Е. В. Себина enjoy english

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Fill in the prepositions:

1) The city ... Nizhny Novgorod was founded ... 1221 ... Prince Yury Vsevolodovitch.

2) ... the 19th century Nizhny was famous ... its Trade fair.

3) There are a lot... plants ... the city.

4) The city is situated ... the junction ... the two rivers.

5) Nizhny is located 400 kilometers east... Moscow.

6) There are many places ... interest in the city.

7) There are many monuments ... the famous citizens ... the city.

8) .... Soviet times the city was the centre ... munitions.

9) Andrei Sakharov was ... exile here.

10) Foreign businessmen come to establish links the enterprises.

11) The supermarket is ... the end of the street.

12) The Comedy theatre is ... Grusinskaya street.

13) How can I get... the railroad station?

14) The bus stop is ... the corner.

15) You can get there ... tram.

16) Go ... Bolshaya Pokrovka street and you will see the Kremlin.

17) Go ... Gorky square and take trolley-bus No 6.

18) - Where is the post-office? - It's ... your right.

19) Turn ... the left, cross the road and then turn ... the right.

20) How could I get... the University?

Text №3
Read the dialogue, then retell it third person using key words. Learn the dialogue by heart.
A Russian has arrived in London Airport and asks a policeman how to get to the centre of the city:

Russian: Excuse me, could you show me the way to Trafalgar Square?

Policeman: Certainly. You'd better go there by underground. It would be much cheaper than a taxi. The journey from here may take you about 40 minutes.

Russian: The trouble is, I have heavy luggage and I have to carry it myself. Would you recommend what to do?

Policeman: You'd better try the Airbus Service, it is ideal in this case. The buses are running every 15-30 minutes to the central areas of the city.

Russian: I wonder what the bus fare could be?

Policeman: It depends on the distance. You should ask the driver, Sir.

Russian: Thank you very much.

Policeman: Have a nice time in London!
Text №4
Suppose you were in London on a study visit. Write a short letter about your visit to a relative or a friend. Make use of a pattern below:
London SW 6 Terry Lane 16 October, 11.

How are you? As for me, I am fine at the moment. It was very difficult during my first days here - I could hardly understand Londoners, they speak so fast that I asked them to say things slowly. Now it is much better, I got used to their manner of speech and can get some things easily. As for the atmosphere of this megacity - I can't find proper words to express my feelings: it is like living on another planet! One can see people of various nationalities, they speak different languages, even Russian can be heard in Oxford Street.

You asked me to give you a detailed description of the sights of London. So let me start with...

(you give your own description of the sights you liked best of all)

Hope to hear from you soon either by post or E-Mail.
With best regards,

Text №5
Read the supplementary information about New York. Get ready to present your story about this city. Add to the text above your own story about the city or town you had visited.
During my short stay in New York I tried to see as much of the city as possible. I took the subway (which is not the cleanest in the world!) to some new parts. I walked through downtown, midtown and uptown all the way to the Bronx Zoo. I tried to visit the most famous places but didn't manage to see much!

The most beautiful and inviting place is the Central Park which is located in the heart of Manhattan. The streets are long and busy - thousands of people hurry up and down. Actually, you feel the smallest and the least important among huge skyscrapers!

New York makes the largest harbor in the world — nearly ft thousand ships carrying 460 thousand passengers visit the city

New York is a theatrical center. Many new plays are presented first on Broadway, the theatre district of New York City. To many Americans seeing a Broadway show is the main point in their visit to the nation's largest city.
Fill in the following table «Advantages and disadvantages of New York». Which is more?

accommodation, environment, leisure, shopping (prices), crime problems, traffic, people…



Text №6
If you want to get some information about means of travelling and going abroad, read this text:
We all like travelling and feel terribly bored when we can't go anywhere.

Some people prefer travelling by air. They say that there is nothing like travelling by plane. It is more comfortable, more convenient and far quicker than any other method. There is none of the dust of the railway or car journey.

The other people prefer travelling by train. They can see a splendid view of the whole countryside from the comfortable corner seat of a compartment. If the journey is a long one, the travellers can have a bed in a sleeper and have a meal in the dining room.

And some people consider that there is no travel so fine as by boat. They love to feel the deck of the boat under their feet, to see the rise and fall of the waves, to feel the fresh sea wind and hear the cry of the sea-gulls.

But no one can deny that walking is the cheapest means of travelling. We are saving our money travelling on foot. The walkers leave the dull broad highway and go along lanes where cars can't go. We see the real country, the wild flowers, the birds, the deer in the forest.

So, different means of travel are interesting, exciting and wonderful!

Don't forget to take with you your passport (if you are going to another country), a visa (a special stamp in your passport to go to some countries), your ticket, some traveller's cheques and currency (money of the country you are going to), a camera, a phrase book (if it's a different language) and your luggage. When you are there send some postcards, try the local food, go sightseeing, try to speak the language, go to the Tourist Information Office (or the Tourist Office) if you have any questions.

When going to Great Britain or the United States, you will have to fill out a special form where you put down your first and last name, your date of birth, your permanent residence, and your country of citizenship and the purpose of your visit.

Match the words and word combinations on the left with their Russian equivalents on the right:

1. date of birth

а. гражданство

2. highway

b. разговорник

3. railway

с. купе

4. citizenship

d. фотоаппарат

5. sleeper

е. удобный

6. purpose of the visit

f. дата рождения

7. means of travel

g. тур- агентство

8. compartment

h. багаж

9. traveller's cheque

i. постоянное место жительства

10. car journey

j. железная дорога

11. luggage

к. способ путешествия

12. tourist office

1. дорожный чек

13. permanent residence

m. путешествие на автомобиле

14. camera

n. спальный вагон

15. currency

о. цель визита

16. convenient

р. автострада

17. phrase book

q. валюта

Translate the following word combinations into English:

путешествовать пешком, ехать в другую страну, путешествовать на самолете, предпочитать путешествовать на поезде, осматривать достопримечательности, заполнить бланк, попробовать местную пищу, путешествовать на пароходе.
Match the questions with the answers a - h:

1. Where is our compartment?

2. Where can I cash traveller's cheques?

3. What is the purpose of your visit?

4. What is your country of citizenship?

5. What means of travel do you like best?

6. What kind of road would you choose to take a car journey?

7. What is the quickest means of travelling?

8. Where can you get information about travelling?

a. I prefer travelling by boat.

b. At the Tourist office.

c. I am from Russia.

d. It's over there.

e. By plane.

f. A highway is more convenient for fast driving.

g. It's a business trip.

h. At the nearest bank.
Text №7
Look through the following text, identify the sentences with the modal verbs and translate them into Russian:
Living in a city has both advantages (преимущества) and disadvantages. On the plus side, it is often easier to find work , and there is usually a choice of public transport, so you don't need to Own a car. Also, there are a lot of interesting things to do and places to see. For example, you can eat in good restaurants, visit museums and go to the theatre and concerts. What is more, when you want to relax, you can usually find a park where you can feed the ducks or just sit on a park bench and read a book. "All in all, city life is full of bustle (суматоха) and variety and you need never feel bored.

However, for every plus there is a minus. For one thing, you might have a job, but if it is not well paid, you will not be able to afford many of the things that there are to do, because living in a city is often very expensive. It is particularly (особенно) difficult to find good, cheap accommodation (место проживания). What is more, public transport may be crowded and dirty, particularly in the rush hour (час пик), and even parks may be very crowded, especially on Sundays when it seems that every city-dweller is looking for some open space and green grass. Last of all, despite (несмотря на) all crowds, it may be possible to feel very lonely (одиноко) in a city. More than that, the problem of crime in a city is very acute (острая). The police have to do their best to keep public order properly.

In conclusion, I think that city life can be very appealing (привлекательна) to young people, who like the excitement of the city and don't mind (не возражают против) the noise and pollution (загрязнение окружающей среды). However, many people, when they get older, and particularly when they have young children, often prefer the peace and fresh air of the countryside.
1. Read the text carefully and find the answers to the following questions:

1) Are there only advantages of living in a city?

2) Why don't you need to have a car in the city?

3) What choice does a city-dweller have?

4) Is it difficult to find a job in the city? What is really difficult?

5) How may a person feel in the city?

6) What are the most burning problems of a modern city?

7) Who prefers to live in the countryside and why?

Text №8

Read the following article and decide if the writer is for or against graffiti, or whether his opinion is not clear. Find and translate the sentences in Present Continuous:
Scrawling graffiti is seen as a crime in the UK, yet in the US it is becoming a recognized art form.

Just a few weeks ago eight graffiti gang members were convicted of causing Ј5.000 worth of damage on the London Underground. They are among more than 70 hard-core graffiti artists who are operating in London today. Most are aged under 20.

Graffiti artists, or «graffers», are operating in many British towns these days. They are covering walls, trains and railway stations with bright painted murals or scrawls in spray paint and marker pen. They often work at night.

Some people regard graffiti as a form of vandalism and a menace. London Underground says that rail-users find it ugly and offensive. «We don't think it's artistic or creative - it's vandalism. It's a huge nuisance to our customers», says Serena Holley, a spokeswoman for London Underground. Graffers are causing thousands of pounds damage every year. London Underground spends Ј2m a year dealing with graffiti. It has even introduced trains with graffiti-resistant paint.

«It is creating a sense of anarchy and chaos», says Richard Mandel, a barrister who prosecuted the graffiti gang. «Passengers feel as if the whole rail system is out of control

British Transport Police has a graffiti unit. The unit is tracking down graffiti gangs. Since the policemen are trying to catch graffers in the act, graffiti art is becoming a dangerous pastime. London underground says that some teenagers have already died in accidents during nocturnal graffiti 'raids'.

However, others say that graffiti at its best is an art form. Art galleries in London and New York are exhibiting work by famous graffiti artists. «Of course graffiti is art. There's no question about that», says David Grob, director of the Grob Gallery in London. Even some of those who think graffiti is wrong admit that graffers are talented. «It's just that their artistic talent is channeled in the wrong direction», says Barry Kogan, a barrister who represented Declan Rooney, one of the gang members.

«There is a difference between 'good graffiti' and vandalism. I'd never spray private property. Some graffiti are disgusting. There's a big difference between that and graffiti which can brighten up grey walls», says Dean Colman, a 24-year-old graffiti artist.

Dean is making a living as a graffiti artist now. His days of illegal spraying are behind him. He is designing a series of government posters and decorating nightclubs at the moment. He is also teaching graffiti-spraying in youth clubs and working on a television programme about graffiti.

Dean thinks that graffiti art does not get due recognition. «Graffiti is as valid as any other art form», he says.
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Целью пособия является активизация навыков устной речи на основе текстов и совершенствование лексико-грамматических навыков

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Е. В. Себина enjoy english iconРабочая программа по английскому языку 3 класс
Учебник: умк «Enjoy English 4», автор – М. З. Биболетова, Обнинск: Изд. «Титул», 2014 г

Е. В. Себина enjoy english iconПояснительная записка Статус рабочей программы
Умк «Enjoy English» для учащихся 2-9 классов общеобразовательных учреждений (Обнинск: Титул,2009)

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