Учебное пособие Тюмень

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ТипУчебное пособие
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Dialogue 7

  • Have you filled in the immigration card?

  • Yes. Have you?

  • I don’t need to. It’s only for non-British citizens.

  • Oh, yes, of course. Is this the way?

  • No, I go through here – «British Passport», you see. I’m afraid you have to go over there. It says «Commonwealth and EU Passports».

  • All right. See you outside the baggage claim area.

(Speakers: a customs officer and a passenger)

  • Can I see your passport?

  • Certainly, here it is.

  • Have you got anything to declare?

  • Nothing.

  • What’s the purpose of your visit?

  • I’m attending a conference in London.

  • Well, would you mind opening this bag, please?

  • There you are.

  • Thank you. Right. That’s all. You can go through now.

  • Thank you.

Dialogue 8

  • May I look at your passport and customs declaration form, sir?

  • Certainly. Here you are.

  • Do you have anything to declare?

  • No, nothing. Just the normal allowance.

  • What do you have in this suitcase?

  • Books, clothes, personal belongings and a bottle of wine.

  • Okay, do you have anything else besides these?

  • No, I don’t.

  • How much money do you have?

  • I have four thousand US dollars and eight hundred Euros.

  • That’s fine, thank you. You can proceed. Have a nice stay in the United States.

  • Thank you. I’m sure I will.

Dialogue 9

  • May I see your passport please?

  • Here you are.

  • How long are you staying in America?

  • Two weeks.

  • What is the purpose of your visit?

  • I am here sightseeing.

  • Here you are. Welcome to America.

  • Thank you.

Dialogue 10

  • Hello, do you have anything metal on you? Any change in your wallet, watches, jewellery?

  • No.

  • Do you have any liquids or gels?

  • I have this water bottle.

  • Is it less than 100 millilitres?

  • No, it is 500.

  • I’m sorry you will have to throw it away.

  • Oh, all right.

  • Please place your jacket and carry-on in the tray and proceed through the metal detector.

Dialogue 11
Passenger 1: Hello.

Passenger 2: Hi.

Passenger 1: Do you know which channel to go through?

Passenger 2: No, let’s ask a customs officer.

Passenger 1: Excuse me. Could you tell me which channel to go through?

Customs officer: If you’ve got anything to declare you go through the red channel. If you haven’t got anything to declare you go through the green channel.

Passenger 1: How do I know if I have anything to declare?

Customs officer: Are you staying in Britain for more than six months?

Passenger 1: No.

Customs officer: Well, the amount of goods you can bring in without paying duty depends on where you bought them. You can have 200 cigarettes, 1 litre of spirits, 2 litres of wine and presents worth 28 pounds if you bought them in a country not in the EU. If you bought them in an EU country you can have 300 cigarettes, 1 and a half litres of spirits, four litres of wine and presents worth 120 pounds.

Passenger 1: Right. I have 1 and a half litres of brandy and 3 litres of wine that I bought in Italy. I don’t have any presents. That means I don’t have anything to declare.

Customs officer: That’s right. You can go through the green channel.

Passenger 2: I’ve got only 200 cigarettes and a litre of whisky that I bought on the plane, but I’ve got a camera that I bought in Italy that cost 200 pounds. It’s a present for a friend of my father’s.

Customs officer: Then you must go through the red channel.

Passenger 2: Thank you.

Passenger 1: Shall we meet at the airport shop?

Passenger 2: Sure.

Passenger 2 goes to the red channel.

Customs officer: Have you got any spirits, wine or tobacco in excess of duty-free allowance?

Passenger 2: No, I’ve got this bottle of whisky and these cigarettes.

Customs officer: That’s all right. Have you got any presents that you intend to leave in Britain?

Passenger 2: Yes, I’ve got this camera – it costs 200 pounds. I bought it in Italy.

Customs officer: Have you got a receipt for the camera?

Passenger 2: Yes. Here it is.

Customs officer: Thank you. If you wait a minute, I’ll tell you how much duty you have to pay on it.

Passenger 2: Thank you.

  1. Complete the dialogue with the necessary replies.

  • May I look at your passport and customs declaration form, sir?

  • _________________.

  • Do you have anything to declare?

  • _________________.

  • Okay, do you have anything else besides these?

  • _________________.

  • How much money do you have on you?

  • _________________.

  • That’s fine, thank you. You can proceed. Have a nice stay in the United States.

  • _________________.

  1. Fill in the gaps with the following words.

United States, room, personal, enjoy, purpose, parents, first, visit, passport, bags.

  • Next. Your (1) _____ please.

  • Okay.

  • What is the (2) _____ of your visit?

  • I’m here to (3) _____ a teaching convention for the first part of my trip, and then I plan on touring the capital for a few days.

  • And where will you be staying?

  • I’ll be staying in a room at a hotel (4) _____ for the entire week.

  • What do you have in your (5) _____?

  • Well, just my (6) _____ belongings, clothes, a few books, and a CD player.

  • Okay. Please open your bag.

  • Sure.

  • Okay. Everything’s fine. By the way, is this your (8) _____ visit to the (7) __________?

  • Well, yes and no. Actually, I was born here when my (9) ________ were working in the capital many years ago, but this is my first trip back again.

  • Well, (10) __________ your trip.

  • Thanks.

  1. Read and translate the text.

Every day many people travel throughout the world either on business or for pleasure. Those who cross the frontier of the state have to go through customs.

The customs service is designed for carrying out customs control to regulate import and export of goods and currency. The place where customs or duties are paid is called a customs house.

Every country has its own customs legislation, and if you are going abroad you are supposed to learn the rules of leaving and entering the foreign state. To be on the safe side, you should know what is allowed or prohibited to be brought in or taken out. Before packing your luggage consult the prohibited articles list which is available at the customs.

Among the articles that are prohibited for taking out of the country in accordance with customs legislation of all the states you will find works of art, different types of prints, manuscripts, valuable musical instruments, cancelled securities, numismatics, stamps and other articles of artistic, historical and cultural value.

Though strict prohibition applies to antiques, you may be allowed to take some original painting or drawing out provided you got a special licence for it and paid duties.

The list of prohibited commodities both for bringing in and taking out also includes arms, explosives, military equipment and narcotics.

Everybody leaving for a foreign country ought to know that there can be articles liable to duty and duty free. As a rule, personal belongings, gifts and souvenirs (the cost of the latter must not exceed a certain limit stipulated by the customs regulation) are duty free. Money not declared and therefore concealed from the customs control is liable to confiscation as smuggling. Prohibited or restricted articles though declared are usually detained, and the traveller can collect them on his way back.

When the passenger enters or leaves the country, he must fill in an entry or exit declaration which is to be produced to the customs officer. The passenger is to fill in his name, citizenship, country of residence, permanent address, purpose and duration of his visit in block letters. He must also declare all dutiable articles.

To make a trip to most countries every traveller must have a visa, single, multiple or transit, which is issued-by the foreign Embassy or Consulate. The visa may be prolonged in case of necessity, but the time for which it is valid must not expire, otherwise the traveller will not be allowed to leave the country. The overseas passport is also necessary. All the documents are carefully studied by the customs officer.

To go through customs means to have your luggage inspected by customs men. The traveller puts his bags and suitcases on the moving conveyer belt for checking. To prevent smuggling, modern methods and techniques have been developed which help customs officers examine the inside of the luggage. TV-cameras and monitors are installed everywhere at the customs house. When the passenger puts his hand luggage on the conveyer belt, special monitors are scanning the enclosure. They are able to detect everything, even if it has been concealed in the very secret corner. Customs men know from experience the exact places of concealment of goods. It may be a double bottom or cover of the suitcase, a hollowed book, an inside pocket, a tooth-paste tube, a stick; even toys and dolls can be used for that. Customs officers are trained to recognize travellers who are carrying illegally and they can prevent smuggling. The smuggling of drugs has increased a great deal in recent years and has become a world problem. Customs men in different countries supply one another with helpful information.

In the United Kingdom there is a system of red and green symbols in operation at big airports. If you have nothing more than the allowances and no prohibited or restricted goods or goods for commercial purpose, go straight through the channel indicated by the green symbol unless the officer on duty asks you to stop.

If you have more than the allowances or if you carry prohibited or restricted goods or goods for commercial purpose, go to the channel indicated by the red symbol.

So, if you follow the customs instructions and you do not break any law, you will enjoy your trip abroad.

  1. Answer the questions.

  1. In what case does a traveller have to go through customs?

  2. Why are customs houses set up on the frontier?

  3. What are the functions of the customs officer?

  4. What goods are prohibited for bringing in and taking out by all countries?

  5. In what case does a traveller have to pay extra duties?

  6. What things can be brought in and taken out duty free? Which are liable to duty?

  7. What articles can be confiscated or detained at the customs house?

  8. Is smuggling through the customs possible? What is invented to prevent it?

  9. What must be declared in the declaration form?

  10. In what case does the tourist have to go through the red channel?

  11. Who is green channel intended for?

  12. Is the amount of goods you are bringing is unlimited?

  1. Name the described things as many as possible.

  1. Articles that are duty free are: personal belongings, __________.

  2. The following documents are needed for going through customs: __________.

  3. A visa can be __________.

  4. In the prohibited articles list one can find antiques, __________.

  5. Among the articles liable to duty passengers can find original paintings, __________.

  6. In the declaration form a traveller must write down a country visited, __________.

  7. A conveyer belt, __________ are installed at the customs house to search the tourist’s luggage.

  8. Customs officers know the exact places of concealment of goods. It may be an inside pocket, __________.

  1. Practise asking questions the customs officer usually asks.

Can I see

your declaration,



Mr. Brown?

Mrs. Smith?

your cash,

overseas passport,

transit visa,

Could you show me

your exit declaration,

your camera,

Will you

open your suitcase,

fill in the declaration,

Have you

got any things liable to duty?

filled your exit declaration?

declared all your money,

got a transit visa?

Are you

taking out spirits and cigarettes?

bringing any commercial goods?

Is this

your suitcase?

your declaration form?

your passport?

  1. Make up a dialogue. Play out the dialogue in pairs.

    Customs officer


    Welcome to [Canada]. May I see your passport?

    Sure. Here it is. / Here you are.

    Where are you coming from?

    I’m coming from [France].

    What is the purpose of your visit?

    I’m here on business / visiting relatives / as an exchange student / as a tourist.

    How long are you planning to stay?

    I’ll be staying for three weeks / for 1 month / until tomorrow / until next Tuesday.

    Where will you be staying?

    I’ll be staying at a hotel / at my aunt’s house / at a dormitory.

    Have you ever been to [Canada] before?

    No, this is my first time. / Yes, I often go here on business.

    Do you have anything to declare?

    No, nothing. / Yes, I’ve got something.

    You declare here that you haven’t got weapons / drugs / icons / antiques / military equipment / prohibited or restricted articles / manuscripts / numismatics. Do you confirm your written statement?

    I fully confirm my statement.

    Enjoy your stay.

    Thank you.
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