Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык (английский язык)»

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ТипУчебно-методический комплекс
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Предоставление студентам возможности самостоятельно планировать собственную деятельность, выявлять ошибки, допускаемые в ходе собственных познавательных действий, вносить необходимую коррекцию в процесс осуществления своей деятельности – все это является сильной стороной обучения. Научить этому – долг преподавателя.

К достижению именно такого уровня обученности стремится подлинный мастер преподавания, предметом повседневной деятельности которого является планирование, организация и контроль деятельности студента.


  1. Иванова С.Ф., Минеева С.А. «Тем, кто учит лекторов».

Изд-во «Знание», Москва, 1990, 174 с.

  1. Леонтьев А.А. «Психологический портрет лектора». Изд-во «Знание», Москва, 1985, 160 с.

  2. Пидкасистый П.И., Портнов М.Л. «Искусство преподавания». Москва, 1999, 205 с.

  3. Скок Г.Б. «Как проанализировать собственную педагогическую деятельность». Новосибирск, 1992, 102 с.

  4. Васильева З.И. «Практикум по педагогике». Изд-во «Просвещение», Москва, 2000, 134с.

Основным учебным пособием для самостоятельной работы студентов является Хрестоматия по английскому языку для студентов технических специальностей: Учеб. пособие / О.П. Гаврилова, М. И. Колокольцева, Л. А.Федько.- Владивосток: Изд-во ДВГТУ, 2006. – 68 с.

Предлагаемое пособие предназначено для студентов I - II курсов, а также для тех, кто стремится совершенствовать свои знания по английскому языку.

Цель – развитие умений и навыков чтения научной литературы технического профиля, а также устной иноязычной речи в пределах тематики, предусмотренной программой.

Учебное пособие включает интересный текстовой материал оригинальных источников научной и научно-популярной литературы и состоит из шести разделов (Units), которые имеют четкую логическую структуру. Каждый раздел включает учебный словарь, тематические тексты и задания к ним.

Данное пособие способствует развитию умений и навыков изучающего, ознакомительного и поискового чтения.

Тексты образовательно-развивающего характера могут использоваться для изучающего, ознакомительного и поискового видов чтения, а также для развития умений и навыков аннотирования и реферирования, работы со словарями. Предлагаемые упражнения направлены на стимулирование не только навыков говорения, но и письменной речи.

Хрестоматия может быть использована для аудиторной и внеаудиторной самостоятельной работы студентов.

Образец задания для самостоятельной работы студентов и вопросы для самоконтроля.



to get away with

to stay up

to be close


to bury



to fetch

to do window shopping

part – time job

regional tournament

spare time

to ask permission

Further Maths

to assure yourself

to change one’s mind


map of the constellations


- провернуть какое-нибудь дело

- не ложиться спать

- быть в близких отношениях

- пригород

- зарывать

- плотный

- домашняя работа

- принести, сходить за чем-то

- рассматривать витрины

- временная работа

- районные соревнования

- свободное время

- спрашивать разрешение

- высшая математика

- удостовериться

- изменить решение

- старенький

- карта созвездий

- испытывать благоговейный трепет

Text A


Hi! My name is Thomas (though my friends call me Tom). I’m fifteen. I’ve got a Mum, a Dad, a brother and two sisters, three aunts and uncles and two grandmothers who live in New Zealand. I’m the youngest. It is pretty dire at times when my alder sisters and brother try to boss me around, but sometimes it’s OK because I get away with doing things with them – like going off up to London for the day, staying up really late to watch videos and going off to the pub for a drink (cola, of course, because I’m not 18 yet). I think there are some advantages of being the youngest. I can learn from my sisters’ and brother’s mistakes, and they’ve fought some of the battles with my parents for freedom.

My eldest brother Mark is 20 and is studying at the university in York. My sister Laura is 18 and in her last year at school. She is doing Biology, Chemistry, Maths and Further Maths “A” levels. She wants to become a doctor.

Liz is my other sister. She is 16. My sister Liz was born lucky. She has a beautiful smile. When she does something bad, she smiles and my parents are not angry with her. She eats a lot and does not get fat. Her favorite meal is a double cheeseburger with French fries, a milkshake, and an ice cream sundae. She does not study hard but always gets good marks. After school she does her homework in five minutes while she watches television at the same time.

I’m close to all three but possibly closest to Liz. She sometimes comes to me for advice and I sometimes go to her. But I would have liked to have a younger brother. I’d have liked to have someone to have a laugh with, someone to take out to football with me. My sisters and Mark don’t always share my sense of humour.

My Dad is a civil servant and works in central London. Mum is a teacher and works in Croydon, a town on the outskirts of London.

If I go out, my parents like to know where I’m going, who I’m with and what time I’m coming home, but that’s fair enough.

Of all my relatives best of all I like my Granny Dotty. She loves adventure. On her sixtieth birthday she went mountain climbing in the Alps. On her seventieth birthday she went on a trip to the North Pole. When she was eighty, she drove, alone, across the United States. She loves to eat chocolate. We all wonder what she will do when she is ninety.


Answer the following questions:

1) What members of the family do you have? Do you live together?

2) Do you think there are some advantages or disadvantages in being the youngest or the eldest? What are they?

3) What do your parents do? Are they busy with their work?

4) Are your parents strict with you?

5) Are you close to all members of your family? Who are you closest to?

Write a composition "My family".

Text B


On weekdays the alarm-clock wakes me up and my working day begins. It is seven o’clock. If it is spring or summer I jump out of bed, run to the window and open it wide to let the fresh morning air in. In winter I am not so quick to leave my bed, and I bury my head under the pillows pretending not to hear the alarm-clock. But all the same, it is time to get up and I start getting ready for my work.

I make my bed and go to the bathroom where I brush my teeth and have a shower. While I am having breakfast, I turn on my tape-recorder and listen to pop-music. Breakfast, as my parents say, must be the most substantial meal of the day. But usually neither my mother nor me have any time to cook it, so I just have a cup of tea or coffee and some sandwiches. I leave my house at ten minutes to eight, and, as I live quite near the bus stop, I am there in five minutes. It takes me about twenty minutes to get to school. I arrive at school at a quarter past eight. On my way to school I often meet my classmates and we go school together.

Our lessons start at half past eight. We usually have seven or even eight lessons a day. It is not easy to study at our school, but it is reputed to be the best in our region. My working day is not over even when the lessons come to the end, because I have a lot of work to do at home. It usually takes me about three hours to get ready for the next working day at school. But when at last my working day is over I feel both tired and satisfied.

Sometimes in the evening my friends come to my place and we talk or play; sometimes we go for a walk, but not very often. I go to bed at about eleven o’clock.


Study the contexts in which the words given below are used: bathroom, substantial, bus stop, classmates, region, satisfied.

Shorten the second paragraph. Make each sentence as short as you can.

Give the information about your own working day.

Text C


A comfortable home makes our everyday life and work easier and more pleasant. And what should you do to make your home comfortable? Perhaps the first thing is to keep it clean and tidy. If you haven’t done your room, your mother may say to you, “Go and do your room!”

Domestic chores are numerous. You must air the room, wash or sweep the floor, clean the table after meals. What else can you do about the house? You can polish the floor or the furniture, clean the carpets with the vacuum-cleaner.

Most of the cooking in your family is probably done by your mother or grandmother, but you can help them by laying the table and cleaning it after meals, and washing the dishes up.

On washing – day you can also help your mother. If your washing is sent to the laundry, you can take it there and fetch it when it’s ready.

If you have pets at home, you must take care of them.

Here are teenagers’ opinions on their attitude to domestic chores.

“I get some week pocket money, but most of my friends get much more. When I ask my Mum and Dad for more, they say I can have more if I help in the house, but I don’t see why I should. I think it’s not fair. Mum’s at home all day, and it’s her job to look after the house, not mine. What do you think?”

“On Fridays I usually clean my room which is in terrible mess by the end of a week. It is awfully boring, but it’s my duty.”

“If you have a dog, it’s usually great fun, but you have to take him for a walk twice a day. Besides you have to wash him sometimes. I have pets that are exotic, but easy to keep. They are insects. I feed my insects on leaves which I get in my garden. They are always clean, and I don’t have to take them for a walk!”


Answer the following questions:

1) Do you have any chores at home?

2) Who usually does your room? When do you do it?

3) Do you have a pet at home? Who takes care of it?

4) Who usually cooks in your family? Can you make something to eat if your mother is not at home?

5) Do you have younger brother or sisters at home? What do you do to help your mother with them?

Write a composition "My domestic chores".

Text D


There’s plenty to do after school hours, particularly sport which I enjoy most. My favorite sport is hockey. Almost all my friends are here. We train hard and we play for the school and in various regional youth tournaments.

As most young people I spend my after school hours at home watching TV, or doing domestic chores, or listening to music, or reading. We don’t have a computer at home, so I spend a considerable time playing computer games at my friend’s. Of course, all these I do when there are no training spells.

I think, it’s common with most young people to spend some time outdoors. Street life is important for us. We meet somewhere in streets and talk and then go to town centre to do window shopping and ’see what’s going on’.

My friends use some of their spare time to earn money by working in different places. Some of them wash cars for people, others do a part-time job for shops and cafes. As for me I earn my pocket money delivering newspapers three times a week.

I’ve usually got enough to do the things I want. I can buy the records and CDs I want without asking the permission from my parents.


Give some facts from the text to complete the following sentences:

1) We train hard and we play for…

2) A most young people…

3) We meet somewhere in streets…

4) My friends use some of their spare time…

5) As for me I earn my pocket money…

Write a short summary of the text.

Text E


‘What do you want to be after finishing school?’ – I have often heard this question. Sometimes it is difficult to answer this question, sometimes not. Little children usually dream of having an extremely unusual profession. Some of them want to become spacemen, others want to discover new lands, yet others-to dive in deep seas. But most of them want to be famous, so they usually want to become a star – a film star, a pop star, a football star and so on. I used to dream of being a film star as well, but changed my mind as the years passed.

There are always some young people who know very well what they are going to do after school. They can tell you lots of interesting things about their future profession and what college or university they should graduate from to get the speciality they’ve chosen. I think I’m one of them.

So, I want to be a doctor. At the age of 11 I read books about doctors. It was so exciting. Then I was lucky to meet a wonderful surgeon who operated on me. I was deeply impressed. Since then I’ve been trying to learn as much as possible about this profession, and now I often think about how well I will fit with it. That’s why I am always interested in young people’s plans for the future and ask them what they are going to do in life. I have found out different people are interested in absolutely different fields of activities. You have an opportunity to assure yourself of it reading the notes below.

Angela Duffy is a schoolgirl from Brighton. She also wants to be a doctor. She is going to medical school next year. It’s a long course – about six years – but she is going to work very hard. She thinks that it’s a difficult job, but she likes working with people, and she likes the idea of working in a caring profession. She says that later she would like to specialize and perhaps be a pediatrician. “I love children, and looking after them would be wonderful.”

Deena Patel is doing Biology, Chemistry, Maths and Further Maths “A” levels and will sit the exams next summer. “I’d like to train as a dentist when I’ve finished college. I want to do something medically orientated and decided in favour of dentistry because there aren’t so many years studying as there are to become a doctor.”

Steve Barnes wants to be a chef. His favourite room in the house is the kitchen, where he spends most of the day. “I love cooking, especially for lots of people. I have over a hundred cook books.” He is going to work in a restaurant in Paris, where he hopes to learn how to prepare sauces. One day he’d like to have his own restaurant.

Pippa Wilson is studying marketing at university. She enjoys travelling, and would probably like to work for a tour company. “I’m not sure yet exactly what I want to do. After university, I’m going to have a year off, and I’m going round the world with another girl. We hope to find work on the way.”

Nick Wattson doesn’t know for certain what he will do. He says: “I think the best way to prepare myself for a future job is to get a good education. Jobs are changing and new ones are constantly appearing. In a few years, there will be many more new jobs and nobody knows what they will be. But good education cannot solve the problem alone. It is important to have good health to face difficulties and changes. That’s why I pay great attention to sports.”


Answer the following questions:

1) What field would you like to work in?

2) What do you know about your future profession?

3) Is this profession new or old?

4) What do you need to get this profession?

5) Is education or training necessary to be successful in life?

Find English equivalents in the text:

трудно ответить; самая необычная профессия; открывать новые земли; узнать сколько возможно; абсолютно разные сферы деятельности; иметь свой собственный ресторан; подготовиться к будущей работе; решить проблему; встретить трудности и перемены.

Text F


Careers do not just happen. People train for them. How much training is needed depends on the kind of career chosen. Some jobs take only a few months of training. Others take several years. Certain careers need college or university graduation. There is a song that says, “People who like people are the luckiest people in the world.” So the people who feel like this might like a job that deals with people all the time. It may be hotel or restaurant management, or tourists business. Or maybe a career that helps (to) keep people healthy in mind and body.


There are some kinds of jobs that deal with the environment we live in. Ecologists, for example, study how living things and the environment are related. They find ways for us to reduce pollution. They tell us which things are harmful either to ourselves or to the plants and animals we depend on for food.


There are many different kinds of jobs in a small business. A business must have an owner who makes decisions about the way the business is run. Also two or more people could be responsible for the business and form of partnership. The owner needs other people to help run the store. A clerk helps people find what they want in the store. A stock clerk orders and takes care of the products that the store sells. A bookkeeper or accountant keeps records of sales and expenses.


A person who has a job writing about the news is called a journalist. Journalists work on newspapers and magazines or at radio and television stations. Some journalists have university degrees. Others receive their experience by working at a newspaper office or at a television station. Some journalists write stories about news events that happen anywhere in the world. Others write about sports, entertainment, or business. Journalists must first find the facts before they write news, articles. To gather their facts they ask people questions, use reference works, and observe news stories as they happen. If you are interested in a career in journalism, you should begin with a school newspaper or a club magazine.

Nurses help people keep healthy. They also help people get well when they are sick. Schools, factories, and many offices have nurses. These nurses give first aid when someone is hurt or sick. They also do things to prevent illness. One of these is to give shorts. Another thing nurses do is to take blood pressure. In hospitals, nurses take care of sick people. They assist the doctor in the operating rooms. People who want to be nurses study science in school.


People need food for growth and energy. Well-balanced meals help keep people healthy. Dieticians plan meals. They work in hospitals and schools. They make sure that each meal includes food from different groups and is rich enough in vitamins.

Dieticians go to college to study about food. They must know all about four food groups and about the vitamins in food that keep bones, teeth, and skin healthy.


Teeth are important to people. Without them, eating is hard. People who lose their teeth may have false teeth made. Dentists and their assistants are people who help others to take care of teeth. In their jobs, they try to help others. A person who wants to become a dentist goes to a special medical college.


Geologists are scientists who study the Earth. They learn how rocks, mountains, and rivers are formed. They know that these things are still forming today. Geologists help to find mineral deposits, such as gold and copper. They also help to find oil and gas. Geologists study science. If you like to work outdoors, you may want to be a geologist.


Find proofs in the text to support the following statement: "How much training is needed depends on the kind of career chosen".

Translate the following word combinations and use them in situations or sentences of your own:

to keep people healthy; to take care of the products; to have university degree; to receive one's experience; to prevent illness; to find mineral deposits; to work outdoors.

Text G


Rafting has become my favourite pastime on holidays. My parents first hesitated to take me with them but after a while they agreed that it would be more safe to take me there than to leave me at home. And I would say they were rather wise with their decision. So we set out. After an hour flight, we got straight on a shabby, slow bus with rafting and camping equipment that took us to the starting point. When we arrived at the place, it was a dark night, and the black sky looked like a map of the constellations. As the reward for the day-long journey there were shooting stars we could watch. So we could make any wish at the moment.

We camped that night by the river that rolled with a constant thunder. We spent the next day checking our things and preparing our ‘katarafty’. It’s a type of the improved catamaran with two long inflated hulls fastened together with a light metal frame. All our belongings were packed in large waterproof bags. During the trip they were tied to the frame in the middle of the boat.

I was excited and a bit nervous. But I fell asleep at last and woke at dawn. We had to start early. We had breakfast, packed up tents, and tied everything down.

Then we started. The first few kilometers were easy. Two of us paddled on each side of the katarafty.

When the river went faster, I felt my heart going crazy. We approached the first rapid. My dad, who had been singing and joking all the way, now changed his tune. He yelled, “Khoood!” and we started to paddle fiercely. At the point when the katarafty came down from the top of an enormous wave, I felt like I was sailing in an ocean.

After the rapids came stretches of calmer water, and we rowed lazily. My mum always paid our attention to picturesque views of the forests and rock formations. We saw a few snow-capped peaks in the distance.After three hours of rowing, when everybody was freezing cold, we stopped for a meal. We quickly made a fire so our mum could cook food and we all could dry our clothes.

On one of our later stops, we met a group of travellers whose rubber raft had overturned when passing through a rapid. With their teeth chattering from the cold, they told us a story of another unfortunate team that had all its equipment and food sunk so they were forced to eat snakes until they were found by a local herder.

There were two more days I remembered and enjoyed very much. One of them was the day we spent in a picturesque spot near a village relaxing and enjoying the last days of summer. After we got up in the morning, we climbed a nearby mountain that was covered with pine and birch trees and looked like the head of a bear. We ate red currants and cherries from the trees growing alongside a spring and picked mushrooms. As we were promised, we were shown the legendary edelweiss, which turned out to be a small, unremarkable greenish white flower.

And the last day of our trip, our seven-day trip was coming to its end. That day we spent exploring caves and waterfalls. We entered at the bottom of the mountain and climbed in spirals through the stalactite and stalagmite adorned grottoes to the exit of the top. We ended the outing standing in awe behind a 6-metre-high waterfall.

Now I can see my parents and their friends are not so dull and boring people. And though I’m not going to spend all my holiday with them I admit they’ve given me a lot and shown me a very nice way of relaxing.


Find and read about the sentences describing the picturesque views of the forests and rock formations.

Give some facts from the text to explain the following statements:

1) My parents agreed to take me with them because…

2) The black sky looked like a map of the constellations because…

3) I felt my heart going crazy because…

4) The travelers were forced to eat snakes because…

5) I can see my parents and their friends are not so dull and boring people because…


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Учебно-методический комплекс «Иностранный язык» предназначен для студентов 2-го и 3-его курсов биологического отделения факультета...

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Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» направление подготовки 210700. 68 «Инфокоммуникационные технологии и системы...

Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык (английский язык)» iconМ. Г. Попова Учебно-методический комплекс «Английский язык» составлен...
Государственного образовательного стандарта высшего профессионального образования и примерной программой дисциплины «Иностранный...

Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык (английский язык)» iconУчебно-методический комплекс дисциплины гсэ. Ф1 Иностранный язык...
Автор программы: старший преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков и методики преподавания Квасюк Е. Н

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Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины составлен в соответствии с требованиями государственного образовательного стандарта высшего...

Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык (английский язык)» iconУчебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык»
Учебно-методический комплекс составлен в соответствии с требованиями государственного образовательного стандарта высшего профессионального...

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