Методические рекомендации по выполнению внеаудиторной самостоятельной работы для студентов 1 курса специальности

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Самостоятельная работа № 7 Тема: Расписание занятий. Предлоги времени

Цель самостоятельной работы: создать презентацию в программе Power point по теме “ Мой рабочий день ” и защитить ее на английском языке
Задачи самостоятельной работы:

  1. Закрепление лексического материала

  2. Развитие творческих способностей

  3. Развитие монологической речи

Задание: Подготовить 5-8-слайдовые шоу в редакторе презентаций Microsoft Power Point,в котором необходимо отразить информацию о своем рабочем дне.


Сроки выполнения: неделя

Содержание работы:

1.Make up a presentation about your working day

  1. Answer the questions.

  1. When do you usually get up?

  2. Do you do exercises every day?

  3. Do you like to do exercises?

  4. Do you take a shower in the morning or in the evening?

  5. Do you clean your teeth every day?

  6. When do you go to college?

  7. Where do you have lunch?

  8. What do you do in the evening?

  1. Read the text and translate it.

Hello. My name is Vlad Volkov and I am a college student. I am in my first year now. I want to tell you about my usual working day.

It is 6.30 am and my younger brother Alexei is knocking at the door of my bedroom. "Will you jog with me today?" he asks. This is the way every morning begins for me. I went jogging last year but then I have become «lazier and Alexei uses every chance to mock at me. He goes jogging regularly and he is a «good sportsman by the way — so his coach says. Alexei goes in for tennis and he has been playing football since he went to primary school. He is the best forward in his team.

Alexei goes away and I stay in bed a little while longer. But anyway it is time to get up. I go to the bathroom and take a shower and clean my teeth, then come back to my room and switch on the television to watch the news while I am brushing my hair, shaving and putting my clothes on.

Now it is time for breakfast. All my family is at table — my mother, my father, Alexei and myself. We have scrambled eggs and bacon, a cup of tea and sandwiches. We chat and discuss news. I think it is right time to introduce my family members to you. My mother's name is Mary. She is a children's doctor. My father's name is Alexander and he is an engineer. Alexei is still a schoolboy. He is four years my junior. Oh, I haven't yet told you about my elder sister. Her name is Nina. She is married. Her husband and she rent a flat not far from our place.

After breakfast I look through my notes — just in case I have left something behind, put on my coat, then say good-bye to my mother and leave home. My father gives me a lift to the college in his car. He starts working later than my classes begin.

I arrive at my college just in time to say hello to my fellow-students before the bell goes. As a rule, we have three or four periods every day. We go to college five days a week. Saturday and Sunday are our days off. We have lectures and seminars. Sometimes we work in the work­shops. To my mind, these are the most interesting lessons. My friends say that we will be having a test in English today. I think that writing tests in grammar is more difficult than speaking English. I hope I won't fail.

During the breaks we go to the gym and play a round or two of basketball or volleyball. My friend John and I are-fond of reading fan­tasy and we discuss the latest book by Nick Perumov. He asks me if I liked the book that he had given me. I tell him that I will have read the book by the end of the week.

At 1 pm we have a long break. We go to the canteen and have a roll and a cup of juice. Then there is one more period, which is Mathemat­ics. It is my favourite subject. The classes are over at 2.40 pm. Some­times I go to the library to study there, but today I don't.

On my way home I see my girlfriend Lena. She smiles at me and we walk together for a while. I suddenly remember that we will have been dating for a year next week. 1 will go and look for a present for her tomorrow. When we first met at a party, I told her that she was the prettiest girl in the world and I had been looking for her all my life. Now I think that she is not only the most beautiful girl, but also the best friend. I am really fond of her. She is still a schoolgirl; she is leaving school this year. Lena's dream is to enter Moscow State University.

I come to my place at about 4 pm. Mother is already at home. She is cooking in the kitchen. Soon my father and brother arrive and we have dinner together. After dinner I do my lessons for tomorrow, watch television and read. I don't go out because the weather has become worse. I go to bed at about 11.30 pm.

Break- перемена

Be fond of- увлекаться ем - то

Brush ones hair- причесываться

Canteen- столовая общественного питания

Coach- тренер

College- колледж

Day off- выходной

Do the make-up-делать макияж

Discuss- обсуждать

Dream- мечта

Fail- провалиться на экзамене

Get up- вставать с постели

Give a lift- подвезти на машине

Go in for sports-заниматься спортом

Have breakfast (lunch, dinner)-завтракать, обедать

Leave something behind- забывать, оставлять

Look through- просматривать

Mock at somebody- подшучивать над кем - то

Period- пара (занятие, урок)

Primary school- начальная школа

Put on- надевать

Shave- бриться

Succeed- преуспеть

Switch on/off- включать/ выключать

Workshop- мастерская

  1. Fill in the prepositions in or at.

  1. Bob gets up.....seven o’clock.

  2. My dad doesn’t work…..night.

  3. He goes to the gym….. the afternoon.

  4. He has a shower….. the morning.

  5. He goes to school…..8 o’clock.

  1. Fill in the articles where necessary

1) My father is ____ engineer. He is ____ good engineer. 2) ____ Earth moves round ____ Sun.  3) I go to ____college. I am ____ second-year student.  3) Mary is ____ best student in the group.  4) Meet an English family, ____ Browns.  4) ____Amazon is ____ longest river in the world. 5) The Everest is ____ highest mountain. 6) During the break I usually go to ____canteen and have ____ cup of juice and a roll.  7) My mother is cooking ____breakfast in the kitchen.  8) Alexei arrives at college before ____ bell rings.

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