Рабочая программа дисциплины б. 5 Деловой иностранный язык Направление: 44. 04. 01 педагогическое образование

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Б1.Б.5 Деловой иностранный язык

Направление: 44.04.01 педагогическое образование

Уровень образования: Магистратура

Программа: начальное образование

ОПК-1 готовность осуществлять профессиональную коммуникацию в устной и письменной формах на русском и иностранном языках для решения задач профессиональной деятельности

Конкретизированные цели освоения


(знать, уметь, владеть),

обеспечивающие формирование


Оценочные средства контроля формирования компетенций


З.1 Знать основные грамматические структуры, характерные для устной и письменной профессионально-ориентированной коммуникации

З.2 Знать основные лексические единицы характерные для делового стиля

З.3 Знать правила и основные составляющие делового этикета

У.1 Уметь составлять грамматически верные предложения, развернутые высказывания

У.2 Уметь использовать наиболее употребительные и относительно простые лексико-грамматические средства в основных коммуникативных ситуациях делового общения;

У.3 Уметь вести деловую переписку, правила оформления электронных писем и документов

В.1 Владеть навыками монологического высказывания

В.2 Владеть навыком составления диалогического высказывания для решения задач в профессиональной деятельности

В.3 Владеть навыками письменной деловой коммуникации.

Текущий контроль: Диктант. Тест.
Промежуточная аттестация: зачет
Текущий контроль: Контрольная работа (выполнение переводных и трансформационных упражнений для проверки усвоения основных грамматических структур).
Промежуточная аттестация: экзамен

Текущий контроль: Составление диалогов по заданной теме, написание деловых писем, составление резюме, ролевая игра

Промежуточная аттестация: зачет, экзамен


Контроль знаний
Задание №1. Диктант с русского на английский язык по теме «Образование»

учебный год (academic year),  перемена (break), ускоренный курс (crash course), курсы переподготовки (refresher course), программа подготовки к поступлению в ВУЗ (foundation course), проходить курс (take a course), записаться на курс (sign up for a course), прогулять лекцию (skip a lecture), посетить лекцию (attend a lecture), дать лекцию (give a lecture), низкие/высокие оценки (low/high marks), найти свое призвание (to find your vocation), студент последнего курса (undergraduate), студент первого курса (freshman), студент второго курса (sophomore), среднее образование (secondary education), высшее образование (tertiary/higher education), стипендия, грант (scholarship).
Задание №2. Упражнения на сопоставление. Укажите правильный вариант.

Match the words with their definitions below.

boarding school, graduate, head teacher, nursery school, primary school, private school, secondary school, state school

    1. ... is a school paid by the government which gives free education.

    2. ... is a non-government school where you have to pay.

    3. ... is a school for very young children at the age of 1 -4.

    4. ... is a school for young children from 4 to 11 years old.

    5. ... is a school for older children from 11 to 18.

    6. ... is a school where pupils live, eat, and sleep.

    7. ... is a 'boss' of a school.

    8. ... is a person who has finished university and has a degree (e.g. in economics).

Задание №3. Заполнить пропуски, выбрав подходящее по смыслу слово.

Complete the sentences with the words

courses, independent, opportunities, Advanced, junior, available, public, compulsory, boarding, comprehensive

    1. Primary education includes infant schools and ... schools.

    2. ... secondary education starts at the age of 11-12 and lasts 5 years.

    3. Most British children get their secondary education at... school.

    4. Many pupils at the age of 16 leave school and go to a college to choose more practical....

    5. Pupils who decide to enter a university should pass ... level exams.

    6. Secondary education is ... to all children in Britain.

    7. Only less than 5 per cent go to ... schools.

    8. Private schools where pupils of 13-19 years olds study are called ... schools.

    9. The schools where pupils live and study are called ... schools.

    10. Many people believe that children should have equal... at the start.

Задание №4. Вставьте подходящий по смыслу глагол в пропуски. Put the words

 has, like, breakfast, goes, works, bus, gets up, opens, stops, plays, starts, goes in the text:


      Stan Dixon is a shop assistant. He sells men’s clothes in a small shop . It is a tiring job.

      Stan … at seven o’clock. After … he … to work by… . He… work at a quarter past nine. The shop … at half past nine. Stan … lunch at twelve, and then … from 12.45 till 5.45.

      On Saturdays Stan … work at one o ‘ clock. On Sundays he … cycling or … tennis.

      Stan does not … his job much.
Задание №5. Выбери правильный вариант. Choose the correct variant.

1) The auxiliary verbs of the Present Continuous are:

  1. have/has

  2. will/shall

  3. am/is/are

2) The words just, already are mainly used in

  1. Present Simple

  2. Present Perfect

  3. Future Simple

3) When we talk about an action that took place long ago, we use

  1. Future Perfect

  2. Past Perfect

  3. Past Simple

4) The markers of Present Continuous are:

  1. now, at the moment

  2. usually, often

  3. yesterday, last week

5) The auxiliary verbs of the Future Perfect are:

  1. will have

  2. will be

  3. have/has

Задание №6. Выбери правильную форму глагола. Choose the correct form of the verb.

1) We went/ ‘ve been to the seaside last summer. 2) I finished / ‘ve finished my homework. Can I go out now? 3) I was /‘ve been ill three month ago. 4) Have you been / Did you to the shop? I need some stamps. 6) My hobby is fishing. I’ve caught / caught a lot of fish. Jenny is in Oxford today, but she was /has been in London yesterday. 7) I played /'ve played basketball when I was younger, but l don’t play now. 8) I’ve already seen / already saw 'Shrek'. Julie has been / was ill since Tuesday. 9) I didn't see / haven't seen Josh since 1998. 10) We've stayed / stayed at our grandparents for three days. We arrived home yesterday.
Задание №7. Соотнеси предложения с грамматическим временем. Match the sentence and the Tense.

  1. I receive e-mail every day, usually letters come early in the morning.

  2. We are having talks at the moment.

  3. They have just phoned the manager in the office.

  4. The director went to the factory two hours ago.

  5. The workers were having lunch from 12 till 12:30.

  6. When he came we had discussed the problem.

  1. Present Continuous

  2. Past Simple

  3. Past Perfect

  4. Present Perfect

  5. Past Continuous

  6. Present Simple

Задание №8. Выбери правильную дефиницию. Choose the right definition.

  1. travel

  2. voyage

  3. trip

  4. journey

  • an action of traveling, typically abroad (general word)

  • an act of travelling from A to B; a distance travelled, the time required; an act of travelling by train, airplane, car etc. or on foot

  • a general word to describe a journey of any distance for a specific purpose (usually including the return), on foot or any form of transport, for business or pleasure

  • a long journey involving travel by sea or in space

Задание №9. Выбери правильную дефиницию. Choose the right definition.

  1. job

  2. work

  3. profession

  4. career

  5. vocation

  • an occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person's life and with opportunities for progress

  • a paid position of regular employment

  • a paid occupation, esp. one that involves prolonged training and a formal qualification

  • a strong feeling of suitability for a particular career or occupation

  • activity involving mental or physical effort done in order to achieve a purpose or result

Задание №10. Дайте определение следующим словам.Give the definition to the following words.

  • diploma

  • certificate

  • warrant

  • document

  • bill

Контроль умений

Задание №1. Выберите правильный вариант.

Complete the article with the correct words or phrases from the list below.

American Schools

Americans have always aimed for equal (1) b in education. Americans spend six years in (2)... school, four or six years in (3)... or high school. At the end of every school year the pupil (4).......If he doesn't (5).......he has to repeat a year once more. If he (6)......, he goes into the next class. School (7)... is free.

At more (8)... level pupils can choose some subjects. Pupils take an active part in (9)... activity. Many different sports are also (10)... .

At the end of their time at school, most students get a (11)... school diploma. If they want to go to college, they (12)... college admission tests. Teaching in the country is usually very informal. Students often work together in groups and go to the teacher only when they do (13).......














a) abilities

a) infant

a) secondary

a) writes a composition

a) behave well

a) pays for school

a) education

a) successful

a) class

a) obligatory

a) high

a) go

a) grammar tasks

b) opportunities

b) nursery

b) primary

b) learns a poem

b) do well

b) behaves well


b) advanced

b) school

b) available

b) secondary

b) take

b) their homework


c) elementary

c) junior

c) takes a test

c) pay for school

c) does well

c) subjects

c) fundamental

c) extracurricular

c) equal

c) primary

c) make

c) need help

Задание №2. Выберите подходящий по смыслу глагол, выполните перевод предложений.

Choose 'learn' or 'study' and put it in a correct tense form to complete the sentences.
1. You must... this poem. 2. We must... the map before we start our journey. 3. She ... to be a doctor by watching the work of her more experienced colleagues. 4. Mary ... to swim. 5. We soon ... to do as we were told in Mr Hughes' class! 6. Mike ... medicine at college because he wants to be a doctor. 7. I'm trying to ... Spanish. 8. I ... to ride a bike when I was five.
Задание №3. Заполните пропуски, выполните перевод текста. Complete the text with the words.

Schooling in Russia

basic, private, junior, schooling, available, provided, senior, compulsory, educational, primary, curriculum, grades

As a rule, schooling begins at the age of 6.

The Russian educational system is comprised of four levels: primary, secondary, higher and post-secondary education.

General secondary education is ... . Post-secondary education is ... in different ways. Primary and secondary school has three stages: ..., basic and senior.

Primary school comprises ... 1 to 4. Grades 5-9 are usually referred to as '...school', while 10-12 are '... school'. Students usually study in the same school building throughout their primary and secondary education. Primary ... lasts4 years and basic school 5. The middle school... varies slightly between schools. There are then 3 profile years. New types of schools appeared: gymnasiums, lycées and ... schools.

Post secondary education is ... by vocational training schools, universities and institutes. Higher education gives different qualifications: ... specialist (Bachelor's), specialist and Master's Degree. Higher education is either state funded or private
Задание №4. Раскройте скобки, поставьте глагол в правильную форму. Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or in the Present Perfect.

1. I ________ (never/ be) to the USA. I ______ (want) to go there last summer but I couldn’t. 2. He _______ (live) in this street all his life. 3. His father ________ (come back) to London last Sunday. 4. Yan __________ (write) a letter to Nick two days ago. 5. He ________ (send) his letter yesterday. 6. They ________ (just/ buy) some postcards.
Задание №5. Раскройте скобки. Complete the pairs of sentences. Use the Present Perfect in one sentence and the Past Simple in the other.

I (know) _______ her for six years. I (know) _______ him when I was at school. He (live) _______ in Paris from 1997 to 2000. He (live) _______ in New York since 2001. Where's Pete? I (not see) _______ him for ages. I (not see) _______ Pete last night. We (be) _______ at primary school from 1993 to 1998. We (be) _______ in this class since September. I (not watch) _______ this video yet. I (not watch) _______ a video at the weekend.

Задание №6. Упражнение на словообразование. Word formation task.

  1. If he’s saying that the accident was my fault, he’s a ________(LIE).

  2. It was an _________________ operation to save her sight. (EMERGE)

  3. A high _______________ of businesses fall in the first year. (PERCENT)

  4. He’s one of the _________________ in burglary case.( SUSPICION)

  5. Thank you for all the _____________ you’ve shown us during our time in England. (GENEROUS)

  6. We want to organize a support group for cancer _____________. (SUFFER)

  7. Some ski resorts opened early,_______________ to a late-October snowstorm.( THANK)

  8. _____________ is one of the factors that affects the learning process. (MOTIVATE)

  9. I was already 45 minutes late for a dental _________________.( APPOINTED)

  10. He doesn’t need another car – it’s pure ___________________. (GREEDY)

Задание №7. Упражнение на словообразование. Word formation task.

  1. He______________ a short passage from the Bible. (QUOTATION)

  2. The teacher always __________ the children with their tasks. (ASSISTANT)

  3. Mom flatly ______________ to go back in the hospital. (REFUSAL)

  4. There was only one girl_____________ customers. (SERVICE)

  5. We should hire another secretary to ___________ Sarah’s workload. (LIGHT)

  6. The letter ______________ to arrive. (FAILFURE)

  7. She was ______________________with terror. (FROSTY)

  8. Our friendship has steadily ________________ over the years. (STRONG)

  9. Unfortunately, their aim for a rapid improvement in the economy was not __________________. (FULFILMENT)

  10. We need drugs to _____________________ blood pressure. (LOW)

Задание №8. Раскройте скобки, поставьте глагол в правильную форму. Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or in the Present Perfect.

1. I (have, just) ______ a nice pot of coffee. Would you like a cup?

2. I (see, not) ______ Steve this morning yet.

3. Carol and I are old friends. I (know) ______ her since I (be) ______ a freshman in high school.

4. Maria (have) ______ a lot of problems since she (come) ______ to this country.

5. I (go) ______ to Paris in 2003 and 2006.

6. A car came round the corner and I (jump) ______ out of the way.

7. Don’t throw the paper away because I (not to read) ______ it yet.

8. Is Jim going to eat lunch with us today? — No. He (eat) ______ (already).He (eat) ______ lunch an hour ago.

9. Since we (start) ______ doing this exercise, we (complete) ______ some sentences.

10. I (be) ______ never to Italy.
Задание №9. Выберите правильный вариант ответа. Choose the right item. Check your partner's answers.

1. In Great Britain school begins at the age of ... .

a) 5-6 b) 4-5 c) 6-7

2. The 1st schools to which children go are called ....

a) secondary schools b) junior schools c) infant schools

3. They leave their primary school when they are ....

a) 8 b) 11 c) 10

4. They take the national General Certificate in Secondary Education exams at the age of ...

a) 11 b) 18 c) 16

5. To enter the British university you should ....

a) take 'A' level exams b) attend preparatory course c) take GCSE exams
Задание №10. Раскройте скобки. Complete the sentences. Use the Present Perfect or the Past Simple.

My family and I ________(move) from London to Cardiff last summer, so we ________(live) in Cardiff for seven months now. I miss my friends in London. My best friend is called Megan. We ____________(meet) at primary school, so I __________(know) her for nine years. Unfortunately, I ___________(not see) her since last summer. I go to Greystone Secondary School in Cardiff. I ___________(be) at the school since last September. At first I __________(not like) it because I ___________(not have) any friends here. But the students in my class are really nice and I'm happy here now.
Контроль владений:
1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9


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