Museums in Kazakhstan obtained in History and Kazakh Literature lessons to learn poem about Eagle to recycle the vocabulary on the given theme. The developing aim

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НазваниеMuseums in Kazakhstan obtained in History and Kazakh Literature lessons to learn poem about Eagle to recycle the vocabulary on the given theme. The developing aim
Museums in Kazakhstan

8th form

Ағылшын пәні мұғалімі

Валиева Галина Павловна

№21 жалпы білім беретін орта

мектебі КММ

The educational aims: to use information on the theme « Museums in Kazakhstan» obtained in History and Kazakh Literature lessons.

  • to learn poem about Eagle

  • to recycle the vocabulary on the given theme.

The developing aim: to develop pupils’ abilities in oral speech and reading.

Inter-subject connection: History, Kazakh Literature, Music.

The type of the lesson: New technological way of teaching.

The form of the lesson: Excursion lesson

Equipment: pictures of museums, a tape-recorder, the interactive- board.

Procedure of the lesson.

  1. Organization moment. Teacher’s conversation with a pupil on duty (T-Cl. T-P1,P2,P3)

  2. Checking up the homework. The poem «The ships»

  3. Brainstorming

  1. Have you ever been in Museum?

  2. What have you seen there?

  3. What Museums in Kazakhstan do you know?

  4. What Museums would you recommend to visit?

4. Preparation for the new words.

We’ll learn the new words and practice their pronunciation (in chorus and individually). Geology –геология

Academy of sciences- ғылыми Академиясы; Академия науки

Natural – табиғи, нақты, еркін ұстайтын, природный.

Tour-сапар, саяхат, путешествие

Eagle- бүркіт, орел

Jewelry- драгоценности


Unforgettable- незабываемый

  1. Reading and learning the poem «Eagles»


Eagles strike

And eagles seize.

Eagles fly

Whenever they please.

They catch the wind

And high the fly.c:\documents and settings\администратор\рабочий стол\golden_eagle_lg.jpg

They reach for life

And reach for more.

Teacher: What do you know about eagles?

Are eagles strong or weak birds?

Where do they usually live?

What do eagle symbolize?

  1. Making a scheme

Teacher: We’ll make a scheme « Museums in Kazakhstan». (one of the pupils makes a scheme on the interactive board according to pupil’s reading).

Museums in Kazakhstan

Zhambyl Zhabayev The State Book Museum

Literary Museum

State Museum of Popular Central state Museum

Musical Instruments in Kazakhstan
Kasteev’s Museum Geology Museum of the

of Arts Academy of Science

7a) Reading the information.

Reader 1: Central state Museum in Kazakhstan was founded in 1931 and now it is one of the landmarks of Almaty.c:\documents and settings\администратор\рабочий стол\0_5321_d3283052_xl.jpg

Reader 2: Zhambyl Zhabayev Literary Museumc:\documents and settings\администратор\рабочий стол\p7090051-224x300.jpg

Was established in 1947 to demonstrative visitors the literary heritage of the famous Kazakh akyn.

Reader 3: Geology Museum of the Academy of Science demonstrates collections of natural underground resource and stones of Kazakhstan.c:\documents and settings\администратор\рабочий стол\ybz2ld2xxhr2gtlim0vt2unanjmhec.png

Reader 4: Kazakh musical instruments have been collected in the State Museum of Popular Musical Instruments from all regions of Kazakhstan.c:\documents and settings\администратор\рабочий стол\59523435_almaata_3.jpg

Reader 5: Kasteev’s Museum of Arts, founded in 1935 as the national Art Gallery of Kazakhstan, attracts many visitors.c:\documents and settings\администратор\рабочий стол\xyj2nlbcwakqehb1e3uacvmfmprxox.jpg

Reader 6: The State Book Museum in Almaty was founded in 1977 it’s exhibition shows the history of Kazakh writing and book printing as well as the Modern publications in Kazakhstan.c:\documents and settings\администратор\рабочий стол\2.jpg

b) Teacher: Thank you for your interesting information. Now, I’ll show you slides.

8. Speaking

Teacher: And now who wants to speak on the following sayings:

A good book is the best of friend, the same today and forever (Martin F.Tupper)

Choose a book as you choose a friend (proverb)

Тема урока: Family traditions in the UK

Christmas Day-Діни мереке

(8 класс,учебник English авторы Т.Д.Кузнецова, П.Г.Козлов)
Цель урока: Познакомить обучающихся с основными традициями празднования праздника Рождества в Великобритании.


  1. проверить знание учащихся о традициях празднования Рождества в Великобритании (вопросы Do you know…?).,

  2. организовать самостоятельную работу с текстом о празднике Christmas Day с помощью «Инсерт».,

  3. составить ответы- презентации (опорные кластеры) и озвучить их у доски.,

  4. организовать творческую работу учащихся - написание синквейнов по пройденной теме.

Методы и приемы ТРКМ: вызов-осмысление - рефлексия, вопросы Do you know…?, прием «Инсерт» (чтение с пометками), презентация (составление опорных кластеров), синквейн.
Ход урока

Учащиеся делятся на 3 группы


Прием «Верные и неверные высказывания»

Картинки с изображением празднования Merry Christmas
Englishmen are proud of their traditions and carefully keep them. (True|False)

  • The English are not teadrinkers. (True|False)

  • Englishmen like to live in small houses with small gardens. (True|False)

  • Christmas Day are green with flowers. (True|False)

  • Christmas is a merry family holiday with very interesting traditions. (True|False)

(Ученики обсуждают в группах высказывания)




Do you know…?

Стадия осмысления

Do you know…?

Before reading the text

After reading the text

Merry Christmas celebrated by millions of people around the world

Christmas is a civil holiday

25th of December- birth of Jesus Christ

Santa Claus brings presents for children

On Christmas Day people prepare a traditional dinner

Merry Christmas is a Religious holiday

Carol singing is important part of Christmas

A typical Christmas lunch includes turkey with cranberry sauce and pudding.

  1. Прием «Инсерт»- индивидуальная работа с текстом «Christmas in Great Britain» с пометками.

При работе с текстом учащиеся должны делать пометки, используя следующие значки:

  • «V» - уже знал

  • «+» - новое

  • «-» - думал иначе

  • «?» - не понял, есть вопросы

Ставить значки необходимо по ходу чтения текста. Прочитав один раз ученик должен вернутся к своим первоначальным предположениям, вспомнить, что они знали или предполагали по данной теме раньше.

Part I

Christmas Day, December 25, is probably the most popular holiday in Great Britain. It is a family holiday. Traditionally all relatives and friends give each other presents. So, before Christmas all the department stores and shops are crowded, everybody is choosing a present.

In general, people get prepared for this holiday very carefully. They decorate their houses in the traditional way. Christmas trees are set up in houses, in the streets and churches. They are always decorated with fairy lights, angels and small toys. In addition, little packets with nuts, candies and special biscuits are hung on the tree. Presents are put around the tree artificial “frost” is scattered over the branches.

Part II

In Great Britain, the Christmas tree became popular while Queen Victoria ruled the country.

Besides the Christmas tree, holly and mistletoe are used to decorate the house. Branches of holly are put up behind pictures and mistletoe is hung over doors, so the young people have a chance to kiss the girls under it, plucking each time a red berry from the mistletoe. It is said that the girl who was not kissed under it at Christmas would not get married that year.

On the eve of Christmas children hang their stockings, so that Santa Claus could put presents into them: oranges, sweets, nuts and if the child didn’t behave properly Santa Claus can put there a piece of coal as punishment.

Santa Claus got his name from a man known as St. Nicolas, who lived in the fourth century. He gave his wealth to the poor and often to children. After he died, the Dutch brought this legend to colonial America. Soon the Dutch name Sinter Klaus became Santa Claus.

Part III

Carol singing is an essential part of Christmas. No church or school is without its carol service. Carols may be traditional or with some variations that express different feelings. Carols were used for the first time during Christmas in the fifteenth century.

Usually children come around in the evening to the front doors and start singing carols and people who live in these houses give children candies, nuts, and pies and so on, to thank them for carol singing.

A typical Christmas lunch includes turkey with cranberry sauce and pudding. Usually a coin or two are hidden inside the pudding and part of the fun is to see who finds it.

After the lunch they go to the sitting room to listen to the Christmas speech of the Queen, shown on TV.

So, Christmas is a merry family holiday for all the people of Great Britain. Christmas comes but once a year.

После прочтения текста и расстановки пометок на его полях учащиеся заполняют таблицу «Инсерт»





Цель: систематизировать полученные знания.

Правила для учащихся: - не боятся записывать все, что приходит на ум. Дать волю воображению и интуиции.

- постараться построить как можно больше связей. Не следовать по заранее определенному плану.

Merry Christmas
the most popular holiday Christmas trees are set up in houses

Santa Claus put presents into Carol singing is an essential part of

stockings Christmas


  1. Озвучивание презентации в группах (эксперт комментирует кластер, помощники дополняют).

  2. Возвращение к вопросам Do you know…?

    Do you know…?

    Before reading the text

    After reading the text

    Merry Christmas celebrated by millions of people around the world

    Christmas is a civil holiday

    25th of December- birth of Jesus Christ

    Santa Claus brings presents for children

    On Christmas Day people prepare a traditional dinner

    Merry Christmas is a Religious holiday

    Carol singing is important part of Christmas

    A typical Christmas lunch includes turkey with cranberry sauce and pudding.

  3. Составление Синквейна по теме.


White, important

Celebrate, prepare, decorate

It is a religious tradition


I cannot live without books (Ernest Hemingway)

Reading all the good books is like a conversation with the finest men… (Rene Descartes)

9. Round table discussion on the theme: «Museums in our life»

Teacher: You must answer of following questions for discussion.

  1. What museums are there in Kazakhstan? What are they famous for?

  2. What do you come to know in the Museum?

  3. What are the advantages of visiting Museums?

  4. Describe your last visit to a Museum/

10. Conclusion.

Teacher: You all worked well at the lesson. I hope you have learned more new information about Museums in Kazakhstan.

11. Home task: Prepare a mini project on one of the Museums and make presentation.


Museums in Kazakhstan obtained in History and Kazakh Literature lessons to learn poem about Eagle to recycle the vocabulary on the given theme. The developing aim iconVocabulary

Museums in Kazakhstan obtained in History and Kazakh Literature lessons to learn poem about Eagle to recycle the vocabulary on the given theme. The developing aim iconA. Learn the following words

Museums in Kazakhstan obtained in History and Kazakh Literature lessons to learn poem about Eagle to recycle the vocabulary on the given theme. The developing aim iconActive vocabulary unit 11

Museums in Kazakhstan obtained in History and Kazakh Literature lessons to learn poem about Eagle to recycle the vocabulary on the given theme. The developing aim iconPart 1 basic vocabulary

Museums in Kazakhstan obtained in History and Kazakh Literature lessons to learn poem about Eagle to recycle the vocabulary on the given theme. The developing aim iconДействующие бортпроводники анкета для приёма на работу
Пожалуйста, напишите, как Вы узнали о нас (Please specify how do you learn about us)

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