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329 Федеральный закон от 6 октября 1999 г. N 184-ФЗ "Об общих принципах организации законодательных (представительных) и исполнительных органов государственной власти субъектов Российской Федерации"(с изменениями от 29 июля 2000 г., 8 февраля 2001 г., 7 мая, 24 июля, 11 декабря 2002 г., 4 июля 2003 г., 19 июня, 11, 29 декабря 2004 г., 21 июля, 31 декабря 2005 г.)

330 Zimmerman J. Contemporary American Federalism: The Growth of National Power. - London: Leicester University Press, 1992. - P. 81

331 Klatt H. Centralizing Trends in the Federal Republic: The Record of the Kohl Chancellorship // German Federalism Today. – N. Y.: St. Martin’s Press, 1991.- P. 125.

332 Saunders Ch. Hallmarks of Australian Federalism: Securing Free Trade and a Common Market // Federal-Type Solution and European Integration. – Laham, Maryland: University Press of America, 1995. - P. 308.

333 См.: Zimmerman J. Contemporary American Federalism: The Growth of National Power, P. 81.

334 См.: Hedge D., Scicchitano M. Regulating in Space and Time: The Case of Regulatory Federalism // Journal of Politics, 1994, vol. 56, No. 1, P. 134.

335 См.: Shapiro D. Federalism: A Dialogue. - Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press, 1995, P. 42.

336 См.: Tuhrman S. H. Clinton’s Educational Policy and Intergovernmental Relations in 1990’s // Publius: The Journal of Federalism, 1994, vol. 24, No. 3, P. 89-90.

337 Murphy A. Federalism and Environment: Problems and Prospect for European Integration // Federal-Type Solutions and European Integration, P. 517-518.

338 Подробнее об этом см.: См.: Tweedie J. Resources Rather Than Needs: A State-Centered Model of Welfare Policy-making // American Journal of Political Science, 1994, vol. 38, No. 3, P. 652.

339 См.: Тимашова Т. Н. . Канадская модель федерализма. – М.: АНКИЛ, 2002. - С. 77-78, 79.

340 Walti S. and Bullinger A-B. Regional Policy and Energy Policy in the Light of Swiss Federalism // Public Policy and Federalism. – Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing Ltd., 2000. – P. 84.

341 См.: Lehmbruch G. German federalism, the subsidiarity principle, and the European Union. Paper presented to the Conference on cooperative federalism, globalization and democracy. – Brasilia, 2000. – P. 5.

342 Wachendorfer-Schmidt U. Regional Policy in Germany. The European Union as the “Great Healer”? // Public Policy and Federalism, P. 112.

343 См.: Maarten T. J. and Tombeur H. Living Apart Together: The Belgian Intergovernmental Cooperation in the Domains of Environment and Economy // Public Policy and Federalism, P. 144.

344 I Maarten T. J. and Tombeur H. Living Apart Together: The Belgian Intergovernmental Cooperation in the Domains of Environment and Economy, P. 152-154.

345 См.: Swenden W. Belgian Federalism: Basic Institutional Features and Potential as a Model for the European Union. – L.: Royal Institute of International Affairs, 2003. – P.10.

346 Painter M. When Adversaries Collaborate: Conditional Cooperation in Australia’s Arm’s Length Federal Polity // Federalism and Political Performance, P. 135-136.

347 Painter M. When Adversaries Collaborate: Conditional Cooperation in Australia’s Arm’s Length Federal Polity // Federalism and Political Performance, P. 135-136.


348 См.: Public Policy and Federalism, P. 246-247.

349. Centre-Periphery Relations in Russia. The Case of Northwestern Regions. – Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing Ltd., 2001. – P. 230.

350 McKay D. Designing Europe: Comparative Lessons from the Federal Experience. – Oxford: University Press, 2001. – P. 4

351 См.: Leonardy U. The Working Relationships Between Bund and Lander in the Federal Republic of Germany, P. 50.

352 Lehmbruch G. German federalism, the subsidiarity principle, and the European Union. Paper presented to the Conference on cooperative federalism, globalization and democracy. – Brasilia, 2000. – P. 3.

353Leonardy U. The Working Relationships Between Bund and Lander in the Federal Republic of Germany, P. 48.

354 Leonardy U. The Working Relationships Between Bund and Lander in the Federal Republic of German., P. 48-49.

355 Galston W., Tibbetts Reinventing Federalism: The Clinton/Gore Program for a New partnership among the Federal, State and Local and Tribal Governments // Publius: The Journal of Federalism, 1994, vol. 24, No. 3, P.24. Об этом же см.: Wiltshire K. Planning and Federalism: Australian and Canadian Experience, P. 288.

356 .Zimmerman J. Contemporary American Federalism; The Growth of National Power, P. 135.

357 .Zimmerman J. Contemporary American Federalism; The Growth of National Power, P. 1

358 Wachendorfer-Schmidt U. Collaborative Federalism in Germany: Keeping the System in the Eye of the Storm // Federalism and Political Performance, P. 81.

359 . Wachendorfer-Schmidt U. Collaborative Federalism in Germany: Keeping the System in the Eye of the Storm, P. 109.

360 Lehmbruch G. German federalism, the subsidiarity principle, and the European Union. Paper presented to the Conference on cooperative federalism, globalization and democracy. – Brasilia, 2000. – P. 5.

361 См. об этом: Painter M. When Adversaries Collaborate: Conditional Cooperation in Australia’s Arm’s Length Federal Polity // Federalism and Political Performance, P. 135.

362 Armingeon K. Swiss Federalism in Comparative Perspective // Federalism and Political Performance, P. 122.

363 См.: Walti S. and Bullinger A-B. Regional Policy and Energy Policy in the Light of Swiss Federalism // Public Policy and Federalism. – Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing Ltd., 2000. – P. 84

364 См.: Painter M. When Adversaries Collaborate: Conditional Cooperation in Australia’s Arm’s Length Federal Polity // Federalism and Political Performance, P. 138.

365 Zimmerman J. Introduction: Dimensions of Interstate Relations // Publius: The Journal of Federalism, 1994, vol. 24, No. 2, P. 3.

366 См.: Zimmerman J. Introduction: Dimensions of Interstate Relations // Publius: Journal of Federalism, 1994. – vol. 24, No. 2, P. 3

367 См.: Florestano P. Past and Present Utilization of Interstate Compacts in the United States // Publius: The Journal of Federalism, 1994, vol. 4, P. 15.

368 Florestano P. Past and Present Utilization of Interstate Compacts in the United States // Publius: The Journal of Federalism, 1994, vol. 4, P. 15.

369 Ibid., P. 18-21.

370 См.: Leonardy U. The Working Relationships Between Bund and Lander in the Federal Republic ofGermany, P. 50-51.

371 См.: Thaysen U. The Bundesrat, the Lander and German Federalism, P. 24.

372 См.: Brown-John C. L. Managing Complexity: The Politics and Administration of Federalism // Federal-Type Solutions and European Integration, P. 45.

373 См.: Wiltshire K. Planning and Federalism: Australian and Canadian Experience, P. 104-105.

374 См. об этом: Zimmerman J. Introduction: Dimensions of Interstate Relations // Publius: The Journal of Federalism, 1994, Vol. 24, No. 2, P. 9.

375 См.: Peterson P. E. The price of Freedom. - Washington, D. C.: The Brooking Institute, 1995. – P. 30

376 См.: Shapiro D. Federalism: A Dialogue, P. 9.

377 См. об этом: Zimmerman J. Introduction: Dimensions of Interstate Relations, P. 8.

378 См.: Rydon J. The Australian Tradition of Federalism and Federation // Comparative Federalism and Federation: Competing Traditions and Future Directions. – Toronto: University of Toronto, 1993, P. 229.

379 Kincaid J. Consumership versus Citizenship: Is There Wiggle Room for Local Regulation in the Global Economy // Foreign Relations and Federal States. - London: Leicester University Press, 1993, P. 37.

380 См.: Wiltshire K. Planning and Federalism: Australian and Canadian Experience, P. 103.

381 См.: Zimmerman J. Introduction: Dimensions of Interstate Relations, P.8-9.

382 Васильев Д. И. Швейцарский федерализм // Современный буржуазный федерализм. - М.: Наука, 1978, С. 187.

383 См.: Zimmerman J. Introduction: Dimensions of Interstate Relations, P.4-5.

384 См.: Zimmerman J. Introduction: Dimensions of Interstate Relations, P. 2.

385 Федерализм: теория, институты, отношения (сравнительно-правовое исследование). – М.: Юристъ, 2001, с. 279

386 Российская газета, 8 июля 2003 г.

387 Dinan J. State Government Influence in the National Policy Process: Lessons from the 104th Congress // American Intergovernmental Relations: Foundation, Perspective and Issues. – Washington, D. C.: CQ Press, 2000. – P.134.

388 Васильев Д. И. Швейцарский федерализм // Современный буржуазный федерализм. - М.: Наука, 1978, С. 181.

389 См.: Osborn D. A New Federal Compact: Sorting out Washington Proper Role // Mandate for Change. - N. Y.: Berkly Books, 1993.

390. Федерация в зарубежных странах. – М.: Юридическая литература, 1993. - С. 109.

391 См.: Zimmerman J. Contemporary American Federalism: The Growth of National Power, P.44.

392 McKay D. Designing Europe: Comparative Lessons from the Federal Experience. – Oxford: University Press, 2001. – Р.125.

393 См.: Zimmerman J. Contemporary American Federalism: The Growth of National Power, P. 61-62

394 Ibid., P. 61.

395 См.: Bowman A., Pagano M. The State of American Federalism, 1993-1994 // Publius: The Journal of Federalism, 1994, vol. 24, No. 3, P. 8-9.

396. См.: Wiltshire K. Planning and Federalism: Australian and Canadian Experience, P. 90-91.

397 См., например: Jeffery Ch. German Unification and the Future of the Federal System // Evaluating Federal Systems, P. 292.

398 См.: Redish M. H. The Constitution as Political Structure. - N. Y.: Oxford University Press, 1995, P. 23.

399 См.: Redish M. H. The Constitution as Political Structure. - N. Y.: Oxford University Press, 1995, P. 23.

400 Simeon R. Canada and the United States: Lessons from the North American Experience // Rethinking Federalism: Citizens, Markets znd Governments in a Changing World , P. 252, 253.

401 См.: Blair Ph. Federalism, Legalism and Political Reality: the Record of the Federal Constitutional Court // German Federalism Today, P. 67.

402 См.: DeFrances C., Smith S. Federal State Relations in Gun Control: the 1993 Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act // Publius: The Journal of Federalism, 1994, vol. 24, No. 3, P. 74

403 См.: Telford H. Federal Spending Power in Canada: Nation-Building or Nation-Destroying? // Publius: The Journal of Federalism, 2003, Vol. 33, No. 1, P. 32.

404 Renzsch W. Why is there no Competitive Federalism in Germany? // Reforming Governance: Lessons from United States of America and the Federal Republic of Germany. – N. Y. : PALGRAVE, 2001. – P. 215.

405 Wallich Chr. Making-or Breaking – Russia // Russia and Challenge of Fiscal Federalism. – Washington, D. C.: The World Bank, 1994. – P. 241.

406 Beyme K. von. Federalism in Russia // Federalism and Political Performance. – L.: Routledge, 2000. – P.36, 37.

407 Бондарь Н. С. Конституционное правосудие как фактор модернизации российской государственности // Журнал Российского права, 2005, № 11,

408 См. об этом, например: De Figueiredo R., McFaul M. and Weingast B. Constructing Self-Enforcing Federalism in the Early United States and Modern Russia // Publius: The Journal of Federalism, 2007, vol. 37, no.2.

409 Painter M. When Adversaries Collaborate: Conditional Cooperation in Australia’s Arm’s Length Federal Policy // Federalism and Political Performance, P. 142.

410 Tushnet M. The Constitution of the United States of America: A Contextual Analysis. – Portland: Hart Publishing, 2009. – P. 180.

411 .Farber G. Structural Revision of the German Lander – Administrative Costs and Ambiguous Fiscal Equalisation Effects. Paper for Presentation at the XVIIIth World Congress of the International Political Science Association (IPSA). - Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, August 1st to 6th 2000, P. 11.

412 Farber G. Structural Revision of the German Lander – Administrative Costs and Ambiguous Fiscal Equalization Effects P. 5.

413 Armingeon K. Swiss Federalism in Comparative Perspective // Federalism and Political Performance, P. 115.

414 См.: McKay D. Designing Europe: Comparative Lessons from the Federal Experience, Р. 112.

415 Walti S. and Bullinger A.-B. Regional Policy and Energy Policy in the Light of Swiss Federalism // Public Policy and Federalism. – Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing Ltd., 2000. – P. 78-79.

416 См.: Миронова Т. А. Проблемы межбюджетных отношений в Российской Федерации в контексте проекта федерального закона «О федеральном бюджете на 2007 год // Аналитическое управление аппарата Совета Федерации. Аналитический вестник № 23 (311). Тенденции развития межбюджетных отношений в Российской Федерации. – М.: 2006. – С. 7.

417 См.: Российская газета, 20 февраля 2007 года

418 См.: Российская газета, 22 августа 2007 года.

419 Березин М. Ю. Региональные и местные налоги: правовые проблемы и экономические ориентиры. – М.: «Волтерс Клувер», 2006.

420 См.: Swenden W. Belgian Federalism. Basic Institutional Features and Potential as a Model for the European Union. – L.: Royal Institute of International Affairs, 2003, - P.9.

421 См.: A Global Dialogue on Federalism, Volume II. Distribution of Powers and Responsibilities in Federal Countries. – Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2006. – P.105.

422 См.: Swenden W. Federalism and Regionalism in Western Europe: A Comparative and Thematic Analysis.- L.: PALGRAVE, 2006. – P.110.

423 Swenden W. Federalism and Regionalism in Western Europe: A Comparative and Thematic Analysis, P. 139.

424 Letelier L. Explaining Fiscal Decentralization // Public Finance Review, 2005, No. 33, P. 157.

425 См.: Ahmad E., Hewitt D., and Ruggiero E. Assigning Expenditure Responsibilities // Fiscal Federalism in Theory and Practice. – Fiscal Federalism in Theory and Practice. – Washington, D. C.: International Monetary Fond, 1997. - P. 26.

426.Лавров А., Литвак Дж., Сазерлэнд Д. Реформа межбюджетных отношений в России: «федерализм, создающий рынок» //Вопросы экономики, 2001, № 4, с. 33.

427 Шах А. М. Переосмысление основ бюджетного федерализма. – Федерации, 2007, вып. 6, № 1, С.9.

428 Prud’home R and Shah A. Centrality v. Decentralization: The Devil Is In The Details // www.forumfed.org

429 Adamovich I., Hosp G. Fiscal Federalism for Emerging Economies: Lessons From Switzerland? // Publius:The Journal of Federalism, 2003, Vol.33, No.1.P.1.

430 Березин М. Ю. Региональные и местные налоги: правовые проблемы и экономические ориентиры. – М.: «Волтерс Клувер», 2006.

431 См.: Jochimsen B. Fiscal Federalism in Germany: Problems, Proposals and Chances for Fundamental Reforms //German Politics, 2008, Vol. 17, No. 4, P. 543.

432 Oeter S. Germany: Balancing
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