Российской Федерации Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования

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State types of subordinate clauses. (10)

Variant 1.

1. But of course the probability was that Captain Nichols preferred dirty work to clean. (Maugham)

2. Where he was going was home. (Abrahams)

3. What I suffer in that way no tongue can tell. (Jerome)

4. All three incidents had resulted from the fact, of which he himself was well aware but which he was unable to overcome, that he was unstable and unreliable and a misfit in his profession. (Caldwell) (2)

5. I haven’t thought of any one or anything else since I saw you last. (Dreiser)

6. She is crying because she could not go out with the Missis in the carriage. (Bronte)

7.The shutters were closed, so that nothing of the interior could be seen. (Hardy)

8. The intervals were never as long as they had seemed. (Green)

9. Roy was stretched to his full length moaning sometimes as if he were in pain. (Aldridge)

Variant 2.

1. I am sorry I was so short with you when you asked if you could have a passage on this boat. (Maugham) (2)

2. It is probable that you will very shortly hear from us again. (Doyle)

3. All she saw was that she might go to prison for a robbery she had committed years ago. (Christie) (2)

4. The idea that his only son could be haled half across the world on charge of a murder was as horrible as a nightmare. (Galsworthy)

5. We took our umbrellas, because we were afraid it would rain. (Sweet)

6. So heavy was the stress of the storm just at this place that I had the hardest task to win my way up the hill. (Wells)

7. It proved more difficult to get out of the Phat Diem area than it had been to get in. (Green)

8. The sun was hot now although the breeze was rising. (Hemingway)

Variant 3.

1. If you convince the police authorities that there is no possible case against you, I do not know that there is any reason that the details should find there way in the papers. (Doyle) (3)

2. It was a pity Celia couldn’t understand, because he wanted her to. (Abrahams) (2)

3. But the fact is that the Indian Ocean and everything that it has has lost its charm for me. (Cronin) (2)

4. Poor Daisy had to listen to this every morning after she had sent the boy to school. (Bellow)

5. Dr. Bessner is anxious to reach Assuan so that his leg can be X-rayed and the bullet removed. (Christie)

6. And though I had been to school in the cities and had come to Europe, I was still a son of the tribe. (Abrahams)

Variant 4.

1. When we reached the landing all the old women turned their heads, and as soon as we had passed, their voices rose and fell as though they were singing together. (Green) (2)

2. One day after her first week’s rehearsal, what she expected came openly to the surface. (Dreiser)

3. One of her first thoughts that came to her now was where her husband was. (Dreiser) (2)

4. We seem to interfere in what is not our business. (Abrahams)

5. Somewhere in her head or her heart was the lazy, nebulous hope that things would change. (Parker)

6. He refused to take money because he couldn’t give any guarantees that the treatment would help. (Carter)

7. I am at once to warn her so that she may rise quickly. (Cronin)

8. Even though it was winter, flowers were blooming on the rockery. (O’Brien)

Variant 5.

1. Money for the illegal fur which Jean Andrew sold she kept for Roy; and she kept it tight so that he could never get at it when he was drunk. (Aldridge) (3)

2. It’s funny how anxious these women are to get on the stage. (Dreiser)

3. My only terror was lest my father should follow me. (Eliot)

4. And finally, they must consider who had dragged the body towards the house. (Sayers)

5. Again Dinny had the feeling that Fleur had once suffered as she was suffering now. (Galsworthy) (2)

6. Her father… was always telling her that she only drank China tea because it was a fashion. (Galsworthy)

7. She was so amused by his bland impudence that she laughed and overlooked his past misdeeds. (Mitchell)

Parse the sentence. (7-9 clauses)
Variant 1.

If I were going to kill anyone, which, of course, I wouldn’t dream of doing for a minute, because it would be very wicked, and besides, I don’t’ like killing, not even wasps, though I know it has to be, and I am sure the gardener does it as humanely as possible, well, I shouldn’t be at all satisfied to trust to fright. (Christie) (9)

Variant 2.

He was developing a sense of humour, and found that he had a knack of saying bitter things which caught people on the raw; he said them because they amused him, hardly realizing how much they hurt, and was much offended when he found that his victims regarded him with active dislike. (Maugham) (8)

Variant 3.

Mrs. Crisp was summoned from Buxton and abruptly carried off her darling boy; but the idea… caused a great flutter in the breast of Miss Pinkerton, who would have sent away Miss Sharp, if she were not bound to her under a forfeit, and who never could thoroughly believe the young lady’s protestations that she had never exchanged a single word with Mr. Crisp, except under her own eyes on the two occasions when she had met him at tea. (Thackeray) (7)

Variant 4.

He knew the friendliness she showed him was due only to the provisions he brought with him, but he didn’t care; it was enough that she was mannerly, and that she was prepared to be so as long as she could get something out of him. (S. Maugham) (9)

Variant 5.

She wrote me dreadful letters when she heard that I was to be married, and to tell the truth the reason why I had the marriage celebrated so quietly was that I feared lest there might be a scandal in the church. (Doyle) (7)
Образец выполнения контрольной работы № 3. Синтаксис

1. There was an impatient knock at the front door… (A. Bennet)

“there” – the subject, structurally it is simple, semantically formal expressed by the introductory “there”


1. Presently Troutham grew tired of his punitive task… (Th. Hardy)

“grew tired” – the predicate, structurally it is compound, semantically – nominal, morphologically it consists of the link verb “grew” and the predicative “tired” (part. II).


1. … Soames took his watch. Past four! (J. Galsworthy)

“Past four” – an elliptical sentence.


1. “his flower”:

• syntactically it is subordinate; means of syntactic subordination between the head (flower) and the adjunct (his) – adjoinment;

• morphologically it is a noun phrase: the head “flower” – common, concrete, inanimate, class noun, countable, sg.; the adjunct “his” – a possessive pronoun in a conjoint form, the 3d p., s., m.


1. The man who had wanted to pay then bought me a drink. (J. Cooper)

“who” – a conjunctive word, a relative pronoun.


1. I did it in order that she might rest. (E. Wilson)

“in order that she might rest” – an adverbial clause of purpose.


He took care that they should not cheat the natives; he saw that they got a fair reward for their work and their copra and that the traders made no extravagant profit on the wares they sold them. (S. Maugham)

He took care he saw

that that that
object they should they got … and the traders… on the object

clause not cheat copra wares clause

the natives

they sold them attributive

A compound-complex sentence; it consists of six clauses: two coordinate clauses, joined asyndetically; three object clauses are joined by the subordinating conjunction “that” and a relative limiting (restrictive) clause joined asyndetically.

  1. Characterize the sentence from the point of view of its structure:

“Structurally the sentence is (complex, compound or of a mixed structure: compound-complex, complex-compound)”.

  1. Draw a structural scheme of the sentence. Define types of subordinate clauses. Comment on the means of connection between them:

“This is an object clause joined by the subordinating conjunction “that”.

  1. Parse the underlined clause according to sentence parts. Comment upon their morphological expression:

“The dog…” it is the simple definite personal subject. Structurally the subject is simple because it is expressed by a single countable common animate class noun in the common case singular, semantically it is definite personal because it denotes a concrete living being who is the doer of the action.

  1. Comment upon the morphological types of underlined phrases and syntactic relations between the components (agreement, government, adjoinment, enclosure):

“These books” is a subordinate phrase. “Books” is the head, “these” is an adjunct, which is subordinated to the head. Structurally the phrase is simple because the adjunct is unextended. The components of the phrase are joined by means of agreement (they agree in number).


Учебно-методические материалы

для студентов II-III курсов факультета английского языка

(отделение заочного обучения)

Составители: Валентина Ильинична Курышева

Надежда Николаевна Лисенкова

Редакторы: А.О. Кузнецова

Д.В. Носикова

А.С. Паршаков

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Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования

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Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования

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Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования

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