Методические рекомендации проведения конкурсного отбора специалистов для участия в подготовке в рамках государственного плана подготовки управленческих кадров для организаций народного хозяйства Российской федерации в 2010/2011 учебном году

НазваниеМетодические рекомендации проведения конкурсного отбора специалистов для участия в подготовке в рамках государственного плана подготовки управленческих кадров для организаций народного хозяйства Российской федерации в 2010/2011 учебном году
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График проведения конкурсного отбора специалистов для подготовки в рамках Государственного плана в 200_ - 200_ учебном году

Вид конкурсного испытания

Дата проведения конкурсного испытания

ФИО представителя регионального отделения, участвующего в конкурсном испытании

Место проведения конкурсного испытания (адрес, телефон, факс)

Методика оценки мотивационного эссе для специалистов, претендующих на обучение в рамках Государственного плана подготовки управленческих кадров для организаций народного хозяйства Российской Федерации
Кандидаты на обучение в рамках Государственного плана в ходе общего конкурса подготавливают и предоставляют в конкурсную комиссию мотивационное эссе по теме: «Динамика моего развития за последние годы. Роль обучения в рамках Государственного плана в профессиональном и личностном развитии».

Рекомендуется отразить в эссе следующие пункты:

  1. Профессиональные, личностные цели.

  2. Цели и задачи обучения в рамках Государственного плана

  3. Какую проблему или задачу, стоящую перед организацией, необходимо решить, используя опыт, полученный во время подготовки в рамках Государственного плана..

  4. Краткое описание предлагаемого подхода к ее решению.

Формальные требования к написанию эссе:

  1. в формате MS Office (в распечатанном виде с подписью автора, в электронном виде – кандидаты размещаются файл в информационной системе Программы);

  2. объем: ориентировочно 4000 знаков с пробелами.

Система оценивания

Эссе оцениваются экспертами – членами конкурсной комиссии при проведении профессионального интервью. Рекомендуется следующие критерии и шкала оценивания.

Критерии оценки


Эссе подготовлено на высоком уровне:

  • полное соответствие теме;

  • стройная структура текста и логика изложения;

  • кандидат четко описал затруднения/задачи, стоящие перед ним в работе, понимает, как обучение в рамках Государственного плана продвинет его профессионально и личностно;

  • в целом грамотно написанный текст.

4 балл

Эссе подготовлено на среднем уровне:

  • частичное соответствие теме;

  • слабо структурированный текст,

  • кандидат размыто описал затруднения/задачи, стоящие перед ним в работе, не показывает сильной заинтересованности участвовать в обучении в рамках Государственного плана (возможно, это инициатива его руководства);

  • в тексте есть ошибки грамматического, орфографического характера.

2 балла

Эссе подготовлено на низком уровне:

  • полное несоответствие теме;

  • кандидат не описал затруднения/задачи, стоящие перед ним в работе, не раскрывает, как обучение в рамках Государственного плана продвинет его профессионально и личностно; кандидат не имеет амбиций, целей;

  • текст написан неграмотно.

0 баллов

Методика отборочного тестирования по английскому языку для специалистов, претендующих на обучение в рамках Государственного плана подготовки управленческих кадров для организаций народного хозяйства Российской Федерации
Общие рекомендации по проведению отборочного тестирования

по английскому языку

Цель тестирования - определить уровень языковой компетенции кандидата.
Содержание тестирования:

Entry Тest


Характеристика этапа (содержания)

Время на выполнение

Максимальное количество баллов

Материалы для проведения тестирования по данному этапу

1. Test of Grammar and Vocabulary

Выбор правильного ответа по системе множественного выбора

30 минут

40 баллов

(1 балл за 1 задание)

Лексико-грамматический тест (40 заданий, к каждому–4 варианта ответа для выбора правильного)

2. Test of Reading

Выбор правильного ответа по системе множественного выбора

40 минут

20 баллов

(1 балл за 1 задание)

Четыре текста (в каждом - 5 заданий, к каждому заданию-4 варианта ответа для выбора правильного)

3. Test of Speaking

Необходимо дать правильно лексически и грамматически структурированный ответ

15 минут

12 баллов


85 минут

72 балла

Подведение итогов тестирования

Количество баллов

Рекомендации по принятию специалиста на обучении

Не менее 33 баллов за письменную часть и не менее 7 баллов за устный ответ

Рекомендуется для обучения

Менее 33 баллов за письменную часть и менее 7 баллов за устный ответ

Рекомендуется для обучения с дополнительной подготовкой до начала реализации образовательной программы в объеме 90-120 часов

Предлагаемые к рассмотрению спецификации являются описанием отборочного теста, подготовленного группой российских преподавателей высшей школы в рамках Программы подготовки управленческих кадров для народного хозяйства Российской Федерации.

Цель теста

Целью данного теста является отбор кандидатов, владеющих английским языком на уровне Bl (Threshold) согласно классификации, принятой соответствующим комитетом Совета Европы (The Council of Europe's Common European Framework).

Отбор лингвистического материала

Лингвистический материал для вступительного теста (грамматический и лексический инвентарь, перечень тем) был отобран с учётом особенностей общенациональной программы изучения иностранных языков для неязыковых вузов России, рекомендаций Общеевропейского Совета по определению уровней владения английским языком для уровня Bl (Threshold) и задач Программы подготовки управленческих кадров для народного хозяйства Российской Федерации.

Задача отборочного теста

Задачей отборочного теста является проверка грамматических и лексических знаний, а также умений и навыков по видам речевой деятельности у кандидатов, претендующих на зачисление в Программу.

Структура теста

Предлагаемый тест состоит из двух частей: письменной (автоматизированной), в которой проверяются знания лексики, грамматики и навыки работы с текстом; и устной, предназначенной для проверки речевых навыков (говорения и аудирования).

Вступительный тест, в отличие от промежуточных и выпускного тестов, должен включать проверку лишь минимально необходимого числа навыков. Проверка подобного рода позволяет, с одной стороны, выявить уровень развития навыков, а с другой - прогнозировать возможность овладения новыми навыками в курсе обучения.

Инструкции и задания в первых двух частях теста даются на русском языке, что обеспечивает точное понимание заданий и равные стартовые условия. Основным методом проверки знаний в первых двух разделах является множественный выбор. Технология множественного выбора была избрана не случайно: она является общепринятой и обеспечивает быстрое и эффективное получение надёжных результатов.

Вторая часть теста — устная — предполагает проверку навыков устной речи и аудирования в интегративной форме, поскольку аудитивные навыки и умения проверяются в процессе коммуникации. Навыки аудирования, несомненно, являются очень важным компонентом, и это учитывалось при разработке теста. В процессе коммуникации кандидат должен продемонстрировать навыки аудирования и говорения, которые представлены в его ответе примерно в равных пропорциях. Подобная организация проверки аудирования в рамках теста позволяет достаточно точно и эффективно установить уровень их сформированности у кандидатов. В то же время включение аудирования как отдельного компонента в тест представляется нецелесообразным. Однако курс обучения по Программе предполагает интенсивное развитие данных навыков.

Задания устного теста разнообразны, критерии оценки и инструкции экзаменаторам чётко прописаны, что позволяет максимально объективно оценить устный ответ.

Оценка результатов тестирования

Каждая часть теста оценивается в баллах. В письменной части за каждый правильный ответ кандидат получает один балл, и максимальное количество баллов равняется 60, что соответствует общему числу заданий. Устная часть оценивается в соответствии с критериями, разработанными для каждого задания теста. Максимальное количество баллов для устной части - 12.

Зачисление в основную программу обучения (180 часов) производится при условии, если кандидат набирает не менее 33 баллов за письменную часть теста и не менее 7 баллов за устный ответ. Кандидатам, не набравшим проходного балла (соответственно 33 и 7 баллов), для зачисления в основную программу могут быть предложены варианты подготовительного обучения в зависимости от результатов вступительного тестирования. По завершении подготовительного курса кандидатам предлагается пройти повторное тестирование.

Целевое назначение программы предполагает активное использование английского языка как инструмента профессионального общения в англоязычной среде, поэтому в данном тесте особое внимание уделяется проверке сформированности навыков устной речи. Кроме того, накопленный опыт работы в рамках Программы показывает, что качественная подготовка кандидатов за 180 аудиторных часов возможна лишь в том случае, если их речевые умения и навыки соответствуют требованиям упоминавшегося выше международного уровня В1.

Programme on Training Managers and Executives for the Enterprises of National Economy of the Russian Federation

Президентская программа организации подготовки управленческих кадров для организаций народного хозяйства Российской Федерации


Входной отборочный тест по английскому языку 2009
Материалы для кандидатов:

  • PART ONE. Test of Grammar and Vocabulary

  • PART TWO. Test of Reading

  • PART THREE. Test of Oral Interaction (materials for the candidate)

  • Answer Sheet

PART ONE. Test of Grammar and Vocabulary
Выберите слово / словосочетание, которое лучше других соответствует смыслу предложения, и отметьте нужную букву (А, В, С, D).
Examples: (см. правильные ответы на листе для ответов)
I. I was crossing the street when a car _______.

  1. crashed

  2. has crashed

  3. was crashing

  4. has been crashing

II. If you (1)________ tomorrow, I (2)________ you to a good dinner.

  1. (1) come (2) will have treated

  2. (1) came (2) will treat

  3. (1) come (2) would treat

  4. (1) come (2) will treat

1. Christmas is the most important ___ holiday in the US and the UK, and takes place on and around December 25th.

  1. mass

  2. public

  3. people

2. People send Christmas ___ to their friends in order to say Merry Christmas or Happy Christmas.

  1. notes

  2. memos

  3. cards

3. Councils in the UK are ___ for the local environment, and take rubbish from people’s houses and clean the streets.

  1. reasonable

  2. responsible

  3. respectable

4. The laws made by the EU typically ___ things such as trade, consumer protection, the environment and money given to certain industries or certain places in Europe to help with economic development.

  1. create

  2. connect

  3. concern

5. In the US, children must go to school from the age of 5 or 6 to between the ages of 14 and 16, ___ on the law in the state where they live.

  1. demanding

  2. concerning

  3. depending

6. The area is working _____ its tourist industry.

  1. to develop

  2. and develop

  3. developed

  4. develops

7. I’d like _____ my idea before _____ it.

  1. develop fully; discuss

  2. fully developing; discussing

  3. to fully develop; discussing

  4. to fully develop; to discuss

8. She _____ that most human behaviour is socially _____.

  1. claiming; determining

  2. claims; determined

  3. claim; determine

  4. claims; determining

9. It is for the court _____ whether she is guilty.

  1. determines

  2. determined

  3. determining

  4. to determine

10. Technicians were examining the missile _____ why _____ fire.

  1. determining; didn’t it

  2. determines; it doesn’t

  3. to determine; it didn’t

  4. to determine; doesn’t it

11. His dark hair ___ almost black against the white of his naval ___ uniform.

  1. were officer

  2. was, officer’s

  3. were, officers’

  4. was, officers

12. Battleships huddled around the dock. They took their cargos of ___ and ___ out to sea.

  1. men, machine

  2. men, machines

  3. mans, machines

  4. man, machines

13. During the war lots of families invited __ for __ home-cooked meal.

  1. servicemens, the

  2. serviceman, a

  3. servicemans, __

  4. servicemen, a

14. Other __ mothers made him nervous, especially __.

  1. people’s, girls

  2. people, girl’s

  3. people’s, girls’

  4. people, girl

15. My watch__ set by __ radio.

  1. was, a

  2. were, the

  3. were, __

  4. was, the

16. When things go wrong, you always say it’s _____ _____ fault.

  1. somebody else

  2. somebody else’s

  3. anybody else’s

  4. somebody’s else

17. She concentrated _____ on the exam questions.

  1. herself

  2. her

  3. hers

  4. --

18. She looked behind _____ because she heard footsteps.

  1. herself

  2. hers

  3. her

  4. she

19. Sam felt _____ cold and utterly miserable.

  1. himself

  2. --

  3. him

  4. his

20. I feel _____ such a fool for believing _____.

  1. --; him

  2. myself; him

  3. me; himself

  4. --; he

21. We __ pack up soon, __?

  1. ought, oughtn’t we to

  2. ought to, oughtn’t we to

  3. ought, oughtn’t we

  4. ought to, oughtn’t we

22. After several looks at the map she __ arrive __ their appointed meeting place.

  1. could, in

  2. can, at

  3. could, to

  4. managed to, at

23. Because I know her family I did what I __ for her.

  1. managed

  2. might

  3. could

  4. ought to

24. Don’t be sorry. You __ think of Russia half a world away here in the States.

  1. may not

  2. shouldn’t

  3. mustn’t

  4. have to

25. After his duty is over he ___ relieved, I know.

  1. is due to

  2. should be

  3. may have been

  4. might have been

26. She greeted me _____.

    1. in a friendly manner

    2. friendly

    3. most friendly

    4. more friendly

27. Julia was walking _____ down the street when she heard someone call her name _____.

  1. quick; loudly

  2. quickly; loudly

  3. quickly; loud

  4. quick; loud

28. She looked _____ behind her, but the street was _____ empty.

  1. nervous; completely

  2. nervously; complete

  3. nervous; complete

  4. nervously; completely

29. _____, the letterbox rattled _____ and an envelope fell softly onto the doormat.

  1. Sudden; gently

  2. Suddenly; gently

  3. Sudden; gentle

  4. Suddenly; gentle

30. Opening the door _____, Lucy saw all her friends holding _____ wrapped gifts.

  1. slow; bright

  2. slowly; bright

  3. slow; brightly

  4. slowly; brightly

31. American beer ___ in huge quantities.

  1. designed to be drinking

  2. has designed to drink

  3. is designed to be drunk

  4. designs to drink

32. I __ for about a while, but I feel pretty well about it now.

  1. was being depressed

  2. have been depressed

  3. was depressed

  4. have been depressing

33. Americans seldom visit other countries, Canada ___.

  1. isn’t counted

  2. isn’t count

  3. doesn’t count

  4. doesn’t get counted

34. She __ to see that the purse ___.

  1. was surprised, had disappeared

  2. was surprising, was disappeared

  3. surprised, had been disappeared

  4. had been surprised, was disappearing

35. The photographer ___ when the baby __ next week.

  1. will come, will christen

  2. comes, is christened

  3. is coming, will be christened

  4. will come, is christened

36. When he __ at home she __ as his secretary.

  1. is, work

  2. was, worked

  3. will, worked

  4. was, will work

37. I__ give you my address in case you ___to visit me in Scotland.

  1. will, come

  2. __, come

  3. am giving, are coming

  4. will, will come

38. Here are our plans: first, we ___ have lunch; next, we ___ shopping for some new dresses for you.

  1. __, go

  2. are going to, we are going

  3. will, will go

  4. will, are going

39. I ___ to say I ___ for Harvard tomorrow.

  1. call, will leave

  2. will call, will leave

  3. call, leave

  4. am calling, am leaving

40. Something before Thanksgiving we ___ to Dallas. The date ___ yet.

  1. will be flying, has not fixed

  2. will fly, wasn’t fixed

  3. fly, isn’t fixed

  4. are flying, has not been fixed

PART TWO. Test of Reading
Text 1
Прочитайте текст. Закончите предложения (после текста), выбрав вариант, который соответствует содержанию текста. Отметьте нужную букву (А, В, С, D).
The Tennessee is one of the great rivers of America. It drains an area of the eastern United States almost as large as West Germany. The valley of the Tennessee was once a country of tree-covered slopes, but generations of farmers cut down the trees and ploughed the slopes to grow corn, tobacco and cotton. All these crops were planted in the spring and harvested in the autumn. In the winter the land lay bare. Its soil was washed away by heavy winter rains. The same rains often caused floods which drove people from their homes.

By 1933 the Tennessee Valley’s land was exhausted. It was producing poorer crops every year. The very names that the farmers gave to the countryside – Hard Labour Creek, Long Hungry Creek, Poorland Valley – showed how hopeless they were.

Roosevelt set up a special agency to organize help for the Tennessee Valley’s millions of people. It was called the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA). The TVA had three main aims – to stop floods, to make electricity and to make the land fertile again.

From 1933 onwards the valley of the Tennessee echoed to the roar of heavy machinery. Huge new steel and concrete dams rose up. When heavy rains fell the dams held back the flood water in great man-made lakes. By guiding the same water through turbines, they also made electricity. The TVA sold the electricity cheaply to farmers. The electricity was also used to power new factories making paper, aluminum, chemicals and fertilizers. These factories meant jobs and a better life for the Tennessee Valley’s people.

Just as important as the achievements of TVA was the way in which they were won. In the 1930s the people of many countries were accepting the rule of dictators in a desperate attempt to escape from the miseries of poverty and unemployment. In times like these the TVA was a startling demonstration of what democratic methods of government could achieve. TVA set up voluntary cooperative groups to sell electricity and to organize the marketing of the farmers’ produce. Such groups were run by the people themselves. They provided valuable experience of democracy at work at the local level – what has been called ‘democracy at the grass roots’

In September, 1940 Roosevelt traveled to the Tennessee Valley to open a new dam. In his speech he pointed to the TVA as living proof of what the ideals and methods of democratic government could achieve. “These fine changes we see have not come by compulsion. This is a demonstration of what a democracy at work can do”.
1. It follows from the text that the Tennessee is

  1. the valley

  2. as large as West Germany

  3. one of the great rivers of the USA

  4. the name of the agency

2. According to the text, the land of the Tennessee Valley was exhausted because of

  1. the lack of chemicals and fertilizers

  2. the deficit of electricity

  3. the insufficient number of dams

  4. the heavy floods washing away the soil

3. Among the goals of the TVA the author fails to mention the wish

  1. to stop floods

  2. to escape from the miseries of poverty and unemployment

  3. to make the land fertile again

  4. to make electricity

4. As it follows from the text the term “democracy at the grass roots” refers to

  1. the experience of democracy at the local level

  2. the experience of planting grass and clover

  3. the method of government offered by Roosevelt

  4. the methods of marketing the farmers’ produce

5. According to the text, in autumn, 1940 Roosevelt visited The Tennessee Valley

  1. to make a speech

  2. to persuade the people to join the TVA movement

  3. to open a new dam

  4. to destroy the last remnants of dictatorship

Text 2
Прочитайте текст. Закончите предложения (после текста), выбрав вариант, который соответствует содержанию текста. Отметьте нужную букву (А, В, С, D).
The north central area of Washington encompasses a number of impres­sive natural features, including the eastern slopes of the Cascades, Lake Chelan and Dry Falls, but perhaps the biggest attraction here is manmade: the Grand Coulee Dam.

Not only was the dam a stupendous engineering task, it is the major link in a system that irrigates some 2 million acres of formerly arid land in the Columbia Basin and incidentally provides some of the best-used recrea­tional sites in the state. A magnificent example of cooperation between man and nature, it exploits the awesome power of the Columbia River in one of the largest hydroelectric concrete structures in the world: 5,233 feet long (about twelve city blocks) and 555 feet tall. Self-guided tours cross the top of the main dam and enter the interior. At night a laser and sound show illuminates the spillway and the water cascading over it.

East of the Cascades is the Columbia Plateau, crossed by the "big bend" of the Columbia and characterized by dry coulees and canyons, rem­nants of the ice age. The most spectacular of these is Dry Falls, a three-mile-wide relic of the ice-age Columbia River. Here the river took a 400-foot plunge over the lip to the deep channel called Lower Grand Coulee. But this dry, sun-drenched land is also blessed with plenty of water in surpris­ing places, thanks to the overflow from dam reservoirs. Sun Lakes State Park encompasses the twenty-mile chain of small, trout-stocked lakes in Low­er Grand Coulee, and is one of the most-visited parks in the state. Just south of Moses Lake, the water leaking from the reservoirs of irrigation projects has created another surprise among the sand dunes. Potholes Reservoir State Park com­prises fifty reservoirs that are stocked with trout, perch and bass.

Fertile and rich valleys of the Columbia and its tributaries: Wenatchee, Methow and Okanagan provide soil and water for a thriving orchard in­dustry, and the radiant sunshine does the rest. In the summer, just-picked fruits and vegetables are always available from the many fruit stands along the highways.

Fifty-five-mile-long Lake Chelan is one of Washington's largest lakes and perhaps best exemplifies the contrasts found in this part of the state. Its southern end boasts a full range of resorts and facilities, at the northern end is Stehekin, which is reachable by boat and which is the base for hiking and camping in the heavily forested wilderness of North Cascades National Park. A boat trip on the Lady of the Lake takes visitors on a one-day round trip cruise to enjoy the dramatic change in scenery, or drops them off at Stehekin for trips on foot into the park.
1. According to the text the attractions of North-Central Washington are

  1. manmade

  2. natural

  3. natural and artificial

  4. none of these

2. It follows from the text that

  1. the Columbia river is 5.233 feet long

  2. the Grand Coulee Dam serves more than one purpose

  3. Dry Falls appeared as a result of the construction of the dam

  4. visitors are not allowed to come on top of the dam

3. It is clear from the text that

  1. the Grand Coulee Dam is a relic of the ice age

  2. the Columbia River is associated with the ice age

  3. Potholes Reservoir State Park boasts natural lakes, relics of the ice age

  4. the soil of North-Central Washington does not support agriculture

4. Which of the following industries is not mentioned in the text as characteristic of the north central area of Washington?

  1. recreational industry

  2. orchard industry

  3. energy production

  4. coal mining

5. This text is about

  1. a part of Washington

  2. the relics of the ice age

  3. the kinds of fish to be found in the state of Washington

  4. the tributaries of the Columbia River

Text 3
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The diverse adventurers taking part in the Global Challenge have paid $ 25,000 each to participate in Sir Chay Blyth’s multi-stage ocean race, sailing the wrong way around the globe, east to west against the prevailing winds and currents.

By the time they set off from Southampton, UK, on 10 September, all the crews will have completed an intensive programme of physical and mental training. During the race they will experience exhilaration and stress, excitement and fear, personal satisfaction and seasickness in more or less equal measures. They will come face with 70-ft waves, 70-knot winds and freezing temperatures. Their outlook on the world will never be quite the same again.

The fleet of 12 identical yachts will have cost nearly $10 million to build. Their progress around the world will be monitored by the satellites of the global positioning system. Each yacht is fitted with the most up-to-date communication equipment, from dedicated voice and e-mail links through to Internet access and the satellite transmission of video footage direct to race headquarters. As well as being sophisticated ocean racing machines, these yachts are floating media centers capable of reaching newsrooms and picture desks around the world.

Sir Chay Blyth is the founder and executive chairman of The Challenge Business, the race organizers. In 1970-71, he was the first yachtsman to sail single-handed round the world against prevailing winds and currents. Perhaps even then, battling against monstrous seas off Cape Horn, he was working on ideas for the ambitious enterprise that would eventually allow other skippers and crew volunteers access to the same extraordinary experience and opportunities.

The crews in the BT Global Challenge are certainly drawn from all corners of the economy. They will consist of company directors, housewives, doctors, police officers, students, two airline pilots, a ballet dancer and a vet. The average age of the crews is about 38.

The 12 skippers – ten men and two women, ten British and two Australian – are paid professionals. Their essential task in this race will be turning their largely experienced crews into effective teams while managing their boats.

Sir Chay Blyth chooses his skippers with great care and only 12 were selected for this race from 186 applicants: “The skipper is not just a sailor. The crew needs to feel safe, especially as the skipper holds their lives in his or her hands”. The BT Global Challenge is the ten-month race that will cover 30,000 miles and visit five continents and seven countries. The winner will be the yacht whose skipper is the most proficient leader and whose crew works best as a team that collectively thinks and acts in the most innovative ways and has the greatest desire to win.
1. The author refers to those people who are going to participate in the race as

  1. race organisers

  2. adventurers

  3. racing machines

  4. physical trainers

2. The author states that Sir Chay Blyth is

  1. a single-handed yachtsman

  2. the founder of the Global Challenge race

  3. a professional Australian skipper

  4. the first British sailor

3. It follows from the text that each yacht

  1. is fitted with the modern equipment

  2. is not monitored by the satellites

  3. doesn’t have Internet access

  4. can be used only as a floating media center

4. According to the text, the number of crews taking part in the Global Challenge is

  1. 186

  2. 12

  3. 10

  4. 38

5. The author states that the victory in the yacht race mostly depends on

  1. the race organizers

  2. the prevailing current

  3. the skipper

  4. the corporate sponsors

Text 4
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The Southeast part of Washington comprises vast empty spaces, a rugged mountain wilderness, rolling fields of wheat and other crops, ordered, com­fortable river valleys that produce a heady crop of grapes, and well-established historic communities strung out along the rivers.

This is big country, and it is crossed by two mighty rivers: the Colum­bia and the Snake. Much of the history of the region can be found along these two rivers, the route taken by Lewis and Clark on their great inland expedition.

While the Snake River is not as voluminous as the Columbia (it is ranked sixth in the United States), the Snake has its own unique beauty as it winds through the mesas and canyons of southeast Washington. From Clarkston, it's possible to travel upriver to the famed Hell's Canyon in Oregon. To the west, scenic attractions along the Snake River— the most impressive being the 2000-foot vertical canyon walls carved by the river — are available to boaters between Clarkston and Lower Granite Dam.

South of the Snake River lie the Blue Mountains, true to their name rising from the basalt plains in a blue haze. Part of the Umatilla National Forest, the Blue Mountains are an almost treeless wilderness. Today they are crossed by trails for hikers and horseback riders, but peaks such as Mount Misery and Mount Horrible suggest that the remote area was not always viewed so favorably.

West of here, Walla Walla is the center of an agricultural district extend­ing north to Dayton and west to the Tri-Cities. The area produces many differ­ent crops but Walla Walla is famed for its mild, sweet onions — celebrated with an annual festival.

The cities of Pasco, Kennewick and Richland, at the place where the Snake and the Columbia rivers join, enjoy the twin benefits of great water resources and a climate that provides nonstop sun for well over half the year. Pasco, established in 1884, is the oldest of the three communities. The development of the Hanford Atomic Energy Works in the 1940s gave a boost to the development of the area, vastly expanding Richland and neighboring Kennewick.

Wineries and expansive farms surround the Tri-Cities and the string of small communities along the Yakima River. Rich volcanic soil and irriga­tion have combined to create a flourishing wine industry, as well as grow­ing a variety of fruits, vegetables and hops. Frequent roadside stands testify to the bounty of the harvest. At Ellensburg, the ranching history of the area is preserved in restored buildings and museums, but also in a living way, with the Ellensburg Rodeo — the largest in the state.
1. The text makes it clear that the Southeast part of Washington boasts

  1. two rivers

  2. six rivers

  3. three rivers

  4. none of these

2. It follows from the text that

  1. the Snake River is south of the Blue Mountains

  2. the Blue Mountains got their name because they look blue

  3. the Umatilla National Forest is part of the Blue mountains

  4. the Blue Mountains are rich in vegetation

3. Reading the text we come to understand that

  1. the Snake River is bigger that the Columbia River

  2. the Snake River is as mighty as the Columbia River

  3. one can travel by boat along the Snake River

  4. the Columbia River is not navigable

4. Which of the following crops is not mentioned in the text as characteristic of the Southeast part of Washington?

  1. onions

  2. wheat

  3. grapes

  4. strawberries

5. According to the text

  1. Walla Walla is the centre of Washington

  2. Richland was established later than 1884

  3. Kennewick is older than Pasco

  4. Richland is situated a long way from Kennewick

Materials for the candidate (материалы для кандидатов)


You are unhappy with your job and have come to the Job Centre for advice. Talk to the job adviser:

  • explain why you have come to the Job Centre;

  • ask if there are any vacancies;

  • find out about the salary and responsibilities of the job suggested;

  • tell the job advisor that you are interested in the job;

  • ask for the address and telephone number of the company which has got the vacancy.


It’s a fine winter/spring day. You are visiting your friend in his/her home town. S/he takes you around the town to show places of interest.

  • Ask your friend about the age of the town;

  • ask if your friend knows something about the history of the town;

  • find out what places of interest there are in the town;

  • choose the sights to see on the very first day of arrival;

  • decide on the place to start your sightseeing tour and tell your friend.


You are at the library. You need materials on the topic “Ecological problems in modern world”. Talk to the librarian and ask for assistance.

  • Explain what you need;

  • ask about the latest publications on this topic;

  • find out which of these materials are in foreign languages;

  • ask the librarian about the price of photocopying services;

  • tell the librarian which journals you would like to borrow and how many pages to copy.


A friend of yours has got a dog which is loved by the whole family. You would also like to have a pet but you are afraid this may bring problems into your life.

  • Ask your friend how s/he takes care of the dog;

  • ask him/her how often s/he feeds the dog;

  • find out what the biggest problems with the dog may be;

  • ask for your friend’s assistance in choosing the dog;

  • tell your friend whether you are going to have a dog.


Your boss is having a birthday party. You are discussing the party with your colleague.

  • Ask where the party will be held;

  • ask if all your colleagues are invited;

  • tell the colleague what your boss likes;

  • decide what present to give;

  • ask who will buy the present.


Your friend has just spent a holiday in Sochi. You want to go there too.

  • Ask your friend how he/she got there;

  • ask how long he/she stayed there;

  • ask about the weather at this time of the year;

  • ask for some more details about the holiday (e.g., accommodation, prices);

  • tell your friend if you will go to Sochi too.


You are at a travel agency. Talk to the travel agent.

  • Tell the agent that you want to go to Britain on holiday;

  • ask the agent which places you should visit;

  • ask what kinds of special tours they offer;

  • find out about the cost of the tours;

  • tell the agent if you will go to Britain or not.


You have decided to buy a computer. You are in a computer shop. Talk to a shop assistant.

  • Ask what kinds of computers they have;

  • ask about software;

  • choose one of the models and ask about the price;

  • ask what country the computer was made in;

  • tell the shop assistant if you will buy this model or not.

1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   ...   13


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Методические рекомендации проведения конкурсного отбора специалистов для участия в подготовке в рамках государственного плана подготовки управленческих кадров для организаций народного хозяйства Российской федерации в 2010/2011 учебном году iconМетодические рекомендации по организации обучения специалистов в...
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Методические рекомендации проведения конкурсного отбора специалистов для участия в подготовке в рамках государственного плана подготовки управленческих кадров для организаций народного хозяйства Российской федерации в 2010/2011 учебном году iconПрезидентская программа Новосибирская региональная комиссия программы...
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Методические рекомендации проведения конкурсного отбора специалистов для участия в подготовке в рамках государственного плана подготовки управленческих кадров для организаций народного хозяйства Российской федерации в 2010/2011 учебном году iconОбразец гарантийного письма предприятия
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Методические рекомендации проведения конкурсного отбора специалистов для участия в подготовке в рамках государственного плана подготовки управленческих кадров для организаций народного хозяйства Российской федерации в 2010/2011 учебном году iconОбразец гарантийного письма предприятия
Президентской Программы подготовки управленческих кадров для организаций народного хозяйства РФ

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