Практикум по подготовке к герценовской олимпиаде по английскому языку

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Скрипты аудиозаписи

1: You’ll hear an interview with a young film director, Lauren Casio, who is talking about her life and work.

Interviewer: My guest today is the young film director Lauren Casio, whose first full-length feature film Hidden Valley Dreams has been well received critically, as well as achieving box office success. Lauren, was it always your ambition to be a film maker?

Lauren: I did media studies at college, actually, and had no great desire to go into film- making when I started. As part of the course, I made some short films, and on the strength of that, some of the staff suggested I went in that direction. I mean, they were extremely short, three-minute films, but they seemed to see some promise and encouraged me. I wasn't doing anything ground-breaking, but the fact that I was able to put images together and tell a story in a very economical way time-wise was something I think they responded to and wanted me to pursue. So after finishing that course I enrolled in film school, where I could concentrate on that.

Interviewer: I’ve heard some people saying: ‘Film school’s a waste of time, don't bother with it’. What do you feel about that?

Lauren: There's young people coming into film-making from commercials, videos, and television saying that, but what works for one person may not work for another, so perhaps they don’t need it. I had no family connections in the business, and no private means so, for me, being in an environment where the equipment was available and the help was freely given, that opened doors. The fact that people I was at school with are now making their way in the film world is also testimony to its value. But I’m not saying it’s the only route.

Interviewer: But it’s taken you a long time to get from your first shorts to your first full-length feature film, hasn’t it?

Lauren: That was no accident really. I went through a process of making shorter films so that I could acquire some skills. A lot of people get out of school, make one film, and want to make that leap into feature films. But invariably, they fall flat on their faces. Maybe some of them are ready to make the leap earlier; I knew I wasn’t. I wasn’t prepared to squander time and money doing something I hadn’t yet got the experience and expertise to carry off. I wasn’t short of offers, even financially attractive ones, but it wasn’t the right moment.

Interviewer: I think your women characters are very good, but I think your men characters are incredible.

Lauren: Thanks! But with all characters, trying to find some dimension in them is very important to me, whatever the gender. Certainly we see a lot of stereotypes in films, men and women – lookalike representations of a certain common perception. I've always wanted to create characters with a bit more to them than that: people with a depth that might allow an audience to see a different side to their characters ... but not by making them behave in unnatural ways. That just confuses the audience. So, my male characters are macho, sure, but there’s got to be a vulnerability there. That's been a very conscious thing, and even the villains need to have a conscience.

Interviewer: So what about Hidden Valley Dreams?

Lauren: Well, though I can’t deny that I’m proud of it, there's a lot of things I’d change if I were to make that film again. I remember sitting one afternoon, and just writing it (the storyline) in about four or five hours. It seemed to be something that needed to come out. Writing for me has never been that easy since! Perhaps it was a dumb idea for me to go out and make a 1940s period film as my debut because the resources and the control I had over the environment – the logistics – were very limited. I tried a bunch of things ... a social theme, but a story with a sense of humor. I just had a gut feeling that it would appeal, and it worked, but don’t ask me how!

Interviewer: And would you encourage kids who’d like to get into film-making?

Lauren: Why not? Actually, I get invited to talk occasionally at high schools. Although I have mixed feelings about the whole notion of being someone to look up to, of being a role model, I think it’s important for kids to see that the things that they’re aspiring to are doable – that we’re not giving them false dreams. If, through some conversation with myself, or anyone else who’s worked hard to get where they are, they can identify with the fact that I'm just some kid from an ordinary background like them, then that's cool. I can’t pretend I’ll ever be a real superhero to those young people, but I try to do what I can.

Interviewer: Thank you Lauren, we have to leave it there.


Interviewer: … Trina, you’re 15 and you’ve just come back from America where you’ve been making records. What was it like?

Trina: It was wonderful. I had the six-week school summer holidays and, you know, went over there for a month and then started school again.

Interviewer: What did your classmates at school think?

Trina: I just told close friends what I was doing in the States … And I thought, well, if the records were successful, then I’d tell everyone.

Interviewer: And they were successful.

Trina: Right. And my friends were very good about it. Not envious, or anything.

Interviewer: Did you like being in the USA?

Trina: Oh, yes, most of the time it was great – the people are so friendly.

Interviewer: Did you manage to write any songs there?

Trina: Well, yeah, I did. Most of the stuff I’d done in England had been about the people closest to me – you know, Mum, Dad, my sister. They weren’t with me in the States, and although I missed them and silly things like the rain in England and fish and chips, being surrounded with new faces gave me lots of material for my songs.

Interviewer: Now, your home in England is a long way from London.

Trina: Yes, about as far as you can get!

Interviewer: So, is it easy to get into the music business if you live that far away? Don’t you have to be in London or near a big city at least?

Trina: No, no. We did play in London once but we were actually approached at a local concert, so I don’t think it’s impossible to get noticed anywhere. There are lots of record companies looking for bands, and they do go quite a long way from the cities to find them. I was lucky with my band, and there have been other bands like us that’ve been lucky as well, so you don’t have to come from a huge city to be discovered.

Interviewer: Now, in the USA you did a song with someone who was a star when I was your age, David Pearson, and you hadn’t any idea who he was?

Trina: No. It was embarrassing, actually. But he was a really pleasant guy. He was recording an album in the same studio, and he had this song that he needed someone to sing with him, and he asked me, and I was only too delighted to do it!

Interviewer: But that was not the only famous star that you worked with in the States, was it?

Trina: No, there was Lance Lakatoff.

Interviewer: But you had heard of him.

Trina: Yes. He’s a bit of a hero of mine, in fact.

Interviewer: And you were in his TV series?

Trina: Yes.

Interviewer: And what was that like?

Trina: It was a really good experience. I hadn’t done anything like that before. And they filmed us for three or four days, you know. That was the end of it. Or so I thought! But they had made some mistakes, which was such a shame. Because I had to go back to the USA! I came home to England, and then they phoned up and said they had some bad camera work, etc., and I had to fly all the way back and do it again …

Interviewer: Actually, in the USA your record did well. But not here in England. Why’s that?

Trina: Because you’ve never been able to get it over here in Britain. The record company’s never had any arrangements to sell their records in Britain, so it’s always just been the USA, which is nice in a way.

Interviewer: Why do you say that?

Trina: Well, it’s good to come home and get away from it.

Interviewer: But is it that the company don’t think your style will appeal over here?

Trina: No, it’s purely the fact they don’t operate over here. But the company’s just been sold, and the new company does operate over here, so maybe they will release the record.

Interviewer: So, where do you see your career going? Will you go back to the States?

Trina: Well, not for a while I shouldn’t think, as I have another two years at school here in England. I know my schoolfriends are thinking of college but I’m not sure that’s for me, even to do music. Then, my agent has been trying to persuade me to do it full time, and my parents say it’s up to me, but I’m happy to wait a while before that happens. I can still write, after all – in fact, one of my songs is in the American charts at the moment, but sung by someone else.

Interviewer: Well, the best of luck, Trina, and now …

Конкурс понимания письменного текста (Чтение)

№ №





Допустимый вариант – A





№№ 24-25

It will be some time before the “virtual world” can truly mimic the real one



№№ 24

Developers of VR say its potential is powerful


In the future virtual reality will/might be widespread in many areas such as medicine, education, computer games industry, training schools, etc.



Допускается минимально краткий ответ – знаменательное слово без служебного (существительное без артикля, глагол без личного местоимения и т.д.)










computer-generated / simulated







Допустимый вариант – B





№№ 15-17

… people who spend more time with others get fewer colds and viruses than those who stay at home on their own



№№ 4-6

… regular exercise is now believed to improve your psychological state by releasing endorphins or “happy chemicals” into the brain


Indulging in the small pleasures of life can make people calmer, alleviate stress and provide positive health benefits



Допускается минимально краткий ответ – знаменательное слово без служебного (существительное без артикля, глагол без личного местоимения и т.д.)










regular exercise is believed to improve your psychological state





Конкурс на знание грамматики

№ №




If she were / was asked

Условное предложение второго типа.


on his/him being invited

Герундиальная конструкция; после глагола “to insist” требуется предлог “on”.


for him to tackle the problem / for him to be able to tackle the problem

Инфинитивная конструкция с предлогом “for”; второй вариант подчеркивает модальность.


made him tell

Сложное дополнение, инфинитив без частицы “to” после глагола “to make”.


wish you would leave/ wish you’d leave / wish you left

Сослагательное наклонение после “I wish”.


if / whether he had been going to text her

Косвенная речь, согласование времен.


Isn’t it time you left / Isn’t it time (that) you should leave

Сослагательное наклонение после “Isnt it time”; возможны два варианта.


If it hadn’t / had not been for his interference / If he hadn’t interfered

Условное предложение третьего типа.


He is known to have been

Перфектный инфинитив в конструкции подчеркивает предшествование.


unless they were held up / if they were not / weren’t held up

Условное предложение первого типа в косвенной речи после главного предложения в прошедшем времени.


If it hadn’t / had not been for your telling them / If you hadn’t told them

Условное предложение третьего типа.


He is supposed to have known

Перфектный инфинитив в конструкции подчеркивает предшествование.


unless they were given / if they were not/weren’t given

Условное предложение первого типа в косвенной речи после главного предложения в прошедшем времени.


about having

Герундий; после глагола “to complain” в данном значении требуется предлог “about”.


for him to do

Инфинитивная конструкция с предлогом “for” в функции определения.


made her reveal

Сложное дополнение, инфинитив без частицы “to” после глагола to make”.


wish you would stay away / wish you’d stay away / wish you stayed away

Сослагательное наклонение после I wish”.


if he were / was left to himself

Условное предложение второго типа.


If / whether he had been going to tell her

Косвенная речь, согласование времен.


Isn’t it time you dropped / Isn’t it time (that) you should drop

Сослагательное наклонение после “Isnt it time”; возможны два варианта.


about having met

Герундий; после глагола “to boast” в данном значении требуется предлог “about; перфектная форма подчеркивает предшествование (“many years ago”).


for the girl to catch up / for the girl to be able to catch up

Инфинитивная конструкция с предлогом “for”; второй вариант подчеркивает модальность.


to have that tree cut down

Сложное дополнение, причастная конструкция с причастием II после глагола “to have”.


If it hadn’t / had not been for my coming / If I hadn’t come

Условное предложение третьего типа.


The train was reported to have arrived

Перфектный инфинитив в конструкции подчеркивает предшествование.


unless they were asked to / if they were not/weren’t asked to

Условное предложение первого типа в косвенной речи после главного предложения в прошедшем времени.


wish you would calm down / wish you’d calm down / wish you calmed down / wish you could calm down

Сослагательное наклонение послеI wish”.


If he had been provided

Условное предложение третьего типа.


if / whether he/she had been going to leave her

Косвенная речь, согласование времен.


Isn’t it time you told / Isn’t it time (that) you should tell

Сослагательное наклонение после “Isnt it time”; возможны два варианта.


If they had been disturbed

Условное предложение третьего типа.


if / whether he / she had been going to give her

Косвенная речь, согласование времен.


Isn’t it time you started / Isn’t it time (that) you should start

Сослагательное наклонение после фразы “Isnt it time”; возможны два варианта.


being fired / having been fired

Герундий в страдательном залоге.


for me to do

Инфинитивная конструкция с предлогом “for” в функции определения.


to let my nephew do

Сложное дополнение, инфинитив без частицы “to” после глагола “to let”.


If it hadn’t / had not been for your failure / If you hadn’t failed / If you had warned him

Условное предложение третьего типа.


He seems to have been waiting

Форма инфинитива в конструкции подчеркивает предшествование и длительность (“for eternity”).


until they were forgiven

Придаточное времени в косвенной речи после главного предложения в прошедшем времени.


wish you would forget / wish you’d forget / wish you forgot / wish you could forget

Сослагательное наклонение после фразы I wish”.

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