Учебное пособие по домашнему чтению для студентов II курса

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ТипУчебное пособие
1   2   3   4   5   6

b) Find the following words and word combinations in the book and give their Russian equivalents:

  1. to detest sb/sth

  2. leave alone

  3. to vary

  4. to take advantage of sth

  5. to rule sb with a whip and a carrot

  6. to reward, a reward

  7. for some reason

  8. a man in his fifties

  9. to keep one’s place

10. to commit a crime

11. to be around

12. to have an appointment

13. as far as sb. is concerned

14. to be concerned about sb/sth

15. to get on (with sb)

c) Use the above expressions in situations based on the book.
Exercise 2. a) Paraphrase:

1. …a toothpaste which was supposed to hold at bay the infections caused by eating too many of our chocolates. 2. When I cried off work at four o’clock on Thursday… 3. …And I planned to drink up a little courage before I took a taxi. 4. It would have saved you a journey to Geneva. 5. I didn’t get on at all.
b) Translate into Russian:

1. …his so-called friends who would always flock to him at a nod. 2. I was in hospital by then, but I heard All Clear from my bed. 3. …She was warm-hearted and intelligent. 4. …Our Father in Heavenhis will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. 5. “Ah, they are sworn to secrecy”, he said. 6. …a man… with a red moustache and hair that was beginning to lose its fire… 7. I added lamely
c) Comment or explain:

1. …Mrs. Montgomery was satisfactorily widowed… 2. They were very well lined themselves, but how they enjoyed the carrots. 3. “I have no tax problems,” I admitted. …I realized it was almost as though I had told her I dropped my h’s. 5. There was what the Swiss call a Pub Anglais not far from the rank, named, as you would expect, the Winston Churchill…
Exercise 3. Get ready to answer the questions:

  1. Who and what was Mr. Jones? What family did he come from? What did he do for his living? What was Mr. Jones’ daily routine? Where did he lose his hand? What was his marital status?

  2. How did Mr. Jones meet Anna-Luise? How does he describe her? Why did they fall in love with each other? How did they pass away their time? Why did they decide to get married?

  3. How did Dr. Fischer make his fortune? Why didn’t he like to be spoken to about teeth? What was he notorious for? What kind of rumours were there about his parties?

  4. Why wasn’t he concerned about his daughter’s whereabouts and her plans for the future? What kind of life did father and daughter lead?

  5. Why did Mr. Jones decide to meet Dr. Fischer? Why did he drop in at a pub before the visit? What did he learn after his first visit to Dr. Fischer’s?

  6. Who were the Toads? What did each of them do in Geneva? Why did Anna-Luise detest them? What did Mrs. Montgomery try to stress in her conversation with Mr. Jones?

  7. How did the meeting between Mr. Jones and Dr. Fischer go? What did Dr. Fischer try to show? What did Mr. Jones feel towards Dr. Fischer?


Exercise 4. a) Discuss the following:

1. Why do men marry women who are much younger (older) than they are? Why do women marry men who are much older (younger) than they are? Is it possible for you to marry somebody much older (younger) than you are? (Support your viewpoint.) What problems arise in the families where the spouses have a considerable difference in age? What are the problems of the spouses who are of the same age?
2. Why do many people either stare at a physically (mentally) challenged person or, on the contrary, avert their eyes? Can you ask a physically challenged person about his/her deformity or problem? Why? What kind of help do physically challenged people need?
b) Write a paragraph on either problem.
Exercise 5. Translate into English. Check yourself by the key.

  1. Альфред Джонс встретил Анну-Луизу в небольшом ресторанчике. Он был не очень общительным человеком, поэтому воспользовался возможностью занять место за пустым столиком.

  2. Джонсу было лет пятьдесят с небольшим. По какой-то непонятной причине он и Анна-Луиза сразу полюбили друг друга, хотя у них была большая разница в возрасте.

  3. Джонс и Анна-Луиза прекрасно ладили друг с другом. Что касается Джoнса, то он считал, что Анна-Луиза – это награда, данная ему Богом.

  4. Хотя Джонс презирал доктора Фишера, он считал, что необходимо известить его о своем намерении жениться на его дочери.

  5. В душе Джонс считал, что совершает преступление, позволяя такой молодой девушке выйти замуж за пожилого инвалида.

  6. Но сам доктор Фишер не очень-то волновался о своей дочери.

  7. Доктор Фишер был известен своими приемами. Анна-Луиза рассказала, что у него нет друзей – только подлизы (она называла их “жабы”), которыми он управлял при помощи кнута и пряника.

  8. В конце каждого приема “жабы” получали подарки, которые менялись от одного приема к другому.

Unit 2

Cross-cultural commentary

  • A week or two later we were married at the Mairie… – The marriage was registered at the town-hall.

  • Doctor Fischer requests the pleasure of the company of… at 8.30 p.m. RSVP.’ – “RSVP” (Please respond) is written at the end of a letter if an reply is expected.

  • I turned and there was Mrs. Montgomery in the doorway of an expensive shop – a kind of Swiss Asprey’s. – “Asprey’s” is an expensive haberdashery and gift shop in the West End of London.

  • When the skiing’s over,’ Anna-Louise said, ‘I’m going to drop the pill myself.’ – ‘The pill’ is a contraceptive medicine; in this meaning the word is always used with the definite article.

Read and analyse

Exercise 1. a) Read the following chapters of the novel:
A week or two later we got married at the Mairie with a witness whom I brought from the office. There had been no communication from Doctor Fischer, although we had sent him an announcement of the date. We felt very happy, all the more happy because we would be alone – except, of course, for the witness. We made love half an hour before we went to the Mairie. 'No cake,’ Anna-Luise said, 'no bridesmaids, no priest, no family – it's perfect. This way it's solemn – one feels really married. The other way is like a party.'

'One of Doctor Fischer's parties?'

'Almost as bad.'

There was someone standing at the back of the room in the Mairie whom I didn't know. I had looked nervously over my shoulder, because I half expected the arrival of Doctor Fischer, and saw a very tall lean man with hollow cheeks and a twitch in his left eyelid which made think for a moment that he was winking at me, but, as he gave me a blank glare when I winked back, I assumed he was an official, attached to the mayor. Two chairs had been placed for us in front of the table, and the witness, called Monsieur Excoffier, hovered nervously behind us. Anna-Luise whispered something I didn't catch.

'What did you say?'

‘He's one of the Toads.'

‘Monsieur Excoffier!' I exclaimed.

’No, no, the man at the back.' Then the ceremony began, and I felt nervous all through the affair, because of the man behind us. I remembered the place in the Anglican service where the clergyman asks if there is anyone who knows just cause or impediment why these two persons should not be joined in Holy Matrimony you are to declare it, and I couldn't help wondering whether a Toad mightn't have been sent for that very purpose by Doctor Fischer. However, the question was never asked, nothing happened, everything went smoothly, and the mayor – I suppose it was the mayor – shook our hands and wished us happiness and then disappeared quickly through a door behind the table. 'Now for a drink,' I said to Monsieur Excoffier – it was the least we could do in return for his mute services – 'a bottle of champagne at the Trois Couronnes.'

But the thin man still stood there winking at us from the back of the room. 'Is there another way out?' I asked the clerk of the court – if that is what he was – and I indicated the door behind the table, but no, he said no. It was quite impossible for us to go that way – that wasn’t for the public, so there was nothing we could do but face the Toad. When we reached the door the stranger stopped me. 'Monsieur Jones, my name is Monsieur Belmont. I have brought something for you from Doctor Fischer.' He held out an envelope.

‘Don't take it,' Anna-Luise said. We both in our ignorance thought it might be a writ.

‘Madame Jones, he has sent his best wishes for your happiness.’

‘You are a tax adviser, aren’t you?’ she said. “What are his best wishes worth? Do I have to declare them to the fisc?’

I had opened the envelope. There was only a printed card inside. ‘Doctor Fischer requests the pleasure of the company of…’ (he had filled in the name Jones without so much as a Mister) ‘at a reunion of his friends and an informal dinner on…’ (he had written in ’10 November’) ‘at 8.30 p.m. RSVP.’

‘It’s an invitation?’ Anna-Luise asked.


‘You mustn’t go.’

‘He will be very disappointed,’ Monsieur Belmont said. ‘He particularly hopes that Monsieur Jones will come and join us all. Madame Montgomery will be there and of course Monsieur Kips and we hope that the Divisionnaire…’

‘A gathering of the Toads,’ Anna-Luise said.

‘Toads? Toads? I do not know the word. Please, he wishes very much to introduce your husband to all his friends.’

‘But I see from the card that my wife is not invited.’

‘None of our wives are invited. No ladies. It has become a rule for our little gatherings. I do not know why. There was once… but Madame Montgomery is the only exception now. You might say that in herself she is the representative of her sex.’ He added a piece of unfortunate slang, ‘She’s a good sort.’

‘I will send a reply this evening,’ I said.

‘You will miss a great deal, I assure you, if you do not come. Doctor Fischer’s parties are always very entertaining. He has a great sense of humour, and he is so generous. We have much fun.’

We drank our bottle of champagne with Monsieur Excoffier at the Trois Couronnes and then we went home. The champagne was excellent, but the sparkle had gone out of the day. Doctor Fischer had introduced a conflict between us, for I began to argue that after all I had nothing really against Doctor Fischer. He could easily have opposed our marriage or at least expressed disapproval. By sending me an invitation to one of his parties he had in a sense given me a wedding present which it would be churlish to refuse.

‘He wants you to join the Toads.’

‘Bu I’ve got nothing against the Toads. Are they really as bad as you say? I’ve seen three of them. I admit I didn’t much care for Mrs Montgomery.’

‘They weren’t always Toads, I suppose. He’s corrupted all of them.’

‘A man can only be corrupted if he’s corruptible.’

‘And how do you know you aren’t?’

‘I don’t. Perhaps it’s a good thing to find out.’

‘So you’ll let him take you into a high place and show you all the kingdoms of the world.’

‘I’m not Christ, and he’s not Satan, and I thought we’d agreed he was God Almighty, although I suppose to the damned God Almighty looks very like Satan.’

‘Oh, all right,’ she said, ‘go and be damned.’

The quarrel was like a dying wood fire: sometimes it seemed to dwindle out, but then a gathering of sparks would light a splinter of charred wood and flare for a moment into a flame. The dispute only ended when she wept against the pillow and I surrendered. 'You're right,' I said, 'I don't owe him anything. A piece of pasteboard. I won't go. I promise I won't go.'

'No,' she said, 'you are right. I'm wrong. I know you aren't a Toad, but you won't know you aren't unless you go to that damned party. Please go, I'm not angry any more, I promise. I want you to go.' She added, 'After all, he is my father. Perhaps he's not all that bad. Perhaps he'll spare you. He didn't spare my mother.'

We were tired out by the dispute. She fell asleep in my arms without making love and presently I slept too.

Next morning I sent my formal reply to the invita­tion: 'Mr A. Jones has pleasure in accepting Dr Fischer's kind invitation...' I couldn't help saying to myself: What a fuss about nothing, but I was wrong, quite wrong.
The quarrel was not revived. That was one of the great qualities of Anna-Luise: she never went back to a quarrel or back on an agreed decision. I knew, when she decided to marry me, she meant it to be for life. She never once mentioned the party again and the next ten days-were among the happiest I’ve ever spent. It was an extraordinary change for me to come home at night from the office to a flat which wasn't empty and to the sound of a voice which I loved.

On one occasion only the happiness seemed a little threatened when I had to go into Geneva to see an important Spanish confectioner from Madrid on some business for the firm. He gave me an excellent lunch at the Beau Rivage, but I couldn't take full advantage of the meal because he talked about nothing but chocolate from our aperitifs on — I remember he chose an Alex­ander cocktail sprinkled with grains of chocolate. You might think the subject of chocolate a rather limited one, but it certainly wasn't, not to an important confectioner with revolutionary ideas. He finished the meal with a chocolate mousse, which he criticized severely because it didn't contain some scraps of orange skin. When I left I felt a bit liverish as though I had sampled every kind of chocolate my firm had ever manufactured.

It was a heavy humid autumn day and I walked away towards the place where I had left my car, trying to escape the wetness of the air and the wetness of the lake and the taste of chocolate which clotted my tongue, when a woman's voice said, 'Why, Mr Smith, you are exactly the man I want.' I turned and there was Mrs Montgomery in the doorway of an expensive shop – a kind of Swiss Asprey's.

I said, 'Jones,' automatically.

'I'm so sorry. Oh, what a memory I have. I don't know why I thought you were Mr Smith. But it doesn't make any difference because it's a man I want. Just a man. That's all.'

' Is this a proposition? ' I asked, but she didn't see the joke.

She said, 'I want you to come in here and point out four objects which you would like to possess – if you were extravagant enough to buy them.'

She pulled me into the shop by the arm and the sight of all those luxury goods sickened me rather as the chocolate at lunch had done – everything seemed to be in gold (eighteen carat) or platinum, although for the poorer customers there were objects in silver and pigskin. I remembered the rumours which I had heard about Doctor Fischer's parties, and I thought I knew what Mrs Montgomery was after. She picked up a red morocco case containing a gold cigar-cutter. 'Wouldn't you like to have this? ' she asked. It would have cost me nearly a month's salary.

'I don't smoke cigars,' I said. I added, 'You shouldn't choose that. Didn't he give those away at his wedding party? I don't suppose Doctor Fischer likes repeating himself.'

'Are you sure?'

'No. I think after all they were swizzle sticks.'

'But you aren't sure?' she asked in a tone of dis­appointment and put the cigar-cutter down. 'You don't know how difficult it is to find something which will please everybody – especially the men.'

'Why not just give them cheques?’ I asked.

'You can't give cheques to people. It would be insulting.'

'Perhaps none of you would be insulted if the cheques were large enough.'

I could see she was reflecting on what I said, and I have reason to believe from what happened later that she must have repeated my remark to Doctor Fischer. She said, 'It wouldn't do. It wouldn't do at all. Think of giving a cheque to the General – it would look like a bribe.'

'Generals have taken bribes before now. Anyway, he can't be a general if he's Swiss. He's probably only a Divisionnaire.'

'But the idea of giving a cheque to Mr Kips. Why, it's unthinkable. You mustn't tell anyone 1 told you, but Mr Kips in fact owns this store.' She brooded. 'What about a quartz watch in gold – or better still platinum? But then perhaps they have one already.'

'They could always sell the new one back.'

'I'm sure not one of them would dream of selling a gift. Not a gift from Doctor Fischer.'

So my guess proved to be right and the secret was out. I saw her gulp as though she were trying to swallow it back.

I picked up a pigskin photograph frame. As though people who shopped in that store mightn't be clever enough to know what one used a pigskin photograph frame for, the management had inserted a photograph of Richard Deane, the film star. Even I had read enough newspapers to recognize that handsome old-young face and the alcoholic smile.

'What about this?' I asked.

'Oh, you're impossible,' Mrs Montgomery wailed, but all the same, as it turned out, she must have repeated even that mocking suggestion back to Doctor Fischer.

I think she was glad to see me go. I hadn't been helpful.
1   2   3   4   5   6


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