Рабочая программа по учебному предмету «Английский язык»

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Контрольная работа к разделу № 5

Цель: контроль усвоения лексического и грамматического материала, навыков


Задание №1

Прслушай мнения людей, которые имеют различные проблемы. Соедини номера их высказываний с заголовками. Один заголовок лишний, заполни таблицу














  1. I have a sore throat.

  2. I have got a bad cough.

  3. I have got a stomachache.

  4. I have hay fever and prefer staying at home in July.

  5. I have got heart attacks regularly.

  6. I have a strong backache.


Speaker 1 (male): my back really hurts! But it doesn’t hurt all the time. Only when I run, or

when I’m going upstairs. Sometimes when I carry a heavy bag or box.

Speaker 2 (female): well, I’ve got a bad sore throat. The problem is that I’ve had if for about a week. And it’s getting very painful, especially at night. In the morning it is difficult to eat, the doctor says it is tonsillitis.

Speaker 3 (male): I have it every year about the same time, in July. Stuffed-up nose, my eyes itch heavily. Sometimes I can hardly see. I think it is hay fever-a sort of allergy, it is getting worse when I am outside, especially in the garden.

Speaker4 (female): it is really bad pain. Down here. It started yesterday afternoon. I thought perhaps it was indigestion-yesterday I was at the party. But it is too bad for that.

Speaker5 (male): I think it is because I am a chain-smoker, but now it is not just a bad cough but it hurts. IthurtsifIbreathedeeply.

Задание №2

Прочитай диалог и замени прямую речь на косвенную.


-Hello! Come in. please.

-Thank you.Can you help me?

-Shure! What s happened?

-Do you use the Internet? Our teacher of English is going to give us the task on a school site.

-Oh. It s interesting! Not long ago I found a crossword there and did it.

-How many Teachers and students use our school site?

-Let s see it together!

Задание №3


1. Aesop____in Greece more than two thousand years ago.

a) had lived c) lived

b) has lived d) were lived

2. He____the servant ot a rich man.

a) are c) has been

b) is d) was

3. He____little stories about man and animals and____them to his friends.

a) had made up / had told c) did / told

b) has made up / has told d) made up / told

4. Each story____a moral.

a) has c) had

b) gave d) gives

5. A little story with a moral___called a fable.

a) was c) is

b) has been d) had been

6. Travelers____the fables in Greece and____them in other countries.

a) heard / told c) hear / tell

b) have heard / have told d) heard / tell

7. From the 15th century Aesop's fables____into French, English and German.

a) translated c) had been translated

b) has been translated d) were translated

8. Aesop____famous all over the world and his fables____ still____today.

a) became / are told c) has become / are told

b) becomes / tell d) had become / told

Контрольная работа к разделу № 6

Цель: контроль усвоения лексического и грамматического материала, навыков


Задание №1

Послушай молодых людей и запиши в таблицу названия их любимых книг, выберите их из рамки

Adventures Arthur Hailey detectives Homer

Hotel Jane Eyre John Grisham science fiction

The ClientThe FirmThe IliadThe Odyssey thrillers romances




their relatives

favourite book

books they are reading now, their authors

books they want to read

sorts of books they like

Тексты для аудирования:

IamJimmy. I like reading about ancient heroes, their actions are noble and brave. I am reading The Odyssey by Homer now. It`s great! This novel is about a hero from ancient Greece named Odysseus who fought in the Trojan War and was trying to return home. But a jealous goddess made him stay on her island… The book is full of adventures. It is thrilling! …read it! Today it is my favorite book. I know that Homer wrote one more epic poem. It`s The Iliad. I think I will read it.

My name is Kelly. I read widely but there are books I like best and I can read them twice or more times. Hotel by Arthur Hailey is one of them. I like thrillers and it is the sort of the book I like. Hailey was a master of thrillers, I couldn`t put it down until I was finished. I was afraid that the main hero would have to lose his job. But he solved all the problems and became the manager of the hotel. My father likes reading detectives and he is reading The client now. He says there is a lot of action. I think I will read it either.

I am Robert . My brother likes science fiction and my mother reads romances. I read nothing but detectives. Not long ago I read The Firm by John Grisham and liked it very much. I would recommend it to anyone. It is really thrilling. The story is full of mystery and secret crimes. And the main character is all alone against the crimes. It is not like Jane Eyre, many tears and few heroes.

Задание №2

Прочитайте текст Board Games Past and Present установите соответствие между заголовками a-f и частями текста A1-A5. Один заголовок лишний. Занесите ответы в Бланк ответов.

  1. A popular family game.

  1. A way to compete.

  1. How to play Senet.

  2. The oldest board game.

  3. Different versions.

  4. The purposes of Monopoly.

A1. ____________________

People around the world enjoy playing games. Games are a way for people to compete using both skill and luck. One of the most common types of game is the board game, which is any game played on a board and uses dice and (A6) counters.

A2. _____________________

Possibly the oldest example of a board game is Senet. This game comes from ancient Egypt and its name is believed to mean «passage». It was played from as early as 3,500 B.C. and was popular with kings and (A7) nobles. Although the actual rules of Senet are still a mystery, it is thought that it was a kind of race using lucky dice rolls to move pieces across the board.

A3. _____________________

Modern board games are similar to Senet in some ways, but have different (A8) purposes. In Monopoly, players move around the board to buy (A9) properties using play money. Its name means (A10) exclusive control of an item or service.

A4. _____________________

Monopoly is very popular with families all over the world. Many say that it is similar to the actual buying, selling and (A11) rental of properties. Just like in real life, there is a bit of luck involved. Players need to poll a dice to move around the board, and if they (A12) land on another player`s property, they need to play rent. If they land on a property, they need to pay rent. If they land on a property without an (A13) owner, they can buy it.

A5. ______________________

Over the years, different (A14) versions of Monopoly have appeared. There is a special version for younger players. There are also versions in different (A15) themes, such as the Disney Monopoly and Star Wars Monopoly.

1. Установите соответствие между выделенными в тексте словами А6-А15 и приведенными ниже словами a-k . Одно слово лишнее. Занесите ответы в Бланк ответов.

  1. a person of high position in society

  1. arrive

  1. different from original

  2. very special

  3. small objects for board games

  4. buildings

  5. clothes

  6. the main idea

  7. a person who has got something

  8. using something for money during a period of time

  9. the reason to act

2.Прочитайте текст еще раз и определите, какие из утверждений А16-А20 соответствуют содержанию текста - True, какие не соответствуют – False, и о чем в тексте не сказано – Not Stated. Занесите свои ответы в Бланк ответов, используя сокращения T, F, NS.

A16. Gamesgivenochanceforpeopletohaveagoodtime.

A17. Senetwasplayedformorethan 5 thousandyearsago.

A18. Modern board games are equal to Senet in some ways.

A19. Monopoly is difficult to play.

A20. Young players play Monopoly.

3.В заданиях А21-А25 определите, какой из вариантов более всего отражает содержание текста. Занесите свои ответы в Бланк ответов.

A21. Whileplayingboardgamespeople

  1. try to be successful and win;

  1. to get experience;

  1. enjoy themselves.

A22. Senet was popular

  1. around the world;

  1. with rich people;

  1. in Asia.

A23. In Monopoly, players

  1. try to sell properties;

  1. should buy properties;

  1. give money for playing.

A24. Families all over the world

  1. sell and buy properties;

  1. rent houses;

  1. play Monopoly.

A25. Younger players

  1. want to act in Star wars;

  1. visit Disneyland;


Выберите правильный вариант

1.America … by Columbus in 1498.

a). is discovered b). was discovered b). discovered

2.The houses … of stone and wood.

a) were built b)are built c). are being built

3.The article … already … .

a). had … been typed b). will be typed c). has … been typed

4.These letters … tomorrow.

a)are mailed b).were mailed c). will be mailed

5.The fish … very well.

a). was cooked b). had been cooked c). will be cooked

6.Moscow University … in 1755.

a). is founded b). was founded c).will be founded

7.Three foreign languages … in our school next year.

a). is taught b). was taught c). will be taught

8.The doctor … an hour ago.

a). send for b). is sent for c).was sent for

9.English … in many countries of the world.

a). is being spoken b). spoke c). is spoken

10.Most of the Earth’s surface(поверхностьЗемли) … by water.

a). is covered b) coveres c) was covered                         
Итоговая контрольная работа в 8 классе

Цель: контроль усвоения лексического и грамматического материала, навыков

аудирования и чтения

Задание №1

Вы услышите разговор двух подростков. В заданиях 1–6 в поле ответа запишите одну цифру, которая соответствует номеру правильного ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.


What does he usually do after he gets up in the morning?

1) reads a book

2) works on a computer

3) helps his wife with children



When does he leave his house?

1) at 6.40

2) at 7.20

3) at 7.00



How does he get to his work?

1) by bus

2) by car

3) he walks there



When does he finish working?

1) at about 6.30

2) at about 8

3) at about 5



What does he do in the evening when his wife reads?

1) watches TV

2) works in the internet

3) plays with his kids



What does he say about his wife’s usual day?

1) her day is not as hard as his

2) her day is more difficult than his

3) her day is easier than his


Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений 7–14 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), какие не соответствуют (2 – False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ниположительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated). В поле ответа запишите одну цифру, которая соответствует номеру правильного ответа.

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