English for communication

НазваниеEnglish for communication
ТипУчебное пособие
1   ...   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   ...   14
Additional vocabulary

horseshoe [΄hLSSH] – подкова

rock carving – зд. наскальный рисунок

masterpiece – шедевр

primeval art [praI΄mJv(q)l ΄Rt] – первобытное искусство



centre [΄sentq]






embankment [Im΄bxNkmqnt]




monument (to) statue [΄stxtjH] (to)

монумент, памятник (кому-либо)

alley [΄xlI]




fountain [΄fauntIn]



exhibition [,eksI΄bIS(q)n]



pine-tree = pine



circus [΄sWkqs]




уличное движение


thoroughfare [΄TArqfFq]

оживленная улица


suburb [΄sAbWb]

1. пригород; 2. мн. ч. окрестности


outskirts [΄autskWts]






multistorey building

многоэтажный, высотный дом


avenue [΄xvInjH]

проспект (AmE); аллея (BrE)






район, округ


boulevard [΄bHlvR]



sights (мн.ч), places of interest




родной город


рlant, factory, mill

завод, фабрика



постоянный житель



чемпионат, соревнование








department store


Verbs and verb combinations

  1. to found

1.основывать; 2.учреждать

  1. to spring up

возникать, появляться

  1. to pollute [pq΄lHt]


  1. to take (smb) to (somewhere)

доставлять, отвозить кого-л. куда-либо

  1. to dedicate to

посвящать (кому- либо)

  1. to set up a monument to

to erect

воздвигнуть памятник

7. to see the sights (of)

to do the sights

to go sightseeing

осматривать достопримечательности

8. to be proud of

гордиться чем-либо

9. to connect


10. to lay out (town, park, street)

закладывать, разбивать, планировать(город, парк, улицу)

11. to go down town

ехать в центр города


I'd like + инфинитив – Я бы хотел (а)…

one can say – можно сказать

used to – вспом. глаг. для обозначения регулярных действий в прошлом

it takes smb. time to do smth – требуется кому-л. время, чтобы сделать что-л.

E.g. It takes me 5 minutes to get home. – Мне требуется 5 минут, чтобы добраться до дома.

ancient [΄eInS(q)nt]9


picturesque [,pIkCq΄resk]


magnificent [mxg΄nIfIsnt]


broad [brLd]


straight [streIt ]



тяжелый, мощный; интенсивный (о движении)


главный, основной



busy [΄bIzI]

оживленный (об улице)





competitive [kqm΄petItIv]


Ex. 1. Practise the pronunciation of the following words.

Siberia [saI΄bIqrIq], square [skwFq], avenue [΄xvInjH], traffic [΄trxfIk], theatre [΄TIqtq], statue [΄stxtjH ], monument [΄mOnjumqnt], picturesque [,pIkCq΄resk], embankment [Im΄bxNkmqnt], outskirts [΄autskWts], suburb [΄sAbWb ], centre [΄sentq], distance [΄dIst(q)ns], department [dI΄pRtmqnt], university [,jHnI΄vWsItI], develop [dI΄velqp], thoroughfare [΄TArqfFq], empire [΄empaIq], parameter [pq΄rxmItq], entrepreneurship [,Pntrqprq΄nWSIp]
Ex. 2. Read the following international words and guess their meanings. Check the words in bold type in the dictionary:

Geographical, centre, territory, region, resident, relief, resources, geologic, group, colony, system, industry, metallurgical, complex, economy, aluminium, zinc, cement, plastic, synthetic, medicine, textile, urbanization, industrialization, construction, potential (n, a), culture, square.
*Ex. 3. Rewrite the words, inserting appropriate letters. Use a dictionary to check the spelling and meaning of these words.

Crook...d, bo…levard, e…bankment, g…llery, muse…m, ex…ibition, s…adium, ska…ing-rin… , strai…ht, brid…e, a…enue, s…burb, ad…inistrative, distri…t, residen…ial, lo…ality, re…ion.
Ex. 4. Form new words according the models. Translate them into Russian.

a) Verbs from the nouns by way of conversion.

Model: work → to work

light, border, water, plant, house, deposit, name.

b) Adjectives from the nouns using the suffixes –al, -ical, -ic.

Model: region+al → regional

geography, centre, industry, economy, metallurgy, origin, culture, chemistry, agriculture, education, profession, climate

c) Nouns from the verbs using the suffixes -ion, -tion,-ation.

Model: to demonstrate+ion → demonstration

to produce, to occupy, to locate, to erect, to situate, to construct, to found, to pollute, to connect, to exhibit, to urbanize, to characterize, to extend, to discuss, to concentrate

*Ex. 5. Choose the word that is similar or synonymous to the underlined word.

1 road




2 to produce

to keep

to make

to play

3 lamp




4 plant




5 town




6 street




7 bus




8 to build

to set up

to buy

to discover

9 to erect

to stand

to set up

to change

10 village




11 border




12 to name

to tell

to define

to call

13 avenue




14 taxi




15 to get on

to get off

to get in

to get about

Ex. 6. Read and translate the word combinations.
Heavy traffic, street traffic; department store; cinema hall; railway station; two-storey building, multistorey building; to plant trees; to take a bus; across the river, a bridge across the river Tom; to live in the suburbs; to live on the outskirts of a town, to go shopping; to go sightseeing; my hometown; the river that flows through my hometown; to go by a coach.
Ex. 7. Read and translate into Russian the following N+ N combinations.

The Kemerovo region, the Altai territory, coal deposits, the Kuznetsk basin, air temperature, the Stone Age, the Bronze Age, rock painting, key industry, power complex, Kuzbass economy, window glass, consumer goods, motor roads, pig iron producer, production concentration, the Tom river bank, Kemerovo city park, the Tom river embankment, world war, world market, consumer market, street traffic.
Ex. 8. a) Make up as many word combinations as possible choosing from A and B. Translate them into Russian.








right-hand (left- hand)



well lit up





to live in


to cross


to erect

the outskirts

to have a house on

the suburbs

to (re)construct


to plant

b) Make up sentences with these word combinations.

Ex. 9. Revise 3 forms of these verbs. Some of them are irregular. Which are they? Check the meanings in your dictionary and write down 3 forms of all the irregular verbs.

Build, buy, determine, come, find, forbid, establish, get, go, lay, lie, found, leave, see, spring, award, stand, set, take, win, live.
Ex. 10. Make up word combinations with the verbs and translate them into Russian. Consult the dictionary if necessary).

down town



to go



by bus (train, taxi, air, rail)

on foot

sightseeing (about the town)

as far as…

to do

the town

the sights

(smb.) to (a place)

a bus (a train, etc.)

to take

a turn

a walk

the lift

a seat

on (in) a bus

to get


about town



*Ex. 11. Complete the sentences as in the model.
Model: A very high building (of 80-101 storeys) … … a….

A very high building (of 80-101 storeys) is called a sky-scraper.

1.A building made for people to live in… … a … 2. A town or village road with houses on both sides … … a …3. Going about the town to see places of interest……a … 4. A place where goods are sold … … a…. 5. A place for the exhibition of pictures … … a …
*Ex. 12. Insert a suitable word.

A … is a large piece of ground in town with greenery for public use. 2. A … is a park in which animals are kept for exhibition. 3. A … is a building for teaching and learning. 4. A … is a field for sports with seats round it. 5. A … is a long-distance bus.
*Ex. 13. Insert a suitable preposition where necessary.

1. I prefer to go ___sea. (in, by, with)

2. He likes to go ___air. (in, by, for)

3. My sister plans to take a trip ___ car. (by, for, on)

4. After we arrive, we will go around the city ___ bus. (for, by, to)

5. We are planning to go ___ many leisurely walks. (for, by, in)

6. We can see more of the city if we often go ___ foot. (on, for, in)

Ex. 14. Rearrange the words below into grammatically accurate sentences.

1. called, the governing body of a town, is, the town council

2. that, persons, live in the same town, are, fellow-townsmen

3. the business part of a town, called, be, downtown, can

4. is, the residential part of a town, uptown, called

5.that, a town, called, local self-government, has, a municipality, is
Ex. 15. Read and translate the text into Russian.

The K u z b a s s

The Kemerovo region (the Kuzbass) was founded on the 26th of January 1943 but the Russian empire began to develop the Kuznetsk Lands much earlier - in the 17th century, when the cities of Tomsk (1604) and Kuznetsk (1618) were established. The Kuzbass is situated in the geographical centre of Russia, in the south of Western Siberia. Its area is 95 thousand sq. km and the total population is a little bit more than 3 million people, 88% of which are town’s residents. The main industrial centres are Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo, Prokopyevsk, Kiselevsk, Leninsk-Kuznetskii, Anzhero-Sudjensk, Belovo and Mezhdurechensk.

In the North the region borders on the Tomsk region, in the South – on the Altai territory, in the East - on the Krasnoyarsk territory, in the West - on the Novosibirsk region. The second name of the region – the Kuzbass (Kuznetsk basin) is determined by the availability of major coal deposits.

The climate of the region is sharp continental. Winter lasts for six months, summer lasts for three months. Average temperature of January is -19 º C, average temperature of July is +19º C.
The landscape of the Kemerovo region is mostly characterized as mountain-taiga, forest-steppe and steppe. The mountain relief is characteristic of the two thirds of the territory of the Kuzbass. The central part of the region is situated in the Kuznetsk hollow. The relief is basically flat here. The hollow is surrounded from the three sides with mountains forming a horseshoe: in the west — with the Salair mountain ridge, in the south — with the Abakan mountain ridge, in the east — with the Kuznetskii Alatau. Forests cover almost 65% of the region's territory. The largest forests are located in the eastern and southern parts of the region.

21400 rivers flow on the territory of the Kuzbass; their total extension is more than 76,5 thousand km. The largest rivers are the Tom, the Kiya, theYaya, the Chulym, and the Chumysh. There are several hundreds of lakes on the territory of the Kuzbass. The largest lake is Large Berchikul. Its area is about 32 square kilometers.

The first signs of the human being presence found on the territory of the modern Kemerovo region date back to the Stone Age. In the Tomskaya Pisanitsa Museum Reserve (a unique historical and cultural monument) there are samples of rock carvings from the Late Stone Age (4000-3000 B.C.) and the Bronze Age (2000 B.C.). Many rock paint­ings are unique and relate to the masterpieces of primeval art. For thousand years representa­tives of different ancient cultures lived on the territory of this land. Among the first inhabitants of the Kuzbass territory were the tribes of Shorsk-Mongolian origin, called Kuznetsk Tatars.

When tzar Peter I allowed everyone to seek mineral resources, Michailo Volkov from Tobolsk discovered coal on the bank of the river Tom in 172l. Later one of the coalmines was named after him. So the Kemerovo region was investigated and populated due to black coal deposits.

It was a famous Russian scientist, Chikachyov by name, who in 1842 called this land the Kuznetsk Basin. It was he who compiled the first geologic map of the Basin and defined its borders. In 1922 a group of American colonists came from the USA to Russia and organized the AIC (Autonomous Industrial Colony). The centre of the Colony was in Shcheglovsk (future Kemerovo).

Now the Kuzbass is known as major coal-metallurgical complex of Russia, one of the most highly developed industrial centers. Ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, engineering industry, chemistry, power engineering, woodworking, and food - processing industry are important branches of the Kuzbass economy. But key industry is coal mining, of course. The Kuzbass is a producer of steaming and coking coals, pig iron, steel, rolled products, coke, aluminium, zinc, ferro-alloys, slate, cement, window glass, nitrogen fertilizers, plastic, chemical fibres, synthetic resins, caprolaktam, dyes, medicines, electric motors, mining equipment and consumer goods (footwear, clothes, furniture, textile, tableware, domestic chemistry, electric devices).

The Kuzbass is not only coal, metal and “big chemistry", but also a developed agriculture, large banks, best in Siberia motor roads, a high level of urbanization, an international tourist centre in Gornaja Shoria, an original culture and outstanding scientific achievements.

K e m e r o v o

Kemerovo is the administrative, industrial, cultural and educational centre of the Kuzbass. It was founded in 1918. One can say that our city is not ancient but rather young. Its population is more than 500 thousand people. The city is located in the middle of the Tom River Basin in the Kuznetsk hollow. The centre is located on the left bank of the river Tom. It used to be a picturesque river but unfortunately it is polluted greatly now.

The city consists of 5 districts (Tsentralnyi, Leninskii, Zavodskii, Kirovskii, Rudnichnyi) and 5 working settlements.

Today Kemerovo is the administrative centre of the Kemerovo Region; it is a city with developed industrial, cul­tural and scientific potential, economically connected with all the regions of the CIS and foreign countries. It is the sec­ond largest city of the Kuzbass (after Novokuznetsk).

The industry of the city is characterized by a high level of production concentration. The specialization of the city as a centre of chemical and fuel-energy industries remains nowadays. The chemical industry is the basis of the econo­my. It makes 35% of the total output. “Azot”, “Khimprom”, “Khimvolokno”, “Polymer” are the largest chemical enterprises, producing goods competitive in the world markets. Black metallurgy is represented by a coke producing plant “Koks”.

The coal mining industry is represented by Kedrovskii Open-pit Mine that extracts high-quality coals. The power complex comprises three large heat-electric generating stations. The mechanical engineering of the city includes 23 large and average enterprises. The leading enterprises are “Khimmash”, “Stromautomash”, “ZETA” and «KZEMI”.

Food processing enterprises (flour, cereals, milk, meat and confectionery), enterprises of light industry and mechanical engineering (equipment for coal mining and chemical indus­try), construction industry enterprises (wood processing, production of building materials) are developing.

The city now is a large trading centre with the advanced infrastructure of the consumer market and entrepreneurship.

Kemerovo is one of the largest Siberian educational centres. Thousands of students are trained at 13 higher educational institutions and 17 technical schools. Among the best-known educational institutions are Kemerovo State University, Kuzbass State Technical University Kemerovo Technological Institute of the Food Industry and others. Kemerovo is a city of science. Two thirds of all Kuzbass research Institutes are found here.

The residents of Kemerovo are proud of the noble townspeo­ple: Honorable Citizens of the City Alexey Leonov, cosmonaut, two-time Hero of the Soviet Union; Michail Podgorbunskii, hon­ored doctor of RSFSR; Polina Krivova, honored teacher; Vitaliy Razdaev, master of sports, Galina Zavadskaya, hon­ored doctor of RSFSR and Vasiliy Selivanov, artist.

Comprehension check

Ex.I. Search the text for the English equivalents of the following phrases.

Общая численность населения, равнинный рельеф, Салаирский кряж, Аба­канский хребет, горно-таежный ландшафт, горный рельеф, общая протяженность, музей-заповедник, наскальная живопись, шедевры первобытного искусства, залежи черного угля, первые жители, названа в честь, определил границы, крупнейший угольно- металлургический комплекс, важные отрасли экономики, производитель энергетических и коксующихся углей, чугуна, проката, ферросплавов, шифера; высокий уровень урбанизации, яркая самобытная культура, выдающиеся научные достижения, крупный торговый центр с развитой инфраструктурой потреби­тельского рынка и предпринимательства, можно сказать, научно-исследовательский институт; осматривать достопримечательности, довольно оживленное движение, кемеровчане гордятся, река очень загрязнена.
Ex.II. Work in pairs. Read the statements and say if they are true or false. Use the

phrases from ex. II. p.35.


  1. The Kuznetsk Basin is situated in Eastern Siberia.

  2. It is one of the most important industrial centres of Russia.

  3. In 1821 M. Volkov discovered coal on the bank of the river Tom.

  4. In 1842 a famous Russian scientist Chikachyov called this land the Kuznetsk

  5. Basin.

  6. The centre of the Autonomous Industrial Colony was in Shcheglovsk.

  7. The Kuzbass is rich in different mineral resources, such as coal, iron, zinc, gold and others.

  8. The leading industry of the Kuzbass is chemical one.


  1. Kemerovo is the administrative, industrial, cultural and educational center of the Kuzbass.

  2. The embankment of the river Tom is one of the most beautiful places in Kemerovo.

  3. The first square in our town was Volkov Square.

  4. Across the Iskitimka river we see the magnificent building of the Kemerovo Circus which was built in 1973.

  5. The main thoroughfares in Kemerovo are narrow and winding.

  6. The halls of the city regional museum and the museum of fine arts are seldom visited.

  7. The industry of the city is characterized by a low level of production concentration.

  8. In 1956 Shcheglovsk was renamed into Kemerovo.

*Ex.III. Complete the following sentences using the phrases from the box:

    1. In the north the Kemerovo region borders on...

    2. The first inhabitants of the Kuzbass territory were...

    3. It was near this village where Mikhailo Volkov …

4. A famous Russian scientist Chikachyov compiled...

5. Now the Kuzbass is known as major…

6. The key industry is...

7. Kemerovo is ... ... centre of the Kuzbass.

8. Kemerovo sprang up...

9. The Monument of Glory is dedicated...

10. Some lime-trees in the Alley of Heroes were planted...

11. Vesennyaya Street is the most...
1. beautiful street of the city; 2. the first geologic map of the Basin and defined its borders; 3. the Tomsk region; 4. the administrative, industrial, cultural and educational; 5. discovered the black coal deposit on the right bank of the Tom River; 6. to the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War; 7. coal-metallurgical complex of Russia, one of the most highly developed industrial centers; 8. on the place of ancient Russian settle­ments. 9. coal- mining; 10. by cosmonauts who visited Kemerovo: Alexey Leonov, Boris Volynov and the frontier guard Yuri Babansky;11. the tribes of Shorsk- Mongolian origin.

Ex.IV.Answer the following questions:


  1. Where is the Kuznetsk Basin situated?

  2. Is the Kuzbass one of the most important industrial centres of Russia?

  3. Who were the first inhabitants of the Kuzbass territory?

  4. Who discovered coal in 1721?

  5. Who called this land the Kuznetsk Basin?

  6. What does the АIC stand for?

  7. The region has a well-developed power engineering, machine building and metal working industries, hasn't it?

  8. What mineral resources is the Kuzbass rich in?

  9. What are the leading industries of the Kemerovo region?


  1. What town is the capital of the Kuzbass?

2. When was it founded?

3. What is the population of our Kemerovo?

4. What are the main sights of Kemerovo?

5. Where is the greenest place in the city?

6. Kemerovo is a city of students, isn't it? Prove it.

Ex.V. Ask your groupmates the following questions.

Is there

an opera-house

in the centre?

drama theatre

in your street?

a department store

near your house?

a bus stop

in the corner?

a railway station

a cinema hall

Are there


in the suburbs?

multistoreyed houses

on the outskirts of the city?


in the park?


across the river?

research Institutes

along the alley?




How many


are there in your city?


big plants




What is the name of

your hometown?

the street you live in?

the river that flows through your city?


What is

the population of your city?

the best street in your city?

your favourite place of rest?

the longest bridge across the Tom?

the greenest place in Kemerovo?


Where is

the Kuzbass



your hometown

our Institute

the monument of Glory


What is

the Kuzbass

famous for?


your hometown

Vesennyaya Street

M. Volkov

Pushkin Square

Ex.VI. Make questions to which the underlined words are the answers.
1. The first inhabitants of the Kuzbass territory were the tribes of Shorsk-Mongolian origin, called Kuznetsk Tatars.

2. Michailo Volkov from Tobolsk discovered coal on the bank of the river Tom in 172l.

3. The city is located in the middle of the Tom River Basin in the Kuznetsk hollow.

4. Kemerovites are proud of their Pine Wood on the right bank of the Tom.
Ex.VII. Answer the questions.

1. What is your hometown?

2. Do you study in your hometown?

3. Do you like the city where you study?

4. Are you a Kemerovite or you just live here while studying?

5. Is your hometown far from Kemerovo?

6. Where is it situated?

7. What is the distance between Kemerovo and your hometown?

8. How do you usually get to your hometown?

9. How long does it take you to get there?

10. Do you know the history of your hometown?

11. When was your hometown founded?

12. Do you know any famous people of your hometown?

13. What are the places of interest in your hometown?

14. What is your favourite place in your hometown? Why?

Texts for extra reading:

  1. Some facts from Kemerovo’s history.

Kemerovo sprang up on the place of ancient Russian settle­ments. In 1859 there were 7 villages on the territory of today's Kemerovo. One of them was Scheglovo. In 1703 there were only six houses in Scheglovo. It was near this village where Mikhailo Volkov discovered the black coal deposit on the right bank of the Tom River. In the middle of the 19th century the peasants from the neighbouring Kemerovo village tried to extract coal and transport it on rafts to the city of Tomsk, but the management of the Altay mining district forbade doing that. And only in 1907 after the Siberian railway was built the management of the Altay min­ing district established the Kemerovo mine that was designed to produce 8300 tons of coal per year. In 1915 the construction of a coking plant and chemical shops began near Scheglovo village. In the same year the railway traffic was put into operation. The area of 6 villages Scheglovo, Kemerovo, Krasnyi Yar, Pleshki, Kur-Iskitim, Borovaya became an important indus­trial center. 1918 is considered to be the year of the city foundation, when Scheglovo was transformed into the city of Scheglovsk (Kemerovo village was included in).

In 1925 the city became the center of the district. There were 2510 wooden houses and 9 schools in the city. The population was 21,7 thousand people. The rapid development of the city was caused by the indus­trialization and the construction of the Ural-Kuznetskii industrial complex. On March 27, 1932 Scheglovsk was renamed into Kemerovo.

When the Great Patriotic War began, thousands of townspeople went to the front line and bravely battled against fascist aggressors. More than 6000 people of Kemerovo were awarded battle orders and medals.

On January 26, 1943 Kemerovo was declared as the adminis­trative center of the newly formed Kemerovo Region. By that time the city had become a large industrial center and a leader of the defense industry: 33 factories were evacuated here from the western part of the country.

В. Kemerovo’s places of interest.

Kemerovites and guests of the city like to walk along the embankment of the Tom river. One can see there the bridges across the river, the Monument of Glory dedicated to the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War. In front of the Monument there is the Alley of Heroes. Some lime-trees were planted by cosmonauts: Alexey Leonov, Boris Volynov and the frontier guard Yuri Babansky. If you want to do sightseeing, you can see the Drama theatre (with the beautiful singing fountain in front of its facade), the Puppet theatre, the Musical (Comedy) theatre, art galleries, exhibitions and museums. The halls of the city regional museum and the museum of fine arts are always full of visitors. The reserve-museum Tomskaya Pisanitsa located on the right bank of the Tom River (55 kilometers away from the city) is very popular with the townspeople and guests of the city. Unique historical monuments are concen­trated here in the open-air; the oldest of them date back to the fourth millennium B.C.
The first square in our city was Pushkin Square, but the monument to the poet was set up in 1949. Not far from the square there is the most beautiful street of the city – UlitsaVesennyaya. Together with Central City Park it is the greenest place in Kemerovo. Kemerovites are also proud of their pine wood on the right bank of the Tom river. Across the Iskitimka river one can see the magnificent building of the Kemerovo Circus built in 1973. It houses 2000 people. The streets in Kemerovo are broad and straight. The street traffic is rather heavy in the main thoroughfares. The longest are Sovetsky, Oktjabrsky and Lenin prospects.
Ex.VII. Read the dialogues aloud and act them out.
Seeing the sights
1   ...   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   ...   14


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«Английский язык» составлена на основе примерной учебной программы курса английского языка «Enjoy English» (Биболетова М. З., Трубанева...

English for communication iconРабочая программа по английскому языку рабочая программа по английскому...
«Enjoy English 2-11 классы» М. З. Биболетова, Н. Н. Трубанева, учебного плана школы на 2012-2013 учебный год и Положении о рабочей...

English for communication iconЛамзина А. В., Псурцева Н. Ю., Тельнова А. А. Словарь-приложение...
Словарь-приложение к комплекту пособий "Market Leader. Intermediate Business English" – М.: Мфти, 2003

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