Практикум Федеральное агентство по образованию Владивостокский государственный университет экономики и сервиса

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коммерческАЯ дОКУМЕНТАЦИЯ и корреспонденция на английском языке


Федеральное агентство по образованию

Владивостокский государственный университет экономики и сервиса

коммерческАЯ дОКУМЕНТАЦИЯ и корреспонденция на английском языке

по специальности

080301.65 «Коммерция (торговое дело)»


Издательство ВГУЭС



Практикум «Коммерческая документация и корреспонденция на английском языке» составлен в соответствии с требованиями государственного образовательного стандарта высшего профессионального образования.

Практикум предназначен для студентов специальности 080301.65 «Коммерция (торговое дело)» и может быть использован при обучении некоторым аспектам делового английского языка специалистов, занятых в различных сферах экономической торговли и финансовой деятельности.

Составитель: Бацкалева Е.Ю., доцент кафедры маркетинга и коммерции.

Утверждена на заседании кафедры маркетинга и коммерции от, протокол № .

Рекомендована к изданию учебно-методической комиссией Института международного бизнеса и экономики ВГУЭС от , протокол № .

©Издательство Владивостокского

государственного университета

экономики и сервиса, 2010

Практикум «Коммерческая документация и корреспонденция на английском языке» предназначен для студентов 3 курса специальности «Коммерция (торговое дело)». Практикум состоит из четырех глав, каждая из которых содержит тексты и упражнения по программе предмета.

Цель курса – изучение основ деловой корреспонденции, составление писем, запросов, заказов, использование электронной почты, отправление факсов, работа с платежными документами, а также совершенствование навыков чтения, перевода и диалогической речи с использованием профессиональной лексики.

Данный практикум рекомендован для различных специальностей, продолжающих изучение делового английского языка.


1. Read this information about business letters and translate it into Russian.

With the introduction of email correspondence on paper has reduced a lot in recent years.

However, letters are still used in a number of situations, such as when something is sent (e.g. brochures), when the email address is not known, when the topic is very serious and important and a formal record is necessary.

Business letters nowadays contain little or none of the very formal English that could be found in the past. For example phrases such as “with reference to your order”; “due to the fact that”; “forward”; “in compliance with”; “in the event that”; “subsequent to” are considered very dated and should be replaced by such analogues as” we have received your order”; “because”; “send”; “as you requested”; “in case”; “after”.

Modern business letter are much more direct and have clearer style of expression.

Many formerly strict conventions have also been relaxed, and it is quite usual to find a lot of variety in the way business letters are written.

Writers now often use informal expressions and forms (e.g. contractions), which used to be avoided previously.

Still, some conventions remain very much alive. Presentation, for example, is still very important. Few people will want to do business with a company that sends out badly typed, badly laid out letter.

2. Study the example letter and the rules connected with the layout of a business letter in general.

TM Breweries GmbH

Baubergerstr 17

80991 Munich

Mr. Douglas White

Vending Machines Inc

Box 97

Los Angeles

15 March

Dear Mr. White
South East Asian opportunities
I was very pleased to have met you again at the

open day we held in our Munich brewery last week.

I hope you enjoyed yourself and felt that your visit

was useful.

I found our discussion about the activities of

your organization in Korea

very interesting. It seems to me that there are a lot

of ways in which our organizations could work

together to our mutual advantage in South East Asia.

I have enclosed a brochure with further information

about our products. I propose that we get together

soon to discuss the matter in more detail.

I hope this suggestion is of interest and look

forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely

Agnes Howe

Sales Manager
Encl. product brochures

3. Study the following text and translate it into English, using the Word List below
Деловые и коммерческие письма имеют ряд общих принципов, которые необходимо знать. Чаще всего письма пишутся на бланках.

Заголовок бланка содержит наименование фирмы, адрес, номера телефонов и факса. В англоязычных деловых письмах дата пишется с правой стороны листа. Она пишется полностью, например 4th March, 2009 или March 4, 2009, или March 4th, 2009.

В американских письмах дата пишется следующим образом: November 10, 2008. Название месяца может быть сокращено (например July to Jul. September to Sept).

Если дата написана цифрами, это выглядит следующим образом: месяц/число/год, например, 03/04/2007.

Обратите внимание на порядок написания адреса получателя. Вначале следует имя адресата или название компании, затем номер дома, название улицы, города, графства или штата. Затем указывается номер почтового индекса. На последней строке указывается страна, если письмо адресовано за границу.
Word List

бланк - blank form

заголовок бланка – letter head

дата – date

может быть сокращено – may be abbreviated

написано цифрами – is written in figures

следующим образом – as follows

адрес получателя – inside address

графство – county

штат – state

почтовый индекс – post code (Br.E), zip code (Am.E)
4. Translate the following sentences from English into Russian, using the Word List below

1. The letterhead (the heading) gives the name of the company, the postal and telegraphic addresses, the telephone numbers, the numbers of telexes and telefaxes.

2. In spite of the development of email, telephone and telex ways of communication and the increasing personal contacts in the international business, the writing of letters continues.

3. The use of Messieurs (the French word for Gentlemen) in front of the name of a limited company should be typed mostly when a partnership is being addressed.

4. More modern and clearer style of expression in business letter is particularly important, as very often neither the writer nor the reader of the letter is a native speaker of English.

5. The fully blocked layout is now the most widely used method of display for all business documents.

6. Some companies may prefer the indented style, but the most important thing is consistency, that is ensuring all the documents are displayed in the same format.

7. The name and address of the recipient should be typed on separate lines as it would appear on an envelope.

8. The name of the country should be always shown on the final line when writing letters abroad.

9. It is customary to end the letter in a polite way by using a complimentary close. The two most common closes are “Yours faithfully (used only with Dear Sir/Sirs/Sir or Madam) and Yours sincerely (used with personalized salutation).

10. The layout and presentation of your letter are important as they give the reader the first impression of the firm’s efficiency.
Word List

letterhead (heading) – заголовок

in spite of – несмотря на

partnership – партнерство

modern - современный

clear – четкий, ясный

neither…nor – ни…ни

fully blocked layout – полностью сблокированное расположение (письма)

indented – с отступом, с абзацами

consistency – последовательность, логичность

ensure – убедиться; обеспечить; гарантировать

recipient – получатель

it is customary – принято

complimentary – приветственный; лестный; хвалебный

close – конец; завершение; заключение

salutation – приветствие

efficiency – рентабельность, экономическая эффективность.
5. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English, using the Word List below
1. Не сокращайте даты в деловых письмах. Использование цифр вместо слов при написании дат может создать проблемы.

2. Обращайте особое внимание на то, чтобы правильно обозначить статус адресата в начале письма. Если вы не уверены, замужем женщина или нет, используйте обозначение Ms.

3. Название и адрес компании, которой адресовано письмо, обычно пишется слева от края, все строки начинаются с одной линии.

4. Ссылка (тема письма) гарантирует отправление письма без задержки и нужному адресату. Она печатается под обращением по центру текста письма.

5. При полностью сблокированном способе расположения письма все его части начинаются от левого края полz. Это самый быстрый и распространенный способ.

6. Обратите внимание: в английском языке после обращения никогда не ставится восклицательный знак, а только запятая, или же пунктуационный знак отсутствует.

7. В американском варианте иногда письма начинаются с обращения “Gentlemen(:)”, после которого ставится двоеточие, или знак препинания отсутствует.

8. В левом нижнем углу письма указывается количество приложений, если с данным письмом отправляются различные документы.

9. Указывая количество приложений, вы увеличиваете гарантию того, что они не затеряются и дойдут до адресата.

10. Предложения и абзацы следует делать короткими, чтобы было легче читать и понимать письмо.
Word List

сокращать – abbreviate

использование цифр вместо слов – the use of figures instead of words

создавать – create

обращайте особое внимание – make sure

статус – зд. title

ссылка (тема письма) – the subject line

гарантировать – ensure

без задержки – without delay

печатать – type

под обращением – below the salutation

по центру текста письма – is centered over the body of the letter

полностью сбалансированный способ расположения письма – fully blocked layout

распространенный – common

восклицательный знак – exclamation mark

запятая – comma

пунктуационный знак – punctuation mark

двоеточие – colon

в левом нижнем углу – at the bottom left-hand corner

приложение – enclosure

указывать – indicate

затеряться – get lost

дойти до адресата – reach the recipient

6. There are many ways to lay out a business letter. The two letters below are examples of the most common way. Look at the letters and complete the gaps

a) The address of the sender (the person who is writing) is at the ......................., on the ................ .

b) The name and address of the addressee (the person you are writing to) is at the ..........., on the ........ .

c) The date is at the ............., on the ................. , ................ the address.

d) The subject heading is ..............Dear ...

e) The paragraphs start at the .................. margin. Between the paragraphs, here is a space.

f) The signature is ............... Yours ...

g) The name and title of the sender is at the ................., ................... the signature.

h) There is no punctuation in the addresses or ............................ Dear ... or ......................... Yours faithfully/sincerely.


California Commercial Bank

Your ref:* 74 Main Street

Our ref: JR/fh/520 Los Angeles 23269


Tel 232 5677002

Mr. J Newby Fax 232 5677223

NY Furniture www.californiacommercialbank.com/usa

466 Busy Street

New York 35182 30 June 2007
Dear Mr. Newby
Order 5673
I am writing in connection with your email of 24 May concerning the

above order for some office furniture.
Unfortunately, we have not yet received the filing cabinets which were a

part of this order. We would be grateful if you could deliver these as

soon as possible or refund our money.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely
Ms James Roe

Office Manager


James Roe NY Furniture

Office Manager 466 Busy Street

California Commercial Bank New York 35182

74 Main Street

Los Angeles 23269 3 July 2007

*Your ref: JR/fh/520

Our ref: JN/SL
Dear Mr Roe

Order 5673

Thank you for your letter of 30 June enquiring about the Linton filing


We must apologize for the delay in delivering these cabinets. As I

said in my email of 24 May, this is a result of problems at our

supplier's factory. As these problems are completely beyond our control, I should like to point out that we are not able to refund your

payment. I enclose a copy of our Terms of Sale for your reference.
We expect to receive the goods next week, so I hope that you will

not have to wait much longer.
With apologies once again,

Your sincerely
Joel Newby

Sales Executive

*The reference includes the initials of the writer and the typist, a file or departmental reference may also be included.

e.g. Our ref. 42 TN/JF (Наш исходящий номер 42; буквы после номера означают инициалы автора письма и секретаря, печатавшего письмо)

Your ref. 85 BN (Ваш исходящий номер 85. Берется из письма, ответом на которое является данное письмо)

7. Before you write a reply to a letter, it is best to carefully read the letter you received. This will help your reply. Match the numbers 1-6 to comments a-f.
a) Mention the date.

b) Notice the style (formal/informal).

c) Copy the address carefully.

d) Read the main part of the message carefully.

e) Use subject headings and references.

f) Notice how the writer refers to him/herself.

California Commercial Bank

Your ref: 74 Main Street

Our ref: JR/fh/520 ❶ Los Angeles



Tel 232 567 7002

Fax 232 567 7223


26 September 2007❸

Mr. J. Newby

NY Furniture

466 Busy Street

New York 35182
Dear Mr. Newby

Order 5673 ❶

I am writing in connection with the above order for Digby

filing cabinets. ❹

It is now over seven months since we placed the order, and

we are still waiting for the cabinets.

I should like to remind you that we have already paid for

these cabinets. We must insist, therefore, that you deliver them I

immediately or refund our money.❺

Unless we hear from you within seven days, we will be

forced to take legal action.

Your sincerely

James Roe❻ Office Manager
8. Study carefully the information given below. Translate it into Russian.
Informal business letters and emails

If you are a friend of the person that you are writing to, you will want to make your letter informal. You should:

  • Open with the addressee’s first name

  • Use contractions

  • Use short, direct phrases

  • Use a friendly style and make personal comments

  • Sign with your first name (i.e. not your title).

The use of first names varies from culture to culture. In Europe and in English-speaking cultures, first names are frequently used in business correspondence.

In other cultures, this may cause offence. If you are in doubt, use the same style that the addressee uses to you.
Informal language: short phrases and contractions

Informal written language is much closer to spoken English than the language used in formal letters. For example, in spoken English we often use contractions, like this:

I’m going for a walk. I’d like a cup of coffee.
In the same way, contractions are often used in informal written language.

It’s a pity that we couldn’t meet. I’m enclosing some brochures.

Here is a very simple rule that is usually (but not always!) true:

Longer phrases are more formal than shorter phrases.

For example:

I would be grateful if you could tell me your prices.

is more formal than:

Please could you possibly tell me your prices?

and that is more formal than:

Please can you tell me your prices?

Some words sound more formal than other words. For example:

I regret to advise you that our prices have increased.

sounds more formal than:

I am sorry to say that our prices have gone up.

In the same way:

We have not yet received your invoice.

sounds more formal than:

We have not yet got your bill.

9. Look at the following twelve sentences and group together those which have a similar meaning. You should have four groups. Then put the sentences in each group in order according to how formal they are, with the most formal first.

  1. If you need any more information, please feel free to ask me.

  2. I am in receipt of your letter dated 16 March.

  3. When do you think the goods will get here?

  4. I am writing in connection with your advertisement in The News.

  5. I have just seen your advert in The News.

  6. Thanks for your letter of 16 March.

  7. Please could you tell me when the goods will arrive?

  8. If you’d like any more details, please ask me.

  9. I would appreciate it if you could tell me when the goods will arrive.

  10. Thank you for your letter dated 16 March.

  11. If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

  12. I am writing with reference to your advertisement in The News.

10. Read the sentences, and match the words in italics with the words in the box below.

  1. I am writing to enquire about your prices.

  2. This is due to the fact that our costs have risen.

  3. If you require any further information, please contact me.

  4. I regret to advise you that the delivery will be delayed.

  5. Unfortunately, I have to inform you that I will not be able to attend the meeting.

  6. Please find enclosed some brochures describing our prices.

  7. We have been forced to increase our prices.

  8. We have opened a letter of credit in your favour.

11. Here is a formal business letter. Rewrite it so that it sounds more friendly and informal. Then compare it with the example answer given below.

Best Pesticides Co Ltd

52 THE HIL, EXTON PTH 8TS Tel 2516225336
Mr. Graham Davis Your ref.

British Garden Su Our ref. GW/pk

Manchester 20 May 2008

Dear Mr. Davis
I am writing in connection with your telephone order of 14 May,

in which you enquired about our ATTACK fly spray.

Unfortunately, I regret to inform you that we stopped producing

and distributing this fly spray last year due to the fact we now

specialise in agricultural products. I suggest you contact Harper's

Online Home Supplies, www.harperonline.co.uk., as they purchased all our stock.
With apologies once again.

Your sincerely
Simon Hotkins

Sales Executive
email best@uknet.co.uk

Example answer

Best Pesticides Co Ltd

52 THE HILL EXTON PTH 8TS Tel 2516225336
Mr. Graham Davis Your ref.

British Garden Suppliers Our ref. GW/pk

Manchester 20 May 2008

Dear Mr. Davis
Thank you for your order of 14 May for our ATTACK fly spray.

I'm sorry to say that we stopped making this fly spray last year

because we decided to specialise in agricultural products. We

passed all our stock to Harper's Online Supplies, so please contact

them. I am sure that they can help you. Their address is


Sorry I can't be of more help.
Best wishes
Simon Hotkins

12. You have already got acquainted with the rules of laying out a business letter. Read them again and translate them into English. Then study the business letter given below and see if it corresponds to these rules.
Еще раз обратите внимание на следующие элементы оформления письма:

  1. Шапка письма представляет собой напечатанные типографским способом название и адрес компании-отправителя. Если у отправителя письма нет бланка с шапкой, адрес печатается в верхнем правом углу письма.

  2. Ссылки. В данном случае в качестве ссылок используются инициалы лица, составляющего письмо, за которым следуют инициалы секретаря, напечатавшего письмо.

  3. Дата.

  4. Фамилия и адрес лица или название и адрес компании, которым адресуется письмо.

  5. Dear Sir. Эта форма обращения всегда используется при написании официальных писем. Если фамилия адресата известна, то к нему обращаются по фамилии. Например: Dear Mr. Osman.

  6. Основная часть письма. Каждая новая мысль выделяется в отдельный абзац.

  7. Письмо, начинающееся со слов Dear Sir, всегда должно заканчиваться словами Your faithfully (всегда ваш). Письмо, начинающееся с фамилии, например, Dear Mr. Davis..., следует заканчивать словами Yours sincerely (искренне ваш).

  8. Подпись.

  9. Имя и фамилия отправителя.

  10. Должность отправителя.

Vans and Trailers LTD

25 First Avenue Street, Norfolk, Engines CT3 XY2
Your ref:

Our ref: AE/CP 6th May 2008
The Export Manager

Max Velicles

Janowice Grove


Dear Sir,
We are interested in importing trailers and would be grateful

if you would send us a copy of your latest catalogue, your price

list and export terms. Could you also let us know the name of

your import agent in Engines?
We look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely
Renee Martin

Marketing Manager

Word List

шапка — headings; banner

типографский — typographical

инициалы — initials

составлять — make up

печатать — type

обращаться к — address smb

заканчивать — end with; close with

подпись — signature

отправитель — sender

13. Answer the questions about the letter given above:

  1. Who wrote the letter?

  2. What is the company he works for?

  3. What is his position in the firm?

  4. What are the initials of secretary who typed the letter?

  5. Who is the letter to?

  6. Who do you think will answer the letter to Max Vehicles?

14. You can see some notes, that the secretary of Renee Martin made before writing the letter of enquiry. Make up the sentences based on the notes given. Then compare them with the example answers and correct your mistakes, if necessary.

  1. attend/ Trade Fair/ this year. send/ application form. also/ opening hours of the fair

  2. buy/ trailers in bulk. send/ copy latest catalogue. also/ what discount you are prepared to offer

  3. order/ spare parts for trailers. send/ price list. also/ name of our nearest supplier

  4. expand/ our factory. send/ planning application forms. also/ name of planning officer

  5. export/ trailers to Engines. send/ list of import agents in Norfolk. also/ their addresses, telex numbers and Emails

  1. We are interested in attending the Trade Fair this year and we would be grateful if you would send us an application form. Could you also let us know the opening hours of the fair.

  2. We are interested in buying trailers in bulk and we would be grateful if you would send us a copy of your latest catalogue. Could you also let us know what discount you are prepared to offer.

  3. We are interested in ordering spare parts for trailers and we would be grateful if you would send us your price list. Could you also let us know the name of our nearest supplier.

  4. We are interested in expanding our factory and we would be grateful if you would send us planning application forms. Could you also let us know the name of the planning officer.

  5. We are interested in exporting trailers to Engines and we would be grateful if you would send us a list of import agents in Norfolk. Could you also let us know their addresses, telex numbers, and emails.

15. Here you can see the main part of a formal letter, that Jack Davis sent to Renee Martin's letter of enquiry. Correct punctuation marks and write the whole letter in accordance with the rules of laying out the letter. There should be 3 paragraphs in the letter body. Then compare your variant with the example answer given below

Thank you for your letter of 6th may requesting information about our trailers I have pleasure in enclosing our latest catalogue and price list at the moment our export terms are negotiable and we are in the process of signing a contract with an import agent in Norfolk we will contact you about export terms as soon as the contract is completed in the meantime however if I can be of any further assistance please contact me again thank you for your interest in the firm.
Example Letter


Janowice Grove. Montreal, Canada
Renee Martin

Marketing Manager

Vans & Trailers Ltd

25 First Avenue Street



11th May 2007
Our ref: JD/DL

Your ref: RM/CP
Dear Mr. Martin,
Thank you for your letter of 6th May requesting information

about our trailers. I have pleasure in enclosing our latest catalogue

and price list.
At the moment our export terms are negotiable and we are in the

process of signing a contract with an

import agent in Norfolk. We will contract you about export

terms as soon as the contract is completed.

In the meantime however, if I can be of any further assistance,

please contact me again.
Thank you for your interest in the firm.
Yours sincerely,
Jack Davis

Sales Manager

NB. Encs at the bottom of the letter stands for enclosure (things which are being sent with the letter). In this case the enclosures are the catalogue and price list.

16. Translate the text into English, using the Word List below
Стиль английских деловых писем
При написании деловых писем на английском языке старайтесь не пользоваться устаревшими справочниками, так как именно этот стиль подвержен постоянным изменениям. С каждым годом он несколько упрощается и становится менее официальным. Вместо принятого раньше “We are in receipt of your favor” теперь пишут “Thank you for your letter”. За исключением немногих фирм, которые придерживаются устаревшего стиля, большинство деловых людей сегодня предпочитают просто, но ясно выражать свои мысли. Настоящему бизнесмену дорого его время, и он не хочет тратить его на чтение длинных посланий с уймой ненужных слов. Но составитель делового письма должен уметь произвести благоприятное впечатление на адресата, особенно если он собирается что-либо продать ему. Поэтому не поскупитесь на несколько доброжелательных, располагающих к вам слов. Однако постарайтесь не злоупотреблять комплементами: это может произвести обратный эффект – вас заподозрят в неискренности.
При написании деловых писем на английском языке полезно руководствоваться следующими рекомендациями:

  1. Каждая новая мысль должна начинаться с нового абзаца.

  2. Изложение содержания должно быть максимально ясным и простым.

  3. Если вы собираетесь что-либо продать, предлагайте свой товар в ненавязчивой форме.

  4. Не злоупотребляйте комплиментами.

  5. Помните, что искренние чувства имеют больший эффект, чем притворные.

Word List

старайтесь не – be careful not to

устаревшие справочники – old-fashioned commercial instruction books

менее официальный – less formal

за исключением – except

настоящему бизнесмену дорого его время – time is precious to a busy executive

составитель – зд.writer

произвести благоприятное впечатление – create a good impression

поэтому не поскупитесь на несколько ... слов – so a few words .. are not wasted

не злоупотребляйте комплиментами – compliments must not be exaggerated

быть неискренним – be insincere

руководствоваться – зд. follow

абзац – paragraph

навязчиво - aggressively

притворные чувства – pretended feelings

  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10


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