Методические рекомендации для студентов по дисциплине дпп. 06. «Теория и методика обучения иностранному языку»

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Task 5. Working in groups of four discuss the reading skills and pick out the skills you have been teaching and would like to teach your students. Share your ideas with the whole group of participants.

Task 6. Working with partner fill in the chart for reading strategies. Discuss your ideas with the whole group of participants.

Text is the area for the skills and strategies implementation

Teacher’s question: What kind of texts should be used in a reading lesson: texts that teach language or texts that have been written just to inform, to entertain, to persuade?
4. Criteria and guidelines for selecting texts for classroom studying
Task 7. In a group of four make a list of criteria which are most important in choosing a text for reading in the classroom. Discuss the criteria with the whole group.
Task 8. Range the criteria in order of importance.
Criteria for evaluating texts for reading development

  • Suitability of content

  • Exploitability

  • Readability

  • Authenticity

  • Presentation

Guidelines for choosing texts for classroom study

Take a critical look at texts you currently use for comprehension work: do they fulfill these criteria?

1. Will the text do one or more of these things?

a) tell the students things they don't already know.

b) introduce them to new and relevant ideas, make them think about things they haven't thought of before.

c) help them understand the way others feel or think (e.g. people with different backgrounds, problems or attitudes from their own).

d) make them want to read for themselves (to continue a story, find out more about a subject, and so on).
2. Does the text challenge the students' intelligence without making unreasonable demands on their knowledge of the language?
3. Is the language natural, or has it been distorted by the desire to include numerous examples of a particular teaching item (e.g. a tense)?
4. Does the language reflect written or spoken usage? (the spoken language presented to beginners is often limited to describing the obvious - e.g. a picture; this may carry over into coursebook texts.)
5. If there are new lexical items, are they worth learning at this stage, and not too numerous? Can the meaning of some of them be worked out without the help of a dictionary? Can some be replace by simpler words.

5. Types of Activities

The idea that there are three main types of reading activity: pre-, while- and post-, is now a common feature of discourse about reading.
Pre-reading activities can consist of questions to which the reader is required to find the answer from the text. Other pre-reading tasks tend to focus on preparing the reader for linguistic difficulties in a text; more recently attention has shifted to cultural or conceptual difficulties.

The aim of while-reading activities is to encourage learners to be flexible, active and reflective readers. Many while reading tasks, with the aim of active and reflective reading, attempt to promote the kind of dialogue between reader and writer. Different genres offer opportunities for different activities of this kind. For example discursive texts typically present a problem to which there are a number of potential solutions. One can interrupt such texts at points which appear especially to invite a reader contribution. The writer might signal such, natural breaks' in his or her text in a number of ways, most obviously by means of a question.

Texts in other genres such as narrative fiction may be divided into sections with intervening questions to encourage learners to predict the continuing events of the story. What such activities attempt to do is to replicate the process which occurs quite spontaneously in mature readers, we continually use the evidence of what has preceded to predict the continuation of a text.

Other while-reading tasks require students to transfer information from a continuous text to some kind of grid or matrix or while reading activities may be designed to offer prompts for readers in the case of difficult texts. A major problem with while reading tasks of this kind is that they can be very time consuming to prepare.

Post-reading activities can serve the purpose of heightening the reader’s awareness of other ways in which the topic could have been written about. Post-reading activity needs to be motivated by the genre, the context of learning and likely learner purpose.
Task 9. Read and identify activities for different stages of a reading lesson.

Activities for a Reading Lesson



Explanation / Demonstration


Warm-up exercises:

elicitation / discussion about the topic (perhaps based on visuals, title)

      1. to elicit something associated with the topic

      2. to encourage students to exchange ideas / opinions about the topic


  1. word - star: ask students to predict the words and expressions likely to appear in the passage. Teacher writes them on the blackboard.

  2. expressing hypotheses about the content of the passage, based on previous knowledge, by writing notes down


  1. for warming-up relaxation

  2. for training in basic reading

guiding questions

teacher asks / writes questions that help students exploit passages



to compare passage with prediction in pre-reading

obeying instructions

students are given instructions and show comprehension by physical movement, finishing a task, etc.

filling in gaps

e.g., students read utterances of only one of the participants and are asked to reconstruct those of the others

detecting differences or mistakes

students read passages, responding only when they come across something different or wrong

ticking off items (bingo)

students read a list of words and tick off or categorize them as they read them

information transfer

maps, plans, gifts, forms, lists, pictures, etc.


students are asked to focus on certain sentences and paraphrase them


e.g., students are asked to give the right order for a series of pictures

information search

students read a passage and take notes on the segments that answer a particular question

filling in blanks

students are given a passage with some words missing and must fill in the blanks while reading


e.g., students are asked to match items that have the same meaning as those they read


answering to show comprehension of messages

e.g., multiple choice or true / false questions, open-ended questions, short questions

problem solving

students read the information relevant to a particular problem and then set themselves to solve it


students are given several possible summary – sentence and asked to say which of them fits a text

jigsaw reading

different groups of students read different but connected passages, each of which supplies some part of what they need to know. Then they come together to exchange information in order to complete a story or perform a task

writing as a follow-up to reading activities

e.g., letters, telegrams, postcards, messages, etc. related to passages

speaking as follow-up to reading activities

e.g., debate, interview, discussion, role-play, dramatization



6. Methods of testing Reading

Task 10. Working with a partner make a list of traditional methods of testing reading. Look at the survey of test formats and pick out the best test formats for school. Explain your choice, please.

Survey of test formats


IQ - intelligence quotient: a commonly used measurement of intelligence

ss - students info - information dk - don't know

Reading and listening




Short answer questions eg 'How tall are elephants?' 'Three metres.'

Easy to write and mark. Very good for checking gist or intensive understanding of texts.

Some writing. Important not to mark for accuracy and to decide what answers are correct. Need to ensure q's do not test ss' knowledge of the world.

Table completion eg 'Complete the table with information.' (age / family etc).

Easy to construct and mark. Good for checking specific info or data form a text.

Some writing. Need to decide on what answers accepted as correct.

Diagrams/maps/pictures eg 'Label the places on the map'

Quite realistic, motivating tasks. Good for checking specific info.

Can be difficult to draw pictures. Could involve non-linguistic skills (eg map reading).

Listing eg 'List the kinds of food mentioned in the text'.

Realistic. Easy to write and mark. Better for listening than reading.

Tests recognition of words. Does not test understanding or meaning.

True, false, don't know eg 'Mark the sentences t/f or dk: Lions are cats.'

Easy to write. Quite realistic. Tests gist or intensive understanding well.

High guessing element: 50% for t/f, 33% for tlfldk.

Multiple choice eg 'Choose the correct answer: John goes out- a sometimes b rarely с never.'

Very easy to mark thus good for very large classes. Good for checking gist or intensive understanding.

Very difficult to construct. Wrong options (distracters/ can distract better students. Guessing element.

Sequencing (texts/ pictures) eg 'Listen and put the paragraphs in order.'

Easy to construct. Good for stories (listening) and for linking of discourse.

Very difficult to mark. If one answer is wrong, others are too. Impractical unless marking scheme is adapted.

Text Completion eg 'Listen and complete the information about the film.'

Quite realistic. Good for listening for specific info.

For reading it tests knowledge of language, (see close and gap-fill)

Problem solving eg 'From the following info work out the people's names'

Realistic and good fun. Tests global understanding.

Can test general IQ not ability to read or listen.

Word attack eg 'Work out the meaning of these words from the text.'

Tests ability to infer meaning from context (for reading).

NOT suitable for listening (when it can work as a vocabulary


Identify topic (text/paragraph) eg 'Match the title with the text.'

Good for gist reading. Easy to construct and mark.

Need to think of suitable answers when questions are open (eg giving titles to texts).

Linking eg 'What does the underlined word refer to? Ц arrived late.'

Good for testing intensive understanding 1 linking within text, (cohesion)

Need to underline words and give line numbers to make task easier to do and mark.

Identify linking words in a text eg after/next etc

Good for working out how a text holds together (cohesion)

Can be more a test of word recognition than of understanding.

Discrepancies eg 'Read the text then listen and list the differences."

Realistic, integrative test of both reading and listening.

Difficult to see if problems are due to listening or reading.

This session is aimed at developing students' skills in selecting texts for reading in the classroom and designing activities for various texts.
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