Н. Н. Тарасенко Разговорный английский

НазваниеН. Н. Тарасенко Разговорный английский
ТипУчебно-методическое пособие
1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10

8. Make up your own conversations, using these words and expressions.
To go to eat out, a favorite café or restaurant, to sit by the window, to be hungry, to order, the hearty meal, the main course, to drink, the dessert, to pay a bill, to pay cash or by credit card, to tip to.
Just For Fun
Some Quotations about Eating
It's easier to be faithful to a restaurant than it is to a woman." - Federico Fellini
“In a restaurant choose a table near a waiter.” - Jewish Proverb
"When you go to a restaurant, the less you know about what happens in the kitchen, the more you enjoy your meal." - Jeffrey Wright
After dinner sit a while, and after supper walk a mile. ~English Saying
Good food is wise medicine. ~Alison Levitt M.D., Doctor in the Kitchen
Alas! my child, where is the Pen

That can do justice to the Hen?

Like Royalty, she goes her way,

Laying foundations every day,

Though not for Public Buildings, yet

For Custard, Cake and Omelette....

No wonder, Child, we prize the Hen,

Whose Egg is Mightier than the Pen.

~Oliver Herford, "The Hen"
Label Jokes
On the menu of a Swiss restaurant:

Cocktail lounge, Norway:

Unit 7

Life is like a box of chocolates. It always runs out.


Warm up
1. Do you like shopping?

2. How often do you go shopping?

3 .Where do you usually go shopping?

4. Where can you buy cabbage, potatoes, onions, cucumbers, carrots, beetroots, green peas?

5. Where can you buy wedding sets, diamond jewelry, pearls, silver and gold rings?

6. Where can you buy white and brown bread, rolls and biscuits?

7. Where do you buy clothes?

8. What departments can be found in the department stores?

9. What shopping areas in your town do you know?

department store
















sour milk

sour cream

a loaf

pure wool

a fitting room



to try on


body conscience silhouette


on the rack

a stockroom










мясная лавка, отдел

ткань, материал

ювелирные изделия




домашняя птица





молочный магазин/ отдел

овощной отдел/ магазин

кефир, простокваша



чистая шерсть



форма, очертание



приталенный силуэт


на полке






растительное масло


  1. Translate the word combinations.

A bar of chocolate, a bag of flour, a bottle of oil, a bunch of bananas, a can of tuna fish, a dozen of eggs, a carton of milk, a head of cabbage, a jar of honey, a loaf of bread, a pack of macaroni, a roll of cookies, a tube of ketchup, a pound of meat, a can of green peas, a carton of yogurt, a pack of sugar.
2. Read the text and answer the questions.
Shopping in England
Since the civilization became the way of our living shopping replaced the hunting and collecting. Among London’s shopping areas are Picadilly; Bond Street where exclusive shops are located; Oxford Street where one can find department stores, New Oxford Street where trendy boutiques can be found and Kensington Church Street where many antiques shops are located.

To buy goods one is to go to a shop or market or to buy through the Internet. There are many kinds of shops in every city: food supermarkets, department stores, clothing stores, grocery, bakery and butchery. Department stores are composed of many departments: shoes, ready-made clothes, fabrics, sports goods, toys, glasses, electric appliances, cosmetics jewelry etc. A customer can buy or try on everything he likes. In a food supermarket there are many departments as well and a customer can buy a good deal of stuff at once: sausages, fish, macaroni, flour, cereals, tea, apples, apricots, pineapples, plums, cherries and so on. At the butcher’s there is a wide choice of meat and poultry: pork, beef, mutton, chicken, etc. At the bakery one can buy white and brown bread, rolls and biscuits. In greengrocery department, which is stocked by cabbage, potatoes, onions, cucumbers, carrots, beetroots, green peas and so on? Milk, cream, cheese, butter and other dairy products can be found at a dairy.
1. Where are the shopping areas in London?

2. Where can people go to buy goods?

3. What kinds of shops can one find in a city?

4. What are department stores composed of?

5. What can a customer buy in a food supermarket?

6. What is sold at the butcher’s?

7. Where can one buy bread?

8. What do people buy at the dairy?

9. Where can one buy fruit and vegetables?
3. Read the conversations, do exercises after them and then act the conversations out.
At the supermarket.

(Speakers: two customers)
A: It’s a wonderful shop!

B: It is. I always do shopping here. Here is the shopping list. Let’s go to the meat counter.

A: What will we buy?

B: We want some beef and a chicken. You know I can’t do without meat.

A: I’m fond of dairy products.

B: Look! The chicken is splendid and the beef is of superior quality. Now let’s go for dairy products.

A: All right. Here are the eggs, unsalted butter, sour milk, sour cream and bottled milk.

B: What’s next on the shopping list?

A: I think juice. Let’s buy apple juice.

B: It makes no difference for me.

A: Here it is. The lemons and oranges look fine. Let’s have some.

B: Okay. And we also need some bread. Let’s take a loaf of brown bread.

A: Good. You see our cart is full up. Let’s go to the cash register.
At the department store.

(Speakers: a shop assistant and a customer)

A: What can I do for you?

B: I’d like to buy a sweater.

A: What size do you want?

B: Forty-six. Light colors, please: blue or yellow.

A: Try on this one. It’s of pure wool.

B: Okay. Where is the fitting room?

A: Come this way.

B: How does it look?

A: It looks great. It’s exactly your size.

B: Nice shape. I’ll get it. Thank you.
(Speakers: a customer and a shop assistant)
A: I’d like to buy a casual dress.

B: We’ve got fashionable ones. Try on this one.

A: It’s a bit tight.

B: Oh, no. It’s a body conscience silhouette.

A: I’m afraid it’s too expensive for me.

B: This model is all the fashion now.

A: Well, I’ll think it over.
(Speakers: a shop assistant and a customer)
A: May I help you?

B: Yes. Do you have these shoes in size seven?

A: I’m not sure. If you can’t find them on the rack, they may be out of stock. Let me look in the stockroom.

B: Thanks. I’d like to try on a pair if you have them.

A: I’ll be right back.
(Speakers: a shop assistant and a customer)
A: Hi, are you being helped?

B: No, I’m not. I’m interested in some scarves.

A: All scarves are in that section. What do you think of this one here? It’s made of silk.

B: Hm, it looks nice, but I’d like to have something warm for the winter.

A: Maybe you would like a heavy wool scarf. How about this one?

B: I think that is what I want. How much is it?

A: It’s ninety-five pounds plus tax.

B: It’s a little expensive. Do you think it’s impossible to get a discount?

A: Hm, since you like it so much, how about a 10 percent discount? That’s the best I can offer.

B: That’s good. Could you wrap it up for me?

A: Sure .Is there anything else I can get for you?

B: No, that should be it. Thank you. Good bye.
4. Match the words of list A to the words of list B.

  1. We buy bread, rolls ,biscuits

We buy cabbage, potatoes, cucumbers
We buy sugar, flour, salt, cookies
We buy milk, sour cream, cheese
We buy pork, beef, sausage, poultry

  1. at the grocery

at the butcher’s
at the baker’s
at the greengrocer’s
at the dairy

5. Complete the conversations.


A: I’d like to buy ___.

B: What size do you want?

A: ___.

B: What color will it be?

A: ___.

B: Try on this one.

A: Where is ___?

B: It is to your left.

A: How does it look?

B: ___. It’s exactly your size.

A: How much is it?

B: ___.

A: Okay. I’ll take it Thank you.

A: Hi, ___?

B: No, I’m not. I’m interested in ___.

A: ___are in that section. What do you think of this one? It is ___.

B: It looks nice, but I ___.

A: Maybe you would like ___?

B: I think I ___. How much is it?

A: It’s ___.

B: It’s a little expensive .Do you think It’s impossible ___?

A: How about ___? That’s the best I can offer.

B: That’s good. Thank you.
6. A Shopping Quiz.
1 .A: Can I help you find something?

B: Yes, do you have this dress in ___?



a bigger size

  1. A: What size are you looking for?

B: Size 6... But if you have a size 8, I'll ____ as well.

try it on

try to

try for it

  1. A: OK, let me check in the back... There you go... I found the dress in a size 8...

B: Thanks. Where are your ____ rooms?



4. A: So how did that fit?

B: Not too good... I think you need a ____ size.



not so big
5. A: That's the smallest size we have in that color... Would you like me to look for another color?

B: No, I like this color... Thanks ____.



7. Make up your own conversations according to the situations:
1. You are going to buy a new modern dress (a blouse, a jacket, a skirt, shoes). Ask a shop assistant for a help.

2. You and your friend are having a party. Talk and decide what you need to buy for it, what departments you are going to visit. Make a shopping list if necessary.
Just For Fun
My wife is missing
The man approached the very beautiful woman in the large supermarket and asked: “You know, I’ve lost my wife here in the supermarket. Can you talk to me for a couple of minutes?”


”Because every time I talk to a beautiful woman my wife appears out of nowhere.”

Unit 8

Asking for Directions
Warm up
Anybody who has travelled to another country or city has got lost. Sometimes maps don't help, so you have to ask somebody for directions. If you're in a country where they don't speak your language, this can be difficult. At other times, you will have to give directions to people visiting your country. In many cases, people just follow the direction the person was pointing to, and hope they will find the place they are looking for. So, it's very important to know how to both ask for and give directions in English.
Answer the questions.
1. Why do people ask somebody for directions?

2. Why can it be difficult?

3. Why is it very important to know how to ask for and give the directions in English?

a junction

pedestrian crossing

to reach



straight ahead

U turn


next to

right hand side

left hand side




traffic lights


to miss



a block



long way

this way

that way

I am not from around here


in front of


over (the bridge)

under (the bridge)


пешеходный переход

достигать, доходить



прямо, по прямой линии


окольный, обходной

рядом, около

по правой стороне

по левой стороне


пересечение улиц, перекресток

позади, сзади




пересечение дорог, перекресток вестибюль, фойе







я не местный

по направлению к

впереди, перед


по мосту

под мостом

  1. Here is some useful vocabulary to use when asking for directions. Read and translate the sentences.

Go straight on until you come to the theatre.

Turn left into Gordon Street.

Take the next left.

Cross over the road and…

It's the first/second/third on the left.

Take the first/second/third road on the left

It's opposite the church

It's next to the bank

It's between the school and the shop.

It's at the end of the road.

It's on the corner of Market Street and Baker Street.

It's just behind this building.

It's in front of the school.

It's just around the corner.

Turn/go right at the traffic lights.

Turn/go left at the crossroads/junction.

Bank Street is parallel with this street.

Penny Street is perpendicular to this street.

It's four blocks down the street on this side of the road.

Turn right at the roundabout.
1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10


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Н. Н. Тарасенко Разговорный английский iconПредседателю Верховного суда Республики Башкортостан Тарасенко Михаилу Ивановичу
От Рахимова Рустема Рамилевича, адрес регистрации: Уфимский район, с. Миловка, ул. Михайлова д. 5, кв. 6

Н. Н. Тарасенко Разговорный английский iconРабочая программа учебного предмета Английский язык Предметная область «Филология»

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