Тема: «Москва»

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Практическое занятие №1.

Тема: « Москва»

Цель: Развитие навыков чтения с применением различных стратегий.
Задание 1.1 Прочтите и переведите текст.

Moscow is the capital of Russia. It was first mentioned in the records dated back to the year 1147. At that time it was a small frontier post. The history of Moscow is connected with the history of Russia. In 1237 Moscow fell under the yoke of the Tatars. And it was Moscow Prince Dmitry Donskoy who led the Russian troops to decisive victory over the invaders in the battle of Kulikovo field in 1380.

By the 15-th century Moscow turned into a wealthy city. It was under Ivan 3 that Moscow became the capital of the state of Muscovy. At that time the Kremlin was rebuilt and the largest Kremlin Cathedrals were erected.

During the Time of Troubles Moscow was occupied by the Polish invaders but they were routed by the popular levy headed by citizen Minin and prince Pozharsky.

In 1812 the Napoleonic army entered Moscow. The city was set ablaze. The army had to retreat. That was a poor substitute for the military triumph in Russia, so much desired by Napoleon.

Nowadays Moscow is the largest city of Russia. It is political, administrative, economic, industrial, scientific, educational and cultural centre of the country.

The Russian Academy of sciences, the oldest university, many schools of higher learning, colleges and scientific institutions are located in Moscow.


Capital- столица

To erect- возводить

To mention- упоминуть

To set blaze- поджечь

To connect- быть связанным


the yoke of the Tatars- монголо-татарское иго



Scientific- научные

Invader- захватчик

To be located- быть расположенным



Wealthy- состоятельный

Victory- победа

Задание 1.2. Ответьте на вопросы

  1. When was Moscow first mentioned in the records?

  2. Who headed the liberation movement in the 14-th century?

  3. When did Moscow become the capital of Russia?

  4. What happened to Moscow in 1812?

  5. What is Moscow now?

Задание 1.3. Заполните пропуски, используя слова: centre, the yoke, with, scientific, to decisive, city, battle, Time, to be, the troops

Wealthy _________

Cultural _____________

To be connected _________

________ of Troubles

____________ of the Tatars

To lead ____________

___________ institutions


to decisive _______________


Домашнее задание: Выучить ЛЕ, ответить на вопросы

Практическое занятие №2.

Тема: Кремль.

Цель: Развитие навыков чтения с полным пониманием содержания;

Задание 2.1 Прочтите и переведите. Озаглавьте текст.

The Kremlin is the heart of Moscow. It is the oldest historical and architectual centre of Moscow.

First it was a wooden fort. Under Dmitry Donskoy the Kremlin was built of white stone. In 1474 Ivan III sent a mission to Italy to find the best architectural and engineering talent available. They brought back with them Rodolfo Aristotel Fiorovanti of Bologna who was at once an architect, an engineer, an expert in military fortifications.

The Italians introduced a new concept of the fortress wall, quite different in character from that of the old Russian white stone Kremlins. The walls of Moscow Kremlin were built of red stone.

The Kremlin consists of 20 towers. Four of them are gate towers, the most remarkable of them is the Spasskaja Tower.

The Assumption Cathedral in Kremlin was built in 1475-1479. The Russian Tzars and Emperors were crowned here. The Archangel Cathedral was the burial place of the Russian Tzars. The Annuciation Сathedral was erected in 1484. It is famous for the icons painted by Andrey Rublev and his apprentices.

Ivan the Great Bell Tower, one of the most remarkable structures of the sixteenth century, rises in the centre of the Kremlin. It unites all the Kremlin Cathedrals into a majestic ensemble.

On the stone pedestal at the foot of the Bell Tower stands a Tzar-Bell - the largest bell in the world. Not far from it one can see a Tzar-Cannon.

Another fine example of Russian architecture is the Faceted Palace. It was built in 1487-1491.

One of the well-known Kremlin museums is the Armoury Chamber. It was built in 1851. The famous golden cap of Monomach, the first russian imperial crown of Catherin II, made of guilt silver and many other precious historical items are exhibited there.


  1. Wooden fort-деревянная крепость

  2. Stone-кирпич

  3. Mission-делегация

  4. Fortification- укрепление

  5. Fortress- крепость

  6. Tower- башня

  7. The Annuciation Сathedral- Успенский собор

  8. Apprentice- ученики

  9. Majestic-невероятный

  10. Bell-колокол

  11. the Faceted Palace- Грановитая палата

  12. the Armoury Chamber-оружейная палата

Задание 2.2 Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:

Сердце Москвы, старейший исторический и архитектурный центр, деревянная крепость, эксперт в военном управлении, белокаменные стены, место погребения царей, возвышаться в центре Кремля, подножие колокольни, царь-пушка, знаменитая шапка Мономаха, имперская корона, серебро, исторические ценности.

Задание 2.3 Переведите предложения. Заполните пропуски необходимыми предлогами:

  1. It consists ________ 20 towers.

  2. . It was built _______ 1851.

  3. It is famous for the icons painted ________ Andrey Rublev.

  4. The Assumption Cathedral ________ Kremlin was built in 1475-1479.

  5. The most remarkable structures rises ________ the centre of the Kremlin.

  6. It unites all the Kremlin Cathedrals ________ a majestic ensemble.

Домашнее задание: пересказ текста с опорой на вопросы
Практическое занятие № 3.

Тема: Числительные. Виды числительных. Время.

Цель: Развитие грамматических навыков по теме: «Числительные». Формирование навыков письменной речи.

Задание3.1 Рассмотрите таблицу и ответьте на вопросы:

  • Какие виды числительных существуют?

  • Как образуются эти типы?

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