2. Место дисциплины в структуре ооп бакалавриата

Название2. Место дисциплины в структуре ооп бакалавриата
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(17) a lie/he/her/told

(18) the thief/to/she/the police/described

(19) the hospital/gave/he/Ј1 million

(20) made/for my birthday/me/my mum/a cake

5. Read the article on men and women’s shopping habits and mark the sentences T (True) or F (False).

A recent survey of shopping habits has discovered that the vast majority of men buy the same clothes from the same shop year after year.

Women are far more adventurous. To them, clothes shopping is exciting, a journey of discovery. They will go from shop to shop, often not looking for anything in particular, and not knowing what they are going to find. They will try things on, go off to another shop, come back, and try them on again. At the end of the day, they might come home with hundreds of pounds worth of clothes or with absolutely nothing. But for the most part, it will have been an enjoyable experience.

Men, of course, don’t understand this. Just look at a man accompanying his wife when she goes shopping for clothes. He looks bored, tired, frustrated. Compare that with a woman shopping with her female friend, her sister, her mother.

According to experts, when it comes to shopping for clothes, men are driven by habit and tradition, and don’t like having to think too much. When they go shopping, they have something they want to buy and they go to the shop where they know they will find it. Once in the shop, they know exactly where everything is – the shirts, the jeans, etc – and what brands they will find there. They don’t like uncertainty.

‘Men often feel uncomfortable or uncertain when clothes shopping,’ a retailer says. ‘A shop that they know can remove much of that discomfort. In a smaller shop in particular, the sales assistant will probably know his customer. He will know his size, the kind of things he likes. He will advise him. Most men prefer to buy brands that they know rather than try something new, but if the sales clerk has a customer’s trust, he may even suggest something a little different.’

Shop owners will tell you that in these competitive times, it is essential to attract new customers. But they also realise the importance of the customers who come back year after year.

  1. Women always spend a lot of money when they go shopping. T/F

  2. Women often return to a shop to try something on. T/F

  3. Women don’t enjoy shopping together. T/F

  4. Men plan what they want to buy before they go out. T/F

  5. Men feel uncomfortable getting advice from sales assistants. T/F

  6. Shops think traditional customers are more important than new ones. T/F

Немецкий язык

  1. Zweimal pro Woche …… ich.

a) einkaufen b) kaufe ein

c) einkaufst d) kaufen ein

  1. Dieses Geschaft gefällt mir …… als jenes.

a) gerner b) bester

c) besser d) gütter

  1. Für den Salat brauche ich 2 … .

a) Äpfel b) Apfel

c) Apfele d) Apfeln

  1. Ich … diese Speise nicht.

a) mag b) möge

c) möchte d) wolle

  1. Schmekt …. dieses Gericht?

a) dich b) du

c) sich d) dir

  1. Ich habe … Hunger.

a) nicht b) kein

c) keinen d) keine

  1. Ich esse zu Mittag in …. Mensa.

a) dem b) das

c) die d) der

  1. Die Mensa befindet … im Studentenwohnheim.

a) sein b) dich

c) sich d) seine

  1. Mit …. Freundin haben wir gestern ein Einkaufszentrum besucht.

a) meinem b) meine

c) meiner d) meinen

  1. Man …. heute kurze Kleider.

a) trägt b) tragen

c) getragen d) trug

  1. Ich trage gerne Röcke, aber hier habe ich …. Rock gefunden.

a) nicht b) keine

c) keinen d) kein

  1. ….. kann man zum Markt fahren?

a) worauf b) womit

c) wodurch d) woran

  1. …. dieses Kleid …, es past dir gut.

a) anprobiere b) probier … an

c) probiert … an d) probieren Sie an

  1. Meine Schwester kauft sich in diesem Geschaft schon das …. Kleid

a) drei b) dritten

c) dritter d) dritte
Французский язык

1. Lisez et traduisez le texte:

Je suis étudiant. Mes parents habitent non loin de l’université. Ma mère est une bonne cuisinière. Quand je me souviens des plats qu'elle prépare, 1'eau coule dans ma bouche. Je ne peux pas dire que je suis gourmand mais j'aime bien manger. Les étudiants n'ont pas beaucoup de temps libre et n'ont pas assez d'argent pour visiter les restaurants. Nous prenons les repas à la cantine estudiantine. C'est très commode et bon marché. Moi, j'habite le foyer. Chaque matin je prends une tasse de thé ou de café avec du pain et du beurre et je vais à1'institut. A midi ou après les cours je passe à la cantine où je déjeune. D'habitude c'est du potage, une salade de légumes, de la viande ou du poisson et de la compote. Le soir je dois travailler pour préparer mes devoirs. C'est pourquoi je dine à la cantine qui se trouve dans le foyer, ça ne prend pas beaucoup de temps, c'est une cantine à self-service. La salle de la cantine est spacieuse. Chaque étu­diant se sert lui-meme. On lit le menu où figurent de differents plats: roti de boeuf ou de porc, poisson grille, garnis de frites, de légumes ou de gruau. Au dessert on propose des fruits, des gateaux, des brioches, de la compote, du thé ou du café au lait. Chacun choisit à son gout, met les plats sur un plateau et se dirige vers la caisse ou 1'on paye. Ensuite on prend un couvert,c’est-à-dire, une cuiller, une fourchette, un couteau et on se met à table, parfois j'achete quelque chose en ville et je prépare mon diner moi-meme. A chaque étage du foyer il y a une cuisine où sont placés quelques fourneaux à gaz, une table, il y a aussi tout le necessaire pour préparer les repas: casseroles, poeles, assiettes.

Parfois je dine avec mes amis en ville. Dans ce cas on choisit un café où on peut manger des plats nationaux: smajnis, draniki, crepes et beaucoup i'autres-choses délicieuses. Les jours de fete je passe chez mes parents. Ma mère prépare du borchtch que j'aime beaucoup, elle fait aussi des gateaux, des tartes. Après quelques jours de mon séjour à la maison je sens que j'ai grossi d'un ou de deux kilos. Je n'ai pas la force de renoncer à cette bonne cuisine de ma mère. Mais ce n'est pas dangereux. Dans une semaine de travail serieux et consciencieux mes kilos disparaissent et je deviens mince comme autrefois.

2. Expliquez en français les expressions suivantes:

casser une croute, se mettre à table, repas à la carte, repas à prix fixe, assaisonner la salade, un petit déjeuner.
3. Faites entrer dans des phrases les expressions ci-dessous:

avoir faim, avoir soif, prendre les repas, plat m régional, faire un bon repas, comme dessert, comme entrée.
4. Traduisez:

1. On coupe le pain avec un couteau. 2. On mange la viande avec une fourchette et un couteau. 3. On nous a servi le diner à huit heures du soir. 4. Au dessert j'ai commandé une tarte aux pommes et une glace. 5. Dans chaque province de la France il y a ses plats régionaux. 6. Les crèpes et le cidre sont les spécialités de la Brétagne. 7. Au petit dejeuner j'ai pris du jambon, du pain avec du beurre, du fromage et une tasse de café.
5. Remplacez les points par les mots convenables:

1. Le matin Madeleine prend du ... avec du ... et du ... . 2. Aprés un bon repas j'aime boire une tasse de ... . 3. Pierre souffre d'insomnie, il ne boit que de 1'.... 4. En France on commence le diner par ... . 5. Comme dessert nous avons pris une salade de ... et une .... 6. Comme entrée on a commandé du .... 7. On assaisonne la salade de ..., de ... et d'... . 8. Chaque restau­rant a son....


beurre, pain, fromage, plat du jour, café, jambon, infusion, fruits, glace, hors-d'oeuvre, sel, poivre, huile
3. Демонстрационный вариант выполнения письменного задания в виде сочинения, эссе по теме «Семья. Семейные традиции» (Раздел 1:Бытовая, социально-культурная сфера общения)
английский, немецкий, французский языки:

  • Семейная династия

  • «Отцы и дети»

  • Традиции вашей семьи

  • Связь поколений

  • Сочинение-размышление «Семья XXII века»

4. Демонстрационный вариант выполнения письменного задания в виде личного (делового) письма по теме «Досуг. Путешествия» (Раздел 1: Бытовая, социально-культурная сфера общения
английский, немецкий, французский языки:

  • Вы отправляетесь на отдых. Арендуйте квартиру, используя Интернет.

  • Вы провели каникулы в высокогорной деревушке Непала. Опиши своему другу (подруге) свое временное жилище;

  • Вы посетили уникальный «Ледяной отель». Поделитесь с родителями своими впечатлениями.

  • Вы отыскали в интернете подходящий отель. Забронируйте номер, отослав всю необходимую информацию;

5. Демонстрационный вариант выполнения задания в виде монологического высказывания (беседа по теме) по теме «Дом. Жилище» (Раздел 1: Бытовая, социально-культурная сфера общения
английский, немецкий, французский языки:

  • Опишите дом своей мечты;

  • Опишите дом, в котором вам не хотелось бы жить;

  • Опишите жилища людей в 2080 году;

  • Опишите дом, в котором вам хотелось бы жить.

  • Опишите типичный дом «двухэтажной» Америки и дом в сельской местности в России. Сравните.

6. Демонстрационный вариант выполнения перевода текстов с ИЯ на РЯ по теме «Семья. Семейные традиции», «Досуг. Путешествия». (Раздел 1: Бытовая, социально-культурная сфера общения)
Английский язык

Unhappy families: UK is third worst in Europe for home life

Government has let down parents and children as debts and long working hours exact a major toll on Britons, says new research

Britain is one of the worst countries in Europe for families, according to a study released today by the Relationships Foundation. High levels of debt and poverty, coupled with long and unsocial working hours, are major contributing factors, the report, Family Pressure Gauge, reveals.

Its research paints a picture of a country where, in stark contrast to David Cameron's pledge to make Britain the "most family-friendly" nation in the world, British families are among the most pressured in Europe, only ahead of Bulgaria and Romania.

Stress from money and work worries, along with a lack of support for parents and poor living conditions, are all factors, the report finds. It recommends urgent reform to the way families are helped, with one in five families struggling to make ends meet.

The report also reveals that 14 per cent of families are suffering "critical" levels of debt, compared to 1 per cent of Swedish, Finnish and Norwegian households.

In addition, almost a quarter of the average British working family income goes on childcare costs – double the percentage spent by French families and three times that for German families.

One in seven families spend more than 40 per cent of their income on the rent or a mortgage. In contrast, just 1.8 per cent of the French population are in this situation.

Britain also ranks as the second worst country in Europe for maternity and paternity leave, with new parents receiving less than ten weeks fully paid time off on average.

One in 20, or 340,800, British families live in "severe housing deprivation" – in overcrowded homes in poor condition, without a bath, shower or indoor toilet, for example. This is 12 times more than in the Netherlands, and significantly worse than in the Nordic countries, Germany and Spain.

The report provides the most comprehensive picture to date of how British families fare compared with counterparts in 26 European countries, based on an analysis of 25 indicators, including pressures of money, work, parenting and living conditions. It draws on data from the European Union, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and the European Commission.

Although work is seen as a route out of poverty, it can also be a source of additional pressure, with Britons working some of the longest hours in Europe – on average, 43 a week.

Long working hours can affect health and time for family relationships, according to the report. It states that 78 per cent of British workers do not have flexible working hours.

It accuses the Government of a lack of focus on its family agenda, noting that the Childhood and Families task force, set up in June last year, had "delivered nothing", that pledges on flexible working had been "reneged upon", with a Budget that "did little to engage with pressures on families". It added that the plight of families, already buckling under the strain of debts, is set to worsen.

This comes at a time when a record 2.1 million children in Britain live in poverty, despite the fact that one or both of their parents work, according to the Joseph Rowntree Foundation. The figure has soared by 400,000 in the past five years, undermining the mantra that people can work their way out of poverty.

The Government's "warm words on family friendliness are fast becoming cold comfort," according to Michael Trend, executive director of the Relationships Foundation.

He added: "Sideline family policy and you court systemic failure... A year on from the general election, it is time the Government got its act together on family policy."

Rhian Beynon, head of policy at Family Action, warned: "Changes to welfare support and high inflation mean that family finances are increasingly tight, placing a strain on families. If the Government doesn't sort this out the pressure on families will only increase."

As for me I prefer to learn about the world travelling.

Millions people all over the world spend their holidays travelling. They travel to see other countries and continents, modern cities and the ruins of ancient towns, they travel to enjoy picturesque places or just for a change of scene. It's always interesting to discover new things and different ways of life, to meet different people, to try different food, to listen to different music.

Those who live in the country like to go to a big city and spend their time visiting museums and art galleries, looking at shop windows and dining at exotic restaurants. City residents usually like a quiet holiday by the sea and in the mountains with nothing to do but walk and bathe and lay in the sun. Most travelers and holiday-makers take a camera with them and take pictures of everything that interest them - the sights of a city, old churches and castles, views of mountains, lakes, valleys, plains, waterfalls, forests, different kinds of trees, flowers and plants, animals and birds. Later, perhaps years later, they will be reminded by the photos of the happy time they had.

People travel by train, by plane, by ship or boat and by car. All means of travel have their advantages and disadvantages. And people choose one according to their plans and preferences. The fasters way of travelling - is travelling by plane, but in my opinion the most comfortable is travelling by ship and the cheapest is travelling on foot

If we are fond of travelling, we see and learn a lot of things that we can never see or learn at home, though we may read about them in books and newspapers and see pictures of them on TV. The best way to study geography is to travel and the best way to get to know and understand the people is to meet them in their own homes.

Nowadays people mostly travel by air, as it's the fastest means of travelling. Passengers are requested to arrive at the airport 2 hours before departure time on international flights and an hour on domestic flights, as there must be enough time to complete the necessary airport formalities. Before passengers get on board the plane, they have to register their luggage. Each passenger is given a boarding pass to be shown at the departure gate and again to the stewardess when boarding the plane. Landing formalities and custom regulations are more or less the same in all countries: while still on board the plane the passengers are given arrival cards to fill in. After the passengers have disembarked, officials will check his passport and visa. Then the passengers go to the custom for an examination of their luggage. As a rule personal belongings may be brought in duty-free. In some cases the custom inspector may ask you to open your bag for inspection.

Those who live in the country like to find themselves in large cities with their shops, cinemas, crowds of people. City-dwellers usually like a quiet holiday by the sea or in the mountains with nothing to do but walking and bathing, lazying in the sun. Most travelers and holiday makers take a camera with them and take pictures of everything that interests them - beautiful views of waterfalls, forests, unusual plants and animals. These photos will remind them of the happy time of holiday.

Modern life is impossible without travelling. There are many ways of traveling - by train, by plain, by ship, on foot. Everyone chooses his favourite one. My sister's favourite way is traveling by plain. And not because it is very comfortable. It is exciting. And of course the fastest way of travelling is by plane. But many people make their choice on travelling by train as with a train you have speed, comfort and pleasure combined. Travelling by train is of course slower than by air but it also has its advantages.

If you are going to travel by train you’d better book seats beforehand because many people are fond of travelling by train. There are some reasons why people choose railroad. Train is the cheap means of travelling. If it is summer outside it will be better to think of your trip before the vacation starts. To understand how true this is, you only have to go to a railway station. There you will see hundreds of people hurrying to catch a train. You’ll waste a lot of time standing near the booking-office trying to buy a ticket.

Modern trains have very comfortable seats in all passenger cars, and there are sleeping-cars and dining-cars which make even the longest journey enjoyable. You can buy first-class, second-class and third-class sleepers in a separate compartment. If you are early before the train starts you can leave your suit-cases in the compartment and walk up and down the platform. Some people forget when and from which platform and track their train will be off. They can always ask for the track, platform and train numbers at the railroad station information bureau and also get information about next trains and their schedules. There are express, slow and long-distance trains. If you want to go somewhere and get there as quickly as possible you’d better know that express trains only stop at the largest stations while slow trains stop at all stations. You can get to far countries only by a long-distance train.

Once you are in your compartment you have to ask the guide to bring in the bedding. There are usually two lower and two upper berths in a third-class sleeper compartment. Some people like to occupy upper berths because it is more convenient and exciting to travel. During your way on the train you can read newspapers, books, look out of the window, drink tea, communicate with your neighbors or sleep. I prefer to look out of the window, because you can see the country you are passing through, and not only the clouds as when you are flying. When you are in the train you can see the beauty of nature. You can have something to eat at the stations when the train makes stops.

I envy the tourists that can travel often because I think that they study geography traveling and visiting different parts of the world. They can tell you many things which you didn’t know before.

They are interesting people from whom you can learn much new for yourself. Any kind of travel helps you to understand many things that you can never see or learn at home. Though you may read about them in books and newspapers.

As for me I’d like to have a coach tour to some foreign country. Coach tours are planned and I’ll have a chance to do a lot of sightseeings and have a good rest at the same time.
Немецкий язык

Migrantenfamilien: Im Kindergarten wird Deutsch gesprochen 

Bei der Suche nach dem passenden Tierpärchen üben die drei Kinder zwischen zwei und drei Jahren ganz nebenbei ihr Deutsch. Sannis Eltern sind Franzosen, Julias Eltern kommen aus China und Paul hat Deutsch als Muttersprache. In der Kita Rheinaue werden Kinder ab dem 4. Lebensmonat bis zur Einschulung mit sechs Jahren betreut. Von 70 Familien haben fast 40 einen Migrationshintergrund, sie sind aus der ganzen Welt zum Studieren nach Bonn in Nordrhein-Westfalen (NRW) gekommen. Der Kindergarten wird vom Studentenwerk in Bonn betrieben. Das Konzept für diese Kinder ist einfach: Zuhause mit ihren Eltern lernen sie ihre Muttersprache. Und in der Kindertagesstätte - kurz Kita - lernen sie Deutsch. Von Vorteil sei dabei, dass die Kleinen meist deutlich vor dem dritten Lebensjahr einen Platz in der Kita bekommen, sagt Jutta Deißler, Erzieherin und Leiterin des Hauses.

Zielgruppe von Sprachtest und anschließendem Förderangebot sind Kinder mit Migrationshintergrund. Sie sprechen Deutsch oft nicht als Erstsprache. Es soll gesichert werden, dass bis zur Einschulung jedes Kind genug Deutsch spricht, um am Unterricht teilnehmen zu können. In Deutschland gehen rund 85 Prozent der Drei- bis Sechsjährigen aus Migrantenfamilien in eine Kita oder andere Tagesbetreuung. Bei deutschen Kindern sind es laut Statistischem Bundesamt sogar 95 Prozent. Bei Kindern unter drei Jahren liegt der Anteil beider Gruppen aber wegen der fehlenden Plätze deutlich niedriger.

NRW war 2007 das erste Bundesland, das einen Sprachtest eingeführt hat, der bereits zwei Jahre vor der geplanten Einschulung der Kinder gemacht wird. Heute gibt es in 14 Bundesländern 17 verschiedene Verfahren. Die Bandbreite reicht von freiwilligen Tests in Hessen bis zu Pflichttests für alle Kinder in NRW. In Bayern hingegen müssen Kinder ihr Deutsch nur dann testen lassen, wenn mindestens ein Elternteil einen Migrationshintergrund hat. Mal wird zwei Jahre, mal ein Jahr vor dem Schulstart zum Test geladen. Trotz der Bandbreite der Sprachtests: Kinder mit Migrationshintergrund würden fast überall getestet, weiß Andrea Lisker, Expertin für vorschulische Sprachstandserhebung für das Deutsche Jugendinstitut. Nur in Thüringen und Mecklenburg-Vorpommern gibt es keine Deutsch-Tests. Wie viele der Kinder mit Migrationshintergrund nach einem Sprachtest eine Förderung benötigen, ist hingegen nicht bekannt. "Danach haben wir gefragt", sagt Lisker vom Deutschen Jugendinstitut. "Aber es wurde von den wenigsten Bundesländern zurückgemeldet. Manchmal aus Datenschutzgründen. Aber meist, weil es gar nicht so differenziert vermerkt wurde." Lisker hat Sprachtest und -förderung in den Bundesländern für das Deutsche Jugendinstitut in zwei Expertisen zusammengefasst. Die Ergebnisse gehen auch in den Nationalen Bildungsbericht des Bundesfamilienministeriums ein.
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