Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «углубленное изучение английского языка»

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ТипУчебно-методический комплекс
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Quiz (What does economics study?)

Variant I

  1. Экономика (как отрасль) -

  2. Высокая инфляция –

  3. Распределять ресурсы –

  4. Жильё –

  5. Пространство и благоприятная возможность –

  6. Обмен, компромисс –

  1. Иметь дело с –

  2. Семейный бюджет –

  3. Собирать данные –

  4. Создавать экономические модели –

  1. Продолжительность жизни -

Variant II

  1. Экономика (как наука) –

  2. Безработица –

  3. Принимать решения –

  4. Спрос, запрос –

  5. Отопление –

  6. Иметь влияние на –

  1. Домашнее хозяйство –

  2. Управлять бизнесом –

  3. Формулировать теории –

  4. Экономический рост –

  5. Прожиточный минимум -

Grammar test (Articles)

Task. Insert the necessary article.

1. _____ Pacific Ocean is _____ largest body of water on _____ Earth.

2. You can find _____ books you'll need for class at _____ Amazon.com.

3. She's thinking about attending _____ English course during _____ summer. She might go to _____ school in _____ England.

4. Meridith remembered to turn off _____ lights before she left _____ apartment.

5. They refused to listen to _____ Tim because they thought he was _____ overbearing person.

6. I enjoy listening to _____ number of programs on _____ radio.

7. He telephoned _____ agent that was listed in _____ telephone directory.

8. John felt _____ painting was much too expensive and decided to look for _____ different one.

9. One of _____ students has committed _____ crime. No one will leave the classroom until _____ guilty student admits his or her _____ guilt.

10. Our friends bought _____ new van that they took on their holiday to _____ Yosemite National Park.
Модуль 3.
Spelling/quiz (Economic thought)
Variant I

Translate from English into Russian

  1. estate, usage and law

  2. firm profits

  3. a wealthy country

  4. ability to produce goods

  5. medieval times

  6. raw materials

Translate from Russian into English

  1. потребители

  2. экономическая мысль

  3. влиять на мысль (размышление)

  4. покупка и продажа товаров

  5. себестоимость производства

  6. недостаток дешёвых товаров

Variant II

Translate from English into Russian

  1. the value of goods

  2. skillful and clever ways to manage household

  3. the importance of trade

  4. wealth (being rich)

  5. merchants

  6. division of labour

Translate from Russian into English

  1. зависеть от закона

  2. спрос и предложение

  3. владеть драгоценными


  1. потребители

  2. избыток дорогих товаров

  3. торговля между странами

Grammar Test (Plural. Possessive case)

Task I. Give the following nouns in Plural.

A pen, a tip, a seed, a knife, a roof, a bush, a match, a page, a loaf, a rose, an army, a day, a city, a bench, a ship, a sheep, a baby, an ox, a woman, a mouse, a sister-in-law, a handkerchief, forget-me-not, a restroom.
Task II. Re-write the following word-combinations using Possessive Case.

The book of the boy, the purse of the woman, the toys of the children, the room of my brother, the papers of the students, the brush of his aunt.
Модуль 4.

Spelling/quiz (Market structure and competition)

Translate from English into Russian

    1. market structure

    2. price takers

    3. perfect competition

    4. to affect prices

    5. competing companies

    6. to satisfy the needs

    7. perfect and complete information

    8. barriers to new companies

    9. to stay in the market

    10. increase in demand

Translate from Russian into English

    1. чистая монополия

    2. иметь контроль над ценами

    3. небольшая доля на рынке

    4. одинаковые товары и услуги

    5. не допускать к торговле

    6. иметь доступ к технологиям и ресурсам

    7. закон спроса и предложения

    8. покрывать расходы

    9. выйти на рынок

    10. взвинчивать цены

Grammar Test (Pronouns)

Task I. Fill in the blanks with personal pronouns.

Model: I see a girl, I see her.

1.I see a teacher, I see ________. 2. Please, read this letter, read ______. 3. I know the boy, I know ____. 4. I’m glad to meet both Tom and Ann, I’m glad to meet ______. 5. Give me the books, please, give ______ to me. 6. I don’t like Ann’s brother, I don’t like _____. 7. This task was given to you and me, it was given to _____. 8. I left my umbrella at home, I left ____. 9. I often run into my neighbor in the morning, I run into ____. 10. On occasions the Browns have a walk in the city parks, they have a walk in ____.
Task II. Re-word the following sentences. Pat attention to the indefinite article before nouns in the singular.

Model: He is my cousin. – He is a cousin of mine.

1.She is their relative. 2. He’s her friend. 3. We are your former students. 4. She is his niece. 5. I am your colleague. 6. They are her children. 7. She is our neighbor. 8. He is her ex-boss. 9. I am his student. 10. It’s her office.
Task III. Choose the right variant of the pronouns.

1.They may be (our, ours) dictionaries. 2. He hasn’t read a line of (your, yours). How can he criticize (your, yours) poems? 3. His composition is much more interesting than (your, yours) or (my, mine). 4. (Their, theirs) knowledge of the subject is not much superior to (our, ours). 5. I’m afraid they will take (her, hers) advice not (your, yours). 6. All (our, ours) clothes were extremely dirty, and (my, mine) especially so. 7. Will you help me to sort out things? I can’t tell which are (your, yours) and which are (my, mine). 8. This is (your, yours) notebook. But where is (my, mine)? 9. She makes all (her, hers) clothes herself. 10. He patted Jess heartily on (her, hers) shoulder.
Task IV. Translate the sentences.

1.Машина нашего дяди стоит в гараже, а наша – во дворе. 2. Этот чемодан не мой, а их. 3. Её родители живут в центре города, а его – на окраине. 4. Я знаю, кто дал вам мой адрес. Я этого ожидал от них. 5. Это моё мнение, вижу, оно сильно отличается от твоего. 6.Она протянула (put out) руку и взяла платок со стола. 7. После того, что произошло, мы не можем верить его словам. 8. Результата показали, что наш план был более правильным, чем их. 9. Я предпочитаю Крым Кавказу, из-за его более сухого климата. 10. Этот автомобиль небольшой, но мотор у него относительно мощный. 11. Где твоя фотография? – Она в альбоме.
Task V. Insert the right form of a reflexive pronoun.

1.He shaves __________ every other day. 2. Go and wash ________________. 3. She washed quickly ___________ and went to prepare breakfast. 4. Behave __________________! 5. He corrected the mistakes _______________. 6. He thinks too much of __________________. 7. We want to repair the bike __________________. 8. I want to know more about you. Tell me about _________________. 9. Did they make the costumes ________________? 10. She likes to do the flat ______________.
Модуль 5.

Spelling/quiz (Monopolies)

Translate from English into Russian

    1. a big share

    2. perfect competition

    3. variable costs of production

    4. aggressive ways to create a monopoly

    5. to be created by law

    6. to become a price maker

Translate from Russian into English

    1. вертикальное поглощение

    2. государственная монополия

    3. деньги для создания компании

    4. конкурентоспособный рынок

Grammar test (Adjectives and Adverbs)

1. This house is fantastically expensive. We expected it to be _____ .

a. more cheaper b. much cheaper c. much cheap

2. He is very loud he should behave _______ .

a. more quietly b. quieter c. more quiet

3. He was driving at a hundred miles an hour, he should have driven ______ .

a. slower b. much slow c. more slowly

4. Can you walk _______ ?

a. a bit faster b. more fastly c. little faster

5. He did _____ in his driving test - ________ than we expected.

a. bad … worse b. very badly …. Worse c. badly … worser

6. Will you give me ____ information on delivery arrangements?

a. farther b. further c. more further
7. His English is _____ than mine.

a. worst b. more worse c. a bit worse

8. Tom works long hours so he looks ____ than really is.

a. far older b. much elder c. little old

  1. I bought _________ edition of today’s paper. No copies were left.

a. the latest b. the least c. the last

11. It`s a rule: . . . . . . . the hotel, . . . . . . . . the service.

a. more expensive … the best b. the expensiver … much better c. the more expensive … the better

12. Nobody could swim __________.

a. faster as him b. as fast as he could c. as faster as him

13. The local people appeared to be __________ we thought.

a. more friendly than b. most friendly than c. friendlier as

14. He was __________man I ever met in my life.

a. the most clever b. the cleverest c. a clever

15. Jack’s doing well at school. He is ________than his sister.

a. the best b. as good as c. better
Модуль 6.

Spelling/quiz (The labour market)

Translate from English into Russian

    1. the relationship between employers and workers

    2. to afford buying services

    3. to get the maximum utility

    4. to increase output

    5. to take on more staff

    6. to obey the laws of supply and demand

Translate from Russian into English

    1. более высокие зарплаты

    2. изменения в спросе

    3. общее уменьшение в спросе на рабочую силу

    4. производительность труда

    5. платить меньше за работу

    6. нанимать новых работников

Grammar Test (Numerals. Prepositions.)

Task I. Write the ordinal and cardinal numbers in full.















The first

Task II. Write the missing prepositions of time: in / at / on

1. I went to a party ….. New Year's Eve.

2. I'm going on holiday ….. August.

3. The banks open ….. 9am.

4. I moved to London ….. 1987.

5. The meeting is ….. Monday.

6. I'll call you ….. half past ten.

7. The concert is ….. 24 September.

8. My garden looks lovely ….. spring.

9. I had a party ….. my birthday.

10. I was born ….. 1968.
Task III. Give the right verb preposition.

1. My friend is good ________ playing volleyball.

2. She complains ______ bullying.

3. They are afraid _______ losing the match.

4. She doesn't feel ________ working on the computer.

5. We are looking forward ______ going out at the weekend.

6. Laura dreams ______ living on a small island.

7. Andrew apologized ____ being late.

8. Do you agree ______ staying in a foreign country?

9. The girls insisted _________ going out with Kerry.

10. Edward thinks ______ climbing trees this afternoon.

Модуль 7.

Spelling/quiz (Supply of labour)

Translate from English into Russian

  1. to make money

  2. the right balance between work time and leisure time

  3. natural limits

  4. to bring down the number of working hours

  5. income effect

  6. substitution effect

Translate from Russian into English

  1. нуждаться в компенсации

  2. высокая заработная плата

  3. издержки упущенных возможностей

  4. привлекать больше работников

  5. дополнительная рабочая сила

  6. удваивать производительность
1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11


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