Методическая разработка: «использование различных видов фонетической зарядки на уроках английского языка». Разработала Кагриманян А. А. Учитель английского языка мбоу «сош №15»

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НазваниеМетодическая разработка: «использование различных видов фонетической зарядки на уроках английского языка». Разработала Кагриманян А. А. Учитель английского языка мбоу «сош №15»
ТипМетодическая разработка
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Фонетическая зарядка. Разучивание стихотворения “RobinBobin”.

Meet a guest. His name is Robin-Bobin. (Появляется толстая кукла.) Is he slim or fat? Does Robin like sport? Does Robin like to eat a lot?

  • Our doctor wants to learn a poem by heart. The title of this poem is

“Robin - Bobin”. Listen to the doctor, please. Listen to the recording of this poem. (Дети прослушивают стихотворение с опорой на иллюстрации и сюжетные картинки к каждой строчке)

Robin - Bobin

Robin-Bobin, what a man!

He eats as much as no one can.

He eats a lot of fish, he eats a lot of meat.

He eats a lot of ice - cream and a sweet.

He eats a lot of porridge and ten eggs

And all the cookies Mother has.

He drink a lot of juice, he eats a cake

Then says: “I have a stomach-ache.”

  • Listen to the poem again. (Дети прослушивают стихотворение еще раз

с опорой на текст, вынесенный на доску.)

  • What is the translation of this poem?

  • Фонетическая отработка. Let’s start by drilling sounds to recite this

poem well. Meet Mr Tongue. Listen to the way he says them.

Учитель рассказывает фонетические сказки про мистера Язычка и тренирует детей в изолированном произнесении звуков.

У Mr. Tongue есть собачка, она рычит не так, как наши собачки. У нее язычок застревает на бугорочках и получается: [r] – Robin, porridge, cream, drink.

Mr. Tongue плачет: [i:] – eats, meat, sweet, cream.

Mr. Tongue хлопает половички на горках (бугорочках): [d - t] - eat, lot, sweet, ten, stomach, and.

Наступает ночь и Mr. Tongue тушит свечку: [w – w - w] – what, sweet.

Добрая пчелка, которая прилетела к Mr. Tongue, жужжит так: [z- z - z] – eggs, cookies, says, has.

У злой пчелки язычок застревает между зубками и получается: then, mother.

Mr. Tongue играет в мячик и получается: – juice, porridge.

Mr. Tongue зовет гостей в гости и звонит в колокольчик: [ŋ – ŋ - ŋ] – drink.

  • What words with these sounds do you know? Детям предлагается найти

слова в тексте, в которых есть эти звуки.

  • Стихотворение интонационно оформляется.

  • Каждая строчка повторяется за учителем.

  • Учитель демонстрирует иллюстрацию, дети зачитывают строчку

стихотворения, соответствующую ей.

  • Now it’s your time to recite this poem. Read one by one, sentence by sentence.

  • Who wants to read the entire poem? Follow her/ his reading and notice mistakes.

  • Who is the next to read?

  • Look! Some words are missing. (Некоторые слова закрываются картинками, которые семантизируют их, или стираются с доски.) You have to read it again.

(Учитель реагирует на ответы детей: I’m pleased with the reading. We all like to hear you. You do it very well. Fine. Very well. That’s a good reading. Be careful about reading of this sentence. Common mistakes of yours are … I’m happy to say you had no errors. You are mistakes. Did anyone notice any mistakes?)

  • Прочтение стихотворения отдельными учениками и его оценивание.

Вместе с детьми учитель определяет критерии, по которым можно оценить прочтение стихотворения. Критерии могут быть следующими: правильное произношение, правильное интонирование, выразительность. Данные критерии записываются на доске. При оценивании прочтения текста 1-ым учеником берется во внимание только один критерий. Другого ученика оценивают уже по следующему критерию. Самооценка предшествует оценке другими детьми и учителем. На доске - рисунок елочки, на которую «вывешиваются» игрушки. Уровень расположения веточек соответствует уровню ответа. fine

very well

well so – so

so so


  1. Фонетическая зарядка

- Покажите мне свой язычок. Его зовут Й. Он живет в домике, в котором есть потолок, пол, стены. (Дети трогают части домика). Давайте послушаем сказку о нашем язычке и произнесем все звуки, которые услышите в этой сказке.

Язычок по имени [j] живет в удобном теплом доме, во рту своего хозяина. В доме есть две стены, пол, потолок и коридор. Язычок любит тепло, поэтому в доме у него две двери: наружная — губы и внутренняя — зубы.

Язычок спит на полу — там ему удобнее. У язычка есть любимое место, где он любит играть. Это потолок домика — бугорки за верхними зубами (альвеолы). Там он играет в разные звуки [d], [t], [n], [1], [s], [z]. Живет язычок поживает, наружу не выходит, боится простуды.

Однажды ночью разыгралась непогода, подул сильный ветер [u:], зашумели деревья, и полил дождь. Язычок проснулся и стал прислушиваться к звукам снаружи. Сначала он услышал, как ухает сова на дереве [u] и как совсем близко пробежал, отфыркиваясь, ежик [f,v]. Какая-то неизвестная птица все время повторяла [٨]. Где-то вдали замычала корова [m], зарычала собака [г] и загоготали гуси [g]. Под окном язычка, сердито переговариваясь, торопились в укрытие два жука [з], [dз]. Язычок спал и тихо дышал [h]. Во сне он слышал, как стучит дождь по крыше [р].

А наутро от бури не осталось и следа. Выглянуло солнышко, запели птички, зажужжали мухи [∂]. Язычок проснулся, выгнул спинку, как кошка [ŋ], и ему захотелось пойти погулять. Он приоткрыл наружную дверь и сначала высунул только кончик, а потом, осмелев, выбежал из дома и побежал к пруду. Язычок развеселился и стал кидать в пруд камешки [b], а потом решил искупаться. Вода была очень холодная, но язычок обо всем забыл и просидел в пруду долго-долго, пока не замерз [θ].

Вернувшись в домик, язычок понял, что простудился. Он захлопнул наружную дверь [w] и быстро лег в постель. У него разболелось горло, начался кашель [k], поднялась температура, и он несколько раз чихнул [t∫]. Язычок лежал и до прихода доктора тихо стонал. Сначала так — [ə], а потом протяжнее — [ə:].

Наконец, пришел доктор, покачал толовой, удивился, когда узнал про купание [о:] и велел язычку сказать [а:]. Но у него получилось что-то совсем другое: странное [е], потом [i], и, наконец, [i:]. Доктор остался недоволен, и тогда язычок очень постарался и у него получилось только [о]. Пришлось доктору дать язычку горькое лекарство. Язычок проглотил невкусную таблетку и сказал [æ]. Вскоре он уснул, и ему приснился чудесный сон. К нему в гости пришли веселых гномов. Они хотели познакомиться и поиграть во что-нибудь интересное. Старший гном, приложив палец к губам, сказал: «Он спит, не будем ему мешать [∫]». А самый маленький гном сказал: «Мы же ему снимся, значит, мы ему не мешаем». И тогда каждый гном подошёл к язьгчку, вежливо поздоровался и представился. Так они познакомились и дружились — язычок [j] и восемь гномов [еi], [аi], [oi], [оu], [аu], [uə], [iə], и [зə]. Язычок познакомился с каждым гномиком. Потом они весело играли, и на прощание язычок попросил почаще приходить к нему в гости во сне.

. Фонетическая зарядка

- Пинги и Робби пришли не одни с ними пришла девочка. - Hello! I`m Pat. This is my friend. His name is Tim. What`s your name? (Дети, встав в круг, называют свои имена). Сегодня мы с вами поиграем нашими любимыми игрушками. А поможет нам как всегда наш любимый язычок. Живёт он в тёплом домике за двумя дверями и очень любит играть на потолочке. А мы с Тимом любим играть в игрушки. Любимым домашним питомцем у Пэт является a cat и её маленький a kitten.

- Что купила Пэт для своего a cat? (a bag, a hat)

Повторение фонетических упражнений на согласные:

«Храбрый мышонок»

- Её a cat любит играть с a mouse. А mouse очень храбрый и, пробегая мимо a cat, a mouse издаёт звук [t], [t], [t]


- У Пэт также есть a goose, который, когда хочет есть, издаёт звук [g], [g], [g]

«Собака, которой жарко»

- Во дворе у Пэт живёт весёлый а dog. Он любит бегать, но после долгой пробежки тяжело дышит, издавая звук [æ], [æ], [æ]


- За домом Пэт есть сад, где растёт много flowers, над которыми летают жуки и пчёлы, и жужжат [dз], [dз], [dз]

«Речные камешки»

- Иногда Пэт ходит прогуляться на речку и, сидя на берегу, кидает камешки в воду, издавая звук [b], [b], [b]


- Однажды на речке Пэт застал дождик. Она спряталась под зонтик, и дождик барабанил по зонтику звук [р], [р], [р]

«Пэт заболела»

- После такой прогулки Пэт заболела и начала кашлять, у неё получался звук [k], [k], [k]

- Что же нужно сделать, чтобы не заболеть, как это получилось у Пэт?

Времена года.

The windows are blue at night.
But in the morning they are white.
And snowflakes are falling
Come out they are calling.
Get out of bed and take your sled
This cold and frosty day.
The sun is bright, the snow is right
For outdoor winter day.
New Year
Come, children, gather round my knee,
Something is about to be.
Tonight’s December thirty-first,
Something is about to burst.
Hark, it’s midnight, children dear,
Huck, here comes another year!
New Year
A happy New Year!
The day is so clear,
The snow is so white,
The sky is so bright, We shout with all our might:
“A happy New Year!”
My Wish
A happy New Year for me,
A happy New Year for you,
A happy New Year for everyone!
That’s what I wish – I do!It’s Snowing
It’s snowing, It’s snowing.
What a lot of snow!
Let us make some snowballs
We all like to throw.
It’s snowing, it’s snowing.
Let us sledge and ski!
When I’m dashing downhill
Clear the way for me!
In winter-time
When the days are chill,
A robin sits on my window-sill.
I putout bread
For him to eat,
And cake-crumbs too
As a little treat.
He picks them up
So prettily,
Then sings a “Thank you”
Song for me.
This is the season
When mornings are dark,
And birds do not sing
In the forests and park.

This is the season
When children ski
And Father Frost brings
The New Year Tree!
New Year.
New things to learn, new friends to meet.
New songs to sing, new books to read.
New things to see, new things to hear.
New things to do in this New Year!
New Year Day
New Year Day, happy day!
We are all glad and very gay.
We all dance and sing and say:
“Welcome! Welcome! New Year Day!”
Winter months.
Chill December brings the sleet,
Blazing fire and Christmas treat.
January brings the snow,
Makes our feet and fingers glow.
February brings the rain,
Thaws the frozen lake again.

I’m a little snowman, short and fat.
Here is my broomstick, here is my hat.
When the jolly sunshine comes to stay
Then I slowly melt away!
New Year Tree.
Oh, New Year Tree, Oh, New Year Tree,
Who we love to see you!
We’ll make some trimmings just for you
Of red and gold and green and blue.
Oh, New Year Tree, Oh, New Year Tree,
Who we love to see you!
Christmas Tree.
Oh, Christmas Tree, Oh, Christmas Tree
You give us so much pleasure.
You do not fade with winter snow.
You bloom with lights when cold wind blow.
Oh, Christmas Tree, Oh, Christmas Tree
You give us so much pleasure.

On the ice.
Slide, slide, the ice is strong.
Quickly, quickly slide along!
Slide along and don’t be slow,
In the cold your face will glow!
The north wind blow.
The north wind doth blow,
And we shall have snow,
And what will poor robin do then,
Poor thing?
He'll sit in a barn,
And keep himself warm,
And hide his head under his wing, poor thing.

Christmas is coming.
Christmas is coming the goose are getting fat.
Please, to put a penny
In old man’s hat.
If you haven’t got a penny,
A ha’penny will do.
If you haven’t got a ha’penny,
Then God bless you.

Must be Santa.
1. Who’s got the beard that’s long and white?
Santa’s got the beard that’s long and white.
Who comes around on a special night?
Santa comes around on a special night.

Special night, beard that’s white –
Must be Santa, must be Santa,
Must be Santa, Santa Claus.

2. Who’s got boots and suit of red?
Santa’s got boots and suit of red?
Who wears a long cap on his head?
Santa wears a long cap on his head?

Cap on head, suit of red,
Special night, beard that’s white –
Must be Santa, must be Santa,
Must be Santa, Santa Claus

3. Who’s got a great big cherry nose?
Santa’s got a great big cherry nose?
Who laughs this way, “Ho, ho, ho”?
Santa laughs this way, “Ho, ho, ho”?

Ho, ho, ho, cherry nose,
Cap on head, suit of red,
Special night, beard that’s white –
Must be Santa, must be Santa,
Must be Santa, Santa Claus.
Jingle bells
Dashing through the snow,
In a one-horse open sleigh,
O’er fields we go, laughing all the way.
Bells on bobtail ring, making spirit bright,
What fun it is to ride and sing
The sleighing song tonight!

Jingle bells, jingle bells,
Jingle all the way.
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one-horse open sleigh!
So softy came the snowflakes down
That no one heard in all the town.
And right-side up they landed too,
As parachuting elves would do.
So when the morning came – surprise!
The world lay white before your eyes.
With cotton roof and hills a-blur
And avenues of rabbit fur
Snowflakes floating and drifting down,
They cover ev’rything in our town.
They float and drift, and drift and float,
And then settle down on the ground.
The snowflakes are falling
By one’s and by two’s.
There is snow on my coat
And snow on my shoes.

There is snow on the plants
And snow on the trees.
And snowflakes all around me
Like many white bees!
It’s getting near to Christmas
So let’s help Santa pack!
And all the toys for girls and boys
Into his great big sack.

Soldiers are you ready?
Then march round one, two, three!
What lovely Christmas presents
We know you’re going to be!
I am a fairy doll on the Christmas tree.
Boys and girls come and look at me!
Look at me, see what I can do.
Then all of you can do it too!
Snowman, run!
Snow, snow, snowman grow.
Oh, the sun – snowman, run!
A Snowman.
I’m a little snowman white and fat.
Here is my pipe and here is my hat.
I’ve got buttons one, two, three.
Will you count them all with me?

Don’t throw the snowballs at my hat
If you do I’ll turn around
And pick some snow up from the ground,
Make a ball or maybe two
And then throw snowballs back at you!

Rain, Wind and Snow.
Rain, rain, April rain!
Bring the flowers back again,
Yellow cowslip, violet blue,
Butter-cups and daisies too.

Wind, wind! Autumn wind!
He the leafy trees has thinned,
Loudly hear him roar and shout;
Bar the door and keep him out.

Snow, snow, pure white snow!
O'er the fields thy covering throw.
Cover up the seed so warm
Through the winter safe from harm.

Rain, wind, snow, all three,
Each in turn shall welcome be,
Each and all in turn are sent
On the earth with good intend.
Christmas eve.
“Oh! Oh! Oh! Look at the snow,
Over the garden way.
So deep and so white,
It has fallen all night;
We cannot go out to-day!”
Father Frost.
Father Frost, bring many toys
For little girls and little boys!
In winter when fields are white.
In winter, when the fields are white,
I sing this song for your delight.
In spring, when woods are getting green,
I'll try and tell you what I mean.
In summer, when the days are long,
Perhaps you'll understand the song.
In autumn, when the leaves are brown,
Take a pen and ink, and write it down.
We’ll go skate.
Come along with me and we’ll go skate.
Hurry now. Don’t be late!
Winter is snowy.
Winter is snowy, winter is frosty.
The ground is white all day and all night!
The months.

January brings the snow,
Makes our feet and fingers glows.
February brings the rains,
Thaws the frozen lake again.
March brings breezes sharp and chill,
Shakes the dancing daffodil.
April brings the primrose sweet,
Scatters daisies at our feet.
May brings flocks of pretty lambs,
Sporting round their fleecy dams.
June brings tulips, lilies, rose,
Fills the children’s hands with posies.
Hot July brings thunder-showers,
Apricots, and gilly-flowers.
August brings the sheaves of corn;
Then the harvest home is borne.
Warm September brings the fruit;
Sportsmen then begin to shoot.
Brown October brings the pheasant,
Then to gather nuts is pleasant.
Dull November brings the blast—
Hark! the leaves are whirling fast.
Cold December brings the sleet,
Blazing fire, and Christmas treat.
A good game.
So we’ll have a good game with Dandy,
Warm in the cosy house,
And then when the twilight gathers,
We’ll talk of old Santa Claus.
We’ll sit by the flames together,

And hear how they roar and sing,
And picture the old man coming,
And wonder what he will bring.
"We never shall hear his footsteps,
For the snow will hush their tread,
But he’ll come to us just as ever,
If the stockings are by the bed;
And he’ll bring us the prettiest presents,
Just as he used to do,
For he never forgets the children
As long as they trust him true!
It’s winter!
It’s winter, it’s winter,
Let us skate and ski!
It’s winter, it’s winter,
It’s great fun for me!
The snow is falling, the wind is blowing.
The ground is white all day and all night!
Skating, skating, skating, round and round we go
Over frosty ice and through the frosty snow.
Skating, skating, skating boys and girls so gay!
They like to skate together on a winter day


It’s autumn.
All the leaves are falling down,
Falling down, falling down.
Falling , falling to the ground
It is autumn!

As they fall they twirl around,
Twirl around, twirl around.
Twirling, swirling to the ground.
It is autumn.

Lots of colours touch the ground,
Touch the ground, touch the ground.
Red and yellow, green and brown.
It is autumn!
Warm September brings the fruit,
Sportsmen then begin to shoot.
October brings the pheasant,
Then to gather nuts is pleasant.
Dull November brings the blast,
Then the leaves are wiring fast.
Rain on the green grass,
Rain on the tree.
Rain on the house-top
But not on me!

Rain, rain, go away!
Come again another day!
This is a season when fruit is sweet,
This is a season when friends meet,
This is a season when leaves fall down
Red, orange, yellow, brown.
The song of seasons.
Sing the song of seasons!
Something bright in all.
Flowers in the summer,
Fires in the fall.

Mushrooms, dear, don’t be afraid,
Don’t just hide there in the shade.
Come and stand in the sun
So I pick you one by one.
Yellow, red and green and brown,
See, the little leaves come down.
Dancing, dancing in the breeze,
Falling, falling from the trees
Dance of the leaves.
First they dance upon the trees,
Then they float on the breeze.
Then they gaily blow around,
Now they’re sleeping on the ground.
About rain…
When the dew is on the grass
Rain will never come to pass.

A sunshiny shower
Won’t last half an hour.
Rain, Wind and Snow.
Rain, rain, April rain!
Bring the flowers back again,
Yellow cowslip, violet blue,
Butter-cups and daisies too.

Wind, wind! Autumn wind!
He the leafy trees has thinned,
Loudly hear him roar and shout;
Bar the door and keep him out.

Snow, snow, pure white snow!
O'er the fields thy covering throw.
Cover up the seed so warm
Through the winter safe from harm.

Rain, wind, snow, all three,
Each in turn shall welcome be,
Each and all in turn are sent
On the earth with good intend.

Rain, Rain.
Rain, rain,
Go to Spain
Fair weather
Come again.
Please remember.
Please to remember
The fifth of November,
Gunpowder, treason, and plot
I know no reason
Why gunpowder and treason
Should ever be forgot.
In September, last July.
One fine October morning
In September, last July
The moon lay thick upon the ground,
The snow shone in the sky.
The flowers were singing gaily
And the birds were in full bloom.
I went down to the cellar
To sweep the upstairs room.

This is the season.
This is the season
When vegetables grow.
I come to the garden
And make water flow.
Little rain drops.
Oh, where do you come from,
You little drops of rain,
Pitter- patter, pitter- patter,
Down the window-pane?
They won’t let me walk,
They won’t let me play,
And they won’t let me go
Out of doors at all to day.
They put away my playthings
Because I broke them all,
And then they locked up all my bricks,
And took away my ball.
Tell me little raindrops,
Is that the way you play ,
Pitter-patter, pitter-patter,
All the rainy day?
They say I’m very naughty,
But I’ve nothing else to do
But sit here at the window;
I should like to play with you.
The little raindrops cannot speak,

But pitter-patter pat
Means "We can play on this side:
Why can’t you play on that?"


Soap is green or red, or white,
Or blue, or black as inc.
But when you wash it is turn white,
It is so strange, I think.
Blue sea…
Blue sea, green tree.
Brown hand, yellow sand.
Rose red, grey head.
Snow white, black night.

Red and yellow, blue and green,
Blue and green, blue and green,
Red and yellow, blue and green,
Black and white and brown.

Orange, purple, pink and grey,
Pink and grey, pink and grey,
Orange, purple, pink and grey,
Black and white and brown.
Blue is the sea.
Blue is the sea,
Green is the grass,
White are the clouds
As they slowly pass.

Black are the crows,
Brown are the trees,
Red are the sails
Of a ship in the breeze.
I see green…
I see green, I see yellow,
I see that funny fellow.
I see white, I see black,
I see this and that and that.

I see pink, I see brown,
I stand up and I sit down,
I see red, I see blue,
I see you and you and you!
I see…
I see green, I see brown.
I stand up and I sit down.
I see red, I see blue,
I see you and you, and you!
The frog is green.
The frog is green, green, green
And so is the tree,
One, two, three, one, two, three.
Red, red, red the rose,
Blue, blue, blue the dress.
Grey, grey, grey the rat
And so is the cat!
What is green?
Please, tell me, what is green?
Grass is green, so long and clean.
“What is red?”, asked little Fred.
“The ball is red”, says his brother Ted.
What is grey? Can you say?
Yes, I can – the mouse is grey!
What is white? I want to know.
Milk is white and so is snow!
This is …
This is a big green frog,
This is a big white dog.
This is a big grey rat,
This is a big black cat.

Take a little bit of yellow.
Take a little bit of yellow
And a little bit of red,
Put it in the bowl
And what have you got instead?
We’ve got a colour we’ve never had before.
What have we got?
We’ve got orange!

We can mix lots of colours
All the colours you’ve ever seen.
We can mix lots of colours
Yellow and red make orange,
And yellow and blue make green.

Take a little bit of yellow
And a little bit of blue,
Put it in the bowl
And mix it up do.
We’ve got a colour we’ve never had before.
What have we got?
We’ve got green!

We can mix lots of colours
All the colours you’ve ever seen.
We can mix lots of colours
Yellow and red make orange,
And yellow and blue make green.
Small as a peanut.
Small as a peanut
Big as a giant
We're all the same size
When we turn off the light
Red, black or orange
Yellow or white
We all look the same
When we turn off the light
So maybe the way
To make everything right
Is for God to just reach out
And turn off the light!

Red and yellow, pink and green,
Orange and purple, and blue,
I can sing a rainbow,
Sing a rainbow,
Sing a rainbow too.
Red and yellow, pink and green,
Orange and purple, and blue,
I can see a rainbow,
See a rainbow,
See a rainbow too.
Come unto these yellow sands.
Come unto these yellow sands,
And then take hands:
Curtsied when you have, and kissed
The wild waves whist:
Foot it featly here and there,
And, sweet sprites, the burden bear.
Hark, hark! Bow-wow;
The watch dogs bark: bow-wow.
Hark, hark! I hear
The strain of strutting Chanticleer
Cry Cockadiddle-do.
Green Holly.
Birch and green holly, boys,
Birch and green holly,
If you get beaten, boys,
‘Twill be your own folly.

Paint box people.
Mrs red Fox went to bed
With a turban on her head.
Mrs white Cat had a fright
In the middle of the night;
Saw a ghost eating toast
Half way up a lamp post.
Mrs brown Bear went to town
With her knickers hanging down.
Mrs green Lizard saw the scene and put it in a magazine.

The bow that has no arrow.
Which is the bow that has no arrow?
The rainbow that never killed a sparrow.
Which is the singer that has but one song?
The cuckoo, who singeth it all day long.

When daisies pied and violets blue.
When daisies pied, and violets blue,
And cuckoo-buds of yellow hue:
And lady-smocks all silver white,
Do paint the meadow with delight,
The cuckoo then on every tree,
Mocks married men, for this sings he,
Cuckoo; cuckoo, cuckoo: O word of fear,
Appeasing to a married ear.
If you're wearing red today.
If you're wearing red today,
Red today, red today,
If you're wearing red today,
Stand up and say "Hoo-ray!"
Repeat: for other colors
A pencil-box.
I have many pencils:
Red and green and blue.
I’ll draw a picture
And give it to you!

I have many pencils.
I have many pencils,
Red and green and blue.
I shall draw a picture
And give it to you!

I have many pencils,
My brother has a pen.
We can draw on paper
Funny little man

Стихи о природе

Days in the Month
Thirty days has September,
April, June and November;
February has twenty-eight alone.
All the rest have thirty-one,
But leap year coming once in four
Gives February one day more.
About Weather
If bees stay at home,
Rain will soon come;
If they fly away,
Fine will be the day.
* * *

Evening red and morning grey,
Send the traveller on his way;
Evening grey and morning red,
Bring the rain upon his head.
* * *

When the dew is on the grass,
Rain will never come to pass.
A sunshiny shower
Won't last half an hour.

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