. No good looking back; things happen as they .... 10. To be ashamed of his own father is perhaps the bitterest experience a young man ... go through. 11. How ... you let things slide like that, Dick? 12.1 think you ... be glad of some coffee before you start back to your hotel. It's such a cold night. 13. It was known — whispered among the old, discussed among the young — that the family pride ... soon receive a blow. 14. And though he undressed and got into bed he ... not sleep. 15. You ... not go out so late at night. 16.1 think it... happen sooner or later. 17.1... come tonight, ... I not? 18. Somebody is knocking at the door. It... be John. — It ... not be John. It's too early for him to be back. 19.1 don't know for certain, but he ... have been a sailor in his youth. 20. They... ask me about him. What should I say?

45, Translate these sentences into English, using the verbs can, may, mash

1. Если вы так думаете, то вы не правы. Вы не должны так думать. 2. Возможно, что население вашего города больше, но что это доказывает? 3. Теперь ты свободна и можешь делать, что тебе нравится. 4. Е этом, должно быть, что-то есть. 5, Он, может быть, ничего не знает о том, что мы собираемся осмотреть достопримечательности города сразу посла завтрака, 6. Вред ли они вернулись из зоопарка. Они там впервые и могут долго пробыть. 7, Если ты будешь проводить так много времени перед телевизором, у тебя может разболеться голова. 8. Мальчик, возможно, вырвал картинку из книги, которую вы оставили на столе. 9. Если это так, то его нужно наказать. 10 Вы можете найти его в саду, я полагаю. Он, должно быть, играет а теннис с Джимом. II. Она, может быть, ничего не знает об этом. Вы тоже не должны ей ничего говорить пока. 12. Она говорит, что поездка в Лондон произвела на нее незабываемое впечатление. Она никогда не думала, что это может быть так интересно: узнавать места, о которых она знала из книг. 13. Мы могли бы найти дорогу обратно в отель сами, если бы Бо-, рис не потерял карту Лондона. 14. Переверни еще одну или две страницы, и ты увидишь фотографию. Скажи мне, если можешь, кто это. 15. Интересно, что он может делать здесь так поздно? — Возможно, он ждет Мэри. 16. Что это за шум? — Это, должно быть, в ванной течет вода. Кто-то моется. 17. Если бы на этот вопрос можно было дать ответ, он был бы дан давным-давно. 18. Кто бы это мог забыть ключ у меня на письменном столе? Неужели Джим? 19. Не может быть, чтобы Джим забыл ключ. Я видел, как он клал его в карман. 20. Не могли бы вы прийти немного раньше? Это было бы удобнее для меня. 21. Он постоял, раздумывая, можно ли ему незаметно уйти, рассердится ли Минин, когда узнает. 22. Я не умею говорить по-французски, никогда не умел. 23. Должно быть, трудно овладеть иностранным языком, не правда ли?

46. Comment on the meaning of have to. Translate the sentences into Russian:

1. I'm afraid, I shall have to send him away. 2. Was the fire already laid or did you have to lay it? 3. The rope was so strong that he had to take a knife to cut it. 4. But was it worth while going to bed when he had to be up again at five? 5. I suppose I shall have to go back to London, shan't I? 6. Do you have to get up early every morning? 7. He will have to pay me back before Sunday. 8. How long did you have to stay there? 9. "We shall have to wait a long time for our holidays," she said with a sigh. 10. And you have to go there twice a week, don't you?

47. Fill in the blanks with must or have to:

1. Don't worry about that. You ... do as you think best. 2. My mother was unwell, and I... go to the chemist's. 3.1... go and look at the dinner. 4. Yesterday's rain spoilt my hat completely; I ... buy a new one. 5. There was no one to help him so he ... move the furniture himself. 6. "Oh, hallo," she said; "I thought you ... have gone home." 7. They didn't answer my first knock so I ... knock twice. 8. You ... always come to me if anything goes wrong. 9. He was very sorry to think that he would ... part with it. 10. I had a sleepless night. I ... go and see the doc and get him to give me something, I can't go on like that.

48. Make the following sentences negative and interrogative:

1. He will have to come again. 2. My sister has to go to work. 3. They had to go back alone. 4. You have to answer all these questions. 5. I shall have to go out after all. 6. He will have to come on foot. 7. The students had to read the whole book. 8. She has to come every week. 9. He has to stay the night. 10. They had to begin very early.

49. Change the following statements into disjunctive questions:

1. I gather you have to read a lot in English. 2. He had to wait at the station till it stopped raining. 3. The work will have to be done before nightfall. 4. They usually have dinner at home. 5. She often has to go to the dentist's. 6. You have to go to school on Saturday. 7. They will have to do what they are told. 8. We have to begin before five o'clock. 9. As far as I understand you had to stay there a fortnight. 10. You look a bit tired, you've had a long walk. 11. She has to clean the house herself. 12. They had to finish that last night

50. Group the examples according to the meaning of the "be + infinitive" construction: (i) expressing a previously arranged plan (2) expressing instructions or commands:

1. I am to see him tomorrow. 2. What am I to do now? 3. You are not to communicate with anybody. 4. She said that I was not to leave the house. 5. She is to return tomorrow. 6. He said that Tom was to apologize. 7. He inquired when the secretary was to come. 8. She says I am not to lay the table before twelve o'clock. 9. At what time am I to come? 10. Something must have happened. He was to have come at eight. 11. Jim reminded me that we were to be at the station not later than seven. 12. W^hich of you is to bring the magazines and newspapers?

51. Comment on the use of must, have to, be to and translate the sentences into Russian:

1. I want you to obey her. You must do exactly as she says and make no noise. 2. "Well, what am I to do about dinner?" said Miss Handforth. "Spoil it by over-cooking or let it get cold?" 3. Randall was excited. He thought he must telephone her at once, he must see her, somehow, that very day. 4. Emma must have been very beautiful when she was young. She has a fine face. 5. "We are not to be trifled with," returned the policeman in a threatening voice. 6. You must come and have dinner with me some time. 7. He lost all his money at the races and I had to lend him five pounds. 8.1 hope I won't upset or annoy you by speaking frankly. I must have your advice. 9. Wake up, do you hear! You are to wake up at once. 10. So Frank has come? — Oh, yes; quite unexpectedly. He was to have stayed a week longer. 11. You are not to stay so late. You may leave after dinner. 12. The story was still clear in his mind. He knew what had to be done. He took his pen and wrote in his neat, steady hand the title of his new novel.

52. Comment on the meaning of the verb need:

1. He needs sea air. 2. We don't need anything else. 3.1 need not finish my sentence, for you already know what I was going to say. 4. Need it be finished by Saturday? 5. What more do you need? 6. He need say no more to her this evening, and risk giving himself away. 7. You needn't have carried all these parcels yourself. The shop would have delivered them if you had asked them. 8. You needn't take any more pills after next Monday. 9.1 must go at once, but you needn't. 10. You needn't have waited for me, I could have found the way. all right. 11. Looking back I can see exactly how it happened. It need never have happened. 12. And he was always careful to have money in his pocket, and to be modish in his dress, so that his son need not blush for him.

53. Fill in the blanks with didn't have to or needn't have:

1. You ... (to bring) your umbrella, as we are going by car. 2. You ... (to water) the flowers, as it is going to rain. 3. I ... (to translate) it for him, he did it himself, he understands Latin. 4. I... (to answer) the questions, which saved me a lot of trouble. 5. I knew I ... (to lock) the door after me, but how was I to know you wanted to come out, too? 6.1... (to ring) the bell because the door opened before I got to it. 7. I... (to help) them at all, they themselves knew what to do. 8. I ... (to write) him because the news was already known to him. He phoned me shortly afterwards. 9. You ... (to listen) to him. His information was misleading. 10. You ... (to buy) such a lot of flowers. We've already got more than necessary. 11. He... (to get up) so early every day. It was only on that particular occasion that he did. 12. You ... (to say) if you didn't want to. We could have done without you just as well.

54. Fill in the blanks with mast, have to, be to or need:

1. You ... not (to bring) your books to class tomorrow, we are going to listen to a wireless programme. 2. I'm glad the lessons will begin later now. The children won't... (to get up) so early. 3. You ... not (to learn) the poem. You ... only (to read) it. 4. Children ... not (to play) with matches. 5. It was late, and they ...(to light) a fire to cook their supper. 6. You ... (to give) it back to me before you go. 7. You ... not (to be) late for the concert. 8.1 made a few mistakes, so I... (to do) the whole exercise again. 9.1... hardly (to say) how important it is. 10. She ... (to be married) next month. 11. You... not (to miss) that film, it is extraordinary good. 12. You ... not (to strike) a match; I can see well enough. 13. Jim ... (to make) a speech at the meeting, but he had fallen ill, so Tom ... (to speak) instead, 14. You ... not (to bring) any food with you tomorrow. I'll have enough for both of us. 15. We ... (to be) there at 12 sharp. 16, We ... not (to wait) long. A bus came almost at once. 17. You ... (to learn) the whole poem.

55. Translate the sentences into English, using must, ham to, be to or need:

1. Зря мы вышли из дому так рано, поезда не будет в течение часа. 2. Мы можем не спешить. Нам не нужно быть там раньше 8.30. 3. Вы не должны следовать их примеру. Это было бы глупо с вашей стороны. 4. Интересно, надо ли приносить с собой учебники? 5. Мне не пришлось запирать дверь, кто-то уже запер ее. 6. «Если завтра будет сильный мороз, — сказала мать, — тебе можно будет не ходить в школу». 7. Вам незачем беспокоиться, они скоро вернутся. Наверное, задержались на набережной Темзы у здания Парламента: их всё здесь интересует. 8. Не нужно забывать, что в Ист-Энде живут те, кто своим трудом обеспечивают жизнь этого огромного города. 9. Вам не обязательно продолжать, я знаю, вы скажете, что среди архитектурных памятников Лондона особое внимание привлекает Вестминстерское аббатство, построенное в XIII веке. 10. Они должны были встретиться на мосту Ватерлоо в 6 пополудни. 11. Что мне рассказать нашим гостям о поездке в Лондон? — Опиши им церемонию караула у ворот лондонского Тауэра. 12. Она сказала, в какое время мы должны были прийти, и попросила не опаздывать. 13. Мы решили, что дети не должны идти туда одни. 14. Нет нужды упоминать, что Кремль — выдающийся музей и памятник старины. Это всем известно. 15. Мне пришлось принять это приглашение, хотя я очень неважно себя чувствовал. Я не хотел обидеть своих новых друзей. 16. Он знал, что ему, возможно, придется прожить там больше месяца. 17. Спроси старосту, кто сегодня должен принести наушники на урок фонетики. 18. Вчера мы должны были навестить Аню в больнице и поэтому не могли зайти к тебе.

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