Методика обучения дошкольников иностранному языку: учебное пособие Текст предоставлен

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Звуки, издаваемые животными (по Кэти Болл)



Bees buzz; they go bzzz.

Birds chirp; they go tweet tweet.

Cats mew; they go meow.

Chicks go peep peep.

Cows low; they go moo.

Crows caw.

Cuckoos go cuckoo.

Dogs bark; they go bow wow or arf or woof.

Donkeys bray; they go hee-haw.

Doves coo.

Ducks quack; they go quack quack.

Frogs croak; they go ribbit.

Geese honk.

Hens cackle and cluck.

Horses neigh or whinney.

Hyenas laugh.

Lions roar.

Mice squeak.

Owls hoot; they go hoo.

Pigs grunt; they go oink oink.

Roosters crow; they go cock-a-doodle-doo.

Sheep and goats bleat; they go baaah.

Turkeys go gobble gobble.

Wolves howl.

ВЕЛИКОБРИТАНИЯ Chicks go cheep cheep.

Frogs croak.

Owls hoot; they go tu-whit, tu-whoo.


Bienen summen: summ summ.

Vogel zwitschem: tswit, tswit.

Katzen miauen: miau, miau.

Kiiken: piep piep Kuhe muhen: mmuuh.

Krahen krachzen: kwrah, kwrah.

Kuckucke schreien: kuckuck.

Hund bellen: wau wau / wuff wuff.

Tauben gurren: guru, guru.

Esel «iahen»: iaah, iaah.


Н. М. Родина, Е. Ю. Протасова. «Методика обучения дошкольников иностранному языку: учебное


Enten quaken: quack, quack.

Elefanten trompeten.

Frosche quaken: quaak, quaak.

Ziegen meckem: гвдЬП, mohh.

Ganse schnattem.

Huhner, Hennen gackem: gak, gak.

Pferde wiehem.

Lowen brullen.

Mause piepsen: piep, piep.

Eulen heulen: huuh, huuh.

Schweine grunzen.

Hahne krahen: kickeriki.

Schafe bloken: bahh, bahh.

Schlangen zischen sss.

Wolfe heulen huh.


L'abeille vrombit; elle fait bzzzz.

L'oiseau pepie; il fait cuicui.

Le chameau blatere.

Le chat miaule; il fait miaou.

Le poussin piaule, il fait piou-piou.

La vache meugle; elle fait meuh.

Le corbeau croasse; il fait croa-croa.

Le coucou fait coucou.

Le chien aboie; il fait ouah ouah.

L' ane brait; il fait hihan.

Le pigeon roucoule.

Le canard canard cancane; il fait coin coin. L'elephant barrit. Le renard glapit.

La grenouille coasse; elle fait coa-coa.

La chevre bele; elle fait beee.

L'oie glousse.

La poule caquette; elle fait cotcotcodet.

L'hyene ricane.

Le cheval hennit; il fait hiiiiii.

Le lion rugit.

La souris couine.

Le hibou hulule; il fait hou-hou.

Le cochon grogne; il fait groin groin.

Le coq chante; il fait cocorico.

Le mouton bele; il fait beee.

Le serpent siffle, il fait sss.

Le tigre feule.

Le dindon glougloute, il fait glouglou.

Le loup hurle.


Н. М. Родина, Е. Ю. Протасова. «Методика обучения дошкольников иностранному языку: учебное




Las abejas hacen bzzz.

Los pajaros trinan; hacen pio pio.

El gato maulla; hace miau.

Los pollitos pian; hacen pio pio.

Las vacas mugen; hacen muuu.

(Crow) cruaaac, cruaaac El cuco hace cucu cucu.

El perro ladra; hace guau guau.

La paloma hace cu-curru-cu-cu.

El pato hace cua cua.

La rana croa; hace crua-crua.

La cabra bala; hace bee bee.

La gallina cacarea; hace coc со со coc.

El leon ruge: grgrgrgr.

El caballo relincha; hace hiiiiiiiiii.

El mono hace i-i-i.

El buho hace uu uu.

El cerdo hace oink-oink.

El gallo canta; hace kikirikH.

Las ovejas balan; hacen bee.

El tigre ruge: grgrgrgr.

АРГЕНТИНА (Bee) bzzz (Bird) pi pi (Cat) miau (Cow) muuu (Cuckoo) cu-cu (Dog) guau (Duck) cuac cuac (Frog) berp (Rooster) ki-kiri-ki (Sheep) meeee ЧИЛИ

El elefante barrita; hace prraaahhh, prrraaaahhh.


Los caballos hacen iiiiou.

Коста Рика

(Donkey) iii-aah, iii-aah Парагвай

Los caballos hacen ioohoho.


(Frog) croac, croac (Horse) iiiiii Венесуэла (Tiger) gggrrrrrrr


Н. М. Родина, Е. Ю. Протасова. «Методика обучения дошкольников иностранному языку: учебное


  1. Образцы повседневной речи (английский язык)


Hi, Hiya (Hello). Hi, precious. Hi, sweetie. Wave bye-bye to the nice man. Hey, champ. How's my buddy? (US) How's my princess? I missed you (terribly/very much). Did you miss me? How did your day go? How has your day been? Give me five! (a man holds out his hand palm-up, and the boy is supposed to slap it with his hand, palm down)

Awakening: Did you sleep well? Did you have a bad night? Wake up, sleepyhead. Wakey, wakey rise and shine! Time to get going. We need to get moving. It's already late. Are you still lazing around?

Bed-time: It's time to go sleepy-bye. It's time to go bye-byes. Bed time! You need to go to bed - full stop. You need to go to bed now. Na-night! Nightie-night, sleep tight. Sweet dreams. The land of dreams awaits you.

Greetings: Happy Birthday. Today is your special day. Today we're celebrating the day you were bom. This is your day. Today is a very special day. Can you guess what it is? Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!

Обозначения членов сел1ьи

kids, kiddies, the little ones, munchkins, sprogs, rugrats (children: «Come on, munchkins, we're going to the show), Daddy, Dad, Dada, Pa* (father), Mummy, Mum, Mama, Ma25* (mother), Sis, Sissy, big sis, little sis (sister), Brov, big brov, little brov (brother), Grandad, Grandpa, Gramps
(grandfather), Grandma, Granny, Gran, nanna (grandmother), Cuz (cousin), Auntie (aunt).

Ласковые обращения к детям

Honey (one of the most common in the USA, but not in Britain), Sweetheart, Sweetie, Sweet- pea, My Little One, Dear, My Dear One, Dearest, Precious, Sweety-pie, Cutie-pie (not for boys unless they're babies), Honey-bunny / honey-bun, Honey-pie, Sugar, Sugar-pie, Darling, Sweet (Hello, Sweet; Come here, Sweet), Cuddles, Hey, Beaut! Hi, Beautiful! (A father could say this when greeting his daughter), Little Pumpkin (very American), The Apple of my Eye, Cucumber of my Foot, Rascal, You're my absolute favourite boy/girl, You're the bestest (in the whole wide world), You're my treasure, You make me so happy, I'm running very low on kisses, World's neatest little girl/boy, You're my precious one, You light up my life, You're (my) number one boy/girl, I wouldn't trade you for all the gold in the world, You're my biggest joy, You're my sunshine, They don't make them any better than this one, I'd do anything for you, You've got 3 guesses as to who my favorite boy/girl is.

Обозначения вещей и животных

cuddly (any plush toy, stuffed animal, etc); ow, booboo (a child's injury, could be a cut, bruise, bum, etc...); dolly (doll), duckie/ducky/ quacky duck, teddy/teddy bear (toy stuffed/plush bear), froggy (frog), birdy/birdie (bird), doggy/puppy/рирру-dog, bunny-rabbit, horsy/ horsie (horse), pussy-cat/puddy dat/kitten cat (for any cat), lambie/ lamby/lambykins (a little lamb, or sometimes even any sheep), bally/ bailie (toy ball), PJ's/jamars/jin,jams/nightie (pajamas/ nightdress), shoesies (shoes), toesies (toes), tummy/belly (stomach), choo-choo / chijfer chijfer train (train)

Можно ласково сказать почти о любом животном: sweet little giraffe, lambie etc, но прибавлять уменьшительный суффикс ко всем словам нельзя.

Детские высказывания

25 Редкие, устаревшие, деревенские варианты. Первые обращения к родителям обычно Мата и Dada, позже Mummy и Daddy, у старших Mum и Dad.


Н. М. Родина, Е. Ю. Протасова. «Методика обучения дошкольников иностранному языку: учебное


Ocps!/Ocpsie/ Ocpsies (said after an accident or mishap), Oops, you spilled water all over my shirt. Uh-oh! (said whenever a little accident occurs) Uh-oh, you dropped the crayons all over the floor. Pick me up! Carry me! Guess what! We saw a big whale! I know! Let's play catch! Only grownups can touch that. Lots (many). No way (I'm not going to do it, there's no way I'll agree to that, etc). Itty-bitty, teeny-weeney (very small: Back when you were just an itty-bitty little baby... Look at that teeny-weeney spider. ) Tiptoes (walking on the tips of ones: I'm walking on my tiptoes). Why do I have to do that?


newborn (a baby up to about 6 weeks or so, maybe longer), pree-mie (a baby bom prematurely, more than 3 weeks before due date), baby food, cranky (a baby that is in a bad mood, crying, angry), unsettled fussy, colicky (crying, restless), happy, calm, peaceful, to burp a baby, to have gas / wind (He needs to be burped; he's got gas), to swaddle a baby (wrap a baby tightly with a blanket), to con, fort a baby, to start a baby on solids, to start a baby on solid foods, teething (She's very cranky; she must be teething), teething ring (comfort toy that babies chew on when they have pain from teeth coming in); changing table, diaper/nappy, training pants / pullups (like diapers, but shaped like pants, so a child being potty-trained can pull them up and down all by him/herself), changing pad/mat, wipes (disposable paper towels that come moist out of the box, to clean a baby when changing their nappy), mobile (подвеска над кроваткой), cot (a baby's bed with railing all around it to prevent falling off), buggy, double pushchair: in-line, side-by-side (сидячая коляска разной конструкции), dummy (пустышка), teat (соска), to suck = what babies do as they drink milk or use a dummy), playpen (манеж), folding playpen, a fence, rocking chair, baby's bottle, to sterilize the teats, bottles, formula (artificial milk substitute for babies), пар-time, nap, to coo over a baby, cootchie-cootchie-coo (common nonsense phrase people say as they tickle a baby), bed guardrail (a plastic or wooden railing placed on one side of a bed, fixed by sliding part of it under a mattress; prevents the child from rolling off the bed), whiny, to whine (He's whining for his bottle. He gets rather whiny at dinner-time.), growth spurt (period of time when a baby grows particularly fast «You just can't stop eating! You must be having a growth spurt!), Up you go! (said when picking a child out ofthe crib, for example). It's time for a nap. He wants/needs to be held. It's time to burp Baby. Do you need to be burped? Did / have you wet your nappy? Mummy's going to change you. You need to be changed. Did / has he wet his pants? Are you stinky? It's time you were changed. Do you want Mommy to pick you up? Has she started on solids yet? She turned over on her side for the first time today. She's started sitting up. She started crawling at six months. Let Mummy rock you a bit. (The mother is taking the baby in her lap and rocking in the rocking chair.) He's started cruising (walking around the room by holding on to furniture, people etc).

Разговоры о детях

bundle с f joy (classic term referring to a new baby), So this is your new arrival? I think he has his mommy's eyes. What an arn.ful. How's the little one? Keeping you busy? Is he sleeping through the night? Has he said his first word yet? Shefs beyond precious. S/He's gorgeous! What a lovely baby!

Isn't he adorable? What an angel■ face! Isn't she a darling? Isn ft she a dear!Hefs so cute!Look at that button nose. What mcp с fhair!Hers getting to be such a big boy. You've got your hands full with this one. Daddy's little girl. Mummy's little boy/girl. She'll wind you around her little finger.

Диалоги с детьми: «What are you going to be when you grow up?» - «I'm going to be a fireman! I'm going to be a scientist like Mommy!» - «So what does your Dad/Mom do?»

«Daddy/Mommy can't stay home because he/she has to work. It's important to work to earn money. We need money to buy food and clothing.»

«We can't play with you right now; we're busy discussing something. You'll just have to amuse yourself.»



Н. М. Родина, Е. Ю. Протасова. «Методика обучения дошкольников иностранному языку: учебное


baby grow (ползунки, расстегивающиеся снизу); ponytail (прическа «конский хвост»), hair tied together; hanging down, plaited (волосы собраны, распущены, заплетены в косы), pigtail (французская косичка), barrette/curby grip/ hair grip/ bobby pins (заколки), trainers/ sneakers/tennis shoes (кроссовки), party dress (выходное платье), Sunday best (more formal and fancy clothes children have, that they'd wear to formal family functions (weddings, funerals) or, in religious families, to attend services), panties ipants /knickers (трусы жен.), snowsuit (комбинезон), booties (пинетки), velcro (липучка), vest (майка).

It's time to get dressed. What do you want to wear today? What do you feel like wearing today? You need to get changed; we're going to the shops. That shirt doesn't go with those trousers. It's too cold for short sleeves. Is your / the shirt too tight? Have you outgrown those trousers already? Wow, you're growing fast. Do those shoes pinch your toes? Here's a pretty shirt for you. You've tom these trousers; you can't wear them today. Look, you have a hole in your shirt. Pick up your socks and put them in the laundry basket. How did your clothes get so dirty? You look smashing! Red really suits you. Do you really have to change clothes three times a day? Why does it take you an hour to get dressed? Your trousers are on back to front. You've got your shoes on the wrong way round (on the wrong feet). Let me button (up) your shirt. Your shirt is buttoned up wrongly. Do you know how to tie your shoelaces yet? Straighten out your legs. Put your legs straight out. Don't bend your legs. I can't get your trousers on with your legs like that. Come on, we need to get these trousers on. Sit still. / Stand still. / Stop squirming. / Stop fidgeting. Will / can you button up the coat by yourself? Unbutton your shirt. Do up your shirt (or anything else). Undo your coat before you take it off! Zip up your jacket; it's cold out. Unzip your jacket. Now put on your sweater. First put your arm through the sleeve, now put your head through. You put your shoes on wrong / the wrong way round. You've got your right shoe on your left foot, and the left shoe on the right foot. You can't go out without shoes. Those shoes are on wrongly. These shoes don't match/ don't go together/ You're wearing odd shoes. Your sweater / jumper is on back to front (meaning, the front side is at the back). You have your sweater / jumper / jersey on back to front. Your sweater / jumper is inside-out. You have your sweater / jumper on inside-out. Put your hand through the sleeve. Now the other one. Stretch your legs. Don't bend over. Put your clothes on. / Get dressed. Put your hand/ arm through the sleeve. Your right arm goes in the right sleeve. Now put your other arm in the other sleeve. Your little finger is stuck in the sleeve; let me get it out. Lift up your leg. Put your foot through here / through this opening. Now your other foot / leg. Take your clothes off. / Take off your clothes. / Get undressed. Pull down your trousers / pants / knickers.

На кухне (kitchen/mealtime)

baby food (детское питание), trainer cup (поильник, a leak-proof cup with a top), high chair (детский стульчик), booster seat (подкладная подушка, put on top of a kitchen chair to help a child sit higher), bib (нагрудник, piece of cloth attached around neck and hanging down, to catch spilled food), wash up (помыть посуду), crackers (крекеры, salty and crunchy), biscuits / biccies / cookies (сладкое печенье), sweets/candy / treats / goodies (сладости), candy floss (конфеты типа зефира), fizzy drinks (often used for soft drinks, like coke, pepsi, etc) Jellybeans (конфеты типа мармелада), milk and cookies (American afterschool snack), ice lolly/popsicle (замороженный сок, frozen dessert on a stick, usually fruit-flavored), lollipop (леденец на палочке, hard sugar sweet on a stick that slowly dissolves in mouth when sucked on, often fruit-flavored), jelly (десерт типа варенья или желе).

Don't throw food on the floor. Stop playing with your food. Don't smear that all over the table. No elbows on the table. We're having your favourite today! (the child's favorite food dish.) Come and sit at the table. Don't talk with your mouth full. Just eat one at a time. Don't put all of those / that in your mouth at once; you could choke / it doesn't look very nice. Wash your hands, it's time to eat. Don't spill tomato sauce on your clothes; it's very hard to remove / it'll stain. You know you're not supposed to spill food on your clothes. Din-din is ready. Help Mummy set the


Н. М. Родина, Е. Ю. Протасова. «Методика обучения дошкольников иностранному языку: учебное


table. Help Daddy do the dishes. Help us clear the table / clear dishes from the table. You're a little piglet! (Said to a child who's very messy.) Can I be excused? / May I get down? / Can I leave the table? You're excused. / Yes you may. /1 permit you to leave the table.


scfely scissors
(scissors with blunt ends and dull blades that can cut paper but can't injure children), scfety plug (a plastic piece put in an electric socket to prevent a child from sticking something like a screwdriver or pencil in it), outlet cover (a plastic box that fits over a socket to prevent children from playing with it), strangers (any adults the child doesn't know, and therefore should not trust), bad people / naughty men (a term for thieves, criminals, etc, for young children who aren't ready for detailed discussion of this)

Don't touch. It's bad for you. Don't run in the house. Don't run while carrying that pencil / with a lollypop in your mouth. These tools are too sharp; they're only for grownups. The oven is very hot; you could bum yourself. Don't touch anything on the stove. If you tip that pan over, you will get burned very badly. Don't leave toys on the stairs; people will trip on them. Don't climb on this table; it can't hold you / it could tip over. This ladder isn't stable. Don't touch the electric sockets. Don't ever put anything in the sockets. Don't try to plug anything in the socket. Don't chew on that cord / lead. Don't sit too close to the TV / telly. It's nothing. It's just a little cut. You'll live. It's just a bruise. You're lucky; you could have been hurt much more badly. Don't use Mary's cup; you could catch her cold/germs that way. Don't ever talk to strangers. Never accept anything from a stranger. Be very careful, remember how I said to do it! Don't play with matches! Playing with fire is very dangerous. That was a really stupid thing to do. Have you taken leave of your senses? Are you out of your mind? What possessed you to do that? What were you thinking? Real swift, you turned the ring/burner on. Don't you know that could start a fire!? Climb up on the roof? What, are you crazy or something? What do you think might have happened?

Игры и занятия

stacking cups (a set of cups, each one smaller than the last, which can either nest or stack), bricks, blocks, building blocks (whether square or not, used for construction, usually wooden), rattle (baby toy that makes noise when shaken), stacking rings (toy, a set of rings, each smaller than the last, that stack in order on a pole), floor puzzle (a large jigsaw puzzle meant to be put together on the floor), crayons (made of wax, for coloring), coloured pencils (pencils with colored leads), colouring book (book with black and white drawings that a child colors in with crayons), flash cards (cards with words, pictures, numbers, or sometimes math expressions such as «2+2» on them, for teaching children. The children have to name the object shown on the card, or do the addition «2+2=4», etc.), markers (felt-tipped pens for writing on paper or whiteboards), whiteboard (erasable board for writing on with special markers), blackboard (board for writing on with chalk), magnetic letters, fridge magnets (plastic pieces shaped like alphabet letters, with magnets attached so they will stick to a metal surface like a refrigerator. To teach young children the alphabet), stickers (small adhesive pieces of paper with pictures on them, usually meant to be put on a piece of paper or in specially marked places in a sticker booh), rubber duck (typical bath toy, a duck made of rubber that can float), slinky (toy made of plastic or metal, shaped like a very long helix. It can «walk» downstairs when started properly); push cart (small cart on wheels, usually has handle for pulling it), training wheels (two extra small wheels attached to a bicycle for helping a child leam to ride, and for keeping their balance), swing (a seat suspended from a beam by chain or rope so that it moves back and forth), seesaw (a board supported in the center. Two children sit, one at each end, and the board tips back and forth), slide (children climb up a ladder, then slide down the slide), a roundabout (a round, revolving stmcture in a playground that many children can get on; they have to push it around), a merry-go-round or carrousel (is the much bigger powered version usually found at fun fairs), monkey bars (metal structures set up in playgrounds with bars that children can climb on or hang from), climbing frame, jungle gym (an usually metal structure in


Н. М. Родина, Е. Ю. Протасова. «Методика обучения дошкольников иностранному языку: учебное


a playground that children can climb on), follow the leader (a game where everyone has to do what the leader is doing), forward roll (when a child tumbles forward by putting head down, the whole body then rolling forward until he has done a complete rotation and is sitting again), backward roll (the same only rolling backwards and starting with the feet); to share (делиться, refers to letting all children take turns with toys, etc), to bully (обижать, when one child hinders another's play or forces them to do things they don't want to), to get along (хорошо играть вместе, children playing nicely together), to have a good fun time, playgroup - group of children and parents from different families that meet, often once a week, to play together).

Don't leave crayons on the floor where people will step on them. Please put the caps / lids back on the pens/markers when you're done with them. Don't waste paper. Pick up the toys. / Put the toys away. / tidy up. Have you done your chores? (chores - постоянные обязанности ребенка по дому). Time to clean up. To sit cross legged. Let's see you draw a circle. Can you draw a picture? What does «dog» start with? «D...» is for dog. Colour this picture for me. Colour within the lines. / Stay within the lines (when a child is learning to color in a colouring book). How many trees can you see in this picture? That's a great colouring job. That's not so good. You went too quickly. Take your time next time. (If your child comes to you with a paper full of scribbles:) That's interesting. What is it about? or What did you draw here? Tell me about this picture. (When the child is uncooperative:) Don't mark your clothes with the magic markers. You tore that picture again, didn't you? You've been tearing pages out of that book, haven't you? Now what did I tell you about that? Why did you tear up that piece of paper? Now you have to pick up all the pieces off the floor. (Some typical instructions in preschool workbooks:) Circle the one object in each row that does not belong. Colour in red all the objects that are usually coloured red. Draw a line from each object on the left to the object on the right that goes with it. Find three differences between these two pictures. Circle each group that has exactly eight objects in it. How many triangles can you find in this picture? Do you want to swing? Let's go on the swings! Shall I push you? You can touch the sky! (The child is swinging very high.) Do you want to go down the slide? Let's make a sand castle. Wrap up; it's cold out there. Want to play outside? Want to play in the garden? Let's go and play in the park. Did you get dizzy on the round about? Let's all help pick up the toys. Let's all just get along. (Adult says this to a group of children that were fighting.) Now, isn't it more fun to play together? This has the tone of a friendly scolding. Why are you always picking fights? I'm going to tell. (A child saying, I'm going to inform a grownup of what you just did.) Don't be a tell-tale, (ябеда; don't always be reporting to grownups what other children are doing that might be wrong); He's not sharing. / He wouldn't let me play with his toy. That's not fair! You cheated! (Врешь!) You have to learn to stand up for yourself, (постоять за себя), Don't be rough. Don't kick. Don't step on his toes. Don't hit him. She doesn't want to be held like that. No bullying. Don't pull her hair. Pulling hair isn't nice. It hurts people. Don't trip her. Stop punching each other.

Представление няни: Janet is going to take care of you tonight. Mummy and Daddy are going out tonight and they can't take you along. When you're in Janet's house, you need to follow her rules. Don't interfere while Janet is telling Tommy off.

Поведение (manners and discipline)

timeout (the child is sent to a specified place like a comer or bathroom for a period of time which is usually one minute for each year of age for toddlers, as a punishment or with the idea of calming down and thinking over what they've been doing wrong), go and stand in the corner, to talk back (when a child argues aggressively, or is cheeky with a parent when being disciplined, instead of obeying or listening)

Don't interrupt! Don't bother me while I'm on the phone. Don't call people names. No whispering. Say please. I expect you to behave nicely while you're visiting your friend. Tell John you're sorry you hit him. Are you going to apologize? You don't sound very sorry. Say it like you mean it. That was not a nice thing to do. You need to share your toys with your sister. You need


Н. М. Родина, Е. Ю. Протасова. «Методика обучения дошкольников иностранному языку: учебное


to take turns playing with that. He had that toy first. This toy doesn't belong to you. Don't stick your fingers in someone else's eyes. You could hurt them. Don't step on my feet. Put your hand over your mouth when you cough/ sneeze. Don't cough in someone else's face. If you threw out all those blocks, you need to pick them up. Please don't leave toys in the hall; people might trip on them. I know you don't like her shirt, but it's not nice to tell her that. Lucy can't help it that she doesn't have a mother/father.

Don't talk about it around her. You can't do that until you've tidied up your other toys.

Praise, encouragement, compliments: Well done. That's very good, (for younger children) Great job. Good job. Nice job. (for older children) That's a girl. That's a boy. Atta girl. Atta boy. (Atta is a slang way of saying That's a) I'm so proud of you. You've done really well! You were great. What a neat outfit! (you're dressed nicely) You're the best. You're my everything. My treasure! You're tops! What a champ!

Reassurance: There, there,
(said over and over, for example while you're holding a young child and patting them gently to reassure them.) Upsadaisy (said while helping a child back up after a fall or tumble, or also lifting them out of a crib, etc) What happened? What's the matter? Why are you crying? Is something wrong? Is something bothering you? Is there something you want to talk about? Do you have anything to tell me? You can talk to me about anything. Don't worry. Mummy's right here. It's all over now. It's okay. You're fine. Everything's fine. There's no need to worry. Mummy and Daddy won't let anything bad happen to you. We're right in the next room. There's nothing to be scared of. It was just a nightmare. Nightmares aren't real. They're like playing pretend. Everyone has nightmares. Mummy and Daddy have them sometimes too. I know it must have been scary, but it's all over now. Are you feeling better now? Do you want me to stay here for a while? What did he/she do to you? (Usually referring to a playmate that was being too rough.) There's nothing wrong with crying, (when the child is being overly fearful:) Don't be a sissy / scaredy-cat.

Displeasure: What are you doing? Stop doing that. What have you been up to here? Maybe you need to think about this a bit. We need to discuss this. This is not acceptable. I thought you were a big boy/girl now. Stop giving me a hard time. Could you cooperate a little? We don't have time for games like this. We don't do things like that in this house. Good/Polite boys don't do/say things like that! Did you do that on purpose? (you did something wrong, but was it intentional or by accident) It was by accident! (The child defends himself, saying that it wasn't intentional.) Tell me what really happened. Was that a nice thing to do? I'm disappointed in your behavior. You are part of a family, and you can't think only about yourself. I don't want to hear your stories. / Don't invent excuses or tell lies. It's a final decision. Don't argue with me about this. No more discussion, you're going to bed now. Don't argue with me. Stop playing games. Stop clowning around. Stop messing around. / Stop wasting time, we need to get going. Settle down / Stop making too much noise, running in the house, etc. Could you keep it down? / Could you make less noise? I'm going to count to three, and if you don't have the toys picked up by then... Stop making excuses and start cleaning up. No more of your stories. Why? Because I said so. You don't need another reason. You do as I say. You know that when I say it's bedtime, I'm not going to change my mind. If I say something, don't go to your father and expect him to say something different. That's not the tone of voice to use with your mother. You don't talk like that to Mommy! Don't raise your voice at me! Don't talk to me in that tone of voice! Don't raise your voice at me! Shut up! That's a rude way to speak! Be quiet! / Hush! You don't have to shout; I'm not deaf. What on earth are you doing? Don't do that! Don't act like that! Stop acting like that! Stop acting up! That's no way to behave! That was a very rude thing to do/say! Do it right away, or else... That's it! That's the limit! I've just about had it with you! You've crossed the line. Don't lie to me/ to your mother! Don't tell lies! If I catch you doing that again, I'll be very upset with you. We're not going to stand for this type of behavior. I don't care who started it. /It doesn't matter who started it! Don't interfere. You


Н. М. Родина, Е. Ю. Протасова. «Методика обучения дошкольников иностранному языку: учебное


had it coming to you. (you kept doing something wrong until you finally caused something bad to happen.) You deserved that. Now you know what it feels like. How many times do I have to tell you? You're being obnoxious. I told you over and over again not to do that! You've made such a big mess. You're in timeout. Go and stand in the comer. Enough! / Stop it! / Cut it out! / Knock it off! / Stop what you're doing at once! Don't talk back to me! / Don't say no when I say yes. Your behavior has been awful/horrible. What a disgrace!

(bathroom, bath time, washing, hygiene)

potty; wee / wee wees /pee /peep ее / number one (urine), poo / number two (solid excrement), to potty/ toilet train a child/ to teach a child to use a potty or toilet, to pass gas flatulence / to fart, bottom / the part people sit on / bum; snot (козюля), Yuck!/ How rude!/ You are disgusting!; yucky / disgusting, loo / toilet, toilet paper / loo roll, tissues / kleenex (disposable paper used for wiping the nose), towel rail (the bar you hang towels on), bath, shower, bathmat, washcloth i face cloth / flannel (small towel for cleaning the face)

Do you need to go to the loo? I have to pee./ I need to pee. I need to poo. I need to go to the toilet, loo or lavatory. I need to use the toilet. Don't unroll the toilet paper. Don't use too much toilet paper. To flush the toilet. Don't put anything but toilet paper in the toilet! Don't pick your nose. / Don't stick your fingers in your nose! If you don't flush the loo after using it, it will start to stink. Wipe your bottom. Your hands are sticky. Please don't touch the furniture with sticky hands. Wash them immediately! Don't drink from other people's cups, you'll catch their germs. Don't put your fingers into that food. You have to wash your hands with soap after you poo. Poo has lots of germs that could make you sick. You need to wash your hair or it will start to smell. If you stay in that bathtub any longer, you'll shrivel up into a prune. Don't tread mud all over the house. What a mess you've made! Look at the mess you've made! Look at this mess! Your clothes are filthy! (filthy dirty)

На транспорте (on the go, transportation)

car seat / child scfety seat; booster seat; seat belt / scfety belt; buckle Let's go for a walk. Let's go for a ride. Buckle yourself in. / Buckle up! / Fasten your seat belt in the car! Get in your seat. Don't touch the gear stick. Don't unbuckle your seat belt while we're driving. Look at the car wheels turning. The car wheels go round and round. Look at that car over there. It's coming towards us. Can you see the duck swimming in the river? Did you hear that dog barking? What do donkeys say? Donkeys say 'hee-haw'. The dog goes 'woof. Do you see the duck? See that duck over there? Look at that horse there. And there's another horse! Do you see it too? Yes, that's also a horse.

Traffic safety: Don't cross the street without looking both ways. Always look both ways before crossing the street. Never cross the street without looking to make sure no cars are coming. Wait for the green man before you cross the street. Remember, some cars don't stop for red lights. You always have to be careful.

В городе (shopping, restaurants)

We can't eat the food until we pay for it. Don't grab anything. Don't touch; that's not ours. Please don't knock down all those cans! Don't mn around here; we're not at home. This isn't a playground; we can't make a lot of noise here. Please don't yell. We agreed that you wouldn't ask for anything in the store. What happened to that promise you made to me? Did you forget all about it? Stop asking me to buy things for you. I'm not going to. I told you that already. Don't grab things in the store. They don't belong to us. Don't touch anything here. This is a shop. These things aren't ours. «Mommy, can you buy me a real helicopter?» - «You're dreaming./ Dream on.»

Убрана (doctors, hospitals)

sore throat, ear ir flection, cold, to catch a cold, the flu, pink-eye (conjunctivitis), contagious, viral if. flection, bacterial ir flection, checkup (It's time for your 3-year checkup - when a child turns

  1. ), chicken pox, bronchitis, vaccinations/shots: polio, tetanus, whooping cough, meningitis (HIE), diphtheria, MMR (measles, mumps & rubella), meningitis C, hepatitis B, nebulizer treatment,


Н. М. Родина, Е. Ю. Протасова. «Методика обучения дошкольников иностранному языку: учебное


otoscope, stethoscope, blood pressure cijf plaster or sticking plaster / small bandage for a minor cut, cast or plaster cast (put around part of broken limb to help it heal), crutches, wheel-chair, broken leg, sprained ankle.

You need to get a shot / an injection to vaccinate against polio, etc. It won't hurt very much. You were so good! You were great! You were so brave! You need to stay home today. You need to rest. You need to stay in bed. I'm sorry it's boring. It will heal soon. Come on, be brave/ be a brave boy/girl. Is he allergic to any medication? Does he have any allergies? He looks very pale. He hasn't been very active. She seems listless. She has a glazed-eye look. She's not herself today. / She's sick / in a bad mood.

Проклятия (cuss words)

Oh, shoot/sugar/rats/drat (shit), darn it (damn it), heck (hell: What the heck! We had a heck of a time. What the heck are you doing?)


Н. М. Родина, Е. Ю. Протасова. «Методика обучения дошкольников иностранному языку: учебное


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