Методическая разработка по английскому языку a few steps to business english

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Unit 4


Warm up

Think of the advantages of using Internet in written business communication.
1. Read and memorize the following words:
1. separate разделять

2. provide обеспечивать

3. dot точка

4. ensure убеждаться

5. misspell делать орфографические ошибки

6. concise краткий, чёткий

7. contents содержание

8. message послание, письмо

9. heading заголовок

10. screen экран

11. distinguish различать
2. Read and translate the following word combinations:
e-mail addresses; the user’s name; Internet Service Provider; the domain name; to provide your e-mail address; to be organized logically; mistakes and misspellings; a concise description; the contents of the message; to see on the screen; to distinguish the letter from the others


How to Work with E-Mail

1.Read the text “Before You Start Writing” and answer the question:

What is the correct order of working with e-mail? Put numbers 1-4 to the following steps:

1. Writing a reply

2. Checking the in-box

3. Writing and sending the message

4. Reading the message
Before You Start Writing
E-mail addresses usually look like this: abcd@mail.ru

abcd – your name or the user’s name given to you by your Internet Service Provider

@ - the “at” symbol; it separates the user’s name from the domain name (the text after the @sign)

mail – the name of the company that provides your e-mail address

.ru – the country or type of organization you have your e–mail with

( .com – commercial provider; .edu – academic provider; .ac.uk – academic provider in the UK)

E-mail addresses are organized logically: individual_account@organisation_name.organisation_type.country

The dots are used to separate the domain name into sections. When writing an e-mail address, ensure you make no mistakes or misspellings.

It’s always necessary to fill in the subject line with a concise description of the contents of the message. An e-mail subject heading is one of the first things that your reader will see on the screen. Sometimes, it’s the only way your reader can notice your letter and distinguish it from the others.
2. Write out the parts of e-mail addresses into the chart that follows.

















3. Choose the correct statement.
a) Never write a subject heading, let your reader learn everything from the message.

  1. Nothing terrible will happen if you don’t write a subject. Recipients always read all the messages they get.

  2. The subject of your message should reflect the contents so that the recipient would read it for sure.

4. Read the text below and point out the main rules of Netiquette in brief.
What’s Netiquette?

There are some generally known rules for sending electronic messages, which are known as Netiquette:

  1. Don’t capitalize your message. This technique is usually used for stressing some important points, when you want to emphasize your idea, or express emotions. If you capitalize every word it will be hard to read and even get on your reader’s nerves.

  2. Remember that e-mail is a high-speed and multicultural form of communication, some people have to write and send hundreds of e-mails every day, so be tolerant of other people’s errors. The contents of your message is more important than brilliant spelling, but, nevertheless, before you send a message, read it once again or run it through a spellchecker.

  3. Messages should be concise, brief and to the point. Imagine that it’s a telephone conversation, only you are typing, not speaking. Save your reader’s time and money. Some people also pay for the amount of text they receive. Warn the recipient if you want to attach a large file. You should also think carefully about what you write – it is a written record, not a telephone call!


  1. capitalize писать или печатать заглавными буквами

  2. technique техника, технические приёмы

  3. stress подчёркивать

  4. emphasize выделять

  5. get on one’s nerves действовать на нервы

  6. tolerant толерантный, терпимый

  7. error ошибка

  8. nevertheless тем не менее

  9. spellchecker текстовый редактор

  10. brief короткий

  11. the point по существу

  12. type печатать

5. Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones.

    1. If you capitalize every word in your message, your reader will understand you better.

    2. Capitalizing is used to stress the most meaningful or emotional points of a message.

    3. Grammar, spelling and punctuation are the most important things in writing e-mail messages.

    4. To save your reader’s time and money you should write brief e-mails

6. Translate the text using definitions of the words in bold type.

How to Make Your Message Meaningful

Sometimes, the most difficult thing in writing e-mails is

to express your emotions and be sure their true meaning

won’t be misinterpreted.(1) There are some commonly used 1. understood wrongly

ways to make your message meaningful.

If you want to give mild (2) emphasis, you enclose it in 2. not great or extreme

asterisks (*). For example: I *said* that I was going last

Thursday. or I said that I was going last *Thursday*.

Or you can also capitalize the first letter only to give light

emphasis (3). E.g. I thought my brother was There… 3. extra force given to a word

Strong emphasis is expressed by using all capital letters or phrase

and exclamation (4) marks (!). E.g. NO!!! I’ll NEVER 4. a short sound, word or

do that!!!! phrase spoken suddenly

If you extremely excited and really need to emphasize to express an emotion

something, you can write it like this: NO!!! I’ll

>>!!**NEVER**!!<< do that!!!! But, don’t use this too

often, excepting some extreme cases.

E-mail messages also lack (5) facial expressions and body 5. have none or not enough

language. While you are unable to accompany (6) your words 6. go together with something

with hand or facial gestures (7), there are some ways to else

describe it in your message. These include “smileys” 7. movements that you make

or “emoticons”.(See the table below) with your hands, your head

But don’t overuse smileys, internet expressions or acronyms – or your face to show some

not everyone will know what you are talking about. meaning

“Acronyms” are used to save space and attract the

recipient’s attention to some information. E.g.
ASAP: As soon as possible AAMOF: As a matter of fact

BTW: By the way AFIK: As far as I know

CU: See you (good bye) F2F: Face-to-face

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions FOAF: Friend of a friend

HTH: Hope this helps FYA: For your amusement

TIA: Thanks in Advance FYI: For your information

IMO: In my opinion IOW: In other words

HSIK: How should I know IWBNI: It would be nice if

TTYL: Talk to you later KIS: Keep in simple

BBL: Be back later NRN: No response necessary

OTL: Out to lunch OS: Operating system

SRAM: Unwanted mail OTOH: On the other hand

B2B: Business to business R: Received










User is smiling.

User is laughing.

User is smiling and wearing glasses.

User is sad.

User made a mistake.

User is winking.

User will not say anything.

User is cross.

User is undecided.










User has a cold

User has a cold and is crying.

User is very surprised.

User does not believe you.


Devilish smile (heavy sarcasm)

User has a moustache.

User is asleep.

User is tongue-tied.

7. Match the means and their functions:

1. emphasizing

A. describe facial expressions

2. smileys

B. express emotions

3. acronyms

C. save space and draw attention

8. Memorize some words and expressions for Internet.

  1. Attachment- A file linked to an e-mail message.

  2. Bandwidth- A measure of how much information can be sent.

  3. Bcc- Blind courtesy copy.

  4. Bounce message- Error message returned by an e-mail system.

  5. Forward- Pass along an e-mail to another address.

  6. Mail box- Where your incoming messages are stored.

  7. Sig quote- A quotation added to the signature.

  8. Spam- Unsolicited e-mail messages (usually unwanted).

  9. A flam- An emotional and often angry or rude message.

  10. Burble- The speaker is considered incompetent or ignorant.

9. Guess the meaning of the following words:

formal, electronic, communication, norms, standards, business, format, users, salutations, neutral, address, group, addressee, colleagues, mark, emotional, line, start, subject, final, remarks, position, number, documents
10. Read the text “Writing Formal E-mails” and answer the questions below.

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