Формирование и развитие интеллектуальных умений при обучении чтению на уроках иностранного языка

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A Job Well Done

Getting (0) to work can be (1)…………. a very expensive and tiring business. Around 40 percent of the total miles travelled in the United Kingdom are covered just (2)……… going backwards and forwards to work. If only 15 percent of the British workforce took (3)………… telecommuting – connecting to the office from home through the telephone and the Internet – as (4)………. as 2 billion pounds (5)………… be saved in full costs. What is more, telecommuting could (6)…… help reduce air pollution as cars wouldn’t be (7)…….. as much.

Telecommuting means that you no (8)……. need to live near your place of work or even leave the comfort of your home. For (9)…….., your office could be based in London but you might live (10)……. a Scottish island. Telecommuting also provides a convenient way to work for people (11)…….. after young children and for people with disabilities. Moreover, it would also help cut (12)……. on the stress, time and money needed for commuting to work.

Telecommuting is (13)…….. the start of a process that will see many people doing their job (14)……. ever actually leaving their homes and (15)……. to work.

Приложение 8

Read the text below and look carefully at every line. Some of the lines are correct and some have a word that shouldn’t be there. If the line is correct put a tick(V) by the number on the separate answer sheet. If a line has a word which should not be there, write the word on the separate answer sheet. There are two examples at the beginning.

0. Ever since I was at school, I’ve wanted to be V

00. an air-hostess. It sounded so many glamorous and many

1. exciting, flying all over in the world to exotic places

2. and meeting the interesting people from different

3. countries. At school I studied French and Italian in order

4. that to achieve my ambition. Finally, when I was 18, I

5. have had an interview with Air-France, who accepted me.

6. I had to attend a three-month training course, which it

7. included waitressing, swimming and first-aid. We also

8. had to learn how to put on a make-up and do our hair

9. so that as to be smart at all times. Learning mouth-to-mouth

10. resuscitation it was the most difficult thing – we

11. practiced on plastic dolls and then on each other one.

12. Eventually, the day I had been looking forward to for

13. so much long arrived. Before the plane took off I showed

14. the whole passengers the emergency exits. One hour later

15. than we landed in Paris. A perfect start to my dream job!

Приложение 9

Fill in the correct word derived from the words in bold.

Astronauts have to be physically and mentally ready for the stress and strain of a space mission. To prepare them, astronauts are given 1)________(intense) training , which includes years of classroom study on 2)________(vary) technical subjects, and working in a model spaceship where they can practice 3)________(complicate) flight operations and become used to all the 4)_______(equip) on board.

Apart from high 5)________(intelligent), good qualifications and an excellent level of fitness, astronauts must have a strong character. They also have to be very 6)_______(courage) in order to accept the high risks involved.

Astronauts also have to face other, more ordinary problems in space. What can be very 7)_______(annoy) is the limited variety of food, but the greatest challenge is getting along with other members of their team as they often come from different countries, with different backgrounds and habits. Therefore they must be very 8)_______(patience) with each other, since the lack of privacy can become 9)________(irritate).

All in all, it seems that being an astronaut is one of the most 10)________(challenge) jobs in the world.

Приложение 10

Read the text. Think what parts can be derived to make a test.

Job for Life and Job for Love

From early age children like to dream about their future profession. Boys often want to be soldiers or car race drivers, girls – to be ballet dancers or singers… But growing older they learn more about other professions, begin to understand the role of money in life. A difficult question appears: how to find a job that is interesting and the same time profitable.

Some people don’t think of this problem much. They choose security – a job that brings money. They work for the rest of their lives in a sphere which is boring and irritating to them. They don’t get any satisfaction out of their work, they only spend time there. Sometimes these people have problems with their health and family relationships.

On the other hand, a person can’t be satisfied if he has got an interesting job which brings him money only for buying cheap food and second-hand clothes, paying rent for the flat (if he has one) and nothing more.

Sometimes people’s interests and profit coincide. We know many examples from life and literature when professionals get what they deserve (remember Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes or Maugham’s Julia Lambert from “Theatre”, etc.)

However, we know other examples when people live just on bread and water, live in a small, uncomfortable attic and work “for love”. They don’t even notice their lives are hard (a great number of scientists, men of art; from literature we can remember Maugham’s Charles Strickland from “The Moon and Sixpence”). Many of them sacrifice their family life and the joys of ordinary people for their work.

It all depends on one’s personality. I think one could find something attractive in every job. At least if the person hasn’t got any satisfaction from his work, he can get a hobby (collecting something or going in for sport). At the same time, if you are unable to earn enough money for life, you can always find another additional job or another way out.

Looking for a job, for life and love you should only have a desire for it. Believe in yourself and everything will be OK!

By Alyona Slinkina, 11th form,

Lyceum № 1525 “Vorobyovy Gory”

From early age children like to dream about their future profession. Boys often want to be soldiers or car race drivers, girls – to be ballet dancers or singers… But growing older they learn more about other professions, begin to understand the role of money in life.

Some people don’t think of this problem much. They choose security – a job that brings money. They work for the rest of their lives in a sphere which is boring and irritating to them. They don’t get any satisfaction out of their work, they only spend time there.

On the other hand, a person can’t be satisfied if he got an interesting job which brings him money only for buying cheap food and second-hand clothes, paying rent for the flat (if he has one) and nothing more.

We know many examples from life and literature when professionals get what they deserve (remember Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes or Maugham’s Julia Lambert from “Theatre”, etc.)

However, we know other examples when people live just on bread and water, live in a small, uncomfortable attic and work “for love”. They don’t even notice their lives are hard (a great number of scientists, men of art; from literature we can remember Maugham’s Charles Strickland from The Moon and Sixpence).

It all depends on one’s personality.

At least if the person hasn’t got any satisfaction from his work, he can get a hobby (collecting something or going in for sport). At the same time, if you are unable to earn enough money for life, you can always find another additional job or another way out.

Believe in yourself and everything will be OK!

A Sometimes these people have problems with their health and family relationships.

B There are over 2000 different professions in the world.

C A difficult question appears: how to find a job that is interesting and the same time profitable.

D Looking for a job, for life and love you should only have a desire for it.

I think one could find something attractive in every job.

Sometimes people’s interests and profit coincide.

G Many of them sacrifice their family life and the joys of ordinary people for their work.

Приложение 11

Read the text and fill in the chart below. Find out what career plans the young people have. What character traits and skills do they have to realize their career plans?


(abridged from “The Copper Beech” by Maeve Binchy)

By the school house stands a copper beech. The names and dreams of the pupils who have grown up under its branches are written on its bark. This tree is the gate-way to their grown-up life. Seven children once carved their names on the trunk of that tree…

No one had asked Maura what she wanted to do when she left school. She wouldn’t be going to the convent in the town like Leo Murphy and Nessa Rayan.

There were no plans for her to go into technical school. She wasn’t smart enough to be taken on as a trainee in one of the shops, or the hairdressing salon. Maura was going to work as a maid. She would like a job in a lovely big house.

Eileen was going to University if she got a lot of honours in her Leaving Certificate. She would be an architect. The nuns said she had all the brains in the world.

And Sheila wanted to do nursing so she was already sending out applications to the better training hospitals in Dublin.

It was understood that her brother Declan would do medicine. He would be coming back to help his father in practice and take over. But he decided against it. Declan would like to join an auctioneering firm. It was the kind of thing that appealed to Declan – looking at places, showing them to customers. He was good at talking to people.

Niall Hayes was going to Dublin setting up his plans to study law. Niall seemed to be enjoying University and studying hard. Foxy Dunne was in England on the building site.

There was no question of University for Nessa Rayan, no plan for a career, nothing, except the usual refuge of those who could not think what to do – the secretarial course in the town. Nessa began her course in shorthand and typing. When she finished her course at the college she would work full-time for her mother and father at the hotel. From time to time Nessa served behind the bar to know what the customers wanted.

Since his childhood Eddie was good at pressing flowers. Nessa had always thought they were so nice that he could do it for a living. He was dreaming of setting up a craft centre with small shops to sell everyone’s work there.


Career plan

Character traits






Niall Hayes

Foxy Dunne

Nessa Rayan



1. Bark/trunk – ствол.

2. Carve – вырезать.

3. Convent – монастырь (женский); go to convent – (здесь) идти в школу при монастыре.

4. Nun – монахиня.

5. Had all the brains – was very clever.

6. Auctioneering firm – фирма, продающая недвижимость.

7. Customer – посетитель, покупатель.

8. refuge – прибежище, убежище.

9. Press flowers – засушивать цветы.

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