Базовый курс elementary (A2) часть 2 Методические указания для студентов первого курса всех технических специальностей Новосибирск

НазваниеБазовый курс elementary (A2) часть 2 Методические указания для студентов первого курса всех технических специальностей Новосибирск
ТипМетодические указания
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By the time Paul was thirty, however, he decided he wanted a fresh challenge. He was keen to work abroad, so he resigned from the company and started looking for a new job with a bigger company. After a couple of months he managed to find a job with an international company, which involved a lot of foreign travel. He was very excited about the new job and at first he really enjoyed the traveling, but…


After about six months, Paul started to dislike the constant moving around, and after a year he hated it; he hated living in hotels, and never really made any friends in the new company. Unfortunately his work was not satisfactory either and finally he was sacked a year later. After that, Paul found things much more difficult. He was unemployed for over a year. He had to sell his car and move out of his new house. Things were looking bad and in the end he had to accept a part-time job on a fruit and vegetable stall in a market.


To his surprise, Paul loved the market. He made lots of friends and enjoyed working in the open air. After two years, he took over the stall. Two years later he opened a second stall, and after ten years he had fifteen stalls. Last year Paul retired at the age of 55, a very rich man.
13.7 In the text, find words in bold type which have a similar meaning to the following.

1. told to leave the company –

2. out of work –

3. left the company –

4. was given a better position in the company –

5. future possibilities in a job –

6. stopped working for ever –

7. workers in a company –

8. wrote an official request for –

9. responsible for/the boss of –

10. a very junior person in a company –

11. working only some of the day or some of the week –

12. took control of –

13. it needs a lot of skill, energy and determination to deal with –

14. include smth as a necessary part of an activity or situation –

13.8 Find the logical answer for each of the questions.

1. Why did they sack him?

2. Why did they promote him?

3. Why did he apply for the job?

4. Why did he retire?

5. Why did he resign?

6. Why did he go on the course?

a) Because he was nearly 65.

b) Because he was late for work every day.

c) Because he needed more training.

d) Because he was out of work.

e) Because he was the best person in the department.

f) Because he didn’t like his boss.

13.9 Translate into English.

      1. Кажется, всем нужны высококвалифицированные работники, так что у меня мало шансов получить работу, поскольку у меня нет опыта.

      2. Если вы пройдете курсы повышения квалификации, вас назначат начальником бухгалтерии.

      3. Хорошо работать не значит сразу же получить повышение.

      4. Она была недостаточно гибкой, чтобы адаптироваться ко всем трудностям своей работы. Она решила, что подвергается слишком большому стрессу, и уволилась.

      5. Я хочу чего-то нового, что потребует от меня приложения всех моих сил и способностей. Поэтому я решил подать заявление о приеме на работу, связанную с заграничными командировками.

      6. Он начинал стажером, но через несколько лет сумел взять компанию под свой контроль и ушел на пенсию в 70 лет, будучи очень богатым и влиятельным человеком. Смог бы он этого добиться, если бы не был честолюбив и не работал усердно?

Unit 14

A Job Interview. CV. A Letter of Application


  1. asset (n)


имущество, ценное качество

  1. average (adj)



  1. the Cambridge First Certificate (n)


сертификат FCE

  1. take care of smb, smth (v)

заботиться о

  1. convenient (adj)



  1. current (adj)


текущий, нынешний

  1. curriculum vitae (CV)/resume (n)

[kә´rıkj|lәm ´vi:taı]


  1. driving licence (n)


водительское удостоверение

  1. enclose (v)

вкладывать (в письмо)

  1. first aid (n)

первая помощь

  1. fluent (adj)


беглый (о речи)

  1. fly (v)


  1. hard-working (adj)


  1. hesitate (v)


сомневаться, колебаться

  1. literate (adj)



  1. look forward to (adj)

с нетерпением ожидать

  1. response (n)



  1. responsible (adj)



  1. thorough (adj)


тщательный, основательный

  1. tour guide (adj)


14.1 State the difference between the following:

1. an employer / an employee

2. an interviewer / an interviewee

3. an application form / a CV

4. experience / qualifications

5. a salary / a bonus

6. a company / a factory
14.2 Which is right?

1. Most of our employees / employers have been with the company since we started last year.

    1. A good interviewer / interviewee knows how to ask good questions to find out about people.

3. I’m afraid we need someone for this job with much more experience / qualifications.

4. If we reach our sales targets, we will get a 20 percent salary / bonus.

5. I must fill in the application form / CV for that job at CoffeeCo. today.

6. Children used to have to work in terrible conditions, in companies/factories and mines.
14.3 Discuss with a partner the following:

  1. What qualities make a good interviewer / engineer / scientist?

  2. What information should you include in a CV?

  3. What is a typical salary in Russia for an engineer? What about other countries you know well?

  4. Would you rather have a high salary and no bonus, or an average salary and possible bonuses?

  5. Have you ever been an interviewee? What questions were you asked?

14.4 Read the Letter of application and define each part of it. Compare it with A formal letter given below.

Letter of Application

Dear Ms Brown,

I am writing to apply for the position of Tour Guide with your company. I saw your advertisement in the Buenos Aires Daily Planet and I would like to be considered for the job.

I believe I am suitable for this post as I already have experience working with young people. I worked at a summer camp in the United States last summer. I was responsible for a group of six children, and my duties also included taking care of basic first aid. I found the job very rewarding and I would like to work with this age again. I feel that my experience would be an asset as a tour group leader.

In addition, I am hard-working and responsible. I passed my high school diploma with a distinction, and have recently passed the Cambridge First Certificate, so you can see that I have the language skills needed for this job. I speak Spanish fluently and have a good working knowledge of French. I have a clean driving licence and have always been interested in British culture.

I would like to work for your company as it would give me an opportunity to develop my English skills further.

I am enclosing a copy of my CV with this letter. I would be available for an interview at any time convenient to you. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions.

I look forward to hearing from you.


Cesar Villaraga

Cesar Villaraga

14.5 Before you write your own letter of application study the following:

Structure and useful phrases in a letter of application


Qualifications and experience

Personal qualities and additional skills
Say why you want the job

End the letter

I am writing in response to the job which I saw advertised in the _____

I would like to be considered for the position of _____

I heard about this position through my careers officer at school.

I am writing to apply for a place on your work training scheme.

I believe that I have all the necessary skills and qualifications for this post.

I believe that I would be suitable for this post.
I have two years’ experience working in this field.

I have had considerable experience working with _____

I have been a qualified _____ for three years.

I am a fully qualified _____

I have passed the _____ (licence).

I have taken the course in Exel.

I graduated from university with a Grade Point Average of 4,5

(6.0 scale).

I am currently studying on a Master’s Degree Programme at _____

(name of the University)
I enjoy working in a team.

I enjoy the challenge of meeting targets.

I am patient and thorough in my work.

I am able to carry out most tasks in French.

I am fluent in German.

I am computer literate.

I have a good working knowledge of Exel.
I would like the opportunity to learn more about _____

I would like the opportunity to work for a large, international company like _____

This job would offer me more experience in my chosen field.
You will find a copy of my CV enclosed.

I would be happy to attend an interview at a time convenient to you.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

14.6. Learn how to write your Curriculum vitae (CV).

Your curriculum vitae (CV) should be:

  1. Word processed

  2. Laser printed on good quality paper

  3. No longer than two pages of A4 paper

Your CV should include the following:

1. Personal details

The employer wants to know who you are and how to contact you (essential information only).
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