Методическая разработка по английскому языку a few steps to business english

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John Smith

115 Green Street

New York, NY 00998

(212) 555-5555

A position in software marketing.


Six years of experience in selling software products, directing marketing programmes and advertising. Fluent written and oral French. Knowledge of French culture and customs. Travel and study in Canada, France and Belgium.


1998 to present: Product Manager, Network Software, Inc, Mount Kisco, NY. Managed sales of new software products. Directed all marketing activities, including direct mail campaign, product presentations and advertising. Increased sales by 25%.


Bachelor in Computer Science, 1997, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.


available upon request.
8. Translate the text “Resume Structure” using definitions of the words in bold type.

Resume Structure

Contact Information and Objective
The contact information tells about who you are,

where you live, what your phone number and e-mail

address are, and how your employer can reach (1) 1. find somebody, especially

you. Probably, it’s the most important information in by telephone

your entire (2) document. 2. including every part

The next piece of information is your “statement (3) 3. a phrase that you say or

of objective(4). Statements of objective are most useful write in order to give

and necessary when you submit a resume for a specific information of an opinion

position; when you are changing your career path (5); or 4. something that you are

when you are a recent graduate with little hands-on (6) trying to get

experience. 5. a plan of action or a way

When writing your resume you have to remember your of achieving the career goal

reader. Don’t write an objective that is vague (7), 6. possessing practical skills

don’t tell your reader what you want, it’s better to tell 7. not clear in a person’s mind

what you want to offer (8) them. 8. to say that you want to do

something for somebody
Professional Summary
Your professional summary (9) briefly lists not just 9. statements that give only

what you have done, but what else you can do. It shows your the main points, not details

personal and professional characteristics, the skills, talents and 10. something that a person

achievements (10) you can offer a company. This means has done successfully

that your summary emphasizes your most marketable (11) 11. attractive to employers

skills and abilities which relate to the job you are seeking (12). 12. looking for somebody or

It is optional for chronological resumes, but it’s an something

absolutely necessary thing for functional ones.

Employment History

The most serious error (13) made by many candidates 13. a mistake that causes

is writing their employment history as if it were problems

a conversation or a story, using “I”- statements. Don’t

forget that your resume is a formal document, , and if you

want to write your history in its most basic form, it should

follow the principle of “problem – solution (14) – results”. 14. a way of solving

Use active verbs such as “managed” (15), “provided”, a problem

“directed”, “coordinated”, “participated” (16), etc. 15. controlled a process

It’s better to write: “Managed client meetings” instead of 16. took part in

“I was responsible for client meetings.” an activity

Experience is important for a chronological resume.

Focus on your accomplishments and show results.

Experience is optional in a functional resume. Here you

may mention only dates, job titles, and company names and

locations. List your work experience position in reverse

chronological order.

Give your education first if it has the greatest importance

for the position you are applying for, or if it is the most

recent (17) accomplishment in your career. 17. that happened only

If you are a candidate with more than tow years of a short time ago

experience, list only degree (18), school, location, and date. 18. the qualification of

If you are a recent college or university graduate (19), students who successfully

emphasize your strengths: awards and honours, courses finish a university or

studies, educational programs you took part in. college course

19. a person who has

a university degree
Other Information of Interest
List hobbies and outside activities, volunteer work and

project participation only if they are directly relevant (20) 20. closely connected

to the position which you’re targeting (21). 21. trying to achieve

List any organizations of which you’re a member if they the goal

have some value (22) for the position which you’re 22. the quality of being

applying (23) for. useful or important

23. making a formal

request for a job

The last element of your resume is a list of people who 24. say that you believe

can vouch (24) for your experience, education and abilities. that something is true or

Former (25) employers and teachers are the best to give good because you have

you references. Each reference should include name, position evidence for it

or title, business address, and telephone number. Be sure to 25. that used to have

ask permission (26) of each referee before you include a position or status in

him or her into your resume. the past

26.allowing somebody

to do something
9. Choose the correct form of formulating the statement of objective.

    1. I would like to obtain the position of Executive Secretary in your company

    2. A Senior-level position in Sales Department

    3. First of all I’d like to ask myself: what do I want to be? The answer is: a bookkeeper.

10. Select what can be included in a professional summary.
1) ability to develop effective solutions

2) driving license

3) computer training courses

4) strong organizational skills

5) enjoying traveling, swimming and skiing

6) good communication and interpersonal skills

7) ability to work under pressure

8) reading classical literature

9) good skills in typing

10) work as secretary to Sales Manager

11) good knowledge of English and French

12) good time management

13) higher education diploma

14) computer skills (Microsoft Office, Internet, E-Mail)
11. Choose from the variants to complete the statements.
1) The results of your activity should be shown in

  1. chronological resumes

  2. functional resumes

  3. both types of resumes

2) It’s better to use

  1. the verbs “be”, “get” (e.g. I was responsible for…)

  2. active verbs as “ managed”, “coordinated” (e.g. managed office operations)

  3. makes no difference

3) What is the correct dating of work experience in a resume?

  1. 1991 – 1993; 1993 – 1997; 1997 – 2009

  2. 1997 – 2009; 1993 – 1997; 1991 – 1993

  3. both are correct

12 .Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones.

A. Your education should come before your experience even if it’s not so important for the position you want to get.

B. Your education should come before your experience if you’ve already worked after graduating.

C. Even if you have more than two years of work experience, you should mention all your awards and honours.

D. If you’ve just graduated, emphasize all your educational strengths.

E. The reader is mostly interested in the most current information.
13. What is the main rule of including hobbies into your resume?
a) if you have no education or work experience

b) if they are relevant to the position you are applying for

c) if they are your real hobbies
14. Complete the sentences choosing from the variants.
1) References should come

  1. at the beginning of the resume

  2. in the middle of the resume

  3. in the end of the resume

2) Information about a referee should include:

  1. name and address

  2. name, position and title, address, phone number

  3. name, position and title, address, phone number and comments on your experience and abilities

3) “References” is a list of

  1. your previous employers

  2. people who could prove your experience

  3. your teachers

4) Instead of detailed information about references you could write:

  1. “references are furnished on request”

  2. “references are available upon request”

  3. both

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