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Янгиров В.И., Болгов В.Н., Семенов С.А.

Камская государственная инженерно-экономическая академия

Набережные Челны, Россия

На сегодняшний день всемирная сеть Интернет прочно вписалась в жизнь и деятельность абсолютно всех сфер и слоев населения, в том числе и образования, в частности, высшей школы. Стоит отметить, что использование этого новшества преобладает среди обучающихся, нежели преподавателей. В связи с этим именно в преподавании необходимы нововведения, связанные с современными информационными технологиями, т.к. внедрение их в использование обучающимися уже прошло. Однако, необходимо его использовать в правильном направлении [1].

Специалисты з разных видов спорта активно используют Интернет и пополняют Интернет-ресурсы, посвященные тому или иному виду спорта. Стоит отметить, что использование всемирной глобальной сети среди студентов очень велико. На сегодняшний день количественный процент студентов, использующих Интернет в тех или иных целях, составляет более 95% [4].

Однако использование всемирной сети в преподавании физической культуры на данный момент практически отсутствует. Зачастую преподаватель не может ответить на тот или иной вопрос студента по определенному виду спорта. Имеют место также ситуации, когда мнение преподавателя не столько авторитетно для обучающегося. В данном случае необходимо прибегать к новым формам передачи знаний [2].

На сегодняшний день в Интернете существует очень много сайтов, на которых можно получить обширную информацию о том или ином виде спорта. Однако качество подаваемой информации везде разное и утверждать, что абсолютно вся информация, расположенная в Интернете, пойдет на пользу студенту нельзя [3].

Таким образом, необходимо выделить определенный круг Интернет-ресурсов, как информационных, так и консультационных, рекомендованных для использования в сфере преподавания физической культуры.

Нами была проведена работа по анализу существующих веб-сайтов и описанию достоинств и недостатков того или иного ресурса. Принцип анализа был построен на делении видов спорта, которые присутствуют в учебно-методическом комплексе преподавания физической культуры. Ознакомиться с результатами можно в таблице 1.

Таблица 1

Сайты, рекомендованные к использованию в преподавании

Название сайта

Адрес в Интернете

Наличие необходимой информации

Легкая атлетика

Легкая атлетика – Runners.ru


Оперативные новости легкой атлетики, результаты соревнований, статьи по методике тренировок, фото- и видеогалерея.

Полноценный форум, с возможностью общения на темы: тренировка, соревнования, спортсмены, травмы, тренеры, фармакология, экипировка и др.

Возможность консультирования у ряда мастеров спорта международного класса по разным вопросам.

Официальный сайт федерации легкой атлетики


Новости легкой атлетики, классификационные нормативы, нормативы выполнения званий, статистика профессиональных спортсменов, составы сборной России по легкой атлетике.


Баскетбол. Slamdunk.ru – здесь живет баскетбол


Новости российского и мирового баскетбола, календарь и статистика чемпионатов, мультимедиа (фото- и видеоматериалы), справочная литература (история, правила, тренировки).

Для общения предусмотрены блоги и форум на темы: тренировки, баскетбольный стиль, где поиграть.

Российская федерация баскетбола


Последние новости сборных России по баскетболу, структура РФБ, составы сборных команд России, нормативные документы (регламент соревнований и т.д.), медиаматериалы.


Спортивная гимнастика

http://www. sportgymn.net.ru

Новости спортивной гимнастики, специализированные и общефизические статьи, гимнасты и гимнастки, фото, видео, видеоучебник.

Обширный форум с возможностью общения на темы: тренировки и обучения элементам спортивной гимнастики, профилактика травм, теория спортивной гимнастики, спортивная аэробика, спортивная акробатика.

Федерация спортивной гимнастики России

http://www. sportgymrus.ru

Новости федерации спортивной гимнастики России, официальные документы (устав, правила), календарь и результаты соревнований, составы сборных команд России, детский спорт.

Лыжный спорт

Официальный сайт журнала «Лыжный спорт»


Последние новости лыжного спорта, статьи для начинающих и профессионалов, протоколы соревнований, фотографии.

Крупнейший форум о лыжных гонках, с возможностью общения на темы: тренировки, фармакология, профилактика травм, места катания.

На сайте собрана информация по сходным видам спорта: биатлон, лыжероллеры, бег, велогонки, триатлон, спортивное ориентирование, горные лыжи.

Федерация лыжных гонок России


Новости лыжных гонок России, официальные документы (правила, положения, отчеты), история лыжного спорта, результаты, рейтинг, фотогалерея.


Всероссийская федерация волейбола


Информация федерации волейбола, новости волейбола, составы сборных команд по волейболу, информация о всех волейбольных клубах России, календарь и результаты российских и международных соревнований, пляжный волейбол, видео, медиа.

Волей Сервис

http://www. volleyservice.ru

Последние новости из мира волейбола, расписание и результаты матчей, статистика команд и игроков.

Форум с возможностью общения на темы: мужской волейбол, женский волейбол, я и волейбол, мужская и женская команды России по волейболу.


Футбольный тренер

http://www. footballtrainer.ru

Крупнейший сайт по тренировке начинающих и профессиональных футболистов. Методика и планирование, конспекты тренировок, технические приемы, физическая подготовка, тактика и психология футбола, питание, восстановление.

Форум с возможностью консультирования у профессиональных тренеров.

Футбольный гуру


Виртуальное поле для общения на темы футбола. Статьи об истории футбола, отдельных личностях. Обзоры прошедших футбольных событий, интересные факты.

Форум с возможностью общения на разные футбольные темы.


Всероссийская федерация плавания


Новости плавания, информация о федерации и нормативные документы, история плавания, виды, классификация, положения о присвоении квалификационных разрядов, сборная команда России, календарь и результаты соревнований, теория и практика, фото и видео.



Последние новости плавания, календарь и результаты соревнований, рейтинг.

Форум с возможностью общения на темы: тренерская, техника плавания, техническая подготовка, силовая подготовка, спортивное питание, медкабинет.

Анализ состояния информации о разных видах спорта в Интернете позволил отобрать наиболее нужные с точки зрения преподавания физической культуры.

Использование данных сайтов рекомендуется включить в программу по преподаванию физической культуры, как в качестве информационных, так и в качестве консультационных, т.к. большинство из предложенных интернет-ресурсов имеют возможность общения.

Также рекомендуется намеренно стимулировать студентов к изучению дополнительной информации с помощью вышеуказанных веб-сайтов. Это способствует более полному ознакомлению и осмысленному изучению определенного вида спорта.

В качестве итога использования веб-сайтов в преподавании и обучении студентов предполагается более профессиональная подготовка обучающихся по вышеуказанным видам спорта, осмысленное выполнение тренировочных заданий. Данный подход также является стимулированием к внеплановым спортивным занятиям студентов.


  1. Хоменко, И. Использование интернета в образовательном процессе / И. Хоменко // Интернет – это интересная педагогика : в диалоге с семьей. – СПбГДТЮ. – 2004. – № 24. – С.13-19.

  2. Мануйлов, В.Г. Введение в технологию разработки педагогических мультимедийных мастер-шаблонов / В.Г. Мануйлов // Информатика и образование. – 2001. – № 2. – С. 70-77.

  3. Абасов, З. Подготовка учителей к работе в инновационной среде / З. Абасов // Высшее образование в России. – 2002. – № 6. – С. 151-155.

  4. Федеральная служба государственной статистики [Электронный ресурс] // Население. – Режим доступа : www.gks.ru.

The significance of the physical aspects of sports and exercise in preventive and therapy treatments

Prof. Dr. med. Kilian Mehl

Klinik Wollmarshöhe

Bodnegg, Germany

General effects

The significance of the positive somatic effects of adequate physical exercise has been sufficiently examined and is generally well-known and accepted by both society and the field of medicine.

Although often not properly executed, sports activities have taken a position of high priority, especially in the so-called affluent society. However, this does not imply that this applies to the vast majority of the population. From a global perspective, the fraction of people who regularly engage in sports is still quite small.

Furthermore, it is notable that even in general-care hospitals, scientific knowledge about the positive psychological and physical effects resulting from the regular practice of sports and exercise is barely applied. In general medical care, it is still rare for sports and exercise to be used by adequately instructed personnel and in appropriately equipped facilities.

Yet in our so-called modern society, the majority of patients have illnesses caused by lack of exercise (hypokinetic diseases). Diseases of the circulatory system, the musculoskeletal system and supporting tissue, and obesity are equally common among the illnesses of modern civilization.

But that is not the issue here. Correctly executed sports have at least an equally significant effect on the human psyche as they do on the body. The deciding factor here is how sports are practiced, and that is why we will be looking at this aspect initially.

Our sports activities can be both performance-oriented and competitive, as well as a type of endurance training, in which emphasis is placed on the slow and “enjoyable” strengthening process. The most important aspect of these physical activities, such as jogging, is that the body stays in an aerobic mode. That is, the body is in the state of being able to supply the muscle with the necessary oxygen for burning by breathing only. In this case, glycogen – the sugar stored in the muscles – is initially consumed and then additional fat is burned. Fat is the primary energy source and can only be burned when combined with oxygen. This process continues for hours after exercising. It has been sufficiently determined that this causes an improvement in both the immune system, thereby reducing the occurrence of infectious diseases (Hirzel, 1986), as well as a reduction in circulatory system-related diseases. Many positive physical effects have been documented in various studies.

For this purpose, “aerobic” sports, which are based on endurance and physical-psychological well-being, are most suitable for achieving these positive effects. This is not intended to devalue competitive athletes, but in competitive sports, emphasis is placed on a completely different challenge and motivation, which is not as suitable for physical health and psychological well-being in the long term.

As much as 20 years ago, research was conducted to determine whether joggers were less psychologically unstable (Zentner, 1982). Numerous follow-up studies examined the psychological effects of correctly executed endurance sports.

First, it should be mentioned that body, mind and soul are inseparably interconnected and that important interactions exist. So it is no surprise, and actually very understandable, that we can impact personal development and psyche through physical activity.

First, let's look at a few body-mind-soul phenomena to this effect.


Many psychiatric disorders are based on sleeping disorders. Sleep has both physical and psychological components. It is a psychophysiological process. Sleep is vital to the revitalization of both mind and soul, and productivity. People with sleeping disorders are irritable and unable to concentrate. Along with limits to productivity, they often lead to the abuse of recreational substances and sleeping aids. People with sleeping disorders use alcohol for its sleep-inducing effects, or abuse sleeping aids such as hypnotics, tranquilizers or sedatives. Those are soporific and depressant substances that affect the central nervous system and are even dangerous when used for extended periods. Many studies have proven that aerobic physical activity reduces so-called REM sleep (REM = rapid eye movement). REM sleep characterizes the more wakeful sleep cycle, or the sleep-dream cycle. Conversely, the absence of eye movement is a sign of the deep sleep cycle. Deep sleep cycles are increased by physical exercise (Walker, 1978; Torsvall, 1984). Aerobic exercise is a good method for getting sufficient sleep naturally without the aid of chemicals.


Performance-oriented societies breed particularly high levels of unhealthy stress. The term unhealthy stress refers to physical or emotional performance demands that we as humans aren’t capable of meeting. This is called distress. It is important to distinguish between “healthy stress" and “unhealthy stress”. Physical and emotional challenges to humans are not always unhealthy. A high level of challenge to body, mind and soul is actually beneficial to humans and their health, as long as it is manageable. If it isn’t manageable in the long term, the body goes into a permanent state of “metabolic alertness” which leads to illness. In stress situations, adrenaline and noradrenaline hormones are released into the bloodstream. This puts our organs, including the brain, into a state of high performance. The heart, the lungs, the musculoskeletal system and the brain work faster and more powerfully. This is intended to prepare the human system for maximum performance. In a state of distress (in contrast to eustress), this condition is maintained over a long period of time and causes organic and mental illness. This results in illnesses such as the abovementioned sleeplessness, anxiety, high blood pressure, and finally, psychophysical depressive exhaustion. Various scientific examinations prove that endurance sports relieve the state of metabolic alertness by reducing the corresponding chemical and physical occurrences (Krag, 1981; Gillem, 1984; Berger, 1984).


Endurance sports activities can be practiced to the point of creating a feeling of physical and mental equilibrium, or an “inner peace”. Recently, the concept of meditative movement has begun to circulate. This can achieve a form of equilibrium and tranquillity that is similar to that of Far Eastern forms of meditation. In modern performance-based societies, the term “burnout” is particularly commonplace. Colloquially, this refers to psychophysical exhaustion caused largely by professional requirements. Therefore, especially in corporate healthcare management, effective sports activities should be regularly encouraged as a preventive measure and become an inherent part of an integrative program.

Self-image and self-efficacy

Let’s talk about a few more easily recognizable effects which are particularly significant to health-maintaining preventive measures. People have an image of themselves. We refer to it as self-image or self-esteem. Many people have deficits in this area, particularly due to the high demands of society, and in many cases even feelings of inferiority.

The practice of sports generates a positive body awareness which corresponds with a positive self-perception. Training and the associated increase in performance, especially for beginners, conveys to people that they are capable of making positive changes to and for themselves as individuals. They themselves have the control to achieve personal mastery. We refer to this feeling as the feeling of self-efficacy. This feeling correlates with many aspects of everyday life, and the strengthening thereof also strengthens the basic emotional competencies. With the increasing self-confidence and growing self-awareness which are obtained through physical exercise, all other life problems can be managed. The resulting growth in ability optimism transfers to all behaviour in general.

Depression, anxiety and fear

Similar effects can be used in the treatment of depression, anxiety and fear. People suffering from depression often believe that they are incapable, they are worthless, and they are to blame for everything. They lapse into inactivity, partly to avoid failure. By beginning a well-managed and structured sports and exercise therapy, depressed individuals can gain experiences that reassure them of their worth, show them that change is possible, that things can bet better, and that they can come out of this low period. This insight comes by engaging in suitable sports and exercise therapy and is transferable to other life problems (Crombach, 1977). In a similar way, anxiety and fear are treatable through sports therapy. In America, a psychiatrist was noted in the media because he had his patients get on a treadmill during their therapy sessions. This is quite likely an effective way of getting media attention, and although it is absolutely correct to maintain that sports and exercise are very useful therapy components for depression, anxiety and fear, it must be stated explicitly that unhealthy people require very careful and professional programs. It is not difficult to imagine that a severely depressed person may be quickly overwhelmed and consequently confronted with feelings of their own insufficiency again. This could drive them even deeper into their depression.

In other words, sports and exercise therapy, particularly as a part of a psychotherapeutic concept, must never be overwhelming and result in a therapeutic failure. This would certainly be malpractice.

Professional instruction and coaching

But sports and exercise, when properly executed, do not have only general, non-specific mechanisms of action. They are focused specifically on the disease or the problem and used not only in psychotherapy, but also in education. To do this effectively, specific scientific criteria must be fulfilled.

Treating specific disorders with a specific method assumes the existence of an application schema and a goal. Also, unwanted side effects must be known and avoided. This usually requires a therapist or trainer who understands their profession.

At our clinic (www.wollmarshoehe.de), sports and exercise therapy is applied usefully. It is embedded in an integrative psychophysical treatment program with a variety of measures. Sports and exercise therapy is used to expose the patient to specific behaviour, in order to be applied to achieving behavioural modification. Of course these behavioural therapeutic impulses are not only effective for people suffering from disease, but can also help anyone achieve inner growth and personal mastery. The boundaries between unhealthy and healthy are not clearly defined and all people function according to the same principles. Therefore the effects apply to both preventive healthcare and education. For therapeutic purposes, it is particularly important to use sports and exercise in a specific and professional manner. But how are the mechanisms of action achieved, and what specific psychotherapeutic applications are suitable for sports and exercise therapy?

A general explanation of the positive psychophysical activation of the human body through sports and exercise is not sufficient to adequately explain the effects and possibilities of sports and exercise-therapeutic measures.

The psychotropic, i.e., the psychologically stimulating factors have been known for a long time. The topic here is the endorphin and catecholamine effect.

Physical activity leads to an increase of endorphins and catecholamines in the body. Endorphins are proteins that are produced by the body and have an effect similar to that of morphine. They are produced only if an athlete, such as a marathon runner, is attempting unhealthy, extreme, excessive physical demands. Runners refer to this mental state as the “runner’s high”. The endorphins put the runner into a euphoric state similar to intoxication, caused by unusual (very rarely necessary) long-term extreme strain. In health-oriented or therapeutic sports this does not occur, or should not occur.

However, the production of catecholamines, such as adrenaline, noradrenaline, and dopamine, does occur and has a direct depression-relieving effect. Body, mind and soul are united and thoughts and feelings are based on physical and chemical processes. Norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin are all neurotransmitters, or messengers in the brain. They are metabolic products made of catecholamines. The alleviation of depression symptoms can be explained by an increase in the neurotransmitters, among other things.

Personal development

Specific impulses within personal development or in sports and exercise therapy are primarily based on experiential learning and belong to the family of experience-based therapies or behavioural therapies.

First is the intention, or the conscious decision to exercise. This includes transforming the wish to engage in exercise into actual activity. The exercising patient learns to move from a “victim mentality” into independent empowerment. They take responsibility for their own health and forward movement. In the process, they learn that they can impact their situation themselves. The decision to exercise initially implies the will to do something for themselves and to become pro-active. This kind of “rethinking” is called cognitive restructuring. (It is better to act than to be acted upon). The subsequent realization brought on by physical training, that this way of thinking, with all the psychological and physical effects, is constructive and beneficial, can be applied to all facets of their lives.

But that’s not all. Because health-promoting sports can best be learned in groups, the interactional effects come into play along with personal experience. This is partly due to learning from others (imitation) and also due to the refinement of social competencies within a group, such as forming support systems within groups, compliance with agreements, making commitments, and encouraging one another or being supportive. From examples set by others, the participant learns what is constructive and what is destructive.

Based on clinical observation, there is often an initial fear of sports and exercise. There is a fear of not keeping up with the others, fear of failure, or a fear of embarrassment. So it is particularly important in the clinical setting that sports is not practiced competitively or in a performance-oriented way against others, but instead in a fundamental atmosphere of cooperation, in which every individual can achieve their goal and all participants are winners. By achieving their goal, the patient receives the desired positive feeling of accomplishment. They achieve something they considered to be impossible. It is important to reflect on the principles of such aspects in discussion and to transfer the experience to other difficulties and hurdles in their life or the patient’s specific problem. In this way, the athlete not only learns to deal with fear instead of avoiding it, but as a result thereof, is also rewarded and develops a sense of self-efficacy and an optimistic view of their abilities in other facets of their life. This type of learning in behavioural therapy is referred to as operant reinforcement. Although usually based on thought patterns in cognitive behavioural therapy, by adding a body-mind-soul exercise, as required by experience-based sports, it takes on another dimension.

People suffering from depression find the proper use of sports and exercise particularly helpful for interrupting the flow of destructive thoughts. The principle of interrupting these thoughts, which we also know from behavioural therapy, can be very effectively substantiated by sports therapy with a kind of meditative approach.

Finally, the relaxing effect of sports should be emphasized once again. With some relaxation methods, such as the progressive muscle relaxation according to Jacobson, we take advantage of the fact that a muscle relaxes after being especially tense. Certain muscle groups are tensed in such a way that the subsequent relaxation sensation can be observed with concentration and can be conditioned. The same mechanism is used during physical exercise. The increased tension in the muscles while exercising facilitates physical and emotional amplitude and the ability to oscillate between tension and relaxation.

By observing these examples, we can see how effectively and specifically sports and exercise can be used in the professional therapy of patients.

It wasn’t long ago that sports and exercise were commonly seen as an activity that was only beneficial to the body, or were declared to be purely recreational. Now, in an ever-increasing way, sports and exercise are gaining significance as an integral effective instrument.

I come from the clinical sector, and we use sports and exercise at our clinic as a therapeutic instrument. This means that in the early morning hours, patients, under supervision, begin with their exercise programs. This includes early sports groups, meditative walking groups, and gymnastic groups, and also specific training on fitness equipment. Emphasis is placed not only on the physical aspects, but also on the psychotherapeutic.

Sports are an indispensible part of the practice of medicine, psychotherapy, preventive measures and corporate health management.

In summary, this doesn’t mean that sports and exercise must always be seen as therapeutic. Quite the opposite is true. Scientific knowledge based on clinical observation can be expanded and must include broad-based integral health education and preventive measures. This will require another shift in the way society thinks. Not only the physical but also the psychological aspects of sports and exercise are extremely well-suited for an integral preventive health program for humans, and should also be systematically integrated into corporate health management and in the educational promotion in schools and universities. The scientific test criteria have long since been fulfilled and the applicability of a specific approach to achieve psychological effects is a reality. The well documented behavioural therapeutic principles are enough on their own to make sports and exercise a widely practiced, experience-based, constructive instrument, to help people as individuals, consisting of body, mind and soul, to obtain their personal mastery to the greatest extent possible.


  1. Berger, Bonnie G. (1984). Running Away From Anxiety And Depression. In Michael L. Sachs & Gary W. Buffone (Hrsg.), Running As Therapy (S. 138-171). Lincoln: Univ. Nebraska Press.

  2. Crombach, G. (1977). Verhaltenstherapie bei einer chronifizierten endogenen Depression. Der Nervenarzt, 48, 651-655.

  3. Gillem, Angela R. (1984). The Effects Of Running On The Response To Stress. Diss. Abstr. Intern., 48 (4-B), 1284.

  4. Hirzel, Gerhard (1986). Fitness für jeden – Mit Spaß und Freude zu mehr Bewegung (IFT-Materialien 6). München: Röttger.

  5. Krag, Werner (1981). Jogging. Psychologie Heute, 8 (8), 35ff.

  6. Torsvall, Lars; Akerstedt, Torbjörn & Lindbeck, Göran (1984). Effects On Sleep Stages And EEG Power Density Of Different Degrees Of Exercise In Fit Subjects. Eletroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol., 57 (4), 347-353.

  7. Walker, J. M.; Floyd, T.; Fein, G.; Cavness, C.; Lualhati, R. & Feinberg, I. (1978). Effects Of Exercise On Sleep. Appl. Physiol., 44, 949 ff.

  8. Zentner, Rod W. (1982), Psychological Effects Of A Running Program. Diss. Abstr. Intern., 42 (8-A), 3452

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Пленарное заседание iconПленарное заседание
Ядровская Е. Р. (Санкт-Петербург). Интерпретационная деятельность читателя-школьника

Пленарное заседание iconВсероссийская Конференция «Современное образование: задачи и решения»
Пленарное заседание: Эффективный контракт как инструмент управления ресурсами образовательной организации

Пленарное заседание icon19. 01. 2010 14. 00-17. 00 пленарное заседание + работа в группах(17. 00-18. 00)
Татьяна. В процессе работы наша группа я буду стараться, конечно, резко, тезисно. Но все равно придется разворачивать

Пленарное заседание iconМониторинг сообщений сми об Общественной палате РФ с 1 апреля по 30 апреля 2010 года
Пленарное заседание по теме: "Институты гражданского общества как фундамент модернизации и технологического развития экономики России"...

Пленарное заседание iconIndustry 4u дата проведения: 13 июля, 2013 11: 00 – 13: 00 пленарное...
Темы панельной дискуссии: Инвестиции в образовательные программы, основные тренды образовательных инициатив в мире, управление интеллектуальным...

Пленарное заседание iconПлан работы конференции 24 апреля 2014: Пленарное заседание «Актуальные...
Направления: экономическая безопасность; автоматизированные системы управления технологическими процессами; системный подход к обеспечению...

Пленарное заседание iconВ перми состоялось заседание
В минувшйи четверг, 22 июня состоялось заседание межведомственной комиссии по снижению напряженности на рынке труда. В ее задачи...

Пленарное заседание iconЗаседание открыто в 15 часов 00 минут «16» октябрь 2014 г. Заседание...
Президиума Экспертного совета с участием работодателей для экспертизы учебно-методических комплексов, формируемых в образовательных...

Пленарное заседание iconМ. Б. Денисенко : Коллеги, пока аппаратура настраивается, я думаю,...
Кроме того, присутствуют члены экспертной группы, в том числе профессор Коровкин это один из ведущих специалистов в области рынков...

Пленарное заседание iconПроект долгосрочного прогноза научно-технологического развития Российской...
Проект долгосрочного прогноза научно-технологического развития Российской Федерации (до 2025 года) был представлен его разработчиками...

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