Пояснительная записка к умк «Семья и друзья» (“Family and Friends”)

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Примерное тематическое планирование к УМК «Семья и друзья 2» («Family and Friends 2»)






Starter: Welcome back!

I’ve got the brown hair. This is my cousin. He’s got green eyes.

Where’s Billy? Is he under the bed? There’s… There areNumbers 1-100

Family Colours

1. Our new things

Schools things

This/That is…

These/Those are…

Review of the alphabet and initial sounds

Reading: a description

Listening: identifying people and objects

2. They’re happy now!


We’re/ They’re...

Are they?

Review of diagraphs: ch, sh, th

ch: chair teacher

sh: shoes fish

th: thumb bath

R: a poem: “My feelings”

L: identifying feelings

S: Is he sad? No, he isn’t. He’s…

W: long and short forms, writing feelings (WB)

3. I can ride a bike!

Outdoor activities

She can/can’t…

Can he..?

Prepositions of place:

Behind/ in front of

Next to/ between

Review of CVC words: a e i o u

a: cat van

e: peg bed

i: bin fig

o: mop dog

u: bus jug

R: information on a web page

L: identifying outdoor toys

S: Where’s the skateboard? It’s in front of the table

W: using a/an, writing about what I can and can’t do (WB)

Review 1

4. Have you got a milkshake?


Numbers 20-100

Have you got..?

I have/ haven’t…

Has he got..?

He has/ hasn’t…

Consonant blends: gr br fr

gr: grass grapes

br: brush bread

fr: frog frisbee

R: a caption story

L: identifying which food items are available

S: Have you got apples? Yes, we have.

W: question marks and full stops, writing about my lunch (WB)

5. We’ve got English!

School subjects

What/When have we got..?

Consonant blends: dr tr cr

dr: drums dress

tr: truck tree

cr: crayon crab

R: a description on a web page

L: identifying school rooms

S: What have we got in the art room? We’ve got…

W: capital letters, writing about my school subjects (WB)

6. Let’s play after school!

After-school activities

I visit…

I don’t have…

Consonant blends: fl pl bl

fl: flower flat

pl: plum plate

bl: blanket blue

R: information texts

L: identifying after-school activities

S: I read a book. I don’t ride a bike

W: verbs, writing about what I do after school (WB)

Review 2

7. Let’s buy presents!

Special days

What does he like?

He likes/ doesn’t like…

Consonant blends: cl gl sl

cl: cloud clock

gl: gloves glue

sl: slide slippers

R: instructions on making a card

L: identifying suitable presents for people according to their preferences

S: What does he like? He likes tennis.

W: long and short forms, writing about presents for my mum (WB)

8. What’s the time?

Everyday activities

Times of the day

What’s the time?

It’s… o’clock.


Consonant blends: sm sn st sk

sm: smile small

sn: snow snake

st: stairs star

sk: sky skates

R: information texts

L: listening for time and activities

S: He has breakfast.

W: identifying Wh-questions, writing about my day (WB)

9. Where does she work?


Where does he work?

He works in a…

Does she work in a..?

Long vowels:

a + magic e

lake face

gate plane

R: a magazine interview

L: listening for detail in an interview

S: What are Peter’s favourite animals? They’re monkeys.

W: using commas with and in lists, writing about where my family works (WB)

Review 3

10. It’s hot today!


Weather activities

What’s the weather like?


Put on/ Don’t put on…

Long vowels:

I + magic e

bike white

kite line


R: a weather report

L: identifying the weather at certain times from the weather report

S: It’s Monday.

11. What are you wearing?



Present Continuous:

What are you wearing?

What’s he wearing?

I’m/He’s wearing

Long vowels:

o + magic e

nose bone

rope home


R: a poem: “At the coach station”

L: identifying people by their clothing

S: What’s she wearing? She’s wearing…

He’s wearing a red shirt. Who is it?

W: writing the time, writing about my clothes (WB)

12. You’re sleeping!


Getting ready

Present continuous:

What are you/they doing?


What’s he/she doing?


Long vowels:

u + magic e

June tube

flute cube

R: a description email

L: listening for detail to distinguish between photos

S: What’s he doing?

He’s dancing

W: present continuous verbs, writing about a party (WB)

Review 4

13. Look at all the animals!

Farm animals



This cow is bigger than that cow

Long vowels: ee

tree cheese

green feet


R: an information text

L: listening for rules

S: Don’t open the gate

W: using and to connect sentences, writing about a farm visit (WB)

14. Look at the photos!


Tidying up

Past simple:

I was/wasn’t…

You were/weren’t…

Short & long vowels

Cub cube

Tap tape

Pip pipe

R: a newspaper article

L: identifying people by their feelings and appearance

S: He was a lion (in the school play)

W: and/or, writing about me and my friends (WB)

15. Well done!


Ordinal numbers

Past Simple:

There were some/

weren’t any…

Irregular plurals

ng/ nk

ng: ring king swing

nk: bank sink pink

R: a fairytale

L: identifying actions and emotions

S: What’s Suzy doing? She’s

Is she sad? No, she isn’t. She’s…

W: irregular plurals, writing about a school open day (WB)

Review 5

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