Имени н. Г. Чернышевского

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I Government

Which word in the text is opposite in meaning to:

exclude same dismissed monarchy local

The Polish government is called the Council of Ministers and it is chaired by the President of the Council of Ministers. The Council of Ministers is appointed by the President of the Republic of Poland. It consists of ministers who govern given areas of central administration as well as other chairmen of various Committees that were included in the Council of Ministers.




  1. based; 2; separation; 3. Vested; 4. Composed; 5. Upper; 6. Council; 7; judicial; 8. Administrative; 9. Divided; 10. Member


  1. international; 2. statute; 3. agreement; 4. legal; 5. competence; 6. President


  1. are issued; 2. stated; 3. issued; 4. contained; 5. issue; 6. manages; 7. are binding; 8. issuing; 9. exercises; 10. Issued


two; 1989; 460; 100

1. President; 2. Citizen; 3. Statute; 4. National Assembly; 5. Legislative initiative; 6. International agreement; 7. Constitution; 8. republic

  1. universally binding and internal law

  2. supreme law of the land

  3. ratified international agreement

  4. the Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland

  5. the Official Journal of the Republic of Poland


A. The Supreme Court in Warsaw B. The Chief Administrative Court C. the courts of appeal D. military courts E. administrative courts F. district courts G. provincial courts

  1. Complaints; 2. Competent; 3. Hear; 4. Conformity; 5. Disputes


2; 3; 1; 5; 4


include, various, appointed, republic, central

The key element of Legal English course is constant revision of partnerships and the proper use of the prepositions, since they account for the correctness of the legal texts. Here are a few slides prepared by the author of this paper for her classes on the basis of the text of the Polish Constitution.

During the first semester of their studies when the students learnt about the systems of governments, they also took part in two corresponding school outings. They visited the Supreme Court in Warsaw and met with the First Judge. During the visit the sworn translation into English was provided. During the second outing the students visited the buildings of the Polish Parliament. Before these events the students prepared presentations on these two institutions, so during the visits they had already been prepared linguistically and factually.

The internet allows the teachers to take their students on more remote trips, e.g. to the British Parliament or American Congress. What they need is the computer laboratory with computers and the internet access.

The UK Parliament website (http://www.parliament.uk/visiting/online tours.cfm) offers a wide range of materials that can be used for teaching purposes. One of the possibilities is taking the students on the virtual tour during which they can visit the House of Lords, The House of Commons, Westminster Hall, Clock Tower and Big Ben or the library. In order to make the visit more interesting and to introduce the element of competition students can be assigned a task to find several objects, e.g. Queen Victoria’s monument, a rose, a thistle and a shamrock, Admiral Nelson’s place of death, etc. Assigning a task may motivate the students to scroll the pages more carefully and to read the information attached.

On the website of the American Congress (http://www.house.gov/) there is a ‘Kids in the House’ tab where the students can read about the history of the Congress, its functioning, the role of women and Afro-Americans in its structures or the legislative procedure. The wide collection of topics can be used for the preparation of mini presentations delivered by the students at the end of the class after they have studied the information available on the website.

When students work with the materials offered by the internet, they can have a website with a good online dictionary opened in a new tab where they can check the meaning of the new words.

Materials available on the internet can also be used in project work. An example of the topic which is important for law students is the legislative procedure. On the website of the Polish Parliament (http://edukacja. sejm.gov.pl/rozrywka/legislator/) a game “Legislator” can be found. It leads the players through the complex procedures of how law are made in Poland and teaches them the stages of the whole process.

After the students familiarize themselves with Polish realities, they can search the internet in order to find similar websites explaining the legislative process in the UK and the USA. Several examples of American procedures can be found on http://www.emints.org/ethemes/resources/S00002158.shtml, http://bensguide.gpo.gov/9-12/lawmaking/index.html or
http://www.familiesusa.org/resources/tools-for-advocates/tips/board-game.html which offers a board game illustrating how laws are made.

Games are also available on the UK Parliament , e.g. ‘Snakes and Maces’ and ‘Law Makers’ (http://www.parliament.uk/education/online-resources/game s.htm). A suggested activity which may follow the playing stage is the preparation of poster presentations illustrating the legislative processes in different legal systems to be displayed in the classroom.

The internet is also a very rich source of video and podcast materials11 which can be used during classes. As an example the ceremony of The State Opening can be presented. A video showing Queen Elisabeth reading her speech (about 7 min.) and the audioscript can be found on Her Majesty’s Government’s website (http://www.number10.gov.uk/Page21341) and used as a listening comprehension activity in the classroom.

The text of the speech can be quickly gapped with the help of The Teacher’s Pet or Microsoft Word software. Then the students watch the video, fill in the gaps but also have a chance to see the interior of the House of Lords, peers wearing ceremonial gowns, the Queen on the throne, etc. The text can also be used for developing students’ summarizing and analytical skills by setting a task of selecting the most important points made by the Queen and reporting them to the group.

Using video materials in the classroom can also help develop the note-taking skill which along with summarizing skill constitute very important study skills. They may turn out to be very important for students planning to participate in the student exchange programmes.

A very important skill which students need to develop is speaking. In their professional lives Polish law students will most probably speak about aspects of Polish or EU law. Therefore, they should be given opportunity to role play/simulate situations in which they can hypothetically find themselves by assigning various roles, e.g. a client asking a lawyer for advice, law student on a student exchange asking a Polish friend for explanation, Polish student on an exchange seeking help, English teacher – a layman asking a law student for explanation of some law intricacies.

A very good idea to supplement the traditional way of teaching is to apply the e-learning component to the course. It can help the teacher stay in touch with the group, motivate the students to additional, individual work, offer extra language practice by selecting interactive exercises available online, visualize the end product of the cooperation by uploading students’ presentations, in-house teaching materials, etc.

Another initiative which was implemented in order to create the place where the students can freely express their opinions on various topics related to law, politics and social matters is a blog which can be read on http://englishforlaw.edublogs.org/. The blog has existed for a few months so far and students contributing the posts have been awarded extra points for their work and they seemed to enjoy this opportunity of extra practice in English.

The activities described above were designed and put into practice in order to make Legal English classes more interesting and to debunk the belief that Legal English courses must be boring. However, the objective set by the university – TOLES examination – cannot be forgotten.

Therefore, from the very beginning of the course students write tests and quizzes which follow the format of TOLES examination. On TOLES Foundation level there are ten different types of tasks which are used, i.e. odd one out, find mistakes, true/false, areas of law, gapped sentences, matching, missing words, questions and answers, jumbled conversation.

Here are two examples from a progress test on systems of government.
Match the verbs to their definitions:

enact exercise ratify adopt enforce implement constitute

  1. to approve officially, to make a treaty, an agreement valid by signing it...…....…

  2. to use or to apply, e.g. a right, power, control …………………………………

  3. to make sure that laws are respected or obeyed…………………………………

  4. to make sth. law, e.g. a bill…………………………………………………………

  5. to put a decision or an agreement into effect……………………………………

  6. to agree to sth., to accept……………………………………………………………

  7. to make or to form……………………………………………………………………

Fill in the missing prepositions

Law consists …………… rules regulating the behaviour …………… people and business …………… the society.

American Constitution was ratified …………… 1781.

Polish Constitution was the second one …………… the world.

Constitution takes precedence …………… all other laws.

Common law system is based …………… the doctrine …………… stare decisis.

In the European Union all member states are subject…………… EC law.

EC law has supremacy …………… national law.

Six-year experience of the author of this paper in running Legal English courses shows that TOLES examination is an attainable goal for most students. It is much more challenging to prepare attractive classes and to convey difficult subject matter of law in such a way that students will enjoy it and develop all language skills and specially speaking and writing. Therefore, constant search for new solutions, finding inspiration to experiment with new solutions, tasks and methods, speaking and writing about law in a simple language is the ultimate goal and undeniable advantage.
Further Reading

Atkins, R., Mason, C. The Lawyer’s English Language Coursebook. Global Legal English, 2007.

Graves, K. (2000) Designing Language Courses. A Guide for Teachers. Boston: Heinle & Heinle Thomson Learning.

Hutchinson, T. & Waters, A. (1987) English for Specific Purposes. A Learning-centred Approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Hyland, K. (2006) English for Academic Purposes: An Advanced Resource Book. London and New York: Routledge.

Jordan, R.R. (1997) English for Academic Purposes: A Guide and Resource Book for Teachers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Long, M. (2005) Second Language Needs Analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Nation, I.S.P. & Macalister, J. (2009) Language Curriculum Design. London and New York: Routledge.

Munby, J. (1978) Communicative Syllabus Design. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Wallace, M.J. (2004) Study Skills in English: A Course in Reading Skills for Academic Purposes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Ф.Н Аскарходжаева

Ташкентский Государственный Педагогический

Университет им. Низами

Внеклассная работа с детьми как эффективное средство в обучении английскому языку

Исходя из опыта обучения учеников начальной школы английскому языку, мы считаем, что внеклассной работа в процессе преподавания английского языка имеет огромное образовательное значение. Она способствует углублению знаний учащихся, расширению их кругозора, пробуждения в них интереса и любознательности в ходе изучения английского языка. Кроме этого проведение внеклассной работы с учениками в процессе обучения их английскому языку способствует их разностороннему развитию, помогает детям использовать приобретенные знания на практике. На внеклассных занятиях по английскому языку большое место принадлежит внеклассному чтению детей. Учитель, советуя детям те или иные книги, руководит их самостоятельным чтением дома, проводит с ними беседы о прочитанных книгах.

Для совершенного усвоения английского языка немаловажную роль играет рассказывание и совместное чтение небольших литературных произведений, рассказов, детских газет и журналов. Чтение и рассказывание можно сопровождать показом картин, слайдов, различного вида анимации, иллюстрирующих содержание читаемого.

Большое значение имеет выпуск учащимися стенных газет на английском языке, посвященных праздникам как Родного края, так и англо-говорящих стран. Для того чтобы внеклассная работа дала эффективные результаты, она должна быть привлекательной и интересной для учеников. Дети участвуют во внеклассной работе по английскому языку на началах добровольности, поэтому очень важно, чтобы данные занятия вызвали интерес у учащихся, желание участвовать в них. Читая книги на английском языке, возможно адаптированные версии произведений, дети вступают в мир, где все интересно, ново. Это способствует воспитанию у них положительных черт характера. Не менее важным моментом в руководстве внеклассным чтением является учет качества и количества прочитанного.Правильно поставленный учет приучит детей читать книги от начала до конца, разовьет в них сознание, что является главной целью чтения - понимание и запоминание английского контекста.

Чтение вслух - самая распространенная форма работы, простая и доступная каждому учителю английского языка, а также очень любимая детьми. Желая вызвать интерес к книге того или иного автора и заинтересовать учеников ею, педагог сначала прочитывает детям небольшие отрывки из данного произведения, доводит рассказ до самого интересного места, возбуждает интерес у учеников к ней. Подготовка к рассказыванию намного труднее чем к чтению, однако учитель английского языка может свободно сделать большие, объемные рассказы маленькими, трудные- легкими, простыми и доступными.

Последовательность подготовки к рассказыванию заключается в первую очередь в выборе рассказа, затем его нужно прочитать, разделить на смысловые части и обдумать каждую из них, потом прочитать произведение еще раз, выделить в нем действующих лиц и представить их живыми: лицо, одежда, голос, поведение, обстановку, затем нужно попробовать рассказать данный рассказ на английском языке, вслух. В рассказывании повестей, сказок на английском языке можно держаться свободной передачи содержания. Нельзя этого делать, когда передается стихотворение, басня или английская проза. Английских классиков лучше читать, но не рассказывать, а если рассказывать, то обязательно предварительно заучив текст наизусть. Ученик пересказывая рассказ на английском языке должен это делать естественно, но выразительно, соблюдая ударения, паузы, и интонацию, а также иногда сопровождать свою речь невербальными средствами общения: жестами и мимикой.

В практике специализированных лингвистических школ имеют место приемы работы с английской прессой, например учитель поручает отдельным ученикам подготовить информацию об интересных событиях на английском языке. Сообщение делается учениками, изучающим английский язык, устно. Судя по реакции детей, эта работа им нравиться, а главные – она прекрасно развивает их речь как на родном, так и на английском языках, развивает чувство общественности, воспитывает интерес к общественной жизни, регулярно, раз в неделю учащимися проводиться чтение газеты на английском языке вслух, дети читают подготовленные ими рассказы и события, которые могут интересовать всех учащихся, итак дети наиболее эффективно овладевают устной и письменной формой английского языка.
1) http://www.unesco.org/education/information/wer/inex.htm. 2009.

2)Галскова Н,Д «Современная методика обучения иностранным языкам».М.,2003.

3) Е.А.Маслыко «Настольная книга преподавателя иностранного языка», Минск., «Высшая школа», 1999.

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