Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов-геологов 2 курса

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Principles causes of land-surface subsidence are removal of solids or fluids from beneath the land surface, either naturally or artificially: solution, oxidation, compaction of soil or sediments under surface loading, vibration and tectonic movement.

The two types of fluid withdrawal by man that have caused noticeable subsidence under favorable geologic conditions are (1) the withdrawal of oil, gas, and associated water and (2) the withdrawal with ground water. The withdrawal of steam for geothermal power has caused subsidence; also, the withdrawal of brines, reportedly, has caused subsidence.

Regardless of the nature of the fluid removed, the principles involved are the same; therefore, the separation of subsidence phenomena due to fluid withdrawal into those caused by exploitation of oil and gas fields and those caused by pumping of ground water may seem highly arbitrary. On the other hand, there are marked differences in the character and dimensions of the two types of reservoirs and in the magnitude of man-made stresses involved.

SECTION II. Amazing Earth.

Unit I.

The Changing Earth.

  1. терминологическая лексика

  2. English Tenses: значение и употребление активных и пассивных форм английского глагола

  3. слова заместители (Revision)

  4. конструкция «the former.., the latter…» (Revision)

Unit II.

Plate tectonics and man.

1. терминологическая и общенаучная лексика

2. употребление видо-временных форм глагола

3. оборот «Complex Subject»

Unit III.

The Deep-Earth-Gas Hypothesis.

  1. общенаучная терминология

2. независимый причастный оборот

3. оборот «Complex Subject»

4. способы выражения вероятности

Unit IV.

Test section

SECTION II. Amazing Earth

Unit I. The Changing Earth.

Frectangle 11ocus on:

  1. терминологическая лексика

  2. English Tenses: значение и употребление активных и пассивных форм английского глагола

  3. слова заместители (Revision)

  4. конструкция «the former.., the latter…» (Revision)

Text Study.

Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующим словам и словосочетаниям.

  • Лик земли

  • Включать в себя глубокие и далеко идущие перемены

  • На протяжении миллионов лет

  • Разрушаться под воздействием выветривания

  • Демонстрировать заметное непостоянство

  • Движение суши вверх и вниз относительно уровня моря

  • Во многих случаях

  • Подвергаться влиянию чего-либо

  • Насчитывать до…

  • Внезапные движения

  • Время от времени

  • Повторяющиеся наступление и отступление моря

  • Населять землю

  • По сравнению с…


Выпишите из текста все глаголы, которые описывают изменения лика земли. Дайте их 3 формы.


Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами.

1. Glaciers plow ________ mountains valleys.

2. The surface of the earth is crumbling ________ the weather.

3. Streams are sawing ________ the lands.

4. The sea is eating ________ continental masses.

5. Vast sheets of ice spread ________ the continents.

6. Molten materials were forced not only _________ the earth’s crust, but also ________ the



Выберите правильный вариант.

  1. The study of the problem ________ the fact that…

    1. is established

    2. has established

    3. has been established

  2. A long history of the earth ________ many profound changes

    1. have involved

    2. has been involved

    3. has involved

  3. For millions of years rocks ________ under weather

    1. are crumbled

    2. have been crumbling

    3. was crumbling

  4. During geologic time vast masses of molten material _______ out upon the surface of

the Earth.

    1. have forced

    2. has been forced

    3. have been forced


Переведите следующие предложения, используя соответствующие временные формы глагола «to affect»

  1. Поверхность земли регулярно подвергается воздействию различных геологических факторов.

  2. Поверхность земли подвергалась воздействию различных геологических факторов много лет назад.

  3. Поверхность земли подвергалась воздействию различных геологических факторов на протяжении многих лет.

  4. Поверхность земли подвергалась и подвергается воздействию различных геологических факторов на протяжении долгой геологической истории.

  5. В настоящее время поверхность земли постоянно подвергается воздействию различных геологических факторов.


Сделайте выбор из вариантов, предложенных в скобках.

The (long/length) of time of human history is very (shot/short) as compared to (these/that) of the geologic time. The (form/former) is (to measure/to be measured) by thousands of years, the (later/latter) by long history of the earth has (involved/evolved) many profound changes.

Замените выделенные слова словами из текста.

  1. The study of geology has proved the fact that a long history of the earth has included

many vast changes.

  1. The rocks have been crumbling under the weather constantly.

  2. During the eons of the geological time, great amounts of molten materials have, from time to time, been forced out upon the surface. Lakes have appeared and disappeared and glaciers have gone forward and backward.


Подберите наречиям из левой колонки соответствующие толкования из правой. Проверьте по ключу.

1. incessantly 1. at short intervals

2. intermittently 2. frequently

3. often 3. not all the time

4. sometimes 4. without stopping or interruption

5. constantly 5. now and then, at times

6. continually 6. not stopping, continually

7line 12. occasionally 7. continually stopping and starting again

8line 13. continuously 8. again and again, repeatedly

1 - 6

3 - 1

5 - 2

7 - 5

2 - 5

4 - 3

6 - 8

8 - 4

Note: compare continual and continuous.

Continual usually describes an action which is repeated again and again.

Continuous indicates that the action is going on without stopping or interruption.

Заполните пропуски, выбрав подходящий вариант из предложенных ниже. Объясните свой выбор.

1. For millions years the surface of the earth have been ________ crumbling under the weather

a) incessantly

b) regularly

2. Various parts of the earth are being _______ affected by sudden movements of the earth’s crust.

a) continually

b) sometimes

3. During the eons of geological time vast quantities of molten materials have _______ been forced out upon the surface.

a) continuously

b) intermittently

4. The outer shell of the earth has ________ shown marked instability throughout geological time.

a) continually

b) continuously

Выберите правильный вариант из предложенных в скобках.

1. Sea waters have spread over many parts of (that/what) are now continental areas.

2. (There/where) have been repeated advances and retreats of the sea over many districts.

3. For millions of years rocks have been crumbling under the (whether/weather).

4. Locally glaciers have plowed (though/through) mountain valleys.
Ex. 11.

Подготовьте текст для устного чтения и перевода.

Опишите процессы, которые изменяли лик Земли на протяжении геологического времени и продолжают действовать сейчас.

Unit II. Plate tectonics and Man

rectangle 14 Focus on:

  • терминологическая и общенаучная лексика

  • употребление видо-временных форм глагола

  • оборот «Complex Subject»

Text Study:
Science is cumulative, and advances are made in the light of knowledge gained painstakingly by many researchers. A survey of the development of plate tectonics illustrates the progressive and cooperative nature of science and the way in which research in diverse fields produces unifying concepts of practical value to society.

The basic understanding of plate motions was considered as a conceptual revolution as profound for the earth sciences as were earlier developments of the concept of evolution in biology and of the concept of atomic and molecular structure in physics and chemistry. We know the new fields as plate tectonics: the “plate” is the basic unit of the system, and “tectonics” (from the Greek word “tekton”, meaning builder) refers to the processes and products of motions within the Earth.

According to the theory of plate tectonics the Earth’s crust is broken into moving plates of “lithosphere”. The plates tend to be internally rigid, and their interact mostly at their edges. All plates are moving relative to all others. Although velocities of relative motion between adjacent plates are low by human standards, they are extremely rapid by geologic ones. Plates are pulling apart primarily along the system of great submarine ridges in the world’s oceans. Where plates converge, one tips down and slides beneath the other. Generally, an oceanic plate slides (“subducts”) beneath a continental plate or another oceanic plate. A trench is formed where the undersliding plate tips down, and the ocean-floor sediments it carries is scrapped off against the front of the overriding plate.

We now know much about the mechanics of these motions from geophysical studies and particularly from seismic-reflection profiles made with instruments developed for oil-field exploration.

New oceanic-plate material is generated by the upwelling processes at spreading ridges. Old lithosphere is consumed, and recycled deep into the mantle. The balance is global only: the formation of lithosphere at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge is compensated by subduction primarily in the western Pacific.

Although the integrated concepts of plate tectonics were proved primarily by geophysical studies of the ocean basins, they have revolutionized our understanding of continental geology. Earthquakes are the most dramatic way in which these plate motions affect man. Most volcanic eruptions are also produced by the plate motions. The distribution of the mineral deposits and fossil fuels upon which our civilization depends has to a large extent been controlled by plate motions and interactions.

The course of evolution of life on Earth has been much influenced by plate motions too. The Earth has had contrasted areas of land and sea throughout its geologic history, although how much of the present water was early at the surface and how much has since been differentiated out by volcanic processes is debatable. The initial continents of an internally stable Earth, without the rejuvenating processes of uplift, mountain building, formation of new continental material, and magnetism, would long since have disappeared beneath the sea levelled by land and sea erosion, limiting potential life forms.

Дайте русские эквиваленты следующим словосочетаниям:

  • cumulative and cooperative nature of science

  • a survey of the developments

  • to gain knowledge painstakingly

  • to produce unifying concepts

  • a research in diverse fields of science

  • to be of practical value

  • the basic understanding

  • conceptual revolution

  • the concept of evolution

  • to be the basic unit of the system

  • according to the theory of

  • the most dramatic way

  • to a large extent

  • in the course of evolution

  • to be debatable


Подберите пары слов (словосочетаний) близких по значению.

  1. совокупность улик

  2. получать опыт

  3. ознакомиться с положением

  4. объединять усилия

  5. прилагать усилия

  6. наиболее яркий пример

  7. в значительной степени

  8. ценные сведения

  1. to survey the situation

  2. to take pains

  3. cumulative evidence

  4. to unify efforts

  5. to gain experience

  6. to a great extent

  7. valuable information

  8. the most dramatic example

1 – …

3 – …

5 – …

7 – …

2 – …

4 – …

6 – …

8 – …


Замените выделенные слова и выражения эквивалентами из текста.

Science is gradually increasing in knowledge. Most advances are obtained by many investigators. A review of the advances of plate tectonics gives the picture of the joint nature of science and the way in which study in different fields gives general concepts of practical importance to society.
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