Учебное пособие с методическими указаниями и тестами для текущего и промежуточного контроля для студентов заочного отделения

НазваниеУчебное пособие с методическими указаниями и тестами для текущего и промежуточного контроля для студентов заочного отделения
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  1. Translate into English.

        1. В обязанности менеджера по заключению контрактов входит посещение отелей и их оценка по шкале международных стандартов.

        2. Как сообщает руководство гостиничной группы InterContinental, в сентябре2009 года InterContinental провела кампанию, направленную на обновление1200 гостиниц по всему миру, а к 2020 году компания намерена в два раза увеличить число своих отелей на территории России.

        3. Heliopark Hotels – крупнейшая гостиничная сеть России, ориентированная на оздоровление, отдых и деловой туризм. В настоящее время в нее входят 10 отелей в Москве, Подмосковье, Тверской области, Пскове, Сочи, Челябинске и Ялте.В ближайшей перспективе этой гостиничной группы – расширение сети за счет новых объектов в столице, Санкт-Петербурге, Нижнем Новгороде. Все отели сети находятся в управлении компании HELIOPARK Hotel Management.

        4. На сегодняшний день эта гостиничная сеть представлена в нашей стране семью отелями бренда Holiday Inn, а также двумя ориентированными на бизнес-туристов гостиницами Crowne Plaza в Москве.

        5. Реконструируемый загородный отель этой гостиничной сети при вводе в эксплуатацию сможет предоставить широкий перечень сервисных услуг: комфортабельные номера (от стандартных номеров до апартаментов); центр красоты и здоровья, который будет располагаться на площади более 1000 кв.м. и иметь в составе более 40 кабинетов; конгресс-центр на 500 мест; физкультурно-оздоровительный комплекс: бассейны (плавательный, детский) с аквагорками (длиной 25 метров с 10 дорожками), спортивные площадки, теннисные корты, тренажерные залы; ресторанный комплекс, включающий рестораны, бары, летние кафе; развлекательный комплекс с боулингом, бильярдом, диско-клубом и кинотеатром на 200 мест.

        6. На рынке гостиничных услуг этот отель будет позиционироваться как загородный курортный отель сети AMAKS Grand Hotels и станет одним из ведущих отелей Подмосковья.

        7. Безусловным лидером рейтинга «100 лучших отелей мира», составленного журналом Travel + Leisure, стал отель Singita Private Game Reserve в ЮАР. Этот лучший отель победил и в номинации «Самый маленький отель». Он состоит из пяти роскошных и неповторимых домиков-сафари.

        8. Вторая строчка в рейтинге принадлежит Four Seasons Resort Bali at Sayan– отелю всемирно известного сетевого бренда, представленного 75 отелями по всему свету. Он подкупает своим по-азиатски высококачественным и по-домашнему дотошным сервисом и при этом является лидером среди отелей, расположенных на азиатском полушарии.

        9. Сеть Oberoi, основанная в 1934 году, состоит из 18 отелей, расположенных в самых экзотических уголках нашей планеты: Индии, Египте, Индонезии, Маврикии и Саудовской Аравии.

  1. Read and translate the text.

Franchising in the Hotel Industry

The best-known names in the hotel industry, Holiday Inn, Hampton Inn, Courtyard by Marriott, Sheraton, Ramada, etc., are not directly in the lodging business. They are franchising companies. Names such as JHM Enterprises, White Lodging, Starwood, Sunburst Hospitality and many others that are seldom recognized by hotel guests, are actually hotel companies. This is the nature of franchising, and it creates an opportunistic relationship between hotel companies and their franchisors.



Hotel owners are in the business of leasing hotel rooms. For the use of a room, they charge a room rate. Their related businesses may be entertainment, dining or other services offered to guests.

Hotel franchising companies are in the business of leasing a brand name to operating hotels. For the use of that brand name, they charge a percentage of revenues. Each franchising company also operates related businesses, such as reservation systems and purchasing services, which they provide to their franchisees for a fee.

In the hotel business, a company’s revenues and profits depend on the frequency with which they rent rooms (occupancy) and the rate at which those rooms are rented (average rate).

In the franchising business, a company’s revenues and profits depend on distribution, or the number of hotels, which carry its brands.

The hotel company’s most visible assets are the real estate it owns and operates. So, one of its missions is to build real estate value.

A franchising company’s most visible assets are the brand names it owns. So, one of its missions is to build brand recognition.

Travelers (guests) are the customers of hotel owners.

Hotel owners are the customers of hotel franchisors.


Although they differ in purpose, and often have conflicting goals, hotel franchisees and franchisors have a symbiotic relationship. They need each other to survive. Obviously, a franchisor has no source of revenues without the hotel owners who are its clients. Conversely, a hotel owner has a strong need for the franchisor because we live in an extremely brand-conscious society. 

Franchises differ in many ways. Some franchises offer more services than others. For instance, Holiday Inn has a large skilled and well-equipped support staff for its franchisees to use. In comparison, Red Carpet provides comparatively little in terms of training, staff and technology. Some franchises represent upscale hotels while others represent mid-market or economy product. For instance, Hilton Garden Inn has only high quality new hotels in its system while Ramada represents a wide range of product.

The basic fees associated with a franchise are royalties. A royalty is the fee charged for the use of a brand name. In the hotel industry, royalties are typically in the range of 3 to 5 percent of room revenues. They vary depending on the value of the brand and some peculiarities of the market.

  1. What is a hotel chain?

  2. What forms of ownership are used in the hospitality industry nowadays?

  3. Name some world-known hotel chains.

  4. What advantages do hotel chains have over individually owned hotels?

  5. What benefits are offered by the hotels owned by airline companies?

  6. What is franchising?What do individual franchisees pay to the parent company for the privilege of operating under a brand name?

  7. In what way can hotel chains control the standardization of equipment and operating procedures?

  8. What is a referral system? How does а chain expand by means of а referral system?

  9. What advantage dо the chains have in increased sales potential for conventions?

  10. In what other ways can chain management also increases the efficiency of the total organization?


Vocabulary Practice

Vocabulary File

  1. interpersonal

interpersonal communication

interpersonal contacts

  • межличностный, межкультурный

  • межкультурная коммуникация

  • межличностные контакты

  1. to involve

  • включать, вовлекать

  1. hospitable

  • гостеприимный

  1. customer service

  • обслуживание клиентов

  1. excellence

excellence in hospitality

  • высокое качество

  • качество обслуживания в индустрии гостеприимства

  1. aneye contact

  • зрительный контакт

  1. to converse


  • общаться, беседовать

  • беседа, разговор

  1. interaction

  • взаимодействие

  1. to satisfy the guests’ needs

  • удовлетворять потребности гостей

  1. Read and translate the sentences.

  1. The tourism industry involves many interpersonal contacts.

  2. Communication in the tourism industry usually involves people from different countries and of different cultural backgrounds.

  3. If a service staff can communicate with his/her customers effectively, it will not only create a friendly and comfortable atmosphere, but also allow the customers to experience politeness and hospitable reception.

  4. Quality customer service etiquette is one of the essential factors for tourism industry in meeting the customers’ demand for service satisfaction.

  5. In hotels typical guests’ services involve providing the guest with information and special equipment and supplies, that’s why, asthe centre of front office activity, the front desk is responsible for coordinating guests’ services.

  6. For a hotel to achieve excellence in hospitality, many guest relations skills must be learned by the employees who will be delivering the services.

  7. Providing attention to the guest is enhanced by the little extra in guests’ interactions.

  8. Having a positive attitude means that the employee has the desire to consistently provide excellent service to the guests.

  9. It is the manager’s responsibility to create the kind pf atmosphere that satisfies the guests’ needs.


  1. Read the text and answer the questions.

Interpersonal Communication in Tourism and Hospitality Industry

The tourism industry involves many interpersonal contacts. A tourism industry staff is required to communicate with customers when providing service. In addition, communication in the tourism industry usually involves people from different countries and of different cultural backgrounds. They do not know each other, nor do they have enough time to develop a close friendship. Therefore, if a service staff can communicate with his/her customers effectively, it will not only create a friendly and comfortable atmosphere, but also allow the customers to experience politeness and hospitable reception.

Tourism industry must provide tourists with quality service etiquette in addition to the provision of products and services such as transportation services, accommodation services and recreational facilities. Therefore, quality customer service etiquette is one of the essential factors for tourism industry in meeting the customers’ demand for service satisfaction.

In hotels typical guests’ services involve providing the guest with information and special equipment and supplies, that’s why, asthe centre of front office activity, the front desk is responsible for coordinating guests’ services. Front office personnel needs to respond knowledgeably to guests’ requests for information. Common guest questions may include:

  • Can you recommend a nearby restaurant?

  • Can you call a taxt for me?

  • Where’s the nearest shopping centre, drugstore?

  • What is the best place to visit in the city?

  • Where is the theatre from here?

  • When is check-out time?

  • How do I get to the museum (library, etc.)?

  • What recreational facilities are available in the hotel?

  • When is the opening time of your restaurant for breakfast?

Excellence in Hospitality

For a hotel to achieve excellence in hospitality, many guest relations skills must be learned by the employees who will be delivering the services.

Each basic skills of hospitality will serve as a beginning to achieving this excellence. These are:

  • Smiling

  • Greeting

  • Conversing

  • Using proper telephone etiquette

  • Providing assistance

  • Giving attention

  • Providing positive endings

  • Maintaning a positive attitude

  • Making positive decisions


Smiling when dealing with guests helps to create a friendly atmosphere. By smiling the clerks are showing the guests that they are glad they chose this hotel for their stay. A smile says” We’re glad, you’re here!”


Greeting a guest includes smiling as well as aneye contact. For example, if the guest’s name is not known, “Sir, or Madame’ is the appropriate address.


A guest’s name should be used as many times in the conversation as possible. People love to hear their name; it is a very positive form of recognition.

Telephone etiqutte

The telephone should be answered as quickly as possible, certainly by the third ring. No one likes to be put on hold, but when this is necessary, the guest should be thanked for waiting.


When the guest arrives at the hotel and during his or stay, the guest should know that the employees are there to assist with his or her needs.

Whenever the employee speaks with a guest, the employee should end the conversation with the statement, “Please call on me if I can be of any further assistance.”


Providing attention to the guest is enhanced by the little extra in guests’ interactions. For instance, when guests return to the hotel at the end of the day, they should be welcomed back. It is these little things that make the guest feel at home.

When the guests are around they should not be ignored. Employees must remember to chat with the guests, not their co-workers.

Positive endings

Upon departure from the establishment, guests should be thanked for staying at the hotel and told how much they are wanted back again. Sometimes such as “Please stay with us again” and “Have a nice trip home” or “Enjoy the rest of your vacation” help to ensure that the guest will depart with a smile.

Positive Attitude

Having a positive attitude means that the employee has the desire to consistently provide excellent service to the guests. It is the manager’s responsibility to create the kind pf atmosphere that satisfies the guests’ needs.

Positive Decisions

“Think before speaking or acting” is a rule that every person – expecially those in the service business – should follow.

Employees must be taught to be objective when making decisions. This includes keeping their emotions under control at all times.
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Учебное пособие с методическими указаниями и тестами для текущего и промежуточного контроля для студентов заочного отделения iconЕ. В. Ежова практикум по уголовному праву
Практикум по уголовному праву. Особенная часть: Учебное пособие для студентов заочного отделения. Уфа: риц башГУ, 2013. –81 с

Учебное пособие с методическими указаниями и тестами для текущего и промежуточного контроля для студентов заочного отделения iconЕ. В. Ежова практикум по уголовному праву
Практикум по уголовному праву. Особенная часть: Учебное пособие для студентов заочного отделения. Уфа: риц башГУ, 2013. –81 с

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