Практикум Федеральное агентство по образованию Владивостокский государственный университет экономики и сервиса

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15. Read the text about email addresses and answer the questions after the text. Study the sample of email given below

Email addresses
Typical email addresses look like this:

The first part of the email address is usually the surname and initial of the person you are contacting, or the name if it is a department, or a shortened version of it. The second part, which appears immediately after the @ (at), is the name of the ISP or organization, or again an abbreviation of it. Usually, the last part of the address includes the domain name suffixes referring to the type of organization (e.g. «co» for «company, «ac» («academic») for a university) and to the country from which the message was sent (e.g. «.no» for Norway. «.uk» for the United Kingdom).

Other examples of domain name suffixes referring to types of organization include:

.biz business

.gov government office

.org non-profit-making organization (e.g. a charity)

.pro profession (e.g. medicine, law)
If the name of a country in its main language differs significantly from its name in English, this is reflected in its domain name suffix, e.g.:

.de Deutschland (Germany)
.es España (Spain)

.za Zuid Afrika (South Africa)

Below is a typical email message.
Header information

The header gives essential information about the message. In addition to the basic details shown in the sample, it may include:

This stands for carbon copies, which means much the same as it does on a letter. Here you insert the email addresses of anyone you want to send copies of the message to.

This stands for blind carbon copies, which, as in a letter, you should use if you do not want the main recipient to know who has received copies.

Icons of any ATTACHMENTS will appear here.

The amount of header information, and the order in which it appears, will vary according to the software being used, so do not worry if the messages you send and receive do not look exactly like the one in the example.
Message text

The presentation of the text in an email is usually less formal than in a letter. In this example Ms Taaben has used the formal Dear Sir / Madam, but she could simply have headed her message For the attention of the Sales Manager. Rather than ending with Yours faithfully, she uses the less formal I look forward to hearing from you.

This is like the signature block in a letter, although it usually includes more details, e.g. the sender's company or private address, and telephone and fax numbers. You can program your email software to add your signature automatically to the end of outgoing messages.
1. Header information To.... 1. Compuvision Ltd


Subject: Quad sound systems
2. Message text 2. Dear Sir / Madam

Please would you send me details of your quad

sound systems, advertised in the April edition

of 'Sound Monthly'?

I am particularly interested in the Omega range.

I look forward to hearing from you.
3. Signature block 3. Anna Taaben (Ms)

Bredgade 43

DK 1260

Copenhagen K.

Tel/Fax: (+45) 741583

Email: taabena@intertel.net.dk

  1. What is usually the first part of the email?

  2. When does the second part of the email appear?

  3. What does the last part of the address include?

  4. What does the header usually include?

  5. What is the order of the header information?

  6. Is the text of the email more or less formal than in a letter?

  7. Does the signature in the email include more or less details than in a letter?

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