Деловые письма

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Ех. 1. Give the English equivalents

Послать не тот товар; плохая упаковка может вызвать поврежден товара в пути; претензия на низкое качество; товар не соответствует стандарту; существует несоответствие между товаром и его описанием; пункт о штрафе (за невыполнение договора); жалоба на задержку в поставке; принять на себя ответственность за недосмотр/халатность рабочих в порту погрузки; упаковочный лист; предложить скидку; потребовать замену товара; аннулировать заказ; большие убытки для поставщиков; предъявить претензию покупателю невыполнение финансовых обязательств; взять на себя обязательства ускорить поставку; отвечать/нести ответственность за последствия чего-л.; отклонить претензию тотчас (сходу); неудовлетворённая сторона; отозвать претензию; нарушить контракт; назначить суперарбитра; решение принимается большинством голосов; решение арбитражной комиссии окончательно и обязательно для обеих сторон.
Ex. 2. Fill in the blanks with one of the following words, use the correct verb-form


to change the wording

7. to claim damages


to take the conse

8. to investigate


9. to be at fault


to refer the matter to ar

10. negligence or care




faulty packing

11.to support a claim on



your suppliers


the damage to the


  1. No supplier likes to be accused of which is often what a complaint about packaging amounts to.

  2. ________must be carefully worded so as not to give offence.

  3. The surveyor considers is due to .

  4. We will hold the goods in case you need them for compensation.

  5. If you express regret and admit it.

  6. Your complaint and a full reply will be sent later.

  7. They are sure for loss of revenue.

  8. They will have if they do not admit the claim as justified.

  9. I suggest we of the penalty clause.

  10. The parties settled the dispute amicably without .

Ex. 3. Complete the following sentences in English

  1. The goods should be replaced, (они не отвечают стандарту).

  2. (Они отказались взять на себя ответственность) for the discrepancy between the delivered goods and the samples.

  3. The break down occurred (из-за халатности рабочих).

  4. Do you think they (предъявят претензию судоходной компании)?

  5. Try to persuade (истца забрать свою претензию).

  6. Does the draft contract provide for (пункт о штрафах)?

  7. The Sellers made a claim on the Buyers (за отказ от оплаты).

  8. The tribunal comprises (из двух арбитров и одного суперарбитра).

  9. We appointed an arbitrator (из числа членов арбитражной комиссии).

  10. If (контракт нарушен), a claim is made by the (неудовлетворенной стороной).

Ex. 4. Fill in the blanks with prepositions

  1. Make sure that disciplinary action is taken ____those who are responsible________sending the wrong goods.

  2. The goods are not ______standard, they are_____inferior quality.

  3. Replacements will be sent ______you_______- the first flight available.

  4. What reason did they give ____rejecting the claim ______hand?

  5. The arbitrator was chosen _________ _________the members ________arbitration commission.

  6. We undertake to enquire_____the causes ______the damage.

  7. Can the infringement the contract result _______ its cancellation?

  8. Have they come terms _______the umpire?

  9. The firm is fault as they failed to make ______ an L/C _______time.

  10. A penalty clause ______ the contract protects the Buyers _____ loss ______delay.

  11. Their default ____payment resulted _______litigation.

  12. Are we protected ____ loss ________ pilferage ________ the port _________discharge?


I am writing to you to complain the shipment rugs we received yesterday________the above order.

The boxes which the rugs were packed were damaged, and looked as if they had been broken open transit. From your invoice No. 18881 we estimate that three rugs have been stolen the value of £210. And because______the rummaging _____the boxes, quite a few other articles were crushed or stained and cannot be sold as new___ our shops.

As the sale was a c.i.f. basis and the forwarding company, your agents, we suggest you contact them______regard _______ compensation.

You will find a list the damaged and missing articles attached, and the consignment will be put _____ one side ______ we receive your instructions.
Ex. 5. Translate the following sentences in English

  1. Товар не пригоден для продажи, Вы должны прислать нам замену.

  2. Решение принимается большинством голосов? - Да, и оно окончательно и обязательно для обеих сторон.

  3. Вы нарушили пункт контракта о поставке, поэтому Вам придется отвечать за последствия.

  4. Поскольку стороны не пришли к взаимопониманию (не смогли урегулировать вопрос дружески), спор был передан в арбитраж.

  5. Страховая компания не компенсирует убытки, т.к. повреждение произошло из-за недосмотра (халатности) рабочих.

  6. Несоответствие между описанием товара в счете и самим товаром может привести к задержке в поставке, поскольку он (товар) не пройдет таможенную очистку вовремя.

  7. Упаковка должна быть соответствующей, чтобы не допустить повреждения товара.

  8. Упаковочный лист должен быть вложен в каждый контейнер/ящик.

  9. Поскольку повреждение товара произошло в пути, Вам следует предъявить претензию перевозчику.

  10. Претензию признали справедливой.

  11. Пункт о штрафах защищает от убытков.

  12. Нам удалось уговорить истца отозвать свою претензию.

  13. Мы настаиваем, чтобы Вы заменили некондиционный товар в течение двух недель. Это уже не первое нарушение контракта. В противном случае нам придется подать иск.

  14. Товар в последней партии низкого качества. Мы ожидаем, что Вы вышлете замену ближайшим рейсом парохода.

  15. Не думаю, что они тотчас (сходу) отклонят нашу претензию, ссылаясь на то, что она необоснованна.

  16. Суперарбитр уже назначен? - Нет еще.

  17. Они обещали (взяли обязательства) разобраться в причинах повреждения партии груза.

  18. В некоторых случаях нарушение контракта может привести к судебной тяжбе (litigation).

  19. Пункт 16 контракта предусматривает проведение арбитража в стране ответчика/истца.

  20. По взаимному согласию стороны контракта решили, что спор будет рассматриваться в третьей стране.

Correspondence relating to claims

Read, translate and discuss the letters

Letter 1

Dear Sirs

After carefully examining the sawn goods supplied under our order of 16 October, we must express surprise and disappointment at their quality. They certainly do not match the samples on the basis of which the tract was signed. Some of the boards are of the wrong sizes and we cannot help feeling there must have been some mistake in making up the order.

The sawn goods are quite unsuited to the needs of our customers and we have no choice but to ask you to take them back and replace them by sawn goods of the quality ordered. If this is not possible, then I am аfraid we shall have to ask you to cancel our order.

We have no wish to embarrass you and if you can replace the goods we are prepared to allow the stated time for delivery to run from the date I confirm that you can supply the goods we need.

Yours faithfully

R. Fairfax


  1. What do the buyers think of the delivery under their order of 16 Сгл ber?

  2. How do the buyers explain the inadequate quality of the sawn gooc:

  3. What is the buyers' request? What is the alternative?

Letter 2

Dear Mr Fairfax

We very much regret to learn from your letter of 5 May that you are not satisfied with the sawn goods supplied to your order No 32/8.

From what you say it seems possible that some mistake has been made in the selection of the goods meant for you and we are arranging for our Mr Kulikov to call on you later this week to compare the goods supplied the samples from which you ordered them.

If is found that our selection was faulty, then you can most certainly rely us to replace the goods. In any case, we are willing to take the sawn goods back and, if we cannot supply what you want, cancel your order, though we should do this reluctantly since we have no wish to lose your custom.

Yours sincerely

N. Ivanov


  1. Do the Sellers believe the goods were delivered by mistake?

  2. What do they intend to do about the wrong-delivered goods?

  3. Do you think the Buyers will cancel their order?

Phone Mr. Fairfax, try to settle the matter concerning the delivery of the wrong goods (if necessary offer a discount).

Letter 3

Buyer's complaint

Dear Sirs

We regret to report that the consignment of cotton shirts dispatched on 26 June to our order No 328 was delivered to us yesterday in a very unsatisfactory state. It was clear that two of the cases (Nos 4 and 7) had been tampered with and upon checking the contents we found that case No 4 contained only 372 shirts and case No 7 only 375 instead of the four hunted invoiced for each. Before reporting the matter to the railway we would be glad if you would confirm that each of these cases did in fact contain the invoiced quantity when they left your warehouse.

At the same time we should like you to replace the fifty-three missing shirts with others of the same quality.

You will no doubt yourselves be claiming compensation from the railway, in which case we shall be glad to assist you with any information we can give you. Meanwhile we are holding the cases and contents for infection.

Yours faithfully


  1. What is wrong with the consignment under Order No 328?

  2. What do the Buyers want to make sure of before reporting the matt to the railway?

  3. Do the Buyers need any replacements?

  4. What are the Buyers going to do with cases Nos 4 and 7?

Letter 4

Complaint of non-delivery

Dear Sirs

Our Order No. VC 58391

We are writing to you with reference to the above order and our letter of 22 May in which we asked you when we could expect delivery of the 60 engines you were to have supplied on 3 June for an export order.

We have tried to contact you by phone, but could not get anyone at уour factory who knew anything about this matter.

It is essential that we deliver this consignment to our Swedish customers on time as this was an initial order from them and it would give us an opening in the Scandinavian market.

Our deadline is 28 June, and the lorries have been completed except the engines that need to be fitted.

Unless we receive the components within the next five days, the order will be cancelled and placed elsewhere. We should warn you that we holding you to your delivery contract and if any loss results because of late delivery we will be taking legal action.

Yours faithfully


      1. Is this the first reminder of non-delivery?

      2. What is the export order for?

      3. Why are the Buyers pressing for urgent delivery?

      4. What are the Buyers' intentions if they fail to get the delivery in з time?

Letter 5

Reply to complaint of non-delivery

Dear Sirs

Thank you for your letter of 6 June concerning your order No VC 581-3I which should have been supplied to you on 3 June.
First let us apologize for your order not being delivered on the due date for the problems you have experienced in getting in touch with us about it. But as you may have read in your newspapers we have experienced an industrial dispute which has involved both administrative staff employees on the shop floor, and as a consequence has held up all production over the past few weeks.

However I can tell you that the dispute has been settled and we are back normal production. Nevertheless there is a backlog of orders to up on, but we are using associates of ours to help us fulfil all outstanding commitments; your order has been given priority, so we should be able to deliver the engines before the end of this week.

May I point out, with respect, that your contract with us did have a standard clause stating that delivery dates would be met unless unforeseen circumstances arose and we think you will agree that a dispute is an exceptional circumstance. However we quite understand your problem and allow you to cancel your contract if it helps you to meet your own commitments with your Scandinavian customers. But we will not accept responsibility for any action they may take against you.

Once again let us say how much we regret the inconvenience this delay has caused and emphasize that it was due to factors we could not have known about when we accepted your delivery dates.

Please phone or fax us letting us know if you wish us to complete your order or whether you would prefer to make other arrangements.

We look forward to hearing from you within the next day or so.

Yours faithfully
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