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Solovyeva Alevtina

Bitrth: 22.12.1981

Contacts: +79104034388,


2003-2008 – the centre for historical anthropology named in honor of Marc Bloch, Russian State University for the Humanities (Moscow, Russia).

Additional courses in Linguistics and Orient Studies: Institute of Linguistics, Institute of Oriental and Classical Studies (Russian State University for the Humanities).

2009-2011 – The Centre of Nomadic Cultures, Mongolian State University (МУИС, Ulan-Bator, Mongolia).

28.02.2013 – 25.05.2013 - DoRa 5 scholarship, visiting doctoral student in the Department of Estonian and Comparative Folklore, University of Tartu.

01.10.2013 – 31.03.2014 – DAAD scholarship (Immanuel Kant II - Programm), visiting researcher in the Department for Mongolian and Tibetan Studies (Abteilung für Mongolistik und Tibetstudien
Institut für Orient- und Asienwissenschaften (IOA)), University of Bonn.

PhD in philology, “Contemporary Forms of Ghost Storytelling in Mongolian traditions”, Russian Academy of Sciences (the Institute of world literature, ИМЛИ) (receiving in January 2018).
Job experience

2005-2009 – analyst of the RSUH Scientific Department.

2009- 2013 – freelance editor of « Oriental Literature» (Vostochnaya Literatura) Publishers.

2011-2012 – Editor of Portal for Modern Academic Literature on the Humanities BiblioRossica (Academic Studies Press project).

2008- till now – a researcher of the Centre for Typological and Semiotic Folklore Studies.

2010 - till now – a lecturer of the department of Chinese History and Philology, the department of the South and Central Asia History and Philology (Institute of Oriental and Classical Studies, RSUH); courses: “Folklore Traditions of Mongolia and Tibet”, “Comparative folklore”, “Folklore traditions of China”, “Written sources of Chinese culture”, “Chinese popular literature”, “Chinese folklore”.
Public lectures and courses

2016 – 2017

The Orient department, University of Tartu (Estonia) - “Introduction into the anthropological history of Mongolia”, “Contemporary fieldwork experience in China and Mongolia”, “Contemporary Mongolian Buddhism”, “The tradition of street altars in contemporary Macao”.

The Institute for the Study of Religion and Asian studies, University of Bern (Switzerland) - «Supernatural beliefs in contemporary Mongolia».

Department of Asian, African and Mediterranean Studies, L’Orientale”, University of Naples (Italia) – “An introduction to the historical and cultural anthropology of Mongolia”, “Mongolian mythology and folk beliefs in textual representations and ritual practices”, “Black and yellow faith in contemporary Mongolia”, “Ghost stories and ghost storytelling in contemporary Mongolia”.

Damdinsuren scholarship, Mongolia, Ulan-Bator, Mongolian State University, 2009.

“Mongol’skiye miphologicheskiye tradicii: areal’niy I sravnitel’no-tipologicheskiy rakursi” РГНФ - МинОКН Монголии, 2007, № 07-01-92070e/G "Монгольские мифологические традиции: ареальный и сравнительно-типологический ракурсы";

“Interpretatsionniye modeli fol’klorno-mifologicheskikh dialektov Mongolii” РГНФ - МинОКН Монголии, 2008, № 08-01-92070 e/G "Интерпретационные модели фольклорно-мифологических диалектов Монголии";

“Syuzhetno-motivniy ukazatel’ nizshey mifologii Sibiri i Mongolii” Грант президента РФ для государственной поддержки молодых российских ученых № МК-1849.2009.6, 2009, “Сюжетно-мотивный указатель низшей мифологии Сибири и Монголии”;

“Mifo-ritual’niye tradicii Sibiri i Mongolii: gipertekstoviy syuzhetno-motivniy ukazatel’” РФФИ, 2010-2012, № 10-06-00546 "Мифо-ритуальные традиции Сибири и Монголии: гипертекстовый сюжетно-мотивный указатель";

“Fol’klorniy text, mifologicheskaya kartina mira i ritual’no-magicheskiye praktiki v mongol’skikh ustnikh tradithiyah” РГНФ, 2012, № 12-04-18026 «Фольклорный текст, мифологическая картина мира и ритуально-магические практики в монгольских устных традициях».

“Obrazi personazhey aktual’noy mifologii v tekstakh sovremennoy kul’turi Kitaya i Mongolii” РГНФ, 2012, 12-04-00336 “Образы персонажей актуальной мифологии в текстах современной культуры Китая и Монголии”.

РГНФ, 2012, 13-04-18023 «Фольклорные диалекты Центральной Азии: монгольские народы».

“Mezhdistsiplinarnie podkhody i innovatsionniye metodi v fol’kloristike” Минобрнаука РФ. Организационно-техническое обеспечение проведения международной молодежной научной школы «Междисциплинарные подходы и инновационные методы в фольклористике». 2012.

“Metodologicheskie aspekti formirovaniya nauchnogo soobshchestva v gumanitarnikh distsiplinakh” Научно-исследовательские и научно-прикладные проекты РГГУ. Методологические аспекты формирования научного сообщества в гуманитарных дисциплинах. 2012-2013.

The ESF DoRa Programme – University of Tartu, the Department of Estonian and Comparative Folklore, 20.02-20.05.2013.

DAAD, the program “Immanuel Kant III”, University of Bonn, Abteilung fur Mongolistik und Tibetstudien, Institut fur Orient- und Asienwissenschaften (IOA), 01.10.2013-31.03.2014. «Mongolian Shamanistic Invocation Poetry».

The ESF DoRa+ Programme – University of Tartu, the Department of Estonian and Comparative Folklore, 2016 – till now.

Folklore and ethnographic expedition to the Karelia (Russian), headed by A. Toporkov, 2004-2007.

Russian-Mongolian expedition, headed by S. Neklyudov, 2007-2015.

“Mythology of contemporary Chinese city” - expedition in Chine 2012 (Beijing, Pingyao, Hoh-hot, headed by the author).

Mongolian urban mythology: individual field work research, 2009-2017.

Folklore and linguistic expeditions (Mongolia, Inner Mongolia, Buryatia) of the Centre for Typological and Semiotic Folklore Studies (an organiser and conductor of the fieldwork from 2009) - 2006-2018.


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