Рабочая программа дисциплины б. 5 Деловой иностранный язык Направление: 44. 04. 01 педагогическое образование

НазваниеРабочая программа дисциплины б. 5 Деловой иностранный язык Направление: 44. 04. 01 педагогическое образование
ТипРабочая программа
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Задание №1. Работа в парах: по очереди задавайте вопросы, старайтесь дать развернутый ответ. Work in pairs. Take turns asking and answering the questions.

  1. What do you know about the system of education in our country?

  2. Is elementary school compulsory in Russia?

  3. At what age do children start going to school in our country?

  4. What types of schools are there in Russia?

  5. Where do you study now?

  6. Which subjects do you have? Why?

  7. What is your favorite subject? Why do you like it?

  8. What does your classroom look like? Would you like to change anything about your class?

  9. How do you prepare for lessons? Do you often forget to do your homework? Are you a hard-working student?

  10. Have you ever been late for school? When? Why? What happened?

  11. Would you like to be a teacher? Why? / Why not?

  12. What kind of activities do you have at classes? Do you participate in any of them?

Задание №2. Работа в группах: выскажите свою точку зрения по заданной проблематике.Work in groups. Agree or disagree the statements below. Write down at least three reasons for each statement.
1. Girls study better without boys in the class.

2. Private schools are usually better than state schools.

3. Boys study better in a mixed class.

4. Physical education should be optional.

5. All schools should let children wear whatever they want at school.

6. What would you change about the system of education in our country?
Задание №3. Составьте диалог по теме: Система среднего и высшего образования в России.

Make up a dialog: The system of secondary education and high education in Russia.

Задание №4. Работа в группах. Согласитесь или опровергните предложенные утверждения, аргументируйте свой ответ. Work in groups. Agree or disagree the statements below. Write down at least three reasons for each statement.

1. Girls study better without boys in the class.

2. Private schools are usually better than state schools.

3. Boys study better in a mixed class.

4. Physical education should be optional.

5. All schools should let children wear whatever they want at school.

6. What would you change about the system of education in our country?
Задание №5. Составьте диаграмму, отражающую систему образования в России. Draw a diagram describing the system of education in Russia. Mention about:

1. pre-school education

2. primary education

3. secondary education

4. compulsory schooling

5. subjects taught

6. exams taken

7. private schools

ФОС – 2

Контроль знаний
Задание №1. Диктант с русского на английский по теме «Деловые переговоры»

деловые круги (business circles), деловое сотрудничество (business co-operation), деловая поездка ( business trip), деловая бумага (official paper), деловое управление ( business administration),

переговоры (negotiations, talks), вести переговоры (с) (negotiate (with), carry on negotiations (with)), заключать контракт (enter into a contract; finalize a deal), нарушать контракт (breach a contract), договор (agreement, contract), арендный договор (lease), торговый договор (trade / commercial agreement), по договору (under the contract), условия договора (terms of the treaty)
Задание №2. Диктант с русского на английский по теме «Деловая переписка»

резюме (resume); сопроводительное письмо (a letter of application); резюме, краткая биография (curriculum vitae); получить письмо (receive a message); отправить письмо (send a letter); отправить запрос (to put an inquiry to smb.); почта (post office); рассылка почты (post, posting); рассылочная ведомость (mailing list); уведомление (letter of advice)
Задание №3. Соотнеси слово с его дефиницией. Match the word with its definition.

  1. abroad

  2. a minefield

  3. a pitfall

  4. a custom

  5. etiquette

  6. scheduled

  7. to be a sign of

  8. offensive

  9. a compliment

  10. sensitive

  1. something done in a society because of tradition

  2. able to understand others feelings

  3. in or to a foreign company

  4. something that expresses admiration

  5. to show or represent

  6. rude or insulting

  7. a situation with hidden danger

  8. formal rules for polite behavior in society

  9. a likely problem

  10. arranged for a certain time

Задание №4. Соотнеси слово с его дефиницией. Match the word with its definition.

  1. employee

  2. employer

  3. flextime

  4. promotion

  5. severance

  1. activity that supports or provides active encouragement for the furtherance of a cause, venture, or aim

  2. a person or organization that employs people

  3. dismissal or discharge from employment

  4. a person employed for wages or salary, esp. at nonexecutive level

  5. a system of working a set number of hours with the starting and finishing times chosen within agreed limits by the employee

Задание №5. Соотнеси слово с его дефиницией. Match the word with its definition.

  1. a letter of advice

  2. letter of application

  3. CV

  1. a brief account of a person's education, qualifications, and previous experience, typically sent with a job application

  2. an accompanying letter, which provides the information about candidates reasons for applying for certain position

  3. information; notice; notification

Задание №6. Выбери подходящее по смыслу слово и заполни пропуски.

Choose necessary word or word combination to complete the text.

subordinates, authority, initiative, national culture, hierarchy, delegate

The characteristics of management often vary according to __________________? which can determine how managers are trained, how they lead people and how they approach their jobs. The amount of responsibility of any individual in a company depends on the position that he or she occupies in its __________. Managers, for example, are responsible for leading the people directly under them, who are called___________. To do this successfully, they must use their _____________, which is the right to take decisions and give orders. Managers often __________ authority. This means that employees at lower levels in the company hierarchy can use their __________, that is make decisions without asking their manager.
Задание №7. Выбери правильный вариант.Which answers are correct?
1) Which of the following words are used with the Simple Past (signal words)?

  1. ever

  2. in 1999

  3. last month

  4. now

  5. three days ago

  6. yesterday

2) Which sentences/questions are in the will-future?

  1. Does this train leave from platform 12?

  2. He'll never make it.

  3. I think Sue will arrive at 6 o'clock.

  4. Pat is not going to fly to Paris in May.

  5. They are coming to the party.

  6. We won't be at your party.

3) Which sentences/questions are in the Simple Present?

  1. Anne does not play chess.

  2. Do they go for a walk?

  3. He is from Japan.:xShe is listening to an audio book.

  4. We are not going to feed the pets.

  5. We play soccer every weekend.

Задание №8. Выбери правильный вариант.Which answers are correct?

  1. things in general →

  2. actions began and finished in the past →

  3. actions happening at the moment of speaking →

  4. actions happened in the past – the results of them are important in the present →

  5. actions in the present – one follows the other →

  6. actions in the past – one followed the other →

  7. actions started in the past and continue up to the present →

  8. this action was in progress when a new action interrupted it →

  9. repeated actions in the present →

  10. predictions in the future →

  11. actions express plans in the future →

  12. fixed plans in the near future →

  13. fixed arrangements (timetable) →

Задание №9. Дополните ряд неправильных глаголов. Complete with the necessary forms of the verbs.









Задание №10. Напишите сокращенную форму. Write down the contractive form.

  1. are not →

  2. you have →

  3. is not →

  4. has not →

  5. she has →

  6. what is →

  7. they are →

  8. do not →

Контроль умений:
Задание №1. Поставь глагол в повелительное наклонение и заполни пропуски.

Complete the sentences with the words in the correct imperative form, positive or negative.
study, expect(2), increase, invest, assume, beware, be flexible, judge, leave

  1. Leave attitudes like my way is the only way behind.

  2. _________, be curious and fascinated instead.

  3. _________ some time in preparing yourself for encounters with other business and cultural styles.

  4. ________ your understanding of the countries and cultures you are visiting by attenting cross-cultural seminars.

  5. ________ the general protocol and etiquette of the country or countries you are visiting.

  6. ________ delays, frequent changes in plans and cancellations.

  7. ________to have easy access to your e-mail while on the road. In some cases it may be impossible to log on to your internet server remotely.

  8. ________ when negotiating prices.

  9. ________ that market or sales techniques that work in your country, work in others.

  10. _________ of drinking too much alcohol over a business lunch, you might need to make important decisions.

Задание №2. Вставьте необходимые предлоги, переведите текст на русский язык. Supply the correct prepositions, translate the text.

Mr Blake is the director … the firm. He works …ABS company. They sell different goods … French and Italian companies. Many customers arrive …London to discuss business problems … the businessmen … ABS. … talks they usually discuss prices, terms … payment, shipment and delivery. Now you see Mr Blake … his office. He is sitting … the desk and speaking … the phone. The company manager … Brown&Sons is phoning him. They are making an appointment … Friday.
Задание №3. Переведите предложения с русского на английский язык, используя лексику по теме “Деловые переговоры”.

  1. – Где мистер Блейк? – Он занят. У него сейчас переговоры.

  2. Я обычно просматриваю почту по утрам.

  3. Какой вопрос вы сейчас обсуждаете? – Мы обсуждаем условия платежа.

  4. Наш директор сейчас принимает бизнесменов английской фирмы.

  5. Мы часто обсуждаем деловые вопросы по телефону.

  6. Мы не назначаем встреч с иностранными партнерами на субботу. По субботам мы не работаем.

  7. Мистер Браун в офисе. Он просматривает предложение итальянской фирмы на телефонное оборудование.

  8. Каждый день мы получаем много почты.

Задание №4. Упражнение на словообразование. Word formation task.

  1. That bag of yours _________________ a ton. (WEIGHT)

  2. I’m _________________ this bottle of champagne for a special occasion. (SAFETY)

  3. Failure to ________________________ the law can lead to a large fine. (OBEDIENT)

  4. The committee rejected the proposal to _________________ taxes. (REDUCTION)

  5. However, on closer inspection, a number of problems _______________________. (EMERGENCE)

  6. The first edition was ____________________________ in 1784. (PUBLICATION)

  7. Could you _________________________ one or two points for me? (CLARITY)

  8. They no longer ______________ alcohol or cigarettes at sporting events. (ADVERTISMENT)

  9. He _______________________ Bea last year. (MARRIAGE)

  10. The possibility that Jack was ______________ flashed through my mind. (LIE)

  11. An academician is a member of an official organization which _________ the development of science, art etc. (COURAGE)

Задание №5. Переведите предложения с русского на английский язык, используя лексику по теме “ Составление рабочего графика ”.

Моего коллегу зовут Александр. Он - бизнесмен, работает в большой компании. Компания продает товары в различные страны. Рабочий день Александра начинается в 9 часов. Он просматривает электронную почту, говорит по телефону с заказчиками, работает на компьютере, ведет переговоры. На переговорах он обсуждает цены на товары, условия поставки и платежа. после обеда он иногда ездит на завод, чтобы встретиться с поставщиками, но часто он остается в офисе и готовит отчеты или обсуждает деловые вопросы с менеджерами фирмы. Александр уезжает из офиса в 7 часов вечера. Дома, в свободное время он любит читать газеты и следить за событиями происходящими в мировой экономике.

Задание №6. Выберите из списка подходящий предлог, чтобы получить фразовый глагол. Choose the right variant to make a phrasal verb.

through, out, at, up, round, forward, back, after, down, in

  1. Our boss looks __________ on some people in his firm.

  2. Look ______ ! There's the bus coming.

  3. Did the doctor look _____ your leg?

  4. She looked ______ from her book when she heard the noise.

  5. We were looking ________ the shops when we were in Ashville.

  6. How do you feel when you look ________ on your childhood?

  7. They are looking ______________ to meeting their friends.

  8. John has to look _________ his younger brother.

  9. Look ______ when you are in town again.

  10. Henry looked _______ the magazine quickly.

Задание №7. Заполни пропуски подходящим местоимением. Complete the sentences with necessary pronouns.
I am Robert and ____ live in Bristol. This is Jack. ____ is friend. ____ lives in Bristol too. Sarah likes _____. _______ likes blue eyes very much. Sarah lives with ____ older sister in a flat in Bristol. Bristol is ______ hometown. _______ is an old city with lots of sights.
Задание №8. Переведите диалог с русского на английский язык, используя лексику по теме “ Назначение встреч ”.

- Здравствуйте, говорит Алиса Смит. Я бы хотела договориться с вами о встрече. Когда мы бы могли с вами встретиться и обсудить несколько вопросов?

- Минуточку, мне необходимо свериться с расписанием. На этой неделе много деловых встреч с зарубежными партнерами и открытие выставки. Как на счет следующей недели, скажем вторник два часа дня?

- К сожалению, я буду в командировке на следующей неделе.

- Тогда мы можем запланировать встречу на более позднюю дату.

- В двадцатых числах я буду в городе, 28 мая 13:00.

- Договорились. Жду вас в конференц-зале.
Задание №9. Раскройте скобки, составьте утвердительные и отрицательные предложения. Make up affirmative and negative statements.

  1. __________________________________________ (+/already/to listen to music)

  2. __________________________________________ (-/not/to go swimming/yet)

  3. __________________________________________ (+/already/to take some photos)

  4. __________________________________________ (+/already/to help Jane in the kitchen)

  5. __________________________________________ (-/not/to play the guitar/yet)

  6. __________________________________________ (+/already/to have fun with my friends)

  7. __________________________________________ (-/not/to wash my shirts/yet)

  8. __________________________________________ (-/not/to make my bed/yet)

  9. __________________________________________ (+/already/to do the washing-up)

  10. __________________________________________ (-/not/to speak to my maths teacher/yet)

Задание №10. Раскройте скобки, составьте утвердительные и вопросительные предложения. Make up affirmative and interrogative sentences in the Present Perfect Continuous Tense.

  1. Max __________________________ this comic book. (not/to read)

  2. How long ________________________ French? (they/to learn)

  3. I ___________________________for two months now. (not/to drive)

  4. ______________________________the whole morning? (she/to walk)

  5. Who __________________________ in the garden? (to dig)

  6. It _____________________________much in this area. (not/to rain)

  7. How long ____________________________ this earring? (you/to wear)

  8. Marie __________________________________ in her diary. (not/to write)

  9. ________________________________ matchstick figures the whole lesson? (he/to draw)

  10. What ________________________________? (we/to do)

1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9


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