Учебное пособие с методическими указаниями и тестами для текущего и промежуточного контроля для студентов заочного отделения

НазваниеУчебное пособие с методическими указаниями и тестами для текущего и промежуточного контроля для студентов заочного отделения
ТипУчебное пособие
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Bill Settlement

  1. Read the definitions of the words. Give their Russian equivalents.


An addition to something


The cost of something


The amount of part of a bill


The entire cost of something

Exchange Rate:

The cost of one currency compared to another

Room Rate:

The price of a room at a hotel


To pay for something with a credit card


An amount subtracted from the total


Another word for bill


A paper with a set price (usually discounted) for a good


The amount of money remaining (usually in a bank account)


To subtract from a balance


To add to a balance


To put money into a bank account


An extra amount added to a bill given to a waiter or waitress
for good service


A gratuity

Service charge:

An additional amount added to a bill


An amount added to a bill that goes to the government

  1. Read the information and discuss it.

Eventually, usually all too shortly, guests will have to check out and pay up. Unfortunately for many hotel staff this can be a time of stress and frustration. Let’s face it, most people don’t actually like paying for things and services (it’s so much nicer when it’s free!). Some guests may question expenses (such as a PPV movie not seen), they may complain about the high cost of some items (such as any item in a mini-bar), or they may just want to get something for nothing (who
doesn’t?). No matter how guests react to the bill, the piper still must be paid.

  1. Practise the expressions.

    From Staff

    From Guests

    • Will that be cash or charge?

    • How will you be paying?

    • Could you sign here please?

    • Here’s your change, sir.

    • Would you like a receipt?

    • I’ll check the bill again if you like.

    • Let me double check that for ma’am.

    • Sorry about the mistake sir.

    • A service charge is included in the bill?

    • I'll be paying with cash.

    • Can I charge this to my room and pay when I check out?

    • I'd like to use a credit card.

    • Do you accept VISA or MasterCard?

    • There you are.

    • That's OK, keep the change.

    • Could I have a receipt please?

    • This seems a bit much. Can this be right?

    • Is a tip or gratuity included in the bill?

    • I think there’s been a mistake on the bill.

  2. Role play the following dialogues.


Could I have the check please?


Of course sir, I'll be back in a moment.


I'd like to check out please.


Of course sir, could I have your room number and room key?


The room was 333. Here's the key.


Did you use the mini bar sir?


Yes, I had a couple of sodas.


The total comes to $577.99. Will you be charging this sir?


Yes, put it on my Visa Card.


Sign here please. And thank you for staying with us.


There you go. Thanks


How will you be settling your bill sir?


I’ll be paying by cash.


Yes sir, here’s the bill.


Excuse me, but what is this charge for?


Let me see, it’s for an apple pie.


But we didn’t order apple pie.


I’m terribly sorry for the error, sir. Let me refigure this. Here you go, sir.


That looks right. Thank you.


Sorry for the error sir, and please come again.


Would you like to pay for the tennis court in cash or charge it to your room?


Just charge it to my room please.


Yes sir, if you could just sign here.


There you are.


Thank you sir, have a pleasant day.

  1. Role play the following situations with a partner, one person taking the role of the guest and the other person taking the role of a hotel staff.

    • The guest didn’t order a beer with dinner

    • The bill had a charge for a deluxe burger, not a plain burger

    • The bill included a charge for 2 glasses of tea, the guest only had 1

    • The bill didn’t include 2 orders of ice cream

    • The guest got the wrong bill, for someone else’s order

  1. Have a discussion about the problems you encounter when guests settle their bills.

  • What kinds of problems are there?

  • What is the most common problem?

  • Does it happen very often?

  • Are guests being charged for services they did not receive?

  • Are there many mistakes made by the hotel?

  • Do guests try to get more than they want to pay for?

  • What is the reaction of the guests when the hotel makes mistakes?

  • Are they understanding?

  • Are they angry?

  1. Write the correct word on the line that will complete the sentence.

  • will

  • cash

  • do

  • mistake

  • high

  • checks

  • service

  • how

  • paying

  • bill

  • been

  • charge

  • settling

  • a lot of

  • brochure

  • accept

  • would

  • receipt

  • cash

  • much

  1. Will that be _____________ or ______________?

  2. ___________ you _____________ VISA cards?

  3. There are _____________ guests at the hotel during the __________season.

  4. There isn’t __________ information in this ______________.

  5. A ___________ charge is included in the _____________________.

  6. _____________ will you be _____________?

  7. This can’t be right! I think there’s ____________ a ____________ on the bill.

  8. Can I ___________ some travelers ________________?

  9. ________________ you like a ______________?

  10. How _____________you be _________________ your bill sir?

  1. Match the appropriate responses with the questions. Put the correct number of the question on the line.

    1. How will you be paying today sir?

    2. Do you accept Master Card?

    3. This bill seems to be really high. Is this right?

    4. That will be 39.75, sir.

    5. Could I have a receipt please?

    1. Does this include the service charge?

    2. Would you like that charged to your room sir?

    3. Did you have anything from the mini bar sir?

    4. This bill includes the cost of a coffee?

    5. Where can I exchange dollars into baht?

    1. I’m sorry for the mix up sir. Let me correct that.

    2. Yes it does, sir.

    3. You can do that at the front desk, sir.

    4. No, that’s OK. I’ll pay cash.

    5. With the prices you charge! No way.

    6. I’m sorry, sir, we only accept Visa or American Express.

    7. Here’s $50. Keep the change.

    Of course ma’am, here you go.

    1. With cash.

    1. I didn’t have any coffee.

    1. I’ll double check it for you sir, if you like.

  2. Study the information about customs and taboos of major tourist areas.


Customs and etiquette

  • Take off your hat and bow to express sincerity when greeting people. Exchange business cards and bow but do not shake hands when meeting for the first time. Only old friends or acquaintances would shake hands.

  • “Sir” is not an appellation to address everyone. Only educators and doctors are called “Sir”.

  • A guest should not take off his/her coat before the host does.

  • When a host or a waiter pours wine, he should hold the handle of the flagon with the right hand and support the bottom with the left. The mouth of flagon should not touch the glass. The guest should hold the glass with the right hand and support the bottom with the left when accepting the wine.

  • Making sound while having soup indicates that the guests enjoy the food.


  • It is a taboo to point at people by holding out four fingers with the thumb clenching inside. This gesture is used to indicate the lowest class of people in Japanese society.

  • It is a taboo to present gifts in the number of “9”. This would cause misunderstanding because they would think that you regard them as bandits.

  • In Japan, it is a taboo to insert chopsticks vertically into the rice, it indicates as a sacrifice to the deceased.

  • It is a taboo to put the glass on the table and let the guests pour their own wine. This is regarded as disrespect.

  • It is a taboo to fill a rice bowl too full when serving guests. Do not fill-up a guest’s bowl with rice simply by one scoop. This act is considered as disrespectful to the guest.

Republic of Korea

Customs and etiquette

  • When a junior meets a senior, or a subordinate meets his superior, he/she should bow, greet and then step aside to let the other person walk first in order to show respect.

  • When men greet each other, they bow to each other only once and shake hands only with right hand or both hands.

  • When a man meets a woman, the woman should bow first and greet the man.

  • When a group of people get together, the order of seating are usually determined on the basis of their respective status and age. When men and women sit together, women sit on the left of men.

  • When eating at the same table with a senior, do not start eating unless the senior eats first.

  • When proposing a toast, hold the bottle with the right hand and support the bottom with the left. Then bow and make your toast before you pour wine.


  • After greeting each other, do not smoke before obtaining consent from the other party. Do not ask a senior or a superior for a light.

  • When you meet a woman, do not offer your hand first for handshaking to show enthusiasm. Instead, you should nod with a smile.

  • It is a taboo to talk loudly at public places. A woman should cover her mouth with a handkerchief when laughing to avoid impoliteness.

  • Keep quiet and never speak loudly when dining. Loud speaking is impolite to others at the table.

  • Koreans have a strong dislike towards the number “4”. The number “4” is a taboo in the numbering of floors, the army and the hospitals etc.

  • When visiting a temple or family, take off your shoes at the

  • Entrance
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Практикум по уголовному праву. Особенная часть: Учебное пособие для студентов заочного отделения. Уфа: риц башГУ, 2013. –81 с

Учебное пособие с методическими указаниями и тестами для текущего и промежуточного контроля для студентов заочного отделения iconЕ. В. Ежова практикум по уголовному праву
Практикум по уголовному праву. Особенная часть: Учебное пособие для студентов заочного отделения. Уфа: риц башГУ, 2013. –81 с

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