Контрольная работа №2

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7 класс
Итоговая контрольная работа

1.Какой из перечисленных жанров относится к лирике?





2.К какому роду литературы относится легенда?




Г)это лиро-эпическое произведение

3.М.Ю.Лермонтов «Песня про царя Ивана Васильевича…». События, о которых идет речь в произведении, относится ко времени правления:

А)Петра 1

Б)Ивана Грозного

В)Владимира Мономаха

Г)Ивана Калиты

4.какой элемент устного народного творчества не использовал М.Ю.Лермонтов в «Песне про … купца Калашникова»?


Б)постоянный эпитет



5.За что вышел «на страшный бой, на последний бой» купец Калашников из «Песни про Ивана Васильевича»?

А)за измену Отечеству

Б)за разбой

В)за честь жены

Г)за убийство Кирибеевича

6.Кто написал повесть «Тарас Бульба»?





7.Откуда приехали сыновья Тараса Бульбы?

А)из гостей

Б)из военного похода

В)из Киевской бурсы

Г)из реального училища

8. Какую интонацию выбирает Н.В.Гоголь в сцене встречи Тараса Бульбы со своими сыновьями?

А)романтическую В)веселую, ироническую

Б)лирическую, печальную Г)удалую, радостную

9.Какой фразой одобрил своего сына Тарас Бульба после их шутливого боя?

А) «Смотри ты, какой пышный!»

Б) «Да он славно бьётся!»

В) «Ах ты, сякой-такой сын!»

Г)Э, да ты мазунчик, как я вижу!»

10.Куда хочет отправить Тарас Бульба своих сыновей для получения науки?

А)в Киевскую бурсу

Б)к своим родственникам

В)в военный поход

Г)в Запорожскую сечь

11.Как расценить поступок Тараса Бульбы из одноименной повести Н.В.Гоголя, когда он убивает своего сына Андрия:

А)великая любовью к Родине

Б)эгоизм («Я тебя породил, я тебя и убью»)

В)чувство собственного достоинства

Г) жестокость характера

12.Какие основные мотивы положены в основу повести Н.В.Гоголя «Тарас Бульба»?

А)мотивы любви и дружбы

Б)мотивы истинного патриотизма и предательства

В)мотивы гордого одиночества

Г)мотивы правдоискания.

13.В строке «горит восток зарею новой» поэмы «Полтава» А.С.Пушкина использует:





14.какие чувства борются в душе лесника-героя рассказа «Бирюк» И.С.Тургенева?


Б)преданность делу

В)сочувствие бедным


15. «Благослови же работу народную

Да научись мужика уважать…» – это слова из произведения Н.А.Некрасова:

А) «Железная дорога»

Б) «Вчерашний день часу в шестом»

В) «Размышления у парадного подъезда»

Г) «Крестьянские дети»

16.В каком виде предстают генералы перед читателем в сказке М.Е.Салтыкова-Щедрина «Повесть о том, как один мужик двух генералов прокормил»?





17.Из перечисленных ниже фамилий выберите ту, которая относится к рассказу А.П.Чехова «Хамелион»





18.В каком автобиографическом произведении мы встречаем героя Николеньку Иртеньева?

А)А.М.Горький «Детство»

Б)А.П. Гайдар «Школа»

В)Л.Н.Толстой «Детство»

Г)В.Г.Короленко «Дети подземелья»

19.Имя главного героя повести М.Горького «Детство»





20.Кому из поэтов 19 века принадлежит стихотворение «Осенняя роза»?




8 класс

Итоговая контрольная работа

Подчеркните жанры древнерусской литературы: повесть, житие, сказание, частушка, наставление, стихотворение.
Крылов И.А.

Подчеркните художественный прием, который лежит в основе басни: метафора, аллегория, гипербола, эпитет.

Какие басни И.А. Крылова знаете? Перечислите
Пушкин А.С.

Какое учебное заведение окончил А.С.Пушкин?

Кому из друзей-лицеистов А.С.Пушкин посвящал стихи?
Лермонтов М.Ю.

Из скольких глав состоит поэма Лермонтова М.Ю. «Мцыри»?

Что такое Тарханы? Как это слово связано с жизнью Лермонтова М.Ю.?
Гоголь Н.В.

Из скольких действий состоит комедия «Ревизор»?

Укажите особенности комедии «Ревизор»?
Салтыков-Щедрин М.Е.

Какие художественные средства использует Салтыков-Щедрин М.Е. в своих произведениях?

Как Салтыков-Щедрин М.Е. назвал народ, описанный в романе «История одного города»?

Кого высмеивает Салтыков-Щедрин М.Е. в романе «История одного города»?
Лесков Н.С.

Почему во многих произведениях Лесков Н.С. описывает криминальную сторону жизни?

Почему рассказ Лескова Н.С. назван «Старый гений»?

Какие проблемы поднимаются в рассказе Лескова Н.С. «Старый гений»?
Толстой Л.Н.

Какой основной художественный прием использован в рассказе «После бала»?

Какова историческая основа рассказа Толстого Л.Н. «После бала»?

Почему рассказ назван автором не «Бал», а «После бала», хотя описание бала занимает основную часть рассказа?

Соотнесите фамилию писателя с его произведением:

Пушкин А.С. «Бородино»

Фонвизин Д.И. «Левша»

Рылеев К.Ф. «Капитанская дочка»

Лесков Н.С. «Шинель»

Гоголь Н.В. «Смерть Ермака»

Лермонтов М.Ю. «Недоросль»

К какому литературному направлению (классицизм, реализм, романтизм) принадлежит творчество писателей:

Фонвизин Д.И. -

Пушкин А.С. -

Лермонтова М.Ю. -

Указать, из каких произведений (название и автор) взяты герои:

Варенька -

Швабрин –

Митрофан –

Германн –

Антон Антонович Сквозник-Дмухановский –

Акакий Акакиевич Башмачкин -

К каким произведениям (название и автор) данные слова взяты эпиграфом?

На зеркале неча пенять, коли рожа крива.

Береги честь смолоду.

Вкусая, вкусив мало меда, и се аз умираю.

Гений лет не имеет – он преодолевает все, что останавливает обыкновенные умы.

Указать, в каком отрывке используются такие художественные приемы как градация, эпитеты, сравнения, олицетворения, метафоры, гиперболы:

Роняет лес багряный свой убор.

В глуши, во мраке заточения

Тянулись тихо дни мои

Без божества, без вдохновения,

Без слез, без жизни, без любви.

Я знал одной лишь думы власть,

Одну – но пламенную страсть;

Она, как червь, во мне жила,

Изгрызла душу и сожгла.

И кудри виноградных лоз

Вились, красуясь меж дерёв

Прозрачной зеленью листов.

Английский язык

5 класс

Входная контрольная работа

  • Выберите правильный ответ

I. a) am; b) is; c) are; d) –

  1. It … seven o’clock.

  2. I … a pupil.

  3. We … good friends.

II. a) have got b) has got

  1. My mother… two sons and one daughter.

  2. The children usually … many toys.

  3. … you … a brother?

III. a) much b) many

  1. I don’t drink … milk.

  2. How … bread is there on the table?

  3. He drank … cups of coffee yesterday.

  4. She made … sandwiches.

IV. a) some b) any

  1. I would like … more tea.

  2. He said he didn’t like … fish soup.

  3. There isn’t … cheese on the plate.

  4. Are there … pictures in your book?

  5. Give me … bread, please.


16) Bob is … than his brother.

a) small b) smaller c) the smallest

17) Tom is … pupil in our class.

a) good b) better c) the best

18) I think horses are … animals.

a) beautiful b) more beautiful c) the most beautiful

19) This book is … than that one.

a) interesting b) more interesting c) the most interesting

VI. a) was b) were

20) My sister … not ill last week.

21) Yesterday we… in the shop.

22) Sam … the best pupil last year.

  • Определите временные формы глаголов в следующих предложениях

VII. a) Present Continuous b) Past Indefinite c) Present Indefinite d) Future Indefinite

23) Tom plays football every day.

24) I am reading an interesting book now.

  1. My brother drank coffee yesterday.

  2. They will come to my place next week.

  3. I shall go to the stadium after my classes.

  4. We were in the country last month.

  5. They like to play hockey very much.

  6. Mike watched a new film yesterday in the evening.

Контрольная работа за 1 четверть
I. Complete the proverbs.

1. Everything is good…

a) to learn.

2. It’s never too late…

b) than never.

3. Better late…

c) a good ending.

4. A good beginning makes…

d) in its season.

II. Read the sentences and choose the correct variant.

a) at b) on c) in d) for e) by

5. … Sundays we don’t go to school.

6. I wonder what he is laughing … .

7. He sits … the first desk in the classroom.

8. There are three pictures … the wall.

9. I usually go to school … half past seven.

10. What about your Maths exercises, … the way?

11. She is never late … school.

12. London is famous … its museums.

13. There are beautiful flowers … the picture.

14. My friend left Moscow … New-York.

a) after b) before c) in

15. I usually play football … classes.

16. Children in our school do exercises … classes.

17. There are twenty-seven pupils … our class.

III. Complete the questions.

18. They laughed a lot yesterday, …?

19. I shall study history next year, ...?

20. He is sometimes late, …?

21. Your friends don’t play before classes, …?

22. Mary can sing songs very well, …?

23. The walls were blue last year, …?

24. There are no pencils on the desk, …?

25. They never count at music lesson, …?

IV. Put the verb in the correct form, referring them to the present, past or future.

26. They (play/played/will play) a lot in their music lesson last Thursday.

27. She (left/will leave/leave) us tomorrow, won’t she?

28. You always (spend/will spend/spent) your time well.

29. They (worked/work/will work) much yesterday, as their work is difficult.

30. Shall I (leave/leaving/left) you?

31. We (laugh/laughed/will laugh) a lot in our music lesson yesterday.
Контрольная работа за 2 четверть

I. Open the brackets and use the verbs in Present Perfect or Past Simple.

1) Jill (buy) a new car two weeks ago.

2) Yesterday I (come) home at half past 9.

3) Jim (play) tennis last Friday?

4) You ever (visit) this museum?

5) My mother (not come) home yet.

6) My brother (not like) to read books when he was a child.

II. Make up the sentences using the words given below.

1) got, this, what, you, morning, have?

2) have, the film, they, this, seen, year.

3) the poem, the children, yet, learnt, haven't.

4) in, a dog, he, the house, has, kept, never.

5) led, the road, where, has?

6) Ann, got, what, has, presents?

III. Fill in the words given in brackets.

1) I have closed the door, (just)

2) She has cooked dinner, (already)

3) Have you visited Mr. Brown? (ever)

4) Has he listened to this song? (yet)

5) I have been to Paris, (never)

6) We haven't finished our homework, (yet)

IV. Answer the questions using the text on page 190

1. What is the City?

a) the heart of London b) the square in London c) the shop

2. What was the Tower in the past?

a) a fortress b) a school c) a club

3. What can people see in the Tower of London?

a) cats b) ravens c) foxes

4. What is the greatest church in London?

a) St. Elisabeth’s Cathedral b) St. Diana’s Cathedral c) St. Paul’s Cathedral

5. Where is Trafalgar Square?

a) in the corner of London b) in the centre of London c) in Moscow

6. What can you see in the middle of the square?

a) a museum b) a theatre c) a tall column

7. Where is the National Gallery?

a) in the Trafalgar Square b) on the bank of the Thames c) in Hyde Park

V. Listen to the text and then say if it is true, false or don’t know.

1. London is the capital of Scotland.

2. London stands on the river Thames.

3. There are 7 million people in London.

4. The weather in London is always hot.

5. London has got four parts.

6. The heart of London is the East End.

7. Red Square in Moscow is as beautiful as Trafalgar Square in London.

8. Londoners go to the Hyde Park with great pleasure.

London is the capital of England. It stands on the river Thames. More than 7 million people live in London.

London is a political and business centre. It is the biggest city in Britain. London consists of three parts: the City, the East End and the West End. The heart of London is the City.

There are many interesting places in London. One of them is the Tower of London. St. Paul’s Cathedral is the main church in Great Britain. It is not far from the Tower of London.

The centre of London is Trafalgar Square. In the middle of the square stands a tall column. It is a monument to Admiral Nelson.

The largest park in London is Hyde Рark. It is one of most popular places of Londoners.

Many tourists visit London to see its sights.
Контрольная работа за 3 четверть

  1. Listen to the text and say “true” or “false”.

  1. The boy gets up early in the morning.

  2. Then he watches TV and plays badminton with his father.

  3. His father brings beautiful flowers home.

  4. Father and his son cook breakfast.

  5. They say the mother “Happy birthday to you!”

  6. Mother is happy to see the clean rooms, the ready breakfast and the flowers.

  1. Read the text on page 338 and choose the correct variant.

  1. Where did Native Americans come from?

a) from Europe b) from Asia c) from Africa

  1. Where did they live?

a) in big houses b) in modern houses c) in earth or wooden houses

  1. What kind of people were the most Native Americans?

a) boring b) peaceful c) ugly

  1. What did Native Americans believe in?

a) in many gods b) in many friends c) in many animals

  1. What famous tradition had Native Americans?

a) to fly in the sky b) to dance like animals c) to smoke a peace pipe

  1. Where do most Native Americans live now?

a) on “reservations” b) in big cities c) in small villages

  1. Fill in the prepositions: with, of, at, in, to, up to, for, by.

  1. She knows a lot of poems … heart.

  2. My father hasn’t bought a ticket … the play.

  3. Adrian is fond … reading novels.

  4. She likes to read books … … the end.

  5. I always listen … his stories.

  6. It’s a quarter … seven.

  7. He often takes part … the performances.

  8. We met … the Bolshoi Theatre.

  9. My brother is proud … his collection.

  10. This hobby is popular … people of all ages.

  1. Fill in little or few in the sentences.

  1. There is … milk in the glass.

  2. There are … pupils in the classroom.

  3. I have … water in the cup.

  4. They had … cheese on the plate.

  5. Have you got … friends in our class?

  1. Fill in since or for.

  1. I have had this house … 15 years.

  2. We have been here … last Tuesday.

  3. … when have you begun to learn Russian?

  4. He has lived on the island … many years.

  5. We have known each other … 2005.

Контрольная работа за 4 четверть

  1. Listen to the text and then agree or disagree with the statements

  1. The New Year’s Day is a family holyday.

  2. People go to bed early on the 31st of December.

  3. Children decorate the fir tree with toys, flags, sweets and nuts .

  4. The 23rd of February is a special day for those who defend their Motherland and its independence .

  5. The 7th of March is a traditional Women’s Day.

  6. Women get flowers, sweets and other presents on the 8th of March .

  7. Russians celebrate Easter in winter.

  8. People can buy Easter cake in the shop or cook it at home.

  9. Russians can buy Easter cake in the shop or cook it at home.

10. The 1st of May is a special Memorial Day in our country.

    1. People bring fresh flowers to the monuments on the 9th May.

II. Read the text on page 403 and choose the correct answer

  1. What kind of country is Russia?

a) poor b) rich c) small

  1. Who is Russia is famous for?

a) for cities b) for birches c) for people

  1. What kind of people are the Russians?

a) talented b) lazy c) funny

  1. What can you see by Chekhov in New York and Paris?

a) plays b) books c) novels

  1. Why do people listen to the sounds and melodies of Russian songs for hours?

a) they are sad b) they are beautiful c) they are sad and beautiful

  1. What have Russian people made in different fields of science?

a) independence b) discoveries c) coffee and tea

  1. What is Yuri Gagarin?

a) scientist b) cosmonaut c) engineer

  1. What kind of specialists has Russia in every field?

a) very good b) very bad c) very lazy

  1. What do the foreign guests usually say about Russian people when they leave Russia?

a) they are funny b) they are lazy c) they are wonderful

III. Open the brackets

1) He (travels, travelled, will travel) a lot next year.

2) My sister usually (goes, has gone, will go) to the Black Sea.

3) You ever (swim, swam, have swum) in the ocean?

4) I (eat, ate, have eaten) two ice-creams an hour ago.

5) We just (choose, chose, have chosen) this film.

6) The girl (draw, is drawing, drew) a picture now.

IV. Choose the right word

1) There is (little, few) snow on the ground.

2) There are (much, many) apples on the table.

3) I have (a lot of, much) friends.

4) Has he got (a lot of, many) pencils?

5) We have (a few, a little) books.

6) There is not (much, many) milk in the glass.

7) They bought (a little, a few) sweets yesterday,

8) I have (little, few) badges in my collection.

V. Fill in the prepositions: by, of, for, in, on, to

1) This sportsman took part … the last Olympic games.

2) He is proud ... his collection.

3) Learn the poem ... heart, please.

4) The cartoon is full ... funny characters.

5) The pupils listened ... the teacher carefully.

6) The plate is made … silver.

7) I can see a beautiful scenery ... the stage.

8) They are fond ... dancing.

9) Did you buy a ticket ... the play?

10) My friend is devoted … me.

VI. Insert an article the where necessary

1) I have never been to ... Africa.

2) My friend lives in ... France.

3) You can find ... Atlantic Ocean on the map.

4) ... Moscow is the largest city in ... Russia.

5) I could see ... Angara last summer.

6) There are many beautiful towns on the banks of ... Volga.

7) My family lives in ... Tverskaya Street.

8) We'll be able to visit... Rostov next summer.

VII. Complete the sentences using the comparative form of the adjectives

1) This jacket is too small. I need a size.

a) larger b) largest c) large

2) Bob is than his brother.

a) tall b) taller c) tallest

3) Helen is only five years than I am.

a) young b) youngest c) younger

4) Tom is the pupil in our class.

a) best b) better c) good

5) I think horses are the animals.

a) beautiful b) most beautiful c) more beautiful

6) This book is than that one.

a) more interesting b) most interesting c) interesting
6 класс

Контрольная работа №1

Task 1. Complete the sentences. Choose the right variant. (8 points)

  1. My country us in the north of ____Europe.

  1. The b. a c. no article

  1. Andrew and his family live in ___ USA

  1. The b. a c. no article

  1. _____ China is situated in _____Asia.

  1. The b. a c. no article

  1. Tourists from _____ North America come to ____New Zealand to enjoy the nature.

  1. The b. a c. no article

  1. The capital of _____ Canada is ______Ottawa.

  1. The b. a c. no article

Task 2. Read and complete the text with the verbs in the Present Perfect or the Past Simple. (6 points)

  1. A: Hello! Nice to see you again! Where _____ you _____ (go) there last summer?

  2. B: Hi! Nice to see you again! I _________(take) part in the running competition in August.

Task 3. True or False (4 points)

  1. The Curonian Spit is the fantastic combination of forests, beach and desert.

  1. True b. false

  1. The Great Barrier Reef is full of unique birds, butterflies and grasshoppers.

  1. True b. false

  1. Niagara Falls are the most powerful waterfalls in the South America.

а True b. false

  1. White Cliffs of Dover are one of the official symbols of America.

  1. True b. false

Task 4. Match the words and the phrases (5 points)

  1. aunt

  1. the son of your brother or sister

  1. uncle

  1. the sister of your mother or father

  1. niece

  1. the child of your uncle or aunt

  1. nephew

  1. the brother of your mother or father

  1. cousin

  1. the daughter of your brother or sister

Task 5. Choose who or which (5 points)

  1. A teacher is a woman ________ works at the school.

  2. The costume __________ Sam has bought for his party is very cool.

  3. Kate is a girl ___________ has a party every Sundays.

  4. My friend___________ lives in the city center, is so professional.

  5. Here’s the magazine ___________ is very popular among my classmates.

Task 6. Name the holiday (5 points)

  1. Children wake up early to find stockings full of small presents on their bed.

  2. Usually people don’t sing the cards – you must guess who sent cards to you.

  3. On that day they visit their mothers and give them presents.

  4. People give each other chocolate eggs and rabbits on the holiday Sunday.

  5. People make the symbol of this holiday from a pumpkin.

Контрольная работа №2

Variant 1:

Task 1. Fill in the missing words. Choose 10 words or phrases from the list given below:

Three month ago I joined the (1) __________ of London. I decided to (2) _________ the society because I want to help(3) ____________ animals. I believe that every (4) ___________ has the (5) ___________ to live. (6) ____________ many people are trying to (7) ________ animals and birds, (8) __________ and fish from death. They organize (9) ________________ where scientists (10) _________ the animals and their young.

Words for use: save, endangered, insects, Zoological Society, right, watch, living thing, wild Animals’ Parks, all over the world, join.

Task 2. Find out the odd word and write them:

1) cat, duck, dog, sheep, cow, pig, goose, bear, horse.

2) giraffe, kangaroo, camel, zebra, whale, rhino, lion.

3) eagle, insect, penguin, cockerel, turkey, owl, hen.

4) panda, monkey, fox, hedgehog, leopard, polar bear.

Task 3. Choose the right variant

1. There ... 30 pupils in our class last year.

a) were; b) was; c) is

2. Do you like ... to school? Yes, I... .

 a) to go, did; b) go, do; c) to go, do;

3. I …with my friend at the moment.

a) is talking b) am talking c) talk

4. We …just 3 lessons of Maths!

a)had had b)have had c)has had

5. The teacher …us about Present Perfect recently.

a) has told b) tell c) have telled

6. Last week we … a composition.

a) wrote b) writed c) write

7.  …you ever… to New York?

a) have been b)did be c) has been

8. He…. just done his homework.

a)  has b)  have c)  had

9. She… bread at the nearest shop almost every day.

a) is buying b) buys c) bought

10. I … news every morning and evening.

a) have watched b) watch c) watches

11. He usually … part in a horse race.

A) is talking B) takes

C) take D) take part

12….. three lamps in my room

  1. There are B) There is

C)There isn’t D) There arre

13. It usually … in winter.

A) snows B) snowy

C) snow D) snowies

14. She is …good teacher

A) the B) a

C) an D) –
Variant 2

Task 1. Fill in the missing words. Choose 10 words or phrases from the list given below:

Three month ago I (1) __________ the society of London. I decided to join the (2) _________ because I want to help(3) ____________ animals. I (4) ___________ that every (5) ___________ has the right to live. In many countries of (6) ____________ many people (7) ________ to save animals and (8) __________, fish and insects from death. They(9) ____________ zoos and parks for animals where (10) _________ may watch the animals and their young.

Words for use: organize, believe, joined, endangered,  the world, birds, Zoological society, are trying, scientists, living thing

Task 2. Find out the odd word and write them:

1) owl, turkey, hen, goose, lamb, eagle, penguin, cockerel.

2) zebra, hedgehog, elephant, kangaroo, tiger, giraffe, camel, panda.

3) shark, whale, hippo, tortoise, dolphin, hamster, crocodile, fish.

4) tiger, cat, lion,  leopard, puma, fox, kitten.

Task 3. Choose the right variant

1. I usually ... my Granny on Saturday.

a) visits; b) visited; c) visit;

2. I ... to my friend's place yesterday.

a) goed; b) went; c) goes;

3. . Listen! Sandy…in the bathroom now.

a) singing b) sings c) is singing

4. She … already the dishes

a) have washed b)has washed c) washed

5. My friend …never to London.

a) has been b)have been c) was

6. Our class … to the Zoo yesterday.

a) has gone b) went c) go

7. The pupils…. the new rule last Monday.

a) not understand b) didn’t understand c) doesn’t understand

8. .  …you ever… to Moscow?

a) have been b)did be c) has been

9. .  Charles has just….. his article.

a) write b)wrote c)written

10. Where are the children? They … in the yard.

a) are play b) plays c) are playing

11. What … you doing?

A) are B) ‘s

C) do D) is

12. What … he doing now?

A) are B) ‘s

C) do D) is

13. My father ... TV.

A) watch B) watchs

C) watches D) watching

14. Listen! Sandy…in the bathroom now.

a) singing b) sings c) is singing
Контрольная работа №3

Variant I

Task1. Read the text.

Little Andy's mother is not at home, she is at work. Andy is hungry. He wants to have some nice things for lunch. He opens the fridge and sees two bananas and some grapes. He doesn't like grapes, but he likes bananas very much, so he takes them. He sees a bottle of Coca Cola. "Oh, good!" he thinks. In the cupboard there is a jar of apricot jam. "That's my favourite", says Andy. He eats the jam, the two bananas and drinks the Coca Cola. When his mother comes home, she sees Andy on the sofa. The little boy is not well. "Oh, Andy", his mother says, "Coca-Cola and jam are not good for you. You should eat healthy food." Good food gives you a lot of energy, vitamins and minerals. The best way is to eat fresh fruit and vegetables five times a day. Have a lot of water. You should eat bread, meat and potatoes, but you shouldn't eat a lot of sweets. Eggs and milk make your bones strong.

Task2. Are the statements TRUE or FALSE? Points: 5

1. Andy is at home.

a) True, b) False.

2. Andy wants to have dinner.

a) True, b) False.

3. Andy eats some apricot jam .

a) True, b) False.

4. Andy likes bananas, jam and Coca Cola.

a) True, b) False.

5. You should eat bread, meat and potatoes and have a lot of water.

a) True, b) False.

Task 3. Choose the necessary Reflexive Pronoun. Points: 5

1. I washed my blouse and jeans ...

a) herself; b) himself; c) myself.

2. He broke the leg …

a) himself; b) themselves; c) ourselves.

3. They built the house in the country…

a) herself; b) themselves; c) yourself.

4. I planted these flowers in the garden …

a) yourself; b) myself; c) itself.

5. We cleaned the class and swept the floor ...

a) himself; b) themselves; c) ourselves.

Task 4. Choose the right name of the profession. Points: 4

1.The person who helps people in the hospital is …

a) a doctor b) a singer c) a spaceman

2. The person who plays music is …

a) a writer b) a musician c) an actor

3. The person who takes part in sport competition is…

a) a sportsman b) a composer c) an artist

4. The person who reads books is …

a) an artist b) a writer c) a reader

Task 5. Choose the Present Perfect Tense or the Past Simple tense. Points:6

  1. She (see/already) ……………………………. this film.

  1. has seen b) have seen c) saw

  1. Emily (visit / not) …………………….me last week.

  1. haven’t visited b) didn’t visit c) hasn’t visit

  1. He ( read/ already) ……………the book in English.

  1. have read b) has read c) read

  1. My friend ( write) many letters …………………. last year.

  1. have written b) has written c) wrote

5. Nick … to bed very late last night.

a) have gone; b) went; c) go.

6. I … to the gym at six o'clock yesterday.

a) have gone; b) went; c) has gone.
Variant II

Task 1. Read the text.

Little Andy's mother is not at home, she is at work. Andy is hungry. He wants to have some nice things for lunch. He opens the fridge and sees two bananas and some grapes. He doesn't like grapes, but he likes bananas very much, so he takes them. He sees a bottle of Coca Cola. "Oh, good!" he thinks. In the cupboard there is a jar of apricot jam. "That's my favourite", says Andy. He eats the jam, the two bananas and drinks the Coca Cola. When his mother comes home, she sees Andy on the sofa. The little boy is not well. "Oh, Andy", his mother says, "Coca-Cola and jam are not good for you. You should eat healthy food." Good food gives you a lot of energy, vitamins and minerals. The best way is to eat fresh fruit and vegetables five times a day. Have a lot of water. You should eat bread, meat and potatoes, but you shouldn't eat a lot of sweets. Eggs and milk make your bones strong.

Task 2. Are the statements TRUE or FALSE? Points: 5

1 Andy’s mother is at home.

a) True, b) False.

2. Andy wants to eat.

a) True, b) False.

3. Andy has 2 bananas and some grapes in the fridge .

a) True, b) False.

4. Andy likes bananas, grapes, jam and Coca Cola.

a) True, b) False.

5. Healthy food gives you a lot of energy, vitamins and minerals..

a) True, b) False. .

Task 3. Choose the necessary Reflexive Pronoun.

1. I cooked this cake ...

a) herself; b) himself; c) myself.

2. They translated this book from English into Russian...

a) himself; b) themselves; c) ourselves.

3. She washed in the morning and dressed ...

a) herself; b) himself; c) yourself.

4. I found the daily newspaper ...

a) yourself; b) myself; c) itself.

5. We cleaned our room and swept the floor ...

a) himself; b) themselves; c) ourselves.

Task 4.Choose the right name of the profession. Points: 4

1.The person who sings songs is …

a) a doctor b) a singer c) a spaceman

2. The person who plays in films is …

a) a writer b) an engineer c) an actor

3. The person who paints pictures is…

a) a sportsman b) a composer c) an artist

4. The person who writes books is …

a) an artist b) an editor c) a writer

Task 5. Choose the Present Perfect Tense or the Past Simple tense. Points: 6

1. James (lose) …………..your ring in the garden yesterday.

  1. lost b) has lost c) have lost

2. He (come / just) ………………home.

  1. came b) has come c) have come

3. They (buy) ………….. their car two years ago.

  1. bought b) have bought c) has bought

4. I (see / not) ………………….anyone yet.

  1. didn’t see b) hasn’t seen c) haven’t seen

5. Phil (go ) ……………………to the cinema last night

  1. went b) has gone c) have gone

6. She (arrive / not) ……………………………yet.

  1. didn’t arrive b) hasn’t arrived c) haven’t arrived

Контрольная работа №4

Task 1. Reading

Цель: контроль сформированности навыков изучающего чтения по английскому языку в в конце 4 четверти по УМК Биболетовой М.З.

Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus was born in the seaport town of Genoa in Italy, about the year 1446. When he was only ten years old, he went to a famous school near Genoa and studied arithmetic and geography.

He was fourteen years old when he first sailed to the East. After that time he made many voyages before he could buy three small ships and sail across the Atlantic Ocean. He wanted to reach India and at the same time to that the earth is round. He wanted to discover a new shorter way to the East. He was on the Ocean for ten weeks and saw land. The land was America.

Christopher Columbus continued his trip but he always thought that the land he had discovered was the East India and he died never knowing that he had discovered a new continent.
Task 2. Complete the sentences Points: 7

1. The text is about…

a) C. Columbus’s voyage to Spain b) C. Columbus and his discovery c) the discovery of India

2. C. Columbus was born in…

a) Spain b) India c) Italy

3. C. Columbus studied … at a famous school.

a) arithmetic and geography b) arithmetic and geometry c) history and geography

4. He was … years old when he first sailed to the East

a) thirteen b) ten c) fourteen

5. He wanted to reach …

a) Spain b) India c) Italy

6. He wanted to discover …

a) America b) a new longer way to the East c) a new shorter way to the East

7. He was on the Ocean … and saw land.

a) thirteen weeks b) ten weeks c) fourteen weeks

Task 3. Translate from English into Russian. Mark True | False Points: 5

1. Christopher Columbus was born in the seaport town of Genoa.

2. When he was only nine years old, he went to a famous school near Genoa.

3. He wanted to prove that the earth is round.

4. He always thought that the land he had discovered was America.

5. He died knowing that he had discovered a new continent.

Task 4. Choose the right variant. Points: 5

1. This film _________ worth seeing. a) am b) is c) are

2. They _____________a new car this year. a) have bought b) bought c) buy

3. Our country is rich __________ rivers and lakes. a) for b) in c) of

4. I am tired __________ doing my homework. a) off b) on c) of

5. Moscow is famous ___________ its museums and art galleries. a) in b) for c) of

Task 5. Put the questions to the answers Points: 4

  1. My friend is swimming in the lake now. (Where…?)

  2. Last summer holiday we visited London. (When…?)

  3. Next year our teacher will go to the New York. (Who…?)

  4. Our family had a very interesting traveling to Finland last weekend. (What…?)

Итоговая контрольная работа

Вариант 1

1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   ...   36


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