Практикум по подготовке к герценовской олимпиаде по английскому языку

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  • Конкурс понимания устной речи (Аудирование)

Прослушайте дважды аудиозапись1 и выполните задания. Ознакомьтесь с разбором заданий и скриптом аудиозаписи.

Аудиозапись № 1: You’ll hear an interview with a young film director, Lauren Casio, who is talking about her life and work.

    1. What is the main topic of the text?

      1. well-defined types of characters in Lauren's films

      2. Lauren's attitude to the critics of film school

      3. Lauren's career in film-making and her accomplishments

    1. Define which SIX words and phrases are the key words for understanding the content of this text.

        1. Film director

        1. Commercials

        1. Box office success

        1. Accident

        1. Characters

        1. Limited resources

        1. Film school

        1. Ground-breaking

        1. Role model

        1. Full-length feature film

    2. Lauren defends the record of the film school that she attended.

    1. True

    1. False

    1. Not stated

Name the three areas from which those critical of film school enter film-making. Write THREE words: .…

    1. Lauren regards her film Hidden Valley Dreams as being far from perfect.

          1. True

          1. False

          1. Not stated

    2. The interviewer thinks that Lauren's female characters are better than male.

А. True

В. False

С. Not stated

Аудиозапись № 2

  1. What is the main topic of the interview?

  1. Trina’s acting experience in the USA.

  2. Trina’s career as an entertainer.

  3. Trina’s band.

  1. Choose SIX key words/phrases on the list which can be used to sum up the interview.

    1. making records

    1. rain in England

    1. material for one’s songs

    1. music business

    1. local concert

    1. embarrassing

    1. a good experience

    1. phone up

    1. record company

    1. the best of luck

  2. Trina thinks that even if you start your career in a small town it is still possible to get people interested in your work.

  1. True

  1. False

  1. Not stated

Justification (THREE arguments expected): …

  1. Trina was upset because she had to work with David Pearson.

    1. True

    1. False

    1. Not stated

  2. The interviewer supposes that Trina’s records will continue to be successful.

  1. True

  1. False

  1. Not stated

  • Конкурс понимания письменного текста (Чтение)

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания к нему.

Текст № 1


Not long ago computers were considered an amazing invention. Today they form part of our everyday lives. The latest thing today is virtual reality. Virtual reality is an artificial environment that is created with software and presented to the user in such a way that the user suspends belief and accepts it as a real environment. On a computer, virtual reality is primarily experienced through two of the five senses: sight and sound.

A Virtual Reality (VR) system can transport the user to exotic locations such as the cockpit of a space module, a beach in Hawaii or the inside of the human body.

VR is also a simulator, but instead of looking at flat, two-dimensional screen and operating a lever, the person who experiences VR is surrounded by a 3-D computer-generated representation, and is able to move around in a simulated world, seeing it from different angles.

The VR system is still in the early stages of its development. At the moment it is necessary to put a large, clumsy-looking high-tech helmet on your head to see the simulated world, and you have to wear a special glove on your hand in order to manipulate the objects you see there. Lenses and two miniature display screens inside the helmet create the illusion that the screen surrounds you on every side. You can “look behind” computer-generated objects, pick them up and see things from a different angle. This complex visual model changes every time you move according to a programme in a powerful computer, to which the helmet and glove are linked by cables.

Developers of VR say its potential is powerful. Fortunately, perhaps, it will be some time before the “virtual world” can truly mimic the real one.

    1. Choose an appropriate headline for this article:

  1. Great Inventions

  2. Key issues of modern science

  3. A whole new world that is only a touch away

    1. Choose SIX key words or expressions from the list below to convey the content of the article.

  1. software

  1. exotic fantasy trips

  1. interacting with objects

  1. computer games

  1. digitized odors

  1. special equipment

  1. simulated three-dimensional environment

  1. no manipulation with the objects you see

  1. artificial intelligence

  1. ability to move about in

  1. cloning

VR as if inside it

True or false? Choose the correct variant and enter the line which confirms your choice.

    1. Simulated worlds will soon be undistinguishable from reality.

      1. True

      1. False

      Justification: lines №№…

    2. Virtual reality will have widespread use in many fields.

      1. True

      1. False

      Justification: lines №№ …

    3. Comment on the statement from the text: “Developers of virtual reality say its potential is powerful”. ………

Find equivalents from the text you have read to the words below:

    1. possibility for development = …

    2. made by human skill = …

    3. computer program that models some aspects of a real life situation = ….

    4. imitate or copy = …

Find examples of some grammatical forms from the text you have read:

    1. Noun ending in -fe in plural: …

    2. Participle II as an attribute: …

    3. Adjective + Participle I compound: …

    4. Possessive pronoun: …

Текст № 2


These days most doctors and scientists agree that our physical state is closely related to our psychological well-being. But what have the experts discovered about what makes us feel good?

As well as being important to your physical health, regular exercise is now believed to improve your psychological state by releasing endorphins or “happy chemicals” into the brain. Even a brisk ten-minute walk every day can help according to researches.

According to experts, companionship and social support are vital to both our psychological and physical well-being. Modern researchers emphasize the value of group social activities in this respect. “Relationships we form at church or in clubs tend to be more supportive and uncritical than those we form at work or in the family,” says Professor Michael Argyle, “and these positive relationships improve our self-esteem, which is vital to our physical and mental health.” This is baked up by recent research which shows, perhaps surprisingly, that people who spend more time with others actually get fewer colds and viruses than those who stay at home on their own. In fact social support is so important to our mental and physical well-being that it may increase our life expectancy.

One rather surprising piece of research found that on average people who regularly watch soaps on television are significantly happier than those who don’t. Psychologists believe that this is because such programmes provide viewers with an imaginary set of friends, and a sense of belonging to a community.

Many scientists these days believe that indulging in life’s little pleasures – a bar of chocolate, a shopping trip – can actually improve your health, because of the psychological lift it gives you. There is a lot of truth in the old saying that “a little of what you fancy does you good.”

  1. Choose an appropriate headline for this article:

  1. Some things that can make you feel better

  2. Are you on top of the world?

  3. Feeling like an underdog

  1. Choose SIX key words or expressions from the list below to convey the content of the article.

  1. a low-fat diet

  1. the wrong genes

  1. getting moving

  1. a lively social life

  1. drinking coffee

  1. old people given cocktail every evening

  1. watching soap operas on TV

  1. what makes us feel good

  1. lack of bright light

  1. self-indulgence

  1. psychological state and physical health

True or false? Choose the correct variant and enter the line which confirms your choice.

    1. People with a wide range of social contacts get sick less than those who don’t.

      1. True

      1. False

      Justification: lines №№ …

    2. Regular exercise can have a positive and lasting effect on brain chemistry.

      1. True

      1. False

      Justification: lines №№ …

    3. Comment on the statement from the text: “A little of what you fancy does you good.” …..

Find equivalents from the text you have read to the words below:

    1. substances which reduce the sensation of pain and affect emotions = ...

    2. quick and active = …

    3. to give special attention to something = …

    4. extremely important = …

Find examples of some grammatical forms from the text you have read:

    1. Adverb of degree: …

    2. Subjective Infinitive Construction: …

    3. pronoun in plural: ……

    4. adjective in comparative degree: …
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