Деловые письма

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  1. Why did the Suppliers fail to meet the delivery dates?

  2. What actions have the Suppliers taken to meet their commitments?

  3. Do the Suppliers hold themselves responsible for the problems their Buyers face in delivering their consignment of lorries to the Scandinavian customers?

  4. But why will the Suppliers not accept any responsibility for any action the Scandinavian customers may take?

  5. What is the Suppliers' suggestion about the fulfillment of the order?

Sum up the exchange of letters.

Phone the Suppliers and clear up the position of your order for engines.


sawn goods

to match the samples/to be up to sample, as per sample

to sell by sample

to lose one's custom

ant. to welcome one's custom

to compare

how do these models compare?

to compare favourably with ...

contents (pl.)

to tamper with
the document has been tampered with

to hold sb to sth


to give priority to sth

to give top priority to sth

to meet (one's own) commitments with sb


соответствовать образцу
продавать по образцам

потерять клиента (в чьем-л. лице)

чем отличаются эти две модели?

выгодно отличаться от ...

содержимое, содержание

трогать, портить, (тайно) изменять подделывать, искажать

документ подделан

требовать от кого-л. соблюдения чего-л.


задолженность (по выпуску продукции), резерв, запас, портфель заказов

уделять первостепенное внимание чему-л.

выполнить в первую очередь

выполнить свои обязательства перед кем-л.

Ех. 1. Give the English equivalents
Letter 1: по заказу № A808; выражать удивление и разочарование поводу качества; не соответствовать образцу, на основании которого был подписан контракт; доски не того размера; выполнить заказ; не соответствовать/не удовлетворять чьим-л. потребностям; подтвердить дату поставки.

Letter 2: произошла ошибка в отборе товаров; сравнить товар с образцом; Вы можете рассчитывать, что мы заменим товар; предоставить скидку с неохотой; мы не хотим лишаться такого клиента, как Вы.

Letter 3: в крайне неудовлетворительном состоянии; ящик вскрыт без разрешения); количество, указанное в счете (фактуре); недостающий товар; требовать компенсацию у администрации ж/д; помочь кому-л в получении необходимой информации.

Letter 4: со ссылкой на вышеуказанный заказ; связаться с кем-л. по телефону; дать возможность выхода на скандинавский рынок; крайний срок; получить комплектующие в течение 5 дней; требовать от кого-л. соблюдения сроков поставки.

Letter 5: производственный конфликт; рядовые работники; задержать производство; производство нормализовалось; ликвидировать отставание по выполнению заказов; выполнять обязательства; уложиться в даты поставки; возникли непредвиденные обстоятельства.

Ех. 2. Fill in the blanks with one of the following words, use the correct verb-form

          1. to assist sb with

          2. backlog of orders

          3. to cause inconvenience

          4. to claim compensation for the damages

          5. to compare favourably

          6. invoiced quantity

          7. to meet our own commitments with our Suppliers

          8. sawn goods of the wrong size

          9. to tamper with

          10. the unforeseen circumstances remain in force

          11. with reference to your claim

  1. Take security measures so that the files not_____.

  2. The were delivered to you by mistake.

  3. Please write if we can_________ any information to support your claim.

  4. We recommend you______from the Carriers as the damage occurred when the goods were at their risk.

  5. _____for non-delivery of the components under order No. VIP 88 we would like to inform you that....

  6. We spare neither effort nor time to catch up with the .

  7. We regret to inform you but we cannot extend your credit as we have______.

  8. The delivery time can be extended for a period equal to that during which_____.

  9. We apologize for the _____to you.

  10. From the pricelist enclosed you will see that our prices _______those of our competitors.

  11. There is a discrepancy between the ______and the quantity received.

Ex. 3. Complete the following sentences in English

              1. We will not charge you extra for the installation as (не хотим терять в Вашем лице заказчика).

              2. The balance sheet (подделан).

              3. We advised them that we were going to (требовать компенсации убытков).

              4. They persist that they (не уложились в даты поставки) due to circumstances beyond their control.

              5. (Мы ни в коем случае не несем ответственность за действия) they may take against you.

              6. We are doing our utmost (чтобы ликвидировать задолженность заказам).

              7. (Производство нормализуется) as soon as the industrial dispute is settled.

              8. We are working day and night (чтобы уложиться в крайний срок).

              9. No doubt you appreciate that this will help us (выполнить наши обязательства перед нашими клиентами).

              10. (Если комплектующие не будут получены в течение недели) we will take legal action.

Ex. 4. Fill in the blanks with prepositions

  1. The goods delivered________mistake will no doubt be returned___ our account.

  2. Can we rely _____your giving us a discount ______the faulty goods if we decide to retain them?

  3. checking the contents we found that the articles were quite unsuited___the needs our customers.

  4. The signature the document has been tampered ______.

  5. The goods arrived _______the Buyer's premises _________ a very unsatisfactory state.

  6. We are writing _____you ____reference ______the above order.

  7. We have tried to contact __you________phone but nobody ______ your factory knew anything _________it.

Example 5. A letter of complaint

Mistakes can happen no matter how efficient a business firm tries to be. There might be a misunderstanding about the goods to be supplied; sometimes the consignment is dispatched too late or delays are caused in transit; defect is discovered when the equipment is put into operation and so on. Therefore a letter with the complaint expressed is sent.

Airport of Domodedovo

Domodedovo area

Moscow region

Russian Federation


Garment factory

Customs officers' Clothing

306, Pererva Street




27 Nov. 2010
Thank you for your delivery of suits which were ordered on November 4. However we wish to draw your attention to two matters.

We didn’t supply the red dresses. We are returning them by separate mail, and would ask you to replace the whole lot by 100 units size 12 in the correct colour.

As far as your charges for air freight are concerned, we agree to pay the extra costs which you invoiced. However your costs for packing and insurance must have been lower for air cargo, and we request you to take this fact into consideration and to make an adjustment to the invoice amount. Would you please send us a rectified invoice, reduced accordingly.

We look forward to your dealing with these questions without delay.

Yours truly,


P. Zernov

HR manager

NOTES: In the EXAMPLE 5 there are two complaints: the first is about the suits colour and the second — about the fact that air freight seems too expensive to Garment factory (Customs officers' Clothing).

From this letter we see that the correspondent takes the trouble to explain his complaint clearly and proposes ways in which matters can be put right.

Example 6. Letter of adjustment

Letters that are written in response to claims may be called adjustments. These letters are among the most difficult to write as they require under all circumstances patience, tact, and diplomacy. You will not lose your customer if you react at his claim promptly.

Garment factory

Customs officers' Clothing

306, Pererva Street




Airport of Domodedovo

Domodedovo area

Moscow region

Russian Federation


2 December 2010

Dear Sirs:

The colour of the suits about which you complain is indeed absent in your order. Please accept our apologies.

We are sending you a new lot by air this week, and would ask you to return the faulty clothes at your convenience, carriage forward.

You are perfectly correct in saying that packing and insurance costs are normally less for cargo sent by air. The manager of packing department mixed a packing material. We return monetary difference on your bank account. Please accept our apologies.

Furthermore, our insurance is on an open policy at a flat rate, and depends on the value of the goods, not the method of transport. For these reasons our invoice No. 14596 dated 15th November 2010 is still valid, and we look forward to receiving your remittance when due.

Yours faithfully,

DA Lavrova

D.A. Lavrova

Sales Manager

NOTES: The suppliers show their understanding of situation and express their willingness to adjust it. They say exactly what steps they are going to take, because a disappointed customer cannot be put off with mere apologies — he is entitled to know how the mistake will be remedied. The suppliers convince their partners that they are really interested in maintaining good will. They try to avoid negative statements, and what even worse, accusations; they never forget that it is their customer who keeps them in business.

Even when they write their customers about rejecting their claim, they try to give logical reasons for the refusal.

Ex. 1. Give (make) a total characteristic of the following business letters (structure and layout, requisites (elements), style, kind, punctuation). Perhaps, there are essential mistakes in the letters. Specify these mistakes.

Example 1. A letter _________


Ladies' Clothing

306, 3d Avenue

Chicago, 111. 60602


118 Regent Street

London WIC 37D


Gentlemen: 21 Oct, 2000

We saw your women's dresses and suits in your October catalogue. The lines you showed would be most suitable for our market.

Would you kindly send us your quotation for spring and summer clothing that you could supply to us by the end of January next.

We would require 2,000 dresses and suits in each of the sizes 10—14, and 500 in sizes 8 and 16. Please quote c.i.f. Chicago prices.

Payment is normally made by letter of credit.

Thank you for an early reply.

Very truly yours,




Example 2. A letter __________


118 Regent Street

London W1C 37D UK


Ladies' Clothing

306, 3d Avenue

Chicago, 111. 60602

28 Oct, 2000

Dear Sirs,

We are pleased to make you an offer regarding our products in the size you require. Nearly all the models are obtainable and could be delivered to you in March. All other models can be supplied by the middle of January 2001, subject to our receiving your form order by 15th of November. Our c.i.f. prices are understood to be for sea/land transport to Chicago. If you would prefer the goods to be sent by air freight, this will be charged extra at cost.

Suits sizes 8-16 in white, yellow, red, green, navy blue, black. Sizes 12,14 also in pink per 100 $2,650.00

Dresses sizes 8—16 in white, yellow, red, green, black

per 100 $1,845.00

You will be receiving price-list, cutting of our materials and a colour chart. These were airmailed to you this morning.

Yours faithfully,

DA Leary


Export Department

Example 3. A letter_________and ________________


Ladies' Clothing

306, 3d Avenue

Chicago, 111. 60602


118 Regent Street

London W1C 37D


4 Nov, 2000


Thank you for your quotation of October 30. We have pleasure in placing an order with you for 1,900 dresses at Price: $38,745 in the colours and sizes specified below:








8, 16





























Delivery: air freight, c.i.f., Chicago

We shall open a letter of credit with your bank as soon as we receive your order acknowledgement. Please arrange for immediate collection and transport since we need the dresses for Christmas.

Very truly yours,



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