Учебное пособие по домашнему чтению для студентов II курса

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ТипУчебное пособие
1   2   3   4   5   6

'It was revolting,' I said to Anna-Luise. 'Your father must be mad.'

'It would be a lot less revolting if he were,' she said.

'You should have seen them scrambling for his presents - all except Mr Kips - he had to go to the lavatory first to vomit. Cold porridge hadn't agreed with him. Compared with the Toads I must admit your father did keep a kind of dignity — a devilish dignity. They were all very angry with me because I hadn't played their game. I was like an unfriendly audience. I suppose I held a mirror up to them, so that they became conscious of how badly they were behaving. Mrs Montgomery said that I should have been sent from the table as soon as I refused to eat the porridge. "Any of you could have done the same," your father said. "Then what would you have done with all the presents?" she asked. "Perhaps I would have doubled the stakes next time," he said.'

'Stakes? What did he mean? '

'I suppose he meant his bet on their greed against their humiliation.'

'What were the prizes?'

‘Mrs Montgomery had a fine emerald set in platinum with a kind of diamond crown above it as far as 1 could see.'

'And the men?'

Eighteen-carat gold watches – quartz watches with computers and all the works. All except poor Richard Deane. He had that photograph of himself in a pigskin frame which I saw in the shop. "You've only to sign it," Doctor Fischer told him, "to get any teenage girl you want." He walked out in a rage and I followed him. He said he was never going back. He said, "I don't need a photograph to get any girl I want," and he got into his Mercedes sports car.'

'He'll go back,' Anna-Luise said. 'That car was a present too. But you – you'll never go back, will you?'


'You promise?'

'I promise,' I said.

But death, I was to argue later, annuls promises. A promise is made to a living person. A dead person is already not the same as the one who was alive. Even love changes its character. Love ceases to be happiness. Love becomes a sense of intolerable loss.

'And you didn't laugh at them?'

'There was nothing to laugh at.'

'That must have disappointed him,' she said.

No further invitation came: we were left in peace and what a peace it was that winter, deep as the early snow that year and almost as quiet. Snow fell as I worked (it came down that year before November was out), while I translated letters from Spain and Latin America, and the silence of the settled snow outside the great tinted glass building was like the silence which lay happily between us at home – it was as if she were there with me on the other side of the office table just as she would be there in the late evening across another table as we played a last gin rummy before bed.
b) Find the following words and word combinations in the book and give their Russian equivalents:

  1. on cue

  2. to put up with sb/sth

  3. to contradict sb/sth

  4. to put sth to the vote

  5. to know where one stands

  6. in the spirit of

  7. hypocrisy

  8. to toast sb/sth

  9. coincidence

10. to qualify for sth

11. a helping (of sth)

12. edible, inedible

13. to agree/disagree with sb.

14. revolting
c). Use the above expressions in situations based on the book.
Exercise 2. a) Paraphrase:

1.The disagreeable manservant… opened the door. 2. There were five expensive cars lounging on the drive. 3. …tonight I didn’t want to spoil your palates for what’s coming. 4. I suppose she could no longer stomach herself
b) Translate into Russian:

1. The men wore dinner jackets… 2. I could feel the fumes of their hostility projected at me like tear-gas. 3. ‘They are a riot,’ Mrs. Montgomery said, ‘a riot.’ 4. ‘All we have to do is just to put up with his little whims,’ Mrs. Montgomery explained. 5. …and expectations are not taxable. 6. Albert was fastening a bib round Mrs. Montgomery’s neck. 7. They won’t take it amiss.
c) Comment or explain:

1.‘Jones,’ I said. ‘Doctor Fischer’s engaged.’ – ‘…You can’t. I left it at home.’ 2. She touched one with the tip of a finger like a child testing a Christmas stocking… 3. The only wound in action which he has ever received. 4. Expectations too are a form of wealth.
Exercise 3. Get ready to answer the questions:

  1. Why didn’t the manservant want to let Mr. Jones in? How did Mr. Jones make him do it? Why were the guests shocked when he came in?

  2. How did Dr. Fischer mock each of the Toads? Why did he do it in presence of a stranger?

  3. How did the Toads explain the rules of the game played at Dr. Fischer’s parties? What examples did they give to illustrate them?

  4. How did Dr. Fischer make the Toads obey him? Do you find his words and actions humiliating? Why?

  5. Why were the Toads irritated to have Mr. Jones as an observer? What explanations did they give? How did Dr. Fischer explain Mr. Jones’ presence at the party?

  6. What did Dr. Fischer treat his guests to? How was it served? What was their reaction to it? Why did Dr. Fischer insist that the Toads should have another helping of the dish he offered? What presents did they get?

  7. How did Dr. Fischer explain to Mr. Jones why he arranged his parties? Why did he compare his greed to that of God’s? How did he explain the essence of greed?

  8. What did Mr. Jones feel like during the party? Why didn’t he laugh at the Toads? Why didn’t he stand up and leave the party? Can you guess what Dr. Fischer thought of his son-in-law?


Exercise 4. a) Discuss the following:

1. Some people cannot stand to be humiliated. Others can go through it to achieve a certain purpose. Humiliation may be obvious (as in the case of Dr. Fischer and the Toads) or subtle. Many people are morally humiliated by their relatives or their superiors at work. Can you stand being humiliated if there is a purpose you want to achieve? What can be done if you feel morally humiliated by your superior at work? By your relatives?
2. Sometimes we find ourselves in a hostile company. You may wear the wrong clothes, or be an unwelcome guest, or just be an outsider. What will you do if you find yourself in this unpleasant situation (especially if you pursue some purpose and don’t want to leave at once)?
b) Write a paragraph on either problem.
Exercise 5. Translate into English. Check yourself by the key.

  1. “Жабы” считали, что ужин прошел в дружеской атмосфере, но Джонс нашел его отвратительным.

  2. Когда д-р Фишер говорил что-нибудь смешное, все смея­лись, как по команде.

  3. “Жабам” приходилось терпеть шутки д-ра Фишера из боязни лишиться подарка.

  4. По той же причине никто не осмеливался возражать хозяину.

  5. Джонс был поражен лицемерием “жаб”.

  6. Д-р Фишер заставил своих гостей есть овсянку. И хотя они считали ее совершенно несъедобной, им пришлось съесть еще по одной порции.

  7. Джонс отказался есть предложенную кашу, сказав, что у него от овсянки – несварение желудка.

  8. “Жабы” чувствовали, что Джонс не вписывается в их компанию. Без него они знали, что к чему (правила игры). Они сказали, что доктору Фишеру надо было поставить на голосование присутствие Джонса.
1   2   3   4   5   6


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