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Вариант 1

  1. В каждой строчке найдите и выпишите слово, которое не рифмуется с остальными.

fire mire care tire

our flower flour more

air cure pair where

pure during tube cure

where here dear hear

sure poor more moor

  1. Образуйте множественное число следующих существительных, если это возможно.

A party, a potato, a man, information, a day, a room, a sandwich, a phenomenon, an orange, water, a mouse, a wife, a merry-go-round, a fireman, a fruit, a rose, a headquarters, a glass, a life, a fly, a fox, a goose.

  1. Составьте предложения из данных слов.

  1. (a newspaper/reads/every day/Jill)

  2. (football/don’t/like/very much/I)

  3. (lost/I/my watch/last week)

  4. (Tom/the letter/slowly/read)

  5. (London/Do/know/you/very well)

  6. (ate/we/very quickly/our dinner)

  7. (did/buy/you/that/in England/jacket)

  8. (well/I/don’t/very/speak/French)

  9. (crossed/the street/they/carefully)

  10. (from/brother/my/borrowed/£50/I)

  1. Образуйте степени сравнения следующих прилагательных, если это возможно.

High, big, honorable, round, good, busy, slow, polite, final, absent-minded.

  1. a) Напишите словами следующие числительные.

13; 147; 555; 1,933; 48,593,321; 10.957; 385,284,639; 3/5; 83; 11,385,712.

b) Переведите на английский язык следующие порядковые числительные.

Первый, двенадцатый, тридцать девятый, сороковой, одна тысяча пятьсот восемьдесят третий.

c) Напишите словами следующие даты.

1 сентября 1845 года, 30 июня 2002 года, 21 апреля 1906года, 31 декабря 2000 года, дату Вашего рождения.

d) Напишите словами, который час.

13.05; 18.30; 14.45; 19.50; 16.40; 0.00.

  1. Переведите предложения на английский язык, обращая внимание на местоимения.

  1. Это мои книги.

  2. Те книги – мои.

  3. Я советую тебе прочитать эти книги. Они очень интересные.

  4. Он перевел эту книгу сам.

  5. Дай ему эту книгу.

  1. Измените глагол в предложении в зависимости от обстоятельства времени.

She (to meet) her friends. (often, yesterday, tomorrow, now, at 5 o’clock yesterday. just, by 7 o’clock yesterday)

  1. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст.


England, the largest country of the United Kingdom, is situated in the southern and middle part of the island of Great Britain. Its territory is 131, 000 square kilometers. The traditional division of England is into Northern England, Midlands and Southern England. England is mostly a lowland country. There are upland regions in the north and south-west., but the rest of the country is flat. There are no high mountains in England. The longest river is the Thames (354 km).

Western winds, that blow from the Atlantic Ocean, influence the climate. It is typically maritime with frequent rains, cloud-covered skies, continuous fogs and strong winds. The winter is extremely mild, frosts are rare. It seldom snows and the snow never lies for long. The summer is cool and rainy. On the whole the weather is very changeable not only day by day, but even hour by hour.

England is a parliamentary monarchy. The Queen (Elizabeth the Second) reigns but she does not rule. The state is governed by the government in the name of the Queen. The Parliament is held in the Palace of Westminster. It consists of two chambers: the House of Lords and the House of Commons.

The capital of England is London. Its population is about ten million people. London is the greatest port, the largest center of industry and the most important center of office employment by far. There are many places of interest in London. One of the tourists’ centers of the city is the Trafalgar Square with the Nelson’s Column. Hyde Park, St. Paul’s Cathedral, the British Museum are well-known all over the world and attract a lot of people.

For a long time Britain remained the “world workshop”, the first industrial country. England was the first country to start large-scale factory production. Many technical inventions of outstanding importance were put into use in England. Having accumulated colossal wealth, Britain became the “world’s banker”.

Today England is one of the leading countries in the world. Its main branches of industry are those working for export; such as chemical, artificial silk, motorcar, electronic equipment, etc. The technical level of these branches is very high.

There are a lot of cattle farms and sheep farms in England.* They produce different diary products. Still, only half of the food the country needs is produced by its agriculture.

People in England speak the English language, the most spoken language in the world. It is the official language of many countries such as the USA, Australia, and New Zealand. It is the language of the UNO. It is the language of science, literature and art. The symbol of England is rose.

  1. Задайте все возможные вопросы к предложению, обозначенному в тексте звездочкой.

10. Письменно ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

  1. What is a traditional geographical division of England?

  2. Are there many places of interest in London? What are they?

  3. Why is England one of the leading industrial countries in the world?

  4. What language is spoken in England?

  5. Whom is the state governed by?
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