Нижний Новгород, 2005 Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета гоу нижегородского государственного лингвистического университета им. Н. А. Добролюбова

НазваниеНижний Новгород, 2005 Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета гоу нижегородского государственного лингвистического университета им. Н. А. Добролюбова
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The article below brings into focus the problem you discussed after reading the extract "To Sir, With Love". Ethnic prejudices and resentments are as old as the hills. Can teachers do something to oppose them? What are British teachers trying to do about it?

5.1. Read the article as quickly as you can and give the gist in three-four sentences.

Text 1. "Bar Abusive Children from School"

Teachers Must Resist Racism Says Union

Schoolchildren who make racist attacks on ethnic minority pupils or teachers should be suspended or excluded from school, the National Union of Teachers says today. The Union, Britain's biggest in the teaching profession, has published a policy statement on combating racism in schools, which will be sent to every school in England and Wales.

Headteachers are asked to exercise discipline and sanctions against racist behaviour in classrooms, corridors, playgrounds or elsewhere, and show it is totally unacceptable.

The statement says: "Persistent racist name-calling or abuse should be reported to the headteacher who may wish to involve the pupil's parents. If those responsible for racist graffiti and slogans can be identified, they should be dealt with in the same way.

"Pupils who refuse to guarantee that they will desist from racist behaviour, including the wearing of racist or neo-nazi uniforms and insignia, should be sent home until they comply with the school's request."

The best way for teachers to influence their pupils' attitudes is to lead by example. "Only by examining their own attitudes will teachers be properly equipped to combat racialism in schools," says the NUT. "No teacher should express racia1ist views, either through their remarks or conduct. Such behaviour would be regarded as unprofessional."

The NUT also stresses the importance of a curriculum which celebrates multi-cultural awareness. Concepts of culturally diverse school curricula and mutual respect among ethnic groups "will be undermined and rendered worthless if teachers do not take a firm stand against racially prejudiced attitudes and behaviour," says the union.

* * *

5.2. Write out the new words, look them up in the dictionary.

5.3. List the manifestations of racist behaviour mentioned in the article.

5.4. List the suggestions of the NUT to combat racism and comment on them.

Coming from another country (Pakistan) and a different culture, Professor Syed Muhammad Abdur Rauf's point of view, though unconnected with specific ethnic problems highlighted in the article above, also propagates nurturing multi-cultural awareness as a teacher's concern.

5.5. Read Text 2 once, writing an outline of the points the Professor makes and writing out the words to comment on them.

Text 2

It was not until the mid-60s that linguists recognized the importance of culture in language pedagogy. (…)

A language does not exist in a vacuum. It is embedded in the culture of a people and reflects the totality of beliefs and sentiments of the speech community.

Since most students live in a monolingual and mono-cultural environment, they are "culture-bound". This places a heavy pedagogic responsibility on the foreign language teacher to reduce their cultural biases towards the language he is teaching, and to develop tolerance of other social behaviours. He should impress upon them that there are many ways of looking at things, and that cultural differences do not necessarily involve moral issues of right and wrong.

As a foreign language teacher, he must have thorough insight into the culture of his students as well as the culture of the language he is teaching. This bicultural understanding is essential to identify those areas of cultural background that will be unintelligible to his students presented without explanation. This will also help him remove the misunderstandings resulting from the outward manifestations of cultural identity.

Since many language teachers are not exposed directly to the foreign culture, they should make up for this lack by disciplined reading (...). They should read critically (...) analysing the differences of interpretation, possible biases and propagandistic intentions (...).

Last, but most essential, while introducing cultural content in the classroom, the foreign language teacher must maintain complete neutrality. He must not give his students the impression that he is selling a foreign culture to them. His approach should be informative, analytical and objective ...

(From "Forum")

* * *

5.6. What are the meanings of the word "culture"? In which meaning is it used in the two articles you have read? Do you think you know enough of British and American culture to teach English?

5.7. Read up on and be ready to speak about some of the cultural peculiarities of British and American everyday life.

5.8. Look through the jokes in Parts 1-5 and discuss the cultural component essential for understanding the humour.

5.9. Press-conference (See Part 4, ex. 4.12).

5.10. The teacher seems to be the key... . The key to improving education and improving society.

Read the following article from "The Washington Post" and formulate the issue under discussion. Comment on the headline.

Text 3. School Will Be Tougher for Va. Teachers

Spurred by orders from the Virginia Department of education, George Mason University and the 36 other Virginia colleges that certify teachers are embarked on a complete - and much debated -overhaul of teacher education ...

Faced with disappointing student achievement and dismal comparisons of American students with their European and Asian counterparts in subjects such as maths and science, would-be school reformers have targeted the teacher as the key to improvement.

The best way to improve teachers, they reason, is to improve how they are educated. When the process is complete, the next year class prospective teachers, especially those, who plan to teach in the lower grades, will receive a very different kind of college education than they do now: most will have to meet stricter academic standards before being accepted into teacher training programs. They will be required to earn degrees in the arts and sciences, rather than in education. The elementary education degree, long a staple of the teaching profession, will disappear. Universities will require students to spend a fifth year earning certification after they have their degrees, adding a year onto what has been a four-year process.

"We thought about the question 'What is going to be required of students and teachers in the 21st century?" said state Board of education member James N. Dyke.

Teachers without degrees in the arts and sciences and teachers who have taken education courses but are not "well-versed in general studies" will lack the background needed in the next century, Dyke said. (...) Under the old system, an elementary education major could spend 57 to 60 semester hours on methods and how-to (education) courses that went on endlessly. If you spend half your time on those, when do you learn something of substance?"

(...) Students will spend fewer hours in education courses - a maximum of 18 semester hours -and far more hours taking mathematics, science, history and other core subjects.

Abolishing the elementary education degree and limiting education courses have drawn criticism.

"I think we'll be more well-rounded," said Nancy White, a part-time student majoring in elementary education. "But I think it's a big mistake for the younger grades. We spend so much time in methods classes observing and dealing with children. What we are learning today we are going to be able to use in the classroom."

"The content knowledge of elementary school teachers is not the issue," said Edward Carr, assistant school superintendent for personnel in Fairfax County. "Commitment to the profession, caring about children and knowing how to teach them are much more important."

With strict limits on the number of education courses teachers can take, some wonder if tomorrow's teachers will be prepared to cope with the diversity of students in their classroom. (...)

Isenberg, who is involved in the painstaking process of making the transition from the four-year elementary education degree to the five-year program at George Mason, said she hopes the change would be worth the effort.

"If we can attract the best and the brightest into education, then it will be a good thing, she said. "If it's going to upgrade the status of teachers, then I think it's a great idea. But I just don't know."

(From “The Washington Post”)

* * *

Note: The educational changes discussed in the article have been actually made by George Mason University. The new system of teacher education is practised only by the state of Virginia and has not spread over the other states.

5.11. Read the article a second time and answer these questions.

1) What does "Va." stand for? Do you know any other abbreviations for the names of American states?

2) What is the highest authority in education in the USA, judging by the article? Substantiate your answer.

3) How can you paraphrase the first paragraph by breaking the sentence into two or more shorter ones and substituting synonyms for "spurred", "certify", "embarked on", "overhaul"?

4) Why has the Va. Department of Education decided to introduce changes into the teacher education?

5) What is the English for выпуск, курс as used in the third paragraph?

6) What degree do elementary school teachers usually graduate with?

7) What degree will they be required to obtain in the future before being accepted into teacher training?

8) What other serious change will take place in teacher training? Will the semester hours on methods and education be increased or reduced?

9) What are the grounds for this drastic change?

10) Are the new ideas enjoying unanimous support?

11) What is Nancy White's comment?

12) What is Edward Carr's opinion? What does he mean by "content knowledge" and "commitment to the profession?"

13) Why is the "diversity of students" a problem to be reckoned with?

14) What transition is taking place at George Mason University at the moment?

15) Is Isenburg sure it is going to work? What does she hope for?

5.12. In the last paragraph of the article there is mention of the teacher's status and the necessity to upgrade it. Read the passages below and say what you think of the problem.

1. Respondents to a Gallup Poll placed teachers well below physicians, clergymen and bankers in terms of their prestige or status in the community. Judges, lawyers and public school principals were also rated above teachers. Funeral directors and local political office holders were seen as having nearly as much prestige or status as teachers did. "Teachers are not well paid. Their working conditions are usually less comfortable than those of workers in many other areas. They are not as well respected as are people who actually "do" something rather than "just" teach. Nor are college or university professors held in the high regard they are in many other countries. (...) Professors are often viewed as people who are teaching because they are not capable of doing anything else."

(G. Althen. "American Ways")

2. When Diana Ravitch, adjunct professor of history and education, returned from her visit to Russia, she reported that "teachers there face the same status problems as teachers in the United States. Generally, there is respect for the profession but teachers in Russia earn less than factory workers".

(From "TC Today". Columbia University)

5.13. Comparing these observations, one can't but agree that teaching in the USA, as well as at home, does require commitment to the profession to stay in it. What do you think must be done to upgrade the teacher's status?

5.14. Comment on the meaning of “Gallup Poll”, “adjunct professor”.

Note: “TC Today” is the newspaper of Teachers College of Columbia University, New York.

5.15. Bernard Shaw's often-cited paradox "Those who can, do, those who can't, teach" is reversed and elaborated by the American writer Bell Kaufman in her book "Up the Down Staircase": "There are a few good, hard-working, patient people who manage to teach against insuperable odds; a few brilliantly endowed teachers who - unknown and unsung - work their magic in the classroom; a few who truly love young people. The rest, it seems to me, have either given up, or are taking it out on the kids. "Those who can, do, those who can't, teach." Like most sayings this is only half true. Those who can, teach, those who can't - the bitter, the misguided, the failures from the other fields - find in the school system an excuse or a refuge ...".

Whom do you agree with - Bell Kaufman or Bernard Shaw? Substantiate your point of view. List your arguments for and against.

5.16. Panel Talk on a television program:

The Future of Teacher Training in Your Country

1. Divide into two groups: a) those supporting subject-centered teacher training; b) those supporting child-centered teacher training.

2. Take five minutes to discuss in these smaller groups the arguments using various ways to support your opinion.

3. Hold the panel talk with one student or the teacher acting as the discussion leader.

5.17. Write an essay on the topic of the discussion.


"You college men seem to take life pretty easy."

"Yes, even when we graduate we do it by degrees."

* * *

"I hope you are not afraid of microbes," apologized the paying teller as he cashed the school-teacher's paying check with soiled currency.

"Don't worry", said the young lady, "A microbe couldn't live on my salary."

* * *

"Where have you been for the last four years?"

"At college, taking medicine".

"And did you finally get well?"


The two texts below, English and Russian, deal with an inside view of the teacher - as children see him.

6.1. Read the English and the Russian texts and compare them along these lines:

1) A great many teachers are found unsatisfactory by those they teach.

2) Children would like their teachers to have ordinary, sympathetic human qualities.

Text 1

Children of several British schools were asked to write a short essay on "The School That I'd Like". The essays were published in a book with the preface of the editor Edward Blishen. This is what he writes.

At the very least it must be said that a great many teachers are found singularly unsatisfactory by those they teach. It isn't simply that teachers can be insulting, rude and cruel. It isn't only that many are found to be impatient and lacking in enthusiasm. Of far more consequence, and embracing these other complaints, is the charge that they are teachers first, aloof authoritative persons, and ordinary companionable human beings a long way behind, if at all.

Teachers also have little time for opinions of their pupils. They brush such opinions aside, ignore them, or simply never elicit them. They regard the adolescent, in particular, as a serious potential nuisance. They fail to recognize the importance of praise and encouragement.

One sees that, listing the qualities the children wish their teachers had, they describe a new order of teaching as much as a reformed type of teacher. They should be understanding, the children say, and patient; should encourage and praise wherever possible; should listen to their pupils and give them a chance to speak; should be willing to have points made against them, be humble, kind, capable of informality, and simply pleasant; should share more activities with children than they commonly do, and should not expect all children to be always docile. They should attempt to establish links with parents; should be punctual for lessons; enthusiastic within reason; should not desert a school lightly; should allow children to take the initiative in school work, and above all should be warm and personal.

Текст 2. Воспитать воспитателя

(1) Луиза Николаевна - профессиональный психолог. Явление в нынешней школе пока не такое уж частое ... Слушая Луизу Николаевну, понимаешь, что школе срочно нужен массовый "психологический ликбез". Неграмотность учителя в вопросах практической, именно школьной, психологии бумерангом ударяет по подростку.

(2) Воспитание - это общение; - говорит Л.Н. - А точнее - приобщение: приобщение личности подростка к личности учителя. А если не к чему приобщать? Если учитель сам - человек неинтересный, которому после звонка и сказать-то нечего ... Так и слышишь суровый голос иных педагогов: "Да что вам школа - цирк или театр?"

“Школа должна давать сумму знаний - это главное! Что же нам теперь, перед классом на голове стоять?”

(3) Со старшеклассниками 34-й школы Л.Н. провела такое исследование: каким должен быть идеальный учитель? Требования к идеальному учителю оказались, увы, самыми обыкновенными, и это - тревожный симптом: значит, далека школа не только от идеала, но от самого элементарного.

"Идеальный учитель считается с мнением ученика! Не занижает и не завышает отметок! Видит в лице ученика человека". "Если плохое настроение, не срывает его на ученике".

(4) Мы привыкли к тому, что есть "трудные подростки" и "трудные родители", но есть ведь и "трудный учитель"! Он и не знает, что он "трудный" учитель! Об этом можно догадаться только по нервной обстановке в классе, по отношению к нему ребят. Это не обязательно плохой учитель, это скорее учитель, не знающий самого себя. Л.Н. провела простенький тест, на который отвечали и учителя и ученики. Тест выявлял способности человека к самокритическому взгляду на себя, умение считаться с другими людьми, способность к общению и т.д. Подросток, с которым сладу не было, набрал по этому тесту 9 баллов, а это означало, что человек не умеет общаться, слушать других, всегда настаивает на своём и никогда даже самому себе не признается, что он не прав. Парня это открытие глубоко потрясло. Одно дело, когда зудят учителя: "Ты невозможен!" Другое – когда сама наука выдаёт тебе то же самое. Любопытно, что те же 9 баллов набрала и одна учительница литературы со стажем и опытом, на хорошем у начальства счету. Возмущение её было так велико, что она, кипя от негодования, пришла с этим же вопросом домой: "Это что же, я такая плохая?" А дома, раcхрабрившись, ей сказали: "А ты что, только сегодня об этом узнала?

С тобой ведь жить невозможно! Это мы притерпелись ..." Дома притерпелись, а кто подсчитает, сколько таких вот "притерпевшихся" (или потерпевших?) ребят "выпустила в жизнь" эта учительница?

(5) По какому же признаку оценивать "профпригодность" учителя? Скажут: мало ли что там ещё "накопает" психолог - что ж теперь, педагога из школы убирать? Нет такой статьи в КЗОТе - про 9 баллов! А может быть, будет? А пока - кто и как должен воспитывать, взрослого уже человека? Думается, что такой "ликбез" - дело рук школьного психолога. Школьный психолог - это своего рода "скорая помощь", которая первой выявляет накаленную обстановку, первой же поможет её ликвидировать, научит этому и учителя, и ребят.

* * *

6.2. What have the two texts in common?

6.3. Render the Russian text in English. The outline and the props are here to help you with this activity.

  • 1. Introduction

What is the article devoted to? Is a psychologist a common figure at school in this country? There is an acute need of one, isn't there? This need arises from the psychological ignorance of many school teachers, doesn't it? How can you account for this ignorance?

  • 2. Education is Communication

In the book "To Sir, With Love" teaching is compared to a bank-account: "Teaching is like having a bank account. You can happily draw on it while it is well supplied with new funds; otherwise you are in difficulties.

Every teacher should have a fund of ready information on which to draw; he should keep that fund well supplied by new experience, new thoughts and discoveries, by reading and moving around among people from whom he can acquire such things..."

How can you connect this simile with paragraph 2 of the Russian text?

Useful language:

to motivate, to enlarge/broaden one's scope, to create an incentive for learning, to reach the children, to win them over, to be an all-rounder/a well-rounded person, to supply food for thought, to justify oneself, to be steeped in one's pedagogical ignorance.

  • 3. L.N. Conducts an Opinion Poll "The Teacher I'd Like"

Useful language

aloof to brush aside/to ignore

authoritarian (-ative) opinions of their pupils



child-centered to encourage/to praise

patient to take one's irritation out on sb.


Would you like to use an opinion poll in your future work to learn what your pupils think of you? Why or why not?

  • 4. L.N. Administers a Test "What Kind of Person am I?"

What were the reactions to the results of the test on the part of the pupil and the teacher who both scored 9 points?

Useful language:

intolerant to consider/reckon with

an unreasonable dictator other people

indignant to ignore

resentful to show no adequate response

furious to be taken aback

extremely difficult/next to to be shaken to the depth of

one's being

impossible to deal with to have an impartial view of


Do you agree that there are "problem" and "difficult" people in all categories: children, teachers, parents? Which are the most difficult to deal with? Which are the most stubborn in their inadequate perception of themselves? They are also the most dangerous, aren't they? Why?

  • 5. Conclusion

a) Some personal qualities are indispensable for the teacher's profession, aren't they? Speak about these qualities using some of the suggested patterns. Check with the Topical Vocabulary: “Upbringing” if you remember all the necessary words.

Teaching involves such qualities as...

A teacher is inconceivable without...

To become a successful teacher a person must possess such qualities as... + N or Ving

To make a good teacher, one must be ... + Adj or N

You can't make a good teacher without being ... + Adj or N

It is better to enter some other profession if one cannot (is unable to) ... + V

b) What qualities must be regarded as essential in evaluating the teacher's proficiency? Is it easy to prevent and to cope with the teacher-pupil, teacher-parent conflicts? Who can help ease the pressures and tensions at school? You also think it's a matter of utmost importance to have a qualified psychologist on the staff of every school, don't you?

Smile and Relax

There is a joke about a psychologist who was doing research on the mentality of a chimpanzee. He put the chimpanzee in a locked room and observed its behaviour daily through the key-hole. One day the chimpanzee was ready with a big surprise for him. As the psychologist peeped into the keyhole he saw the soft brown eye of the chimpanzee observing what be was doing.

* * *

"Is the doctor treating her for nervousness?"

"Oh, dear, no. She is rich enough to have psychoneurosis".

* * *

As teachers we can help greatly if we become sufficiently important to them (children); important enough to balance or outweigh the evil. I'm afraid I can offer you no blueprint for teaching; it wouldn't work. From the moment, you accept (the job) you are on your own, (...) success or failure with them will depend entirely on you.

(From "To Sir, With Love")

* * *

6.4. Is it easy for a young teacher to become "important" to children? Where is the golden mean between dictatorship and familiarity? Read the story and say why the young trainee teacher failed.

Текст 3. "Неуд" по педагогике

Заведующему РОНО

т. Трофимову Г.П.

Учитель истории избил моего сына... Я сына не защищаю: опоздал на урок - надо наказывать, но не боем. Прошу разобраться и сообщить наказание, а то я буду жаловаться дальше.

Мать Юрия Веретенникова. 14 мая ... года.

Сразу уточним: Васильев не просто проходил плановую практику. В дальнем лесном поселке он закрывал очередную "педагогическую брешь".

Районный департамент обратился за помощью в университет, и скоро оттуда приехал в Лоймолы "историк" - студент пятого курса Павел Васильев. Ехать в отдаленный посёлок он вызвался сам, подготовка будущего учителя ни у кого сомнения не вызывала - студент, что называется, шёл на "красный диплом".

Из рассказа директора Лоймольской

средней школы Т.Б. Нурми

- Конечно, Павел был для нас палочкой-выручалочкой. Он сразу нам всем понравился. Подкупала его искренность, отзывчивость. Но мы не могли не видеть, что психологически наш практикант еще не готов к роли учителя. Не сумел найти верный тон, установить верную дистанцию в отношении с учениками. Он мог забыться на уроке, сесть верхом на учительский стол. В девятом классе предложил "оригинальный" способ поддержания дисциплины: если не сделает кому-то в течение месяца ни одного замечания, покупает "победителю" три шоколадки ...

Честно говоря, - виновато признаётся директор, - у нас некому было по-настоящему опекать практиканта. Сама я была на курсах повышения квалификации.

Из объяснительной записки П. Васильева:

"Хорошо зная, что заниматься рукоприкладством ни в коем случае нельзя, на протяжении февраля, марта и апреля я старался сдерживать себя во всех конфликтных ситуациях. В то же время я не мог, как мне советовали, закрывать глаза на неуважение к школе и к учителю. Во время очередного конфликта ученик девятого класса Веретенников не был допущен мною на урок. Игнорируя требование покинуть класс, он не давал возможности закрыть за ним дверь. Я вынужден был оттолкнуть его. После этого он оскорбил, унизил меня так, как никто до этого никогда со мной не делал. Я не сдержался и ударил его. Удар был несильный, но Веретенников закричал: "Меня ударил учитель!". Подошла преподавательница начальных классов. Никто нашей стычки не видел, но я тут же признался в совершенном".

Так была перейдена грань, за которой учитель перестаёт быть учителем.

Сколько лекций по педагогике прослушал Павел Васильев! И зачёты были, и экзамены. Но для Лоймольской школы этот "щит" оказался непрочным. Страстный рассказ о французских просветителях тонул в ребячьем шуме и возне, рассказ о восстании Емельяна Пугачева приходилось прерывать, чтобы управиться с бунтом на "галерке" ... И где, в каких педагогических трактатах мог вычитать практикант, как вести ему себя с великовозрастными школярами, грозящими учителю расправой?

Как же мы учим будущих учителей и чему учим? Уcтанавливать причинно-следственные связи в исторических событиях? Методике доказательства закона Ома? Идейно-художественному анализу литературного произведения? Слов нет, все это важно и нужно. Но я что-то не слышал, чтобы на семинаре по педагогике вузовский преподаватель объявил: "А сегодня, мои юные коллеги, мы проведем деловую игру. Ситуация такова: вас, молодого учителя, грубо оскорбил хулиганствующий подросток. Каковы ваши педагогические действия?"

("Советская Россия")

* * *

6.5. Write an outline to render the text in English.

6.6. Write props ("useful language") for each point of the outline.

6.7. Render the text in English in the form of a monologue.

6.8. Think of talking points and questions for a group discussion. How can you connect the issues of the article with the debate highlighted in the "The Washington Post?" (See "School Will Be Tougher For Va. Teachers", Part 5).

6.9. Discuss the points and the questions you have prepared in class.

* * *

Imagination was given to man to compensate him for what he is not; a sense of humour to console him for what he is. So keep smiling!

Текст 4. Улыбнись, учитель!

Лена, слабая, отстающая в развитии от сверстников девочка, в который раз уже не справилась с контрольной работой. У Лены "двойка". Ребята, только что радовавшиеся своим оценкам, притихли. Но с первой парты раздается смех. Это смеется Сережа, новенький. Ребята молча, с осуждающим удивлением смотрят на него. Им не понятно, как можно смеяться над чужими неудачами. Сереже не понятно, почему не смеются остальные.

Дети уже забыли, как всего лишь год назад они смеялись, если кто-то споткнулся и упал, пусть даже больно ударился, хохотали над Славой, который сильно заикался, могли передразнивать старого больного человека ...

Они забыли, и прекрасно, но я должна помнить.

Во всех нормальных, здоровых детях есть смешливость, готовность к радости, улыбке, Опираясь на эти прекрасные качества, можно и нужно воспитывать в них и чувства сострадания, достоинства, стыда, душевную стойкость, уверенность в себе. Но и грубый, "первобытный" юмор, так возмущающий нас в подростках, может вырасти из той детской смешливости, если специально не культивировать в младших классах чувство юмора, не развивать его.

Когда у детей правильно заложены основы чувства юмора, процесс воспитания идет весело, интересно для ребят и учителя, без надрыва и истерик, почти без острых конфликтов, так как шутка гасит их еще в зародыше. Юмор - кратчайший путь для достижения самых серьезных целей воспитания, и обучения.

Воспитание чувства юмора ("почему смешно?") и воспитание отношений ("над чем смеемся?") неотделимы друг от друга. И объединить эти "над чем" и "почему" в одно целое помог наш классный театр "Смешинка".

Пришлось мне самой стать завлитом, сценаристом, режиссером... С самого начала меня поразило то, как ребята стали выразительно читать, быстро учить наизусть. Заставлять никого не надо, напротив, приходилось даже отговаривать и утешать, если не досталось роли. Артистами театра стали все, весь класс.

Театр сдружил ребят, воспитал в них чувство ответственности, отзывчивость, умение поступиться чем-то личным ради общих интересов. И помог-таки создать атмосферу в классе. Стало возможным заменить длинные нотации более чем короткими намеками-цитатами. Ане, косящей в тетрадь соседки, сказать:

- Вот откуда "двойка": виновата Зойка!

И всем все понятно. Дежурным, которые плохо убрали класс:

- Был на квартиру налет? К нам заходил бегемот?

И тоже все ясно - они, посмеявшись, убирают заново.

... Маяковский считал, что тем смешных нет, смех – в обработке, которая имеет свои законы. Он считал, что будут школы, где станут учить приемам остроумия, как учат арифметике.

Почему бы и нет?

("Комсомольская правда")

* * *

6.10. Write a plan with vocabulary props for each point. Make sure to know the English counterparts for these Russian words and phrases:

Новенький, отстающий в развитии, осуждать, споткнуться, заикаться, передразнивать, смешливость, сострадание, достоинство, стыд, душевная стойкость, уверенность в себе, грубый (юмор), достигать цели, заставлять, отговаривать, утешать, отзываться, создать атмосферу, чувство ответственности, сдружить, поступится чем-либо, длинные нотации, намек, цитата, остроумие.

6.11. Discuss the text and the problems, raised in it, in class. What quality does the young teacher regard as essential for her profession? Is it possible to cultivate this quality in oneself and one's students? Can you prove that a sense of humour should be an educational goal as well as an educational means? What does childish risibility turn into if it is not carefully guided and cultivated?

6.12. Learn to be a teacher.

1) Write questions to outline the story.

2) Formulate other problems (in addition to point 2) which may be discussed on the basis of the story.

3) Prepare teaching materials for each problem: questions, hand-outs for group-work, pair work, individual work.

4) Plan your activities during class.

5) Write a list of classroom English you are going to use.

6) Conduct the lesson.

6.13. Speak of an episode from your own experience or from the books you have read where a sense of humour helped save the situation.

Smile and Relax

Teacher - "Now, Robert, what are you doing, learning something?"

Robert - "No, sir; I'm listening to you."

* * *

A teacher was making a strenuous effort to get good attendance in her class. One day she saw that all except one were in their places.

"This is fine", she exclaimed, "all here except Jimmie Jones; and let us hope that it is something serious which keeps him away."

* * *

Teacher - "Tommy, your hands are dirty. What would you say if I came to school with dirty hands?"

Tommy - "I'd be too polite to mention it."

* * *

Teacher - "Willie, how do you define "ignorance"?

Willie - "It's when you don't know something and somebody finds it out."

* * *

Follow-up Activities

6.14. Test Discussion: The Teacher-Parent Relationship. School and Family Cooperation.

This activity is designed as a summarising discussion for you to demonstrate what you have learnt in content, language and communicative skills from Unit 2.

Things to do:

1) Choose a point of view.

a. Teachers (should) do very little (a lot) to make contact with parents.

b. Parents (do not) appreciate the hardships teachers have to cope with.

c. Teachers (Parents) have every reason (no reason) to complain (of the other side).

d. I (do not) know how to improve the teacher-parent cooperation.

2) Find some publications in Russian periodicals to substantiate your point of view and render them in English.

3) Think of some questions and arguments to challenge your opponents with.

4) Think of the opponents' possible arguments and questions and get ready to meet the challenge.

5) Hold the discussion in class.


6.15. Write an argumentative essay on the topic “Teaching: Is It an Art or a Science?”


6.16. Watch the film “Will They Ever Learn?” and discuss it.


1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   ...   19


Нижний Новгород, 2005 Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета гоу нижегородского государственного лингвистического университета им. Н. А. Добролюбова iconРоссийской федерации федеральное агентство по образованию
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Нижний Новгород, 2005 Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета гоу нижегородского государственного лингвистического университета им. Н. А. Добролюбова iconСборник научных статей
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