О. В. Иванова Английский язык в сфере профессиональных коммуникаций

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О.В. Иванова

Английский язык

в сфере профессиональных коммуникаций

(специальность – «Психология»)


«Intelligence. Emotions. Memory. Temperament».




О.В.Иванова – кандидат психологических наук

Рецензент: М.Н.Алексеева – кандидат филологических наук, доцент



советом РосНОУ


Модуль 1. «Hello! It’s me»

Модуль 2. «The Place I Live In»

Модуль 3. «Daily Life»

Модуль 4. «Leisure and Pleasure»

Модуль 5. «On the Move»

Модуль 6. «It’s a Small World»

Модуль 7. «The Body and the Soul»

Модуль 8. «Shopping and Eating out»

Модуль 9. «It’s a Fine Day, isn’t it»?

Модуль 10. «Several Important Themes of Psychology»

Модуль 11. «Social Psychology»

Модуль 12. «Infancy and Childhood»

Модуль 10

В предлагаемом модуле рассматриваются лексические темы «Several important themes of psychology» , «Testing for intelligence» , « The nature of emotion» , « Representation of knowledge in memory» , « Retrieval: Getting information out of memory», « Retrieval: Getting information out of memory», « Individual temperament», « Personality traits».В модуль включены тексты по данным темам,упражнения на усвоение лексики и содержания модуля, развитие различных видов речевой деятельности.

Для студентов Российского Нового Университета


БАЗОВОЕ СОДЕРЖАНИЕ МОДУЛЯ………….…………..............................................4


Several important themes of psychology…………….……………………………...............5


Testing for intelligence………………………………………………………………………7


The nature of emotion………………………………………………………………………..12

TEXT 4(A, B).

  1. Representation of knowledge in memory……………………….......................................15

  2. Retrieval: Getting information out of memory………………….......................................17


Individual temperament………………….…………………………………………………..19


Personality traits……………………………………..............................................................22


Understanding stress…………………………………………………………………………24

TEST ……………………………………………………………………………………….27





Intelligence. Emotions. Memory. Temperament.

Text I

Task1. Translate the following words.






Subjective imprint





We now introduce four important themes of psychology.

The first concerns the role of heredity and environment in jointly shaping behavior. In regard to nature versus nurture, research on learning has clearly and repeatedly demonstrated the enormous power of the environment and experience in shaping behavior. Indeed, many learning theorists once believed that all aspects of behavior could be explained in terms of environmental determinants. In recent decades, however, evidence on instinctive drift and conditioned taste aversion has shown that there are biological constraints on conditioning. Thus, even in explanations of learning —an area once dominated by nurture theories —we see again that heredity and environment jointly influence behavior.

The controversy about how children acquire language skills replays the nature versus nurture debate. The debate is far from settled, but the accumulating evidence suggests that language development depends on both nature and nurture, as more recent interactions theories of language acquisition have proposed.

The second pertinent theme is the empirical nature of psychology. For many decades, psychologists paid little attention to cognitive processes, because most of them assumed that thinking is too private to be studied scientifically. During the 1950s and 1960s, however, psychologists began to devise creative new ways to measure mental processes. These innovations fueled the cognitive revolution that put the psyche (the mind) back in psychology. Thus, once again, we see how empirical methods are the lifeblood of the scientific enterprise.

Third, the study of cognitive processes shows how there are both similarities and differences across cultures in behavior. On the one hand, we saw that thought processes are largely invariant in spite of sharp differences in cultures' linguistic heritage. On the other hand, there are cultural variations in cognitive style that reflect the ecological demands of one's environment. And, although the evidence does not support the strong version of the linguistic relativity hypothesis, a culture's language may make certain ways of thinking easier or more difficult. Thus, cognitive processes are moderated — albeit to a limited degree —by cultural factors.

The fourth theme is the subjective nature of human experience. The reconstructive nature of memory should explain people's tendency to view the world with a subjective slant. When you observe an event, you don't store an exact copy of the event in your memory. Instead, you store a rough, "bare bones" approximation of the event that may be reshaped as time goes by. With the passage of time, people tend to put more and more of a personal, subjective imprint on memories. You will see further that decision making is also a highly subjective process.

Dense interconnections exist between psychology and events in the world at large. The history of research on conditioning shows how progress in psychology can seep into every corner of society. For example, ‘Skinner’s ideas on the power of positive reinforcement have influenced patterns of discipline in our society. Research on operant conditioning has also affected management styles in the business world, leading to an increased emphasis on positive reinforcement. The fact that the principles of conditioning are routinely applied in homes, businesses, schools and factories clearly shows that psychology is not an ivory tower endeavor.
Task 2 Answer the following questions.

    1. Is human behavior influenced by heredity or by environment?

    2. What does language development depend on?

    3. When did psychologists turn to empirical methods for measuring mental processes?

    4. How do cultural factors influence thought processes?

    5. What explains the subjective nature of human experience?

    6. How is an image of the event in human memory changed with the passage of time?

    7. What aspects of psychology are applied in everyday life?

Task 3 Give your opinion on the subject.

What is more important for vocational success: heredity or nurture?

Task 4 Match the term with the definition.

        1. evidence a) knowledge got by study

        2. discipline b) seat of consciousness, thought and feeling

        3. nature c) a vocabulary and way of using it

        4. mind d) information tending to establish facts

        5. learning e) person's innate character

        6. language f) recollection of previous experience

g) mental or moral training

Text II

Task 1. Read the following words and find the definition.



intelligence quotient

overall score

person's performance




average performance


Task 2. Read the text. Make sure that you know all the words and words combination in the following text.


Psychologists have not reached a consensus on how best to define intelligence. Working definitions describe intelligence in terms of reasoning, problem solving, and dealing with environment. IQ tests measure some, but not all, of these aspects of intelligence. Let's look at the history of IQ tests.

In 1904 the French government appointed psychologist Alfred Binet to a commission charged with identifying, studying, and providing special educational programs for children who were not doing well in school. As a part of his work on the commission, Binet developed a set, or a battery, of intellectual test items that provided the model for today's intelligence tests. In creating his test, Binet assumed that intelligence is involved in many reasoning, thinking, and problem-solving activities. His tests included tasks such as unwrapping a piece of candy, repeating numbers or sentences from memory, and identifying familiar objects. Binet also assumed that children's abilities increase with age. About a decade after Binet published his test, Lewis Terman at Stanford University developed an English version known as the Stanford- Binet. Terman added items to measure the intelligence of adults and revised the method of scoring. Mental age was divided by chronological age, and the quotient was multiply by 100; the result was called the intelligence quotient, or IQ. Thus, a child whose mental age and chronological age were equal would have an IQ of 100, which is considered "average" intelligence. From this method of scoring came the term IQ test, a name of a widely used test designed to measure intelligence on an objective, standardized scale.

Nowadays in schools the Stanford-Binet and Wechsler tests are the roost popular individually administered intelligence tests. Both include subtests and provide scores for parts of the test as well as an overall score. Currently, a person's IQ score reflects how far that person's performance on the test deviates from the average performance by people in his or her age group.

IQ tests are reasonably reliable, and they do a good job of predicting academic success. However, IQ tests assess only some of the abilities that might be considered aspects of intelligence, and they may favor those most familiar with middle-class culture. Nonetheless, this familiarity is important for academic and occupational success.
Task 3 Work in pairs. First of all, write down and translate the unknown words from the text. Then ask your partner to translate them and visa versa. At least, it must be 10 words.
Task 4 Now look back at the text, and use the numbers and the underlined sections to help you to complete the notes below.

  1. … is the reasoning, problem solving, and dealing with environment.

  2. … includes tasks such as repeating numbers or sentences from memory and widely used test designed to measure intelligence on an objective, standardized scale.

  3. …was divided by chronological age, and the quotient was multiply by 100; the result was called … .

  4. A person whose mental age and chronological age were equal would have an IQ of 100, which is considered … .

  5. … reflects how far that person's performance on the test deviates from the average performance by people in his or her age group.

Task 5 What's your I.Q.? If you've never had an IQ test before, here's how IQ testing works: This IQ test contains 20 questions. Based on your answers, you'll receive an IQ score between 0 and 200. The average I.Q. is 100. Are you above average IQ, or below average IQ? Take the FREE * IQ TEST and test what your I.Q. is!

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