Методические рекомендации для студентов по дисциплине дпп. 06. «Теория и методика обучения иностранному языку»

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Designing Listening Materials for the classroom

The following procedure has become standard practice

when dealing with a listening text in class:

1.Pre-listening. Various activities are used to help students to become familiar with the topic, to exposed to some language features of the text or to its overall structure, and to activate any relevant prior knowledge they have.

The teacher’s role is to create interest, reasons for listening, and the confidence to listening.

2. While-listening. Before setting the students to do the task, the teacher makes sure that they have all understood what it involves.

The students carry out the task independently without intervention from the teacher. Although the listening itself is done individually, student can be encouraged o check their responses in pairs or groups as soon as they are ready.

As a feedback the teacher and students check and discuss the responses to the while-listening task. The teacher’s role is to help students see how successful they have been in doing the task.

3.Post-listening. Follow-up activities can be of various kinds. The teacher may wish to focus on features of the text, or on listening process to assist further development of effective listening, or on integration with other skills.

(from Teaching and Learning in the Language Classroom by Tricia Hedge, Oxford, 2001.)
The following are some familiar steps in a lesson in which the teacher’s objective is to develop the students’ listening skills (pre-, while, post-listening activities):

  • Do a ‘warm-up’ on the topic of the listening passage

  • Get some gist questions for the students to answer

  • Play the tape once, ask the students to answer

  • Check (correct, repeat if necessary)

  • Get some tasks to listen for details

  • Play the tape again, probably with stops

  • Check

  • Use the topic or the language of the listening text as an input for an ‘extension’ or ‘transfer’ activity in which students use other skills

What is your opinion about this approach?

Is it perfect? Do any features trouble you?

Perhaps the most vital element in learning to listen effectively in a foreign language is confidence, and confidence comes with practice and with achieving success from an early stage. The role of the teacher is to provide as much positive practice as possible.
Tricia Hedge

Developing Listening Skills

1.Evaluate different approaches to developing listening skills

Look at the following list of measures teachers might employ to develop listening skills. Indicate which measures you think are effective by writing E and ineffective by writing I. In some cases a measure may be considered as either effective depending on the circumstances.

Example: The teacher instructs the class to listen carefully to every word. – I

(Qualification: In most cases, effective listening involves paying attention selectively. However, listening carefully to every word might be effective- and indeed ‘appropriate’ – if, for example, the task involved dictation of an address.)

  1. The teacher encourages the class to listen to herself or to other speakers of English

  2. The teacher arouses interest in the material before the class listens

  3. The teacher uses materials which incorporate features of natural spoken English (false starts, hesitation, repetition, ungrammatical, unfinished sentences, etc.)

  4. The teacher sets tasks which focus specially on these features

  5. The teacher sets clear, realistic tasks which encourage the students to listen only for certain information

  6. The teacher makes it clear to students that they will have the opportunity to discuss their answers in groups before speaking to the whole class

  7. The teacher encourages discussion of the process of listening

  8. The teacher devises tasks to infer information which is only implied in the discourse

  9. The teacher encourages the students to guess how the discourse will develop

  10. The teacher encourages the students to use their knowledge of grammar and context to guess the next word.

  11. When focusing on new language, the teacher gives realistic models, taking care to draw attention to the weakening and elision of syllables in a continuous stream of speech

  12. The teacher always takes care to speak slowly

  13. The teacher always uses good quality tapes and ensures that there is no distraction by the presence of background noise

  14. The teacher tries to use materials which provide good models of ‘standard English’

  15. The teacher always takes care to find out and record how many questions each student answered correctly

  16. The teacher teaches the students ways of interrupting a speaker to ask for clarification
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