Дискурс анализ в системе методов управления организациями музейной сферы

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Приложение 3

Dear visitors! In order to verify the satisfaction level of service quality in St. Isaac’s Cathedral, will you please answer several questions below. It will take you from 2 to 3 minutes. Your opinion is very important for us! Thank you for your answers!

1. Where are you from? ☐ Country ________________________

2. Is this your first visit to St. Isaac’s Cathedral? ☐ Yes ☐ No

3. If this is not your first visit to St. Isaac’s Cathedral, please, let us know what is (are) the reason(s) why you visit the museum again? ______________________________________________________________________

4. Did you have any difficulties with finding the ticket office? / Have you come across any difficulties with finding the ticket office?

☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Bought a ticket in the terminal

What difficulties did you have? ______________________________________________________________________

5. Can you please, make an assessment of the prices in St. Isaac’s Cathedral?

☐ Tickets and services are expensive ☐ Tickets and services are cheap ☐ Tickets and services are acceptable ______________________________________________________________________

6. How quickly were you serviced at the ticket office?

☐ Quickly ☐ Not quickly

What kind of troubles occurred? ______________________________________________________________________

7. How do you think, is the information presented at the ticket office clear enough (concerning the services, working hours and ticket prices)?

☐ Yes, it is clear ☐ No, it is not clear ☐ I didn't pay attention

☐ Other (please specify) ______________________________________________________________________

8. Did you have any difficulties with finding the museum entrance or the entrance to the colonnade?

☐ Yes ☐ No

What kind of difficulties did you have? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9. Did you have any difficulties passing the turnstile (museum entrance gate)? / Have you come across any difficulties with going through the ticket machine inspector?

☐ Yes ☐ No

What kind of difficulties did you have? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

10. In case you experienced some difficulties, did the museum staff help you to find your way in the museum? (Did they show you the exit, the place where excursion begins, did they provide you with the information you asked about the museum, did they help you with audio guide, etc.):

☐ Yes ☐ No

11. If you had an excursion, did you enjoy it?

☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ I had no excursion ☐ Listened to audio guide

12. Please, assess the work of your guide _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

13. In case you took audio guide, did you like the excursion? Did you understand all the information presented? Was the translation to your language correct?

☐ Yes ☐ No ______________________________________________________________________

  1. Was the audio guide excursion convenient (comfortable) for you? (Was the audio guide easy to use? Did your audio guide work properly? Did you have any difficulties with finding some objects?)

☐ Yes ☐ No ______________________________________________________________________

  1. If this is not your first visit, tell us please, whether the quality of service at our museum has improved since your last visit?

☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ I don’t know / not so sure

16. Overall, how satisfied are you with the quality of St. Isaac’s Cathedral service?

☐ Excellent ☐ Very good ☐ Good ☐ Rather good / ok ☐ Bad ☐ Very bad ☐ Awful

Dear visitors! In order to verify the satisfaction level of service quality in Savior on the Spilled Blood, will you please answer several questions below. It will take you from 2 to 3 minutes. Your opinion is very important for us! Thank you for your answers!

1. Where are you from? ☐ Country ________________________

2. Is this your first visit to Savior on the Spilled Blood?

☐ Yes ☐ No

3. If this is not your first visit to Savior on the Spilled Blood, please, let us know what is (are) the reason(s) why you visit the museum again? ______________________________________________________________________

4. How quickly were you serviced at the ticket office?

☐ Quickly ☐ Not quickly ☐ Quickly, but certain difficulties occurred

☐ Bought a ticket in the terminal

What kind of difficulties occurred? ______________________________________________________________________

5. Did you have any difficulties in the ticket office / cash terminal?

☐ Yes, certain difficulties occurred ☐ No

What kind of difficulties occurred? ______________________________________________________________________

6. Can you please, make an assessment of the prices in Savior on the Spilled Blood?

☐ Tickets and services are expensive ☐ Tickets and services are cheap

☐ Tickets and services are acceptable ______________________________________________________________________

7. How do you think, is the information presented at the ticket office clear enough (concerning the services, working hours and ticket prices)?

☐ Yes, it is clear ☐ No, it is not clear ☐ I didn't pay attention

☐ Other (please specify) _____________________________________________________________________

8. Tell us please, have you ever visited the Museum of Stone – part of the whole museum complex, which is located nearby Savior on the Split Blood?

☐ Yes ☐ No

9. Have you seen the advertising about Museum of Stone?

☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ I don’t know / not so sure

If yes, where / in what form? ______________________________________________________________________

10. Did you have any difficulties passing the turnstile (museum entrance gate)? / Have you come across any difficulties with going through the ticket machine inspector?

☐ Yes ☐ No What kind of difficulties did you have? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

11. Did the museum staff help you to find your way in the museum? (Did they show you the exit, the place where excursion begins, did they provide you with the information you asked about the museum, did they help you with audio guide, etc.):

☐ Yes ☐ No ______________________________________________________________________

12. If you had an excursion, did you enjoy it?

☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ I had no excursion ☐ Listened to audio guide

13. Please, assess the work of your guide: ______________________________________________________________________

14. In case you took audio guide, did you like the excursion? (Did you understand all the information presented? Was the translation to your language correct?)

☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Didn’t listen to audio guide ______________________________________________________________________

  1. Was the audio guide excursion convenient (comfortable) for you? (Was the audio guide easy to use? Did your audio guide work properly? Did you have any difficulties with finding some objects?)

☐ Yes ☐ No ______________________________________________________________________

  1. If this is not your first visit, tell us please, whether the quality of service at our museum has improved since your last visit?

☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ I don’t know / not so sure

18. Overall, how satisfied are you with the quality of Savior on the Spilled Blood service?

☐Excellent ☐Very good ☐Good ☐Rather good / ok ☐Bad ☐Very bad ☐Awful

Приложение 4.

Рисунок А. Рисунок Б.

Рисунок В.

Приложение 5.

Рисунок А. Рисунок Б.

Рисунок В.

Приложение 6.

Рисунок А.

Рисунок Б.

1 Van Dijk T. Principles of critical discourse analysis // Discourse and society. 1993b. № 4(2).

2 Ruth Wodak. Critical Linguistics and Critical Discourse Analysis // Handbook of Pragmatics. — Amsterdam ; Philadelphia : Benjamins, 1994, пер. В. И. Карасик

3 Habermas J. Erkenntnis und Interesse. — Frankfurt/Main : Suhrkamp, 1971, p. 259

4 Понятие дискурса. [В Интернете] [Цитировано: 21. 04. 2016 г.] http://sociodoc.ru

5 Teun Van Dijk. Ideology: A Multidisciplinary Approach. London: Sage, 1998, p. 7

6 Демьянков В. З. Текст и дискурс как термины и как слова обыденного языка // IV Международная научная конференция «Язык, культура, общество». Москва, 27-30 сентября 2007 г.: Пленарные доклады. — М.: Московский институт иностранных языков; Российская академия лингвистических наук; Институт языкознания РАН; Научный журнал «Вопросы филологии», 2007. — С.86-95.

7 Йоргенсен, Марианне В., Филлипс, Луиза Дж. Дискурс-анализ. Теория и метод / пер. с англ. — 2-е изд., испр. .: «Гуманитарный центр», 2008. — С. 19.

8 Gergen, K. (1985) The social constructionist movement in modern social psychology. American Psychologist, 40(3): 266-75.

9 Йоргенсен, Марианне В., Филлипс, Луиза Дж. Дискурс-анализ. Теория и метод / пер. с англ. — 2-е изд., испр. — Х.: Изд-во «Гуманитарный центр», 2008. — С. 23-25

10 Phillips, Nelson; Hardy, Cynthia. (2002) What Is Discourse Analysis? In N.Phillips and C.Hardy Discourse Analysis: Investigating Processes Of Social Construction. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. PP. 1-18

11 В. Волков, О. Хархордин Теория практик – Изд. Европейского университета в Санкт – Петербурге, СПб – с. 11

12 Д. Остин, Как совершать действия при помощи слов – Изд. Идея – Пресс, М, 1999, с. 13 - 138

13 Phillips, Nelson; Hardy, Cynthia. (2002) What Is Discourse Analysis? In N.Phillips and C.Hardy Discourse Analysis: Investigating Processes Of Social Construction. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. PP. 1-18 – пер. Е. Кожемякина
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