National Research University Higher School of Economics

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1.12 Nanoparticles CouldTurnTrees Into Streetlights

Dr Yen-Hsun Su from the National Cheng Kung University in Taiwan has discovered that the leaves of the Bacopa caroliniana tree can produce a red emission in chlorophyll upon the addition of gold particles. This amazing fusion of nanotechnology with nature can help the environment in many different ways; roads can now be well-lit without having to consume a significant amount of electricity, thus dramatically cutting light pollution and carbon emission.
1.13 DigitalTylenol:Microchip EmbeddedIntoSpineStopsChronicPain

Researchers and designers at the National ICT Australia in Sydney have constructed a smart chip that, when embedded in the spine, intercepts and blocks pain messages to the brain.

The chip is housed in a biocompatible casing that is smaller than the head of a match. In turn, the chip is wired to a larger implanted device containing a battery, which charges wirelessly from an outside source, and a computer processor.

The chip is embedded to the spine, or another area between the brain and source of pain. The chip can measure the properties of signals and pick out the ones that are carrying pain to the nerve center. When the chip detects a pain signal headed towards the brain, it shoots out a 10-volt electric pulse that blocks the pain signal.

The device is designed for those with serious or chronic back or leg pain, however, it technically can be used for all kinds of pains throughout the body.

Hype Cycle as a tool to develop technology map
Students have to pick up one technology from Gartner Hype Cycle. Then they develop five product ideas based on chosen technology. Students must prove the existence of opportunity for developed ideas.

To performthe task instructor form small groups of 3-4 members each. After developing ideas students have to discuss following questions:

  1. Why do you think there is an opportunity on the market for your idea?

  2. Please, evaluate technological feasibility of your idea.

  3. Who is your target audience?

  4. What benefits do you offer to your target audience?

  5. What is your value proposition?

Appendix B

National Research University Higher School of Economics

Nizhny Novgorod
Faculty of Management

Self-study on the course
Marketing and Innovations

(New Product Development and Consumer Adoption Process)”

080200.68 – Management

Prepared by:

Case-study Montreaux Chocolate
Learning Objectives

  • Introduce students to various market research techniques that can be utilized to test theviability of new products.

  • Analyze the market dynamics of the chocolate industry, including the competitive landscape

  • Determine how consumer attitudes, usage, motivations, features, and benefits of chocolateproducts influence purchase behaviors among identified target markets.

  • Analyze research results to determine the most viable new product opportunities.

  • Recommend which one or two of the three testing alternatives should be utilized to validatethe product line’s marketability projections and sales volume forecasts, which were derivedfrom preliminary market tests before launching the Montreaux Chocolate USA product linenationwide.

  • Evaluate how to optimally position a new dark chocolate with fruit product in the U.S. afterthe acquisition of a Swiss-based chocolate company.

Case Questions

  1. Discuss the key challenges and marketing issues Andrea Torres must address at this time.

  2. Why do you feel these issues and challenges are key to the success of the new product line?

  3. Evaluate the achievability of the company objectives for Montreaux USA. Identify the mostsalient aspects of the chocolate confectionery industry, globally and domestically, that bear ona new product introduction. Provide support for your conclusions.

  4. After analyzing consumer attitudes, usage, motivations, and benefits of chocolate products toconsumers, how viable are the recommended new product concepts? Should others beexplored? Please explain.

  5. Using the forecast model for the healthy dark chocolate product with fruit tested in the BASESII test in August 2012, what is your forecast of the demand for the chocolate product?Hints:Conduct a sensitivity analysis by using the facts provided regarding consumerawareness, ACV and repeat rates for mediocre, average, and excellent products.The Excel supplement provided with the case should prove useful.

  6. Evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the new product development process to thispoint. What, if anything would you change? Develop a comparative assessment of theresearch alternatives under consideration. Which one or which combination of researchtechniques would you recommend? Please explain.

Reference Materials for the Case

  • MarketLine, Global Confectionery, Industry Profile 0199-0710, November 2012.

  • MarketLine, Confectionery in the United States, Industry Profile 0072-0710, November 2012.

  • Mintel Group Ltd., Chocolate Confectionery – U.S., April 2012.

  • Euromonitor International, Passport Chocolate Confectionery in the US, December 2012. Packaged Facts, Chocolate Candy in the U.S., May 2012.

  • IBISWorld, Chocolate Production in the US, Industry Report 31135, December 2011

Case-study Bluefin Labs: The Acquisition by Twitter
The case was written with two main teaching objectives in mind:

  • To explore social media monitoring in a particular industry context, one where the possible value to specific managerial decisions can be more easily debated than is the case for value when the industry context is quite general,

  • To explore social TV, in which TV content gets viewers to participate in online communities and online community participation feeds back into TV content development.

Assignment Questions

  1. Do you ever tweet, text, or email while watching television? If so, why? What motivates people to participate in social TV?

  2. Whether you do or not, it seems 40 million Americans do. Are their conversations representative of television viewers? If not, are the data valuable to television networks? Are they valuable to media buyers? To brand marketers?

  3. Dave Poltrack refers to Bluefin’s data as a deep dive and SocialGuide’s as a more summary picture. What features of the Bluefin system of data collection and analysis make it a deep dive?

  4. Why did Twitter buy Bluefin? What might it do with Bluefin’s capabilities? Was it wise to shut down sales of its product suite sales?

Case-study Facebook
Teaching Objectives
Facebook’s Platforms is a very broad case that can be used to teach a number of topics. In thisteaching note I focus on how to use the case two convey three ideas that have not received extensiveattention before, but are central to my research. First, the case explores the kinds of unmet socialneeds (social failures) we have when it comes to interacting with friends. In doing so, we payparticular attention to those that arise out of norms of interaction in the offline world. Second, thecase allows the instructor to explore social solutions related to social failures that arise in interactionswith friends. Through the discussion students discover that effective social solutions work well whenthey address the normative causes of failures, without introducing new additional failures. Third, thecase allows students to build on the two concepts to develop the concept of social strategy, whichallows established firms, such as eBay or American Express, to leverage social platforms profitably.Social strategies ask that companies build social solutions for its customers or suppliers, and in returnask these customers to engage in corporate tasks, which either lower the company’s cost or improveits willingness to pay. Since companies have only relatively recently started competing in this way,students usually learn a lot by seeing that firms can gain competitive advantage by helping itscustomers or suppliers develop better relationships (pretty much in the same way as Facebook doesfor them)There are numerous issues to cover in the case, and instructors can be very selective about thekinds of issues they want to cover. At the very least, instructors should dedicate one 80-minutesession to the case. This will cover all of the basic issues. I recommend, however, teaching thematerial over two 80-minute sessions, as this will truly help students appreciate the incredibleopportunities available through Facebook.

Assignment Questions

  1. Why do people use Facebook and what do they do when they are there?

  2. Evaluate the success of advertising on Facebook.

  3. Evaluate the success of Facebook fan pages.

  4. Evaluate Facebook Platform and Facebook for Websites.

  5. Which of the three options should Facebook emphasize as it seeks to monetize.

Appendix C

National Research University Higher School of Economics

Nizhny Novgorod
Faculty of Management

Ongoing control and final exam on the course
Marketing and Innovations

(New Product Development and Consumer Adoption Process)”

080200.68 – Management

Prepared by:

Example of the test
1. Приведите примеры рыночных и технологических рисков для описанной ниже технологии:
Бензо-электрический Lexus — самая свежая из моделей, на которых Google проверяет свои технологии. Испытания начались несколько месяцев назад. Определение своего местоположения, «понимание», кто и что находится вокруг — все это в целом пройденный этап. Нынешние задачи — научить автомобиль ездить по снегу, маневрировать в зоне, где ведется строительство, а также быстро и правильно реагировать на разнообразные нестандартные дорожные ситуации. Пока в каждой едущей машине сидят по два оператора, но вскоре Google собирается выпустить на дорогу уже пустой автомобиль. По состоянию на середину августа этого года была зафиксирована всего одна авария с участием машины-робота, причем ее виновником стал человек.

Рыночные риски

Технологические риски

2. К какому типу инноваций относится “freemiumbusinessmodel”1

  1. Process innovation

  2. Product innovation

  3. Commercial/marketing innovation

  4. Organizational innovation

  5. Management innovation

3. Какие инструменты маркетинговых исследований целесообразно использовать для улучшающей инновации (incrementalinnovation)?






4. Какие три фактора необходимо учитывать при выборе стратегии установления отраслевых стандартов?




5. В каких моделях неважен отдел, в котором возникает идея для нового товара

  1. Technology push

  2. Coupling model

  3. Interactive model

  4. Market pull

  5. Network model

6. С помощью какого метода можно обнаружить новые интересные комбинации для нового товара

  1. Метод инвентаризации атрибутов

  2. Анализ проблем и возможностей

  3. Синектика

  4. Морфологический анализ

  5. Мозговой штурм

7. Перечислите основные варианты коммерциализации технологии (“whattoselldecision”)






8. Какие факторы влияют на скорость принятия нового товара






9. Постарайтесь дать краткий ответ на вопрос CEO of IPG Photonics2 (“THE COMPANY CHALLENGE”)

Ваш ответ:

10. Проанализируйте и дайте свою оценку рекламному тексту:

«Усовершенствованная инновационная формула LEOREX обеспечивает уникальное физическое действие на верхние слои кожи. Самоорганизующаяся сетевая структура из наночастиц кремнезема и гидрофильная матрица гликозамингликанов активно распрямляет зону морщин и пролонгирует процессы омоложения»

11. К какому типу партнерских отношений относится следующая ситуация (какие причины и мотивы такого партнерства):
“МТС объявил о заключении договора партнерского соглашения с Microsoft в сфере розничных продаж и продвижения в России технологий Windows. В рамках сотрудничества планируется запуск первых в России, а также в Центральной и Восточной Европе промо-зон Windows на базе сети салонов МТС. Теперь в салонах оператора связи можно будет найти новейшие гаджеты на базе Windows 8, сопутствующее оборудование и аксессуары, а также программное обеспечение”.


12. Попробуйте объяснитьследующее поведение компании NokiaCorp
“Cellphone maker Nokia Corp set up its Experience & Innovation Center in Beijing on Tuesday, to help 30 Chinese startups become listed in three to five years.

The Finnish company said that it will create a platform for mobile Internet startups in China. The center will provide various developers and entrepreneurs with advice and solutions, to encourage them to grow their businesses.

The center will select 3,000 entrepreneurial ideas, help set up 300 technology startups and aid 30”.


Questions for exam

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