Е. В. Себина enjoy english

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ТипУчебно-методическое пособие
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Read the text again and match the underlined English words and expressions with their Russian equivalents:

поймать на месте преступления, опасное развлечение, ночные рейды, частная собственность, быть неуправляемым (вне контроля), не достигнуть 20-летнего возраста, создавать ощущение анархии и хаоса, получить должное признание, зарабатывать на жизнь, художественный, творческий, оживлять (делать более ярким, привлекательным), аэрозоль с краской, в своём лучшем проявлении, пассажиры метро.
Answer the following questions:

1) What does «graffiti» mean?

2) What does the word «graffers» mean?

3) How many graffers are operating in London these days?

4) Who regards graffiti as a form of vandalism?

5) What is London Underground doing to resist graffiti scrawling?

6) In what way do British Transport Police fight with graffiti?

7) Who did the graffiti unit catch a few weeks ago?

8) What damage did the recently prosecuted graffiti gang cause?

9) What reason does barrister Barry Kogan give for the graffers' behaviour?

10) Why can graffiti be a dangerous pastime?

11) Who thinks that graffiti is art?

12) What difference does Dean Colman make between 'good graffiti' and vandalism?

13) What sphere can graffiti artists use their talent in?

14) What do you think of graffiti and graffers?

Text №9
Read the dialogue and say what kind of books Alex likes most and think of other books you can advise him to read.
A Book to Read on Holidays
Alex: Jane. Jane: Yes?

Alex: Can you help me?

Jane: Certainly. What's the problem?

Alex: I need your advice. I've read all the books we have at home. Now I'm going to the local library because I want to borrow two or three books that I can read during our school holidays. Can you think of any good books? I want some really good stuff.

Jane: What kind of books do you prefer? Do you read adventure novels or detective stories?

Alex: No, in fact I enjoy historical novels a lot more.

Jane: Have you read Alexander Dumas ?

Alex: Of course I have. I have only just finished "The Count of Monte


Jane: I see. Let me think ... And do you like Walter Scott?

Alex: I do. I read "Ivanhoe" some years ago and ... Well, that's it.

Scott sounds like a good idea. What novels by Scott are the best?

Text №10
Elizabeth, a teacher from Britain, has just visited Moscow. This is a page from her diary. Read it and say if she liked the capital of Russia. Express your own opinion about the place you have visited.
A Page from a Diary
When I first arrived in Moscow everything appeared to be rather grey and dark but as I came to the city centre there was a dramatic change. There were so many fantastic buildings with very interesting architecture. I found Red Square and the Kremlin very impressive and was surprised by the number of churches and cathedrals in and around Moscow. I got the impression that religion is still at the heart of the Russian culture. Although a large number of churches are not used for services they are beautifully kept. The frescoes and icons ['aikonz] are brilliant.

My first journey by Metro was unforgettable. Some of the stations are beautifully decorated. At one of the stations I thought I was in a palace. There were huge chandeliers and wonderful artwork all around. I felt important.

Moscow is definitely a city of contrasts. So rich in many ways, yet in other ways, quite poor. There is so much history here, you can feel it everywhere you go. Everything tells a story: demonstrators marching through Red Square, people reading books, magazines and newspapers on the Metro, modern buildings, shops and the things they sell, street markets ... the list is endless! The dramatic changes over recent years are quite evident.

Russia has produced a great number of very creative and talented people.

Theatrical performances, museums and picture galleries in fact all aspects of Russian life prove that. Moscow is one of the cities of the world that must be seen, I think, and this is what I'll tell my friends when I come back home.
Explain why:

1) Elizabeth's impression of Moscow was "rather grey and dark" at first.

2) Her idea of Moscow changed when she saw the city centre.

3) Elizabeth got the impression that religion is still at the heart of the Russian culture.

4) Elizabeth thought she was in a palace when she was having her first journey by Metro.

5) She calls Moscow a city of contrasts.

6) Elizabeth says there is much history in Moscow.

7) Elizabeth thinks that Moscow is the city that must be seen.
In her diary Elizabeth has mentioned only a few things about Moscow. What else can you add? Imagine you are giving your impressions of Moscow. What places will you describe and what will you say about them? What other things will you mention?
Answer these questions.
1. What can you tell a stranger about yourself? 2. What three things do you think are the most important about you? 3. How big is your family? Are you good friends? What do you like doing together? Have you got any family traditions? What are they? 4. How many friends have you got? Have you got any really close friends? Are they your classmates? Do you share any interests? Do you spend much time together? Where do you go and what do you do? 5. What are the three things that you enjoy doing most of all and the three things that you hate doing?

Text №11
Turn the notes into questions and interview one of your classmates.

  1. what / your / full name?

  2. where / you / born?

  3. when / you / born?

  4. where / you / live?

  5. how long / you / live there?

  6. you / have / brothers / sisters?

  7. what / you / do / free time?

  8. you / be / other towns / countries?

  9. how long / you / study English?

  10. you / speak / other languages?

  11. what / you / enjoy doing in English?

  12. what / you / want to do after you leave school?

  13. what / be / your dream?

Answer the questions about yourselves, your families and friends.

1. What is better: to have a small family or a big family with a lot of children and other relations? Why?

2. What is your family like? Have you got any brothers or sisters? Are you good friends with them?

3. Have you got baby brothers and sisters? Do you help your mother to take care of them? What do you do?

4. What is an ideal family as you see it?

5. What are your family's favourite pastimes? What do you like to do together?

6. Do your parents know your friends and do you know theirs? Is it important that you should know each other's friends? Why?

7. Do you have any good friends? What are they like? What do they look like?

8. Why is it good to have friends?

9. Do friends always have much in common? Is it important in friendship?

10. Can girls and boys be good friends? Why? Why not?

11. Are you a good friend? What do you do to be a good friend?
Answer these questions to find out what reading habits you and your classmates have got.

1. How much time do you spend on reading?

2. What kind of reading do you prefer: do you like reading books? newspapers? magazines? What kind of books, newspapers and magazines?

3. When and where do you usually read?

4. Do you read books only for your Russian Literature classes or do you do any extra reading?

5. Have you got any favourite books, favourite authors, favourite characters?

6. How old were you when you began reading? Do you remember what book was the first that you read? What book did you especially like when you were a young child? Did your parents or grandparents red to you when you were very young? Have you heard of the tradition of reading aloud in the family circle? What do you think of it? Have you ever read books to your younger brother or sister? Do you

like doing it? Why?

7. Do you collect books? How many books have you got at home? Are they mostly your books or your parents' books? Where do you keep them?

8. How do grown-up books differ from children's books? Do you real grown-up books? Do your parents or teachers help you to choose books that you read?

9. Do you use any libraries? What libraries? What are they like? Do you find them helpful? In what way?

10. What does reading do for you? Is it an important part of your life? In what way can reading be useful to people?
People's appearances and their taste in clothes can also be different:

We wear our hair long, short, shoulder-length, close-cropped,

a (pony) tail, in a plait (in plaits) or in a braid (braid;

loose over our shoulders.

• Our hair can be straight, curly, wavy, thick, thin, smooth

fair (light), dark, red, etc. People who have no hair is a

bald .

• Our noses can be short, long, straight, turned-up, pointed.

• Our eyebrows are thick or thin or sometimes bushy.

• Our eyes can be narrow, round, with long or short eyelashes, big and small, bright, shiny, expressive.

• Our mouths can be small and big, with thin or full lips.

• Our teeth can be white, even, uneven, big or small.

• Our chins can be round, square, pointed and have a dimple.

• Our figures can be bulky, stout, thin, slim, skinny, slender.

• Some people wear a beard and a moustache.

Text №12
A group of British schoolchildren was asked to write on the topic "What Makes People Different". These are some of their ideas. Match the lines from their works with the categories from vocabulary, (e.g. appearance, personality, etc.).Translate this text from English into Russian.
1. "No one in the world looks exactly alike, even identical twins. People are different colors and sizes ..."

2. "People are brought up2 differently: some can be kind, considerate and well-mannered, others are selfish, unhelpful and very ill-mannered. Some are happy and caring, others are sad, spiteful and strict."

3. There are people with a nice sense of humor. Some people laugh at things, others don't. Different people find different things funny. Some people are moody and take things too seriously."

4. "People have different tastes in clothes and friends, they like different styles and fashions and different kind of music. Some people like dresses and some like jeans."

5. "People behave differently and act differently. Not everybody knows how to socialize with others. Some people think that they are better than other people and there are people who are very good but don't talk about it. Some are better on the inside than on the outside, others are better on the outside than on the inside."

6. "We also have different dialects and languages and different cultures."

7. "Things you believe in can be quite different. Some people might be Christian, some people might not have a religion at all."

8. "Some people want to work in an office or to be a doctor, some want to be a lifeguard, but other people want to be a lazy lump of cheese."

9. "The main thing that makes people different is how they look. Some have blond and some have brown hair. People also have different eyes colour. Some people are taller than others. People have faces of different shapes and hair of different length. Some people are fat and some are hairier than others..."

10. "Some people are bigheaded, clever and smart. And everybody пан a different level of education."

11. "Some people have a bad temper and don't get along with others. There are nasty people and nice people. Most people are loving but some are not."

12. "We all have different views and opinions."

13. "Some people are good at practical things, others sit for hour with their noses in the books, but everyone has a special talent for some particular activity."

Text №13
Look at the text, find and read out the sentences where verbs are used n the passive voice. Make up a plan that will help you to make a report about a new musical trend.
Have you ever heard anything about jazz? We are sure you have. Jazz is a type of music and the only art form that was created in the United States. Jazz was created by black Americans. Many blacks were brought from Africa to America as slaves. Different native songs were sung by the black slaves and the music of their homeland was played in America.

Jazz is a mixture of many different kinds of music. It is made up of the music of West Africa, the work songs of the slaves and religious music. The first jazz bands were formed at the end of the 19th century. They played in bars and clubs in many towns and cities of the South, especially New Orleans.

Nowadays New Orleans is an international seaport, and people from all over the world come to New Orleans to hear jazz. Improvisation is an important part of jazz. This means that jazz music is made up or created on the spot. This is why a jazz song can sound a little different each time it is played.

With time jazz became more and more popular. By the 1920s, jazz was popular all over the United States. By the 1940s, you could not only hear jazz in clubs and bars, but in concert halls too. Today jazz is played all over the world. On every continent special festivals are held where jazz musicians from the United States, Asia, Africa, South America and Europe meet and share their music. In this way jazz continues to grow and change. Let's hope that no matter what happens in music jazz will always be performed and listened to.

Text №14
Read the text then answer the questions.
As one of the world's greatest sporting nations, Russia has a lot to offer sports fans. You can enjoy first-rate football and ice-hockey matches, go skiing and skating or even hunting.

1) ... Russia is mostly a flat country, so downhill skiing is not widespread but cross-country skiing is very popular. Go to any of the outlying parks in winter. Skis can be bought at most sports shops.

2) ... Risk a few troubles on buggy racing at the Hippodrome. And remember that it's hard to beat the charm of riding through birch forests in springtime or taking a horsedrawn sleigh ride after a fresh .snowfall.

3) ... When it's too cold for football, people turn their attention to ice hockey played to world standard in Russia's two big cities. International matches are advertised in the local press. Tickets at stadiums.

4) ... You can skate in the ice lanes of Moscow's Gorky Park in winter or visit one of many covered rinks. Some places offer skates but you must bring extra pairs of socks in case your size isn't available.

5) ... Russians adore the game. Fortunately you seldom see acts of European-style hooliganism at stadiums. Tickets are always available for local matches on the day. The season is from March to October.

6) ... This is a boom sport in Russia and the country's best compete against foreign stars in Moscow's Kremlin Cup, held each autumn. See local press for details.

Answer these questions.

1. What role does sport play in your life? Are you good at any sports or games? Have you ever taken part in sports competitions? Did you win?

2. Why do many people go in for sport?

3. In what way does sport help you to keep fit?

4. What are the most popular sports in Great Britain and in Russia? And what games are popular in these countries?

5. What sports and games do you prefer? Why? Do you practice them or watch

them on TV?

6. Many people call themselves football fans, basketball fans or hockey fans. Can you call yourself a fan?

7. Have you ever watched competitions at the stadium? What were your impressions?

8. Do you know any big national or international competitions? What are they?

9. How many summer and winter sports and games can you name? And how many indoor and outdoor sports and games do you know?

10. What sports or games can you call: a) the most beautiful, b) the most dangerous, c) the most useful for health, d) the most interesting to watch, e) the least interesting to watch?
Text №15
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Е. В. Себина enjoy english iconПояснительная записка рабочая программа по английскому языку для...
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Е. В. Себина enjoy english iconЕ. В. Себина english in grammar
Целью пособия является активизация навыков устной речи на основе текстов и совершенствование лексико-грамматических навыков

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М. З. Биболетовой, О. А. Денисенко, Н. Н. Трубаневой “Enjoy English”(6класс), «Титул», 2012

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Е. В. Себина enjoy english iconРабочая программа по английскому языку 3 класс
Учебник: умк «Enjoy English 4», автор – М. З. Биболетова, Обнинск: Изд. «Титул», 2014 г

Е. В. Себина enjoy english iconПояснительная записка Статус рабочей программы
Умк «Enjoy English» для учащихся 2-9 классов общеобразовательных учреждений (Обнинск: Титул,2009)

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